Posts: 343
Joined: 2/24/2004 Status: offline
Let's put it this way.... If all you're showing is a picture of yourself or a few cheesy lines that took no time @ all to dream up, why should any dominant, female or male be interested? Honestly. Your profile is usually the first impression. You want to be known as vapid or shallow & totally lacking in depth? Put some verve into it! Show some class. Spend more than 1 minute cobbling together some half assed, cut-copy-pasted document file that you keep around for spamming gals en masse. Also, be aware of the dominants' stated preferences. If you do not fit those requirements & email them anyway? Chances are you'll get a nasty reply or be totally ignored. By the way? Spelling, grammar, punctuation count as well. Proofreading before sending shows a bit of sense. I long ago gave up trying to be courteous to everyone that sent me a note. It's too time consuming. When someone takes the time to fully read my profile instead of drooling over the pics as masturbatory material & does have the qualities I'm seeking? Then & only then do I bother opening correspondence w/ that individual. In this narcissistic, self centered, self serving culture we unfortunately reside in; subs have forgotton what service means & seek only the gratification of their own desires to the exclusion of the dominants' happiness, it is no wonder that disillusion abounds & dissatisfaction rears it's ugly head, making fools of all. On that note..... Be well, stay safe, play nice & share your toys w/ others. Bella