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approaching a Mistress? - 2/20/2005 6:00:06 PM   

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i was wanting hooping to get some pointers on how to approach a Mistress online?
thanks in advance!
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/20/2005 6:08:47 PM   

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Here are a few links to past posts that may help:

How to get a Domme's attention

10 Steps for making a good first impression

(in reply to 7t7tnsub)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/20/2005 8:40:09 PM   

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I dont know but so far in most of the profiles of the (female) dominants (not all) here that i have seen dont even want to be bothered and are quick to judge all male submissives for the actions of a few.

Hows that for a first impression?

Its frustrating.

< Message edited by Sissyslave71 -- 2/20/2005 8:41:14 PM >

(in reply to 7t7tnsub)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 5:15:46 AM   

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Before I could give an honest opinion I had to read your profile. Seriously, how much thought did you put into this before trying to initiate contact? Your profile implies much.

(in reply to Sissyslave71)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 7:43:21 AM   

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Have a good profile that gives enough information about yourself to pique her interest.

Read over her profile carefully to see if you may be a potential match. Be realistic about things like distance and mutual interests.

Send her a complete email introduction - a few paragraphs about yourself, including all pertinent information like where you live, your marital/dating status, if you're involved in your local scene, what your experience level is. I'm sure you are an interesting person - you can come up with more than one line.

Don't approach her with a laundry list of things you'd like her to do to you. DO tell her what you bring to the table as a potential sub, how you can serve her (note: being a willing target is NOT serving her).


~Ms. Sonnet Marwood~

Deja Moo: The feeling you've heard this bull somewhere before.

(in reply to niceguy1965)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 8:10:05 AM   

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Let's put it this way.... If all you're showing is a picture of yourself or a few cheesy lines that took no time @ all to dream up, why should any dominant, female or male be interested? Honestly. Your profile is usually the first impression. You want to be known as vapid or shallow & totally lacking in depth? Put some verve into it! Show some class.

Spend more than 1 minute cobbling together some half assed, cut-copy-pasted document file that you keep around for spamming gals en masse. Also, be aware of the dominants' stated preferences. If you do not fit those requirements & email them anyway? Chances are you'll get a nasty reply or be totally ignored. By the way? Spelling, grammar, punctuation count as well. Proofreading before sending shows a bit of sense.

I long ago gave up trying to be courteous to everyone that sent me a note. It's too time consuming. When someone takes the time to fully read my profile instead of drooling over the pics as masturbatory material & does have the qualities I'm seeking? Then & only then do I bother opening correspondence w/ that individual.

In this narcissistic, self centered, self serving culture we unfortunately reside in; subs have forgotton what service means & seek only the gratification of their own desires to the exclusion of the dominants' happiness, it is no wonder that disillusion abounds & dissatisfaction rears it's ugly head, making fools of all.

On that note..... Be well, stay safe, play nice & share your toys w/ others.


(in reply to niceguy1965)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 1:08:32 PM   

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ubs have forgotton what service means & seek only the gratification of their own desires to the exclusion of the dominants' happiness, it is no wonder that disillusion abounds & dissatisfaction rears it's ugly head, making fools of all.

No disrespect intended but......

It's kind of hard to serve a dominant who won't even give you the time of day...much less answer your profile.

Food for thought.

(in reply to GddssBella)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 2:18:46 PM   

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Pay attention! Read the post thoroughly. Apparently, you just want something to whine about. Grow up.


(in reply to Sissyslave71)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 2:41:22 PM   

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Why bother?

I only had to read it once to know where you stand.

"I long ago gave up trying to be courteous to everyone that sent me a note. It's too time consuming. When someone takes the time to fully read my profile instead of drooling over the pics as masturbatory material & does have the qualities I'm seeking?"

Now...ummmm..WHO is whining?

I will go now.


(in reply to GddssBella)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 2:47:31 PM   

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Although I understand your point Sissyslave, I also see where GddssBella may be coming from.

For example, if I get another note that just says "ur hot ne more pics?" I think I am going to scream.

I am a firm believer in giving everyone the reply that they deserve based on the letter that they send me. If I get a polite letter, I will send a polite reply (even if it is just to say "no thank you"), but if I get something from someone who clearly didn't even glance past my pictures then I generally tend to rip them to pieces.

(in reply to Sissyslave71)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 3:02:39 PM   

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Amen siamsa24!

It never fails to amaze me how someone thinks they know everything about another without even taking the time to be thorough. Tsk, tsk tsk. Especially males that think their fantasies are a priority in everyone else's agenda. *eye roll*

Welcome to the real world sissyslave71. It's not always about you.


(in reply to siamsa24)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 3:14:44 PM   

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-end note-

Never claimed it was.

The "real world" is only what YOU the individual thinks it is.

Others may have a different interpretation of what that is.

(in reply to GddssBella)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 3:56:56 PM   

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Or the ones who say "I will let you spank me/use a strapon on me/have your female friends use me, etc." and I always write back and say "Wonderful! But what would you do for me, assuming that I was looking for another relationship?" They never have an answer, they assume that by allowing you to fulfill their fantasies that they have done enough.
I am not even listed as a Domme, I can't imagine what kind of mail I would get if I was.

(in reply to GddssBella)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 4:14:09 PM   

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So encouraging.

Why even try to write a Dominant?

Talk about demonization.

(in reply to 7t7tnsub)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 4:36:38 PM   

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I wasn't trying to be discouraging (if I am who you are responding to), I am simply making it very clear what is not impressive. Just think about what you write before you write it, don't think only about yourself and just be yourself. Just imagine that you were searching for a vanilla relationship because it really is quite similar.

(in reply to Sissyslave71)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 5:28:05 PM   

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sissy i would be plsed to do as u commanded no matter what

(in reply to siamsa24)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 5:30:05 PM   

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honestly it would be an honor to be your slave

(in reply to BIGPAPAKINKY)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 5:41:36 PM   

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If you are talking to sissyslave (I assume this because this is who you address your first post to) you may be in for a bit of a shock, you see, he is a slave and I doubt that he is looking for a slave to serve him (although I could very well be wrong).

< Message edited by siamsa24 -- 2/21/2005 5:44:29 PM >

(in reply to BIGPAPAKINKY)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 6:08:16 PM   

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For example, if I get another note that just says "ur hot ne more pics?" I think I am going to scream.


Honestly. Click on delete and move on. There are idiots everywhere.

I reply to every single message I get. Politely I might add. I figure I should lead by example.

- LA


Une main de fer dans un gant de velours ~ An iron hand in a velvet glove

(in reply to siamsa24)
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RE: approaching a Mistress? - 2/21/2005 6:11:23 PM   

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I'm just one of those people that gets really excited to see that I have mail (left over from when I was little and never got any mail I suppose). When that mail I was so excited about getting turns out to be not even worth my time reading it makes me disappointed I guess.

(in reply to LadyAngelika)
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