Most unusual fetish....? (Full Version)

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UtahGoddess -> Most unusual fetish....? (5/8/2004 11:50:22 AM)

Hello everyone :)

I come into contact with a great many people...both Dom/me and sub alike. After 20 years in the lifestyle I thought I had pretty much heard of or come into contact with just about every fetish out there.

However....every once in a while someone will surprise me with something new. [:D] Last week I was approached by someone asking if I was familiar with a "balloon fetish". Well, here was something I had never heard of before! I was surprized to find so much posted about it on the Net!

Anyway.....I enjoy discovering new things. I was just curious as to what is the most unusual fetish/fantasy you have come accross? Have you been surprised lately or challenged to research?

Ms Sandi

EStrict -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/8/2004 12:10:53 PM)

::trying to keep a straight face:: I know it's hard to believe. But sometimes I get just sooooo turned on from the thought of missionary sex...

Seriously though, one of my favorite *unusual* fetishes is *furries*. No one believed me about it until they saw it mentioned on a tv show. Have to admit, it's not personal turn on, but it is something I find totally fetish.

sub4hire -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/8/2004 12:16:05 PM)

I can't say I have any unusual fetishes. About the most abnormal I have is cupping and it really is'nt abnormal at all. I guess its all relative though.

Yet, there is still a whole wide world out there to explore. I'm sure my time has not come to an end just yet.

Estring -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/8/2004 12:20:55 PM)

Missionary sex? Sandy you are sick! Lol.
Seriously, some of you may remember some people being arrested a few years back for running a business where women crushed bugs and mice with their bare feet. I remember seeing ads in the local papers looking for models to do this. I would have to say that is the strangest fetish I have heard of.

EStrict -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/8/2004 12:32:41 PM)

Yeah, I do remember that one Sir. Though I do admit that it is not something I see an appeal in either. But, to each it's own. ::laughing:: why did they get arrested though? PETA get upset?

HHmmm and I wonder if they are after furries... after all, they make some animals look like sluts [8D]

GoddessMarissa -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/8/2004 3:30:02 PM)

I had a client that loved for me to rub my feet in dirt and mud, before rubbing them on his face. I also had another that liked to suck himself off while I watched and egged him on. They were a little different, but I still had fun.

Estring -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/8/2004 9:29:21 PM)

The women and the owners were arrested for cruelty to animals. And to be sure, seeing a poor mouse crushed by a woman's bare foot doesn't do it for me either.

Shyguy21040 -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 2:53:17 AM)

Take a look at The Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices

iwillserveu -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 8:12:27 AM)

I first heard about furries at onion-savage love column

It is like Dear Abby but by a gay guy doing sex advice. Best part is it does not cost $15.[:)] The problems are like " I wanted to be in bed with my boyfriend and my ex-boyfreind and he was game. Unfortunately he liked it so much he know is dating my ex-boyfriend" The girl whose boyfriend wanted to dress a pichachu without pants was funny. Funnier still was the guy who wrote in claim their nothing sexual about it. "So you just get dressed up like theme park charaters and watch T.V. No sex to explain it? Man, you guys need professional help."

He also mentioned masturbating birds.

I've never heard of a ballon fetish. Please, UtahGoddess, tell us.

MizSuz -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 10:24:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: GoddessMarissa

I had a client that loved for me to rub my feet in dirt and mud, before rubbing them on his face. I also had another that liked to suck himself off while I watched and egged him on. They were a little different, but I still had fun.

I know of guys with serious foot fetishes that don't get turned on unless the feet REALLY stink. I know someone who gets sulfur from voodoo supply houses to rub her feet with before he visits.

Ummmm...not for me.

proudsub -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 12:02:16 PM)


I know of guys with serious foot fetishes that don't get turned on unless the feet REALLY stink. I

I met a Dom once for coffee who said don't shower before coming, he likes his women sweaty and smelly. Maybe this is more common than i realize.

Estring -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 12:46:39 PM)

To twist this thread a bit: Who in general have the strangest fetishes, men or women? I say men do.

GoddessMarissa -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 2:20:32 PM)

I agree

iwillserveu -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 2:25:04 PM)

If we go with those here or in the general population we will get different answers.

In the general population: men hands down. (Men have penthouse letters, women have cosmo. end of contest.)

Here? I can't say. I certainly hope there is a woman as twisted as me.[:D]

MstrMrW -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 2:32:21 PM)

As do I - now, to twist the thread a little further, WHY?

Is it because men are primarily visually oriented?
Is it because of testosterone poisoning?
Is it because men are from mars?
Is it because men have 2 heads and only enough blood to run 1 at a time?
Is it because men are more creative?
Is it because men dont have the same society approved availibilty of public emotional release women do?
is it because.... etc., etc., etc.,?

iwillserveu -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 2:34:51 PM)



inyouagain -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 2:37:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: proudsub
... Maybe this is more common than i realize.

The aroma fetish thing could explain unexplained disappearing T's and such? [:D]


Who in general have the strangest fetishes, men or women? I say men do.

Glad to hear you say that. I think it's because we think about sex a lot... we are drawn and often inspired by our own perverse creativity, and besides... what else is there to think about (think about it)?

Following the toe sucker fetishes mentioned, and other body aromas, I've seen several in partners. One was into feet, another into underarms, and another... (think about it).


Estring -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/9/2004 3:28:58 PM)

I still think in this lifestyle men are the strangest as far as fetishes go, but it is alot closer. And I think women may prefer psychological fetishes whereas men go more for physical ones.

KinkMonster -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/10/2004 8:45:26 AM)

Most of these are new to me but the most unusual one i'd heard of was a gunge fetish.

One not mentioned here is a guitar solo fetish but maybe that's just me...

Estring -> RE: Most unusual fetish....? (5/10/2004 9:12:07 AM)

As a guitar player, I have been excited hearing or even playing a great guitar solo, but not in a sexual way. To me it is a different kind of excitement.
I don't doubt that there are some who do have this fetish though. Nothing surprises me. [:D]

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