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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 12:53:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thetammyjo

To me, long-term isn't so much a time period as an expectation that it will be for life. The expectation is also that all parties will work on maintaining it for as long as it is healthy and beneficial for everyone.

Stuff happpens in life, so I wouldn't classify so much by time as I would be the positives and negatives. I owned one slave for 18 months until he got a better job and decided to move. Clearly our relationship benefits didn't outweigh the crappiness of his job. So while I wouldn't say it was a successful relationship in terms of being "long-term" it was successful in that we both got positives things from it and I can't think of a negative we got from it; I remember him fondly and we are still friends though not close after a few years apart.

However I've also had a slave for a similar amount of time but that relationship crashed and burned -- it was not successful because I have difficulty even now (8 years later) seeing more positives than negatives. Yeah, it taught me a lot about myself and what I wanted but I could have done without the negatives and lies I uncovered. I am glad that we didn't last longer than we did because it would have made the crash much worse.

I've lost two subs to jobs in other states. To me, this signalled that they weren't as committed to me and our relationship as they'd claimed because I'd never think of doing the same thing to someone I was committed to.

I'd rather fail at one 8-year relationship than at 8 one-year relationships.

I do judge Fox as more appropriate to the role of my slave than the boy I lost to a job in another state. Fox had many job opportunities when he graduated but he stayed with me and will move with me. That is his committment to being my slave. That must mean that he gets a lot out of it, enough to counter the crappy job that gives him headaches.

What I could offer the other boy wasn't enough to counter his job unhappiness. I can't be someone I'm not, neither could he. He may or may not be a better slave for someone else in the future. I know that currently he sees BDSM as more fun things to do and not as a lifestyle. I'm glad he learned that and as I said I have only positives from that relationship.


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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 1:00:15 PM   

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I've just had an epiphany of sorts and I'd like the input of others.

I've only been using the Internet for two years to find submissives. Previous to that, I found my subs through friends and real-life networking. I've never been interested in short-term relationships; they aren't meaningful enough for me. When I'm searching for a new sub, I highlight that I'm only interested in long-term relationships.

All my bdsm relationships (prior to the internet) lasted at least 4 years (with some of those relationships overlapping but my subs have all enjoyed being part of a "stable" -- that's a whole 'nother story!). None of the recent relationships (with subs found on the internet) have lasted longer than 18 months.

It's occurred to me that maybe my definition of "long-term" is all wrong for the Internet age. To me, "long-term" means several years with an eye towards lifetime.

What does "long-term" mean to you?

Thanks for your input!

I don't put time limits on my relationships. Most relationships I've entered into were entered into with the idea of making the relationship work. Sometimes, that was possible and sometimes, it was not. Sometimes, things changed within the relationship such that while we could no longer be at the same level we were before, we were still "into" each other.

I have friends that I have had for 20 - 30 years. Not many though. Part of the reason is that we grew and in our growing, since we did not share a life together, our paths were different. If I had the same set of friends that I had from high school, I would wonder about myself and my growth or lack of it a bit.

At 51, I admit that I would prefer someone who wants to settle down and grow old with me. The chances of that are fewer than they are at 21...outlooks not as flexible as they were, past involvements, fewer people available who want to change a lot of what they do, etc.. But...that doesn't stop me from entering into relationships but with an eye, as someone noted, to having the best relationship I can with that person. If it is meant to work and we both work at it equally and from a good beginning...then success is more likely.

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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 1:06:13 PM   

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It's occurred to me that maybe my definition of "long-term" is all wrong for the Internet age. To me, "long-term" means several years with an eye towards lifetime.

What does "long-term" mean to you?

Thanks for your input!

Long Term to ME, means just that Long Term.
In MY case, I hope my next long term relationship will
be my last major relationship while I am on this earth.
I hope it lasts until one of us DIES. 
Since I believe in the afterlife, it will not even end then,
it will be continued in the next life.
Now THAT is long term.  


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to YveGee)
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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 1:09:57 PM   

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ORIGINAL: julietsierra


ORIGINAL: Wildfleurs
Long term to me means at least five years together in real life starting from the first real life face to face date/meeting.

We both agreed he'd release me on my birthday.

Right now, today, I have precisely 54 years, 3 months and a day to go.

The birthday is my 102nd.

I told him that since it was obvious he wasn't in this for the long term, that he'd have to at least promise to be here to release me. That means, from right now, today, at that point, he'd be one month and 2 days into his 111th year. He agreed. I'm holding him to it.

And since day one, we've both claimed and lived by the idea that this is very definitely a long term relationship - whether that was one day or 99 years.

How long it actually lasts - well, I'm thinking that's up to the universe, God's plan for us, and the viability of our health insurance.

But boy oh boy! Those young whippersnappers at the nursing home better watch out when I reach 102!!!

HA! The ultimate submissive's revenge...with him at 111 and me at 102, there's no way he's going to be able to trade me in on two 60s.

I tell ya, I'm set!


Now THIS is what I am talking about!
I hope we are in the same nursing home!
We can have a Ds section, LOL


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to julietsierra)
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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 2:05:39 PM   

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For me, long-term means 5, 10 years or more. I personally am only interested in life-long: my husband/slave is 24/7 my slave, and it all started in 1988.  He serves me the way I want and that starts behind the hoover or in the kitchen. Maybe that is the key: the diference between play and serious dominance starts where the slave has to do something he does not like at all. Now please don't think I want to judge other Doms: I'm giving you my opinion, please keep doing the thiongs you enjoy. Life is ti short not to.


-- Owner of slrn733561 --

(in reply to YveGee)
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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 2:35:17 PM   

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From: Syracuse, NY
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When i put LTR in my profile, i did mean lifelong, lifetime, etc as my goal.  But i was getting responses from those with different meanings than mine.  One guy wrote "You mean long term as in permanent?".  i replied yes, decided that was an appropriate term, added it to my profile, and never heard from him
Permanency continues to be my goal but obviously one has to go through the 'courting stage' as a start and we never really know how far that will go until we do it.  Just be true to yourself in what you are seeking and like me, i am sure you will find it 

(in reply to YveGee)
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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 3:00:31 PM   

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I'm with Noah on this one. I concentrate on how we feel today, on what I can do tomorrow to make his and our life better, but I'm not going to stress myself over, " Is he going to be here next year or in 5 years or 10 years" Each relationship gives us something that we need. Be it a lesson we need to learn about ourselves or that our partner needs us to learn something of themselves.

I do not believe in " forever" I believe we do our utmost best to be the best we can for ourselves and our partner. It is when one or all of the parties quit doing this that a relationship ends.

Some one said they would rather "fail" one 8 year relationship rather then 8 one year relationships... First why do you feel that when a relationship ends that you have failed? If you did your best, then you did not fail, the relationship just was not meant to be for longer then it was. Yes some people do fail. Failure happens when you do one of two things. You give up and can't be bothered to try. Or, when your partner has given up and moved on and you don't move on as well.

You can not make somone want you or love you. You have to accept when things are over and do the best you can to continue on your life path with out them.

I think my biggest mistake I made in my first two long term relationships and probably a few of the short term ones lol. I was with people i felt I didn't "need" in my life, they were there because at that time I wanted them in my life, and they fullfilled parts of my life that made it worth it to have them there. I hope that i fulfulled parts of their lives as well. I never went into a relationship cold hearted, but to need someone meant I couldn't do it all on my own   I'm learning that I do actually need someone, talk about a hard thing to realize and admit.

When my first ltr was ending i asked him what he felt was the major problem. He said I never made him feel needed. To be honest I was completely baffled and answered, ofcourse I didn't need him. He was there because I cared for him and wanted him there not because he was needed. (this was not a D/s relationship btw).

Ooops I'm kind of rambling here lol  ok back on topic

Long term can be a year, it can be 25 years.

I've seen couples together for 20 years that hardly know each other. I would not call that a successful long term relationship. I've seen couples that were together 5 years and even though it ended it was a wonderful and fullfilling time of their lives but something happened that they just could not remain a couple. So who has the "better" relationship. The ones that stuck it out for 20 years and live as strangers, or the ones that had a wonderful 5 years and needed to move on? I say the 5 year couple are definately the ones better off.

I would love it if my next ltr lasted till the end of my life, but I'm not going to enter into it with the expectation that it has to. I am going to cherish and live every moment I have with my partner and do my best. If my partner does the same then that is the recipe to success.

I've spent too many years over thinking and over planning my life only to achieve it all then lose it all. LOL I'm not saying i'm going to change overnight and no longer be anal retentive and an over thinker hehe but I'm going to do my best to not make the same mistakes, I'm going to trust that other people are capable of taking care of me as well as I can take care of them. I am not God, I am not the only power in the universe, and I am far from perect (boy will mom be shocked lol) My first step is admitting I need someone to take care of me.

So basically what my tirad here is trying to state....  Don't get hung up on "will it last for 10 years? If it only lasts 3 years does that mean I failed?"  Put everything into a relationship and you succeed, even if the relationship does not. There is no magical time limit that says "Congratulations, you are now in a long term relationship" and by worrying about such things, you will probably have the opposite effect.

Enjoy today, let tomorrow worry about itself.

*dang spelling gnomes*

< Message edited by akisha -- 12/30/2006 3:07:56 PM >


I'm confused.... No wait!!! Maybe I'm not

It's not a blonde moment! It's momentary peroxide posioning. ;)

Your pain makes me smile ~ Happy Bunny


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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 3:14:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: julietsierra


ORIGINAL: Wildfleurs

Long term to me means at least five years together in real life starting from the first real life face to face date/meeting.


Well, using this as a criteria, either I'm in a long term relationship (we met, face to face, two years prior to when we finally got together to become what we are today) or I'm not yet. (we're working on our 4th year together, it'll be 3 collared on April 3rd.)

So, what works better for me is the fact that when we finally did get together and knew we were going to be together longer than the next date, but before I was collared, we agreed, in advance, on a release date.


We both agreed he'd release me on my birthday.

Right now, today, I have precisely 54 years, 3 months and a day to go.

The birthday is my 102nd.

I told him that since it was obvious he wasn't in this for the long term, that he'd have to at least promise to be here to release me. That means, from right now, today, at that point, he'd be one month and 2 days into his 111th year. He agreed. I'm holding him to it.

And since day one, we've both claimed and lived by the idea that this is very definitely a long term relationship - whether that was one day or 99 years.

How long it actually lasts - well, I'm thinking that's up to the universe, God's plan for us, and the viability of our health insurance.

But boy oh boy! Those young whippersnappers at the nursing home better watch out when I reach 102!!!

HA! The ultimate submissive's revenge...with him at 111 and me at 102, there's no way he's going to be able to trade me in on two 60s.

I tell ya, I'm set!


OH MY GAWD!!!  Now wonder I can't seem to find anyone!  Math has never been my subject!!!  Helllllllp!  Shoulda listened and not fell asleep during math class!  Oh my gawd!  I doomed!  But then again...I wonder what havoc I can get into in the old folks home....hehehehehehe...but then again...that ain't gonna be long term! Oh my gawd! 

Thanks, juliet!  Loved your post!


A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though awakens your own expectations.
~Patricia Neal~

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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 3:21:30 PM   

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If you did your best, then you did not fail, the relationship just was not meant to be for longer then it was.

This is true.  I used to think that every ending was a "failure".  In turn that made me believe that I was a "failure".  Even though I knew it wasn't the truth and I knew that I was honest and the best I could be in the relationship.  It's good to take something positive with you and not concentrate on every negative thing.  Otherwise you end up being constantly defeated in your life, who needs that?


“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
- Albert Einstein

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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 4:41:51 PM   

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For myself, long term would be anything that lasts over a year. That is just my own view on it though.


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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 4:54:47 PM   

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to me / us long term has no finite end, it is begun in the hope that it will last.

That's a good way of putting it.  I look at it that way, too.
Lady Topaz

(in reply to MsOpal)
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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 5:27:25 PM   

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To me, long-term means not walking away when things get rough.  It's caring enough to understand your S.O. through trying times.  It's the result of COMMITMENT.  It's teamwork.   It is  not gone into with the assumption it will end.

< Message edited by LotusSong -- 12/30/2006 5:29:49 PM >


Life Lesson #1

I'm not your type.
I'm not inflatable.

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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 10:19:10 PM   

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Now THIS is what I am talking about!
I hope we are in the same nursing home!
We can have a Ds section, LOL

DAMN! I was just told this evening that the 102 date is out. He says that I can just hang it up on the whole notion of cradle robbing the 80 year olds, cause even after he's gone, he'll be back for me.

Course....we did just finish watching Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in Ghost. That may have had something to do with it all.

So anyway...looks like fun times on floor 3 of Happy Acres Nursing Home is out unless I get permission. Which brings me to another question...Just HOW do you ask permission if the one you ask permission of is long gone from this earth?

Man! Talk about your "eternity collars"!


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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/30/2006 10:25:18 PM   

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if over 50% of the relationship is happy and hot, over TEN years is long term.

If you start thinking for long term and over 50% is miserable and the sex goes South, then ten WEEKS can feel long term, LOL

the answer to your Q is two fold:  what do we think before we hook up and what do we think after experiencing the other person.  ANYONE - male or female - can pull a good con job at the beginning.

(in reply to MsOpal)
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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/31/2006 12:02:34 AM   

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ORIGINAL: LadySashayy

I don't think the Internet has changed that any. Long-term still means a commitment of sorts that is grounded in the possibility that the commitment could be lifetime and that this is the intent of the commitment.

Oh, I like this definition! It covers all the bases I'm looking for. There's a difference between "dating around" or "dating for fun" and "dating with intent." I've never been good at dating around; it's not a comfortable fit for my personality.

I don't intend that a long-term relationship is required to be lifelong but that the parties involved are willing to work in that direction.

Thanks a bunch, LadySashayy!

You're welcome. But I should point out that while the *idea* of a long-term even lifetime commitment can act as a driver or a goal for many, it is an unrealistic goal in a world where we can possibly reasonably expect to live to 90+ years old and can expect to change a lot during those years. So the goal of any relationship should not be the length of time the relationship endures, but rather the depth of the commitment. I think that the intent should be the richness and fullness of the relationship itself. The work will then be done around the commitment and duration will naturally fall out from that.And in a D/s context, this is only doubled because the nature, flavour and quality of the trust must be even stronger.

< Message edited by LadySashayy -- 12/31/2006 12:05:47 AM >

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RE: Long-Term Relationship(s) - 12/31/2006 12:04:19 AM   

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From: P'burgh PA
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Here's an idea. How about entering into a relationship without the baggage/expectation set of focal points like "long term", "short term" or anything of the kind?

How about focusing on what (and who) stands immediately before you and engaging as openly and deeply as you care to, day by day?

And then, you know, seeing what happens?

After some arbitrary interval of time has passed (any arbitrary interval you might want to choose) you can look around and see what this once-new person now means to you and what you mean to him or her. You can even get out your spray paint and stencils and apply some sort of categorization to it, if that's your fetish.

There are a few special people in this world to whom I can say with all frankness and modesty: "I already love you forever," though not each of them is near enough at hand for this to happen face-to-face. That--for me, regardless of what unforeseen events life may throw at or between us--is about the only kind of defining of "long term" that seems worth bothering with. And it isn't really a matter of defining then after all. It is a recognition, I think.

Thank you for sharing your epiphany.

You know Noah, I may just have to kiss you. I have always enjoyed your posts but this one has got to be the best ever. Talk about an epiphany. Seriously, I love this perspective. I learned something from this and I appreciate that. Thank you.

on topic....I really can't think of anything better than what Noah said. What I will add is my perspective. I don't necessarily feel that the actual number of days spent with one another is the definition of long term. Regardless of the duration of time that anyone walks along on our journey with us we learn something from each one. Each lesson becomes a part of who we are. They are simply a part of our lives for the amount of time they're meant to be; whether it is a few hours or 50 years doesn't really matter. Some small part of them is carried along with me and I hope that some small part of me continues on with them.


Ms Jo

She dealt her pretty words like Blades -
How glittering they shone -
And every One unbared a Nerve
Or wantoned with a Bone -

I want a sensitive man - one who'll cry when I hit him.

(in reply to Noah)
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