Suspension by balls (Full Version)

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YourProperty2Use -> Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 3:20:41 PM)

Is this possible or will it cause too much damage.  I have been left to hang before with me on my tip toes and balls tied up to ceiling but is it possible for total suspension by just ties to balls or does it need feet suspended etc?

Please i am a novice in this but i feel if i could find out how it would be most beneficial thank you.


Devilslilsister -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 4:06:08 PM)

I have no clue, nor any experience in this area.....  but i am sure there are alot of Ladies on here that do.  I do think it'd be massively painful and i would personally worry about circulation to said balls.  Of course there are ladies who are suspended merely by their breasties.  Might also think about how much weight can a pair of balls hold before they come ripping off?    You could possibly try adding enough weight to a chain attached to your balls to see if you can hold up to your body weight. 

<smiles>  Not that i know anything about suspension by balls, but if i had a pair of balls and a Mistress - these would be the things flying through my head. (some of them)

Have you tried googling it?

BeautifulRacket -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 4:12:29 PM)

No, it's NOT safe to hang someone by their testicles, breasts, fingers, toes, etc.!!! Any type of suspension can cause great harm; this type of play requires a TON of knowledge and skills to be done in relative safety, and part of that is supporting/distributing the weight enough so as not to cause tissue/nerve/circulatory damage, dislocations, broken bones, other injuries and death.

Be exceedingly careful about who you practice any kind of suspension with, research the practices thoroughly, take workshops on your own, and beware of what's likely to do damage and what's relatively safe yourself so you don't get hurt.

mstrj69 -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 4:36:04 PM)

  While safety does come first, if you are suspended first by your wrists and then your balls with one rope going up the front and the other up the back, it would be doable based on how much you weigh and how much of said weight is held up by the ropes attached to your balls.  If it is primarily to balance you then should not do too much damage but would not want to do extended suspension that way.  Anything in moderation can be made safe.

catfood -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 6:48:53 PM)

only if you don't feel particularly attached to them.  'cause you sure won't be after the attempt at testicular suspension.

catfood -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 6:59:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: mstrj69

While safety does come first, if you are suspended first by your wrists and then your balls with one rope going up the front and the other up the back, it would be doable based on how much you weigh and how much of said weight is held up by the ropes attached to your balls.  If it is primarily to balance you then should not do too much damage but would not want to do extended suspension that way.  Anything in moderation can be made safe.

sorry, but this calls for a double-post in reply.  please, for god's sake, tell me where in your straight dom experience you dreamed up this method and rationale for safety performing testicular suspension.  quote from your profile...

" I have been living this lifestyle since the 1980’s.  I’ve learned to be patient and am willing to take the time to teach someone new to the lifestyle."
great, don't teach this newbie that anything is possible.  sheesh! "anything in moderation can be made safe."  if you truly have been active in bdsm since the '80's, you would know that statement is patently false. 

dear OP, no, sorry, you can't pull that one off.  sorry, nice thought, but we all like you testicles right where they are.   best wishes to you.

unsung -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 7:25:49 PM)

Was told a story not too long ago about a life experience of one that was suspended in multiple places upside down with the testicles also bound and tied to a spreader bar.  Well due to inadequate determination of what the spreader bar could hold, it SNAPPED in half, and the man was down but his balls still in the air and bound.  Total detachment, OOOOCHIE

Based on a true occurance, and I don't believe your testicles wean enough muscle to support the rest of your body weight.

darchChylde -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 7:51:47 PM)

though i love suspension (and i can't wait till the day Ma'am decides to hang me by my hair), i don't even want to consider being hung directly by those very close friends of mine

on the other hand, i have had a nice suspension harness, which allows for hanging in a number of different positions without being directly weighed down by my body weight... there is a ring attached to a cock-ring, which can be used along with other rings to allow the weight to be more evenly distributed; including a quick release set up that can be placed in the submissive's hand and also available for the careful and observant Dominant because, as Ma'am likes to say: "there is no consent in space" (in this case it means that, while in subspace, the submissive simply won't get the impulses that tell you that that you can't take this anymore)... remember, this set up is meant more for the illusion of suspension by the testicles, but can still be very dangerous if both parties are not highly observant; also, the cock-ring itself is not tight but instead is pulled against the phreneum by the weight of the submissive

any type of suspension should first be tested at low height, no more than a few inches off the ground; and always be done with a third party at hand who is not in danger of falling into Dom/sub space... even with proper equipment and knowledge, suspension borders on edgeplay due to the very immediate and inherent dangers and should not ever be done lightly

crouchingtigress -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 8:07:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: unsung

Was told a story not too long ago about a life experience of one that was suspended in multiple places upside down with the testicles also bound and tied to a spreader bar.  Well due to inadequate determination of what the spreader bar could hold, it SNAPPED in half, and the man was down but his balls still in the air and bound.  Total detachment, OOOOCHIE

Owch owch  owch owch owch owch owch owch...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that hurts to think about...*mumbles something and goes to find some comfort food*

stef -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 8:23:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: unsung

Based on a true occurance, and I don't believe your testicles wean enough muscle to support the rest of your body weight.

You need to see a movie called, of all things, "Roy's Nut Hang."  Full scrotal suspension, then lots of testicular torture.  When this movie says it's not for the faint of heart, it's not kidding.  It used to be available therough BME but I don't know if it still is.


darchChylde -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 8:30:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: unsung

Based on a true occurance

am i the only person who immediately distrusts any statement that contains these words or the like?

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 8:37:31 PM)

Jay wiseman taught a class called bdsm bloopers once, he went over many a thing that went wrong in a scene, hanging by dick gone wrong was one of the recounted things, if I remember correctly, however please do not qoute me it's been about3- 4 years.

Devilslilsister -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 8:53:57 PM)

ooooooo so somebody did it? Or is it a hollywood movie?  I'd love to see suspension by balls.  What a rare and fascinating feat ... lol

unsung -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 8:58:02 PM)

And since you brought up his name, that is where I heard the story as well in a Rope Workshop he had here (edit) 2 months ago.

darchChylde, Jay Wiseman along with John Warren and many others are recognized practicioners, one might seriously heed to any advice they might suggest.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 8:58:25 PM)

[sm=ugh.gif] You're so cute, don't you like being/remaining a man?    

You need to see a movie called, of all things, "Roy's Nut Hang."
Stef you're scaring me... M

ToServeIsToLive -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 9:03:28 PM)

Maybe if you're one of those eastern asian monks who can like pull trains with their ears.  Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it.

akbarbarian -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 9:04:14 PM)

Topics like this don't do much credit to the collarme crowd as folks who actually practice kink, as opposed to fantasy only types.  Is the next topic hanging by eyeballs?

darchChylde -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 9:20:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

Topics like this don't do much credit to the collarme crowd as folks who actually practice kink, as opposed to fantasy only types.  Is the next topic hanging by eyeballs?

considering that there was much valuable and factual information in at least some of the above posts, i have to ask you a question...

Do you simply read the title of a thread and decide to drop a couple of nuggets of wisdom in the bowl, or do you actually read some posts before you wax judgemental?

I believe that the more information about the pros and cons of any subject is available, the less likely someone will do something stupid enough to cause themselves or another permanent harm.  Or do you think that pretending something doesn't exist will make it go away?

go in love and peace,


akbarbarian -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 9:24:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: darchChylde


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

Topics like this don't do much credit to the collarme crowd as folks who actually practice kink, as opposed to fantasy only types.  Is the next topic hanging by eyeballs?

considering that there was much valuable and factual information in at least some of the above posts, i have to ask you a question...

Do you simply read the title of a thread and decide to drop a couple of nuggets of wisdom in the bowl, or do you actually read some posts before you wax judgemental?

I believe that the more information about the pros and cons of any subject is available, the less likely someone will do something stupid enough to cause themselves or another permanent harm.  Or do you think that pretending something doesn't exist will make it go away?

go in love and peace,


I see your point in theory, but I just can't see this being anything more than jack off fodder.  I don't like to see fantasy masquerading as a real question. 

Edited to add, yes I did read the entire thread.  I always to before I post.  There may be some people who also use chainsaw strap ons, and stories about why it doesn't work, but I believe those also don't belong on these forums any more than discussions on limp amputation as a way of submitting.  It's just not real outside of a very few criminals who commit such things, and doesn't reflect a BDSM or D/s society even as edge play.

darchChylde -> RE: Suspension by balls (12/30/2006 9:35:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

I see your point in theory, but I just can't see this being anything more than jack off fodder.  I don't like to see fantasy masquerading as a real question. 

You see, that's the problem... this is not just fantasy; anything that someone thinks up is incredibly likely to have been tried by soeone, somewhere.

Think about it this way... this is how i first got introduced to the idea myself, my first Mistress did have a fantasy about hanging me by the balls.  We talked it over and did our research to find that it is not possible to do the actual act without harm.  So we did some more research, and had a suspension harness made that allowed for quick release, and was flesh toned; so we could have the fantasy but perform only the illusion of the act.  The was some physical discomfort, but not even enough to complain about; but i got the sensation of helplessness that i enjoy from suspension and She got the visual illusion of me hanging by my balls.

But for every couple that do the research about an act, there are many many who will not go to any trouble... information is always valuable.

go in love and peace,


postscript: look to my first post in the thread to see more information about the how of the act.

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