RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (Full Version)

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Thanatosian -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (7/7/2004 9:59:56 AM)


what the hell is nair??

okay, 80's commercial jingle time - everyone follow along with the bouncing ball[;)]

Who likes short shorts? We like short shorts. If you wear short shorts, nair for short shorts.

Nair is a chemical depilatory for females - sort of a forerunner to Nads (and would that be short for goNads?[:)]).

Apply usual caveats here

sbmssvkitten -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (7/7/2004 2:55:13 PM)

never heard of either[&:]

proudsub -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (7/7/2004 2:59:34 PM)


what the hell is nair??

Nair is a lotion that removes hair. You leave it on for about 10 min then wash off. I used it for the first time a few weeks ago after reading this thread. It worked very well.

sbmssvkitten -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (7/7/2004 4:55:01 PM)

suppose that only exists in the states then, never heard over here about it

naughtybutnice -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (7/12/2004 1:21:16 PM)

I have been shaving fulltime for about 5 years now. I use whatever I have hand to lather up and a venus razor (so thankful for them) and after words I use seabreeze. The first time I used it, I was scared, but then thought.."hell I've given birth!" was numbing..then the sting..then it was pain..especially if I nick myself I use it, stops the sting right away. I have had a few occasional close calls, I was getting in a hurry and thought about looking for my clit in the shower. I dread having to soak it in milk on my way to the Emergency Room to have it sewn back on! [:D] Lucky for me, it wasn't too bad! Definitely got my heart racing though.

ThorsHammer -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/3/2004 3:30:15 PM)

OK .... I'm older. I can remember enjoying a baber shop shave as a young man. I follow the steps that the barber used to soften my beard. It has worked wonder for me over the years. This is the method I use.

1. Cover the area to be shaved with shaving cream.

2. Soak a wash cloth in water as hot as you can stand and wring dry.

3. Apply to the area to be shaved holding the wash cloth there until cooled.

4. Wipe area clean.

5, Repeat steps 1 through 4 again.

6. Reapply shaving cream and shave as normal. Please use a fresh blade each time. I realize this is not inexpensive but better then ending up with razor burn.

The prosses of of heating the area to be shaved with wet heat helps make the hair softer and easier for the razor to cut the hair.

Just my thoughts

AKA ThorsHammer

LadyBeckett -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/3/2004 4:15:55 PM)

I'm not so sure I like the way you toss around that "older" stuff, buddy, lol, but I use that method also, and for the same reason. Not only does one get a closer shave, but it is smoother, lasts longer, and it seems to condition the skin. No rash, no burn! [;)]

sbmssvkitten -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/3/2004 4:47:52 PM)

but how do you prevent those stupid hairs to frow in each time???[:(]

subbiejenn -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/3/2004 4:48:10 PM)

didn't think so many had this problem ( my skin is real sensitive) until i seen it in forum :)

i will have to try the nair, i use it on my legs and have always been happy with it but didn't think it would work as good or be safe for other spots....

thanks all for the wonderful advice

LadyBeckett -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/3/2004 5:03:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: sbmssvkitten

but how do you prevent those stupid hairs to frow in each time???[:(]

Honestly, I use that lotion that I mentioned earlier in this thread. It is made by Jergens, and I get it from my daughter in law. I'll find out the name of it and post it. It actually minimizes the hair, and reduces the necessity for shaving. [;)]

Thanatosian -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/3/2004 11:00:23 PM)


but how do you prevent those stupid hairs to frow in each time??? [:(]

you could always suggest to your dom that he pluck them out one by one with a pair of tweezers - eventually they will not grow back (and provides him a nice new fun way to 'torture' you)[:)]

LadyBeckett -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/4/2004 7:54:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Thanatosian


but how do you prevent those stupid hairs to frow in each time??? [:(]

you could always suggest to your dom that he pluck them out one by one with a pair of tweezers - eventually they will not grow back (and provides him a nice new fun way to 'torture' you)[:)]

ACTUALLY *snickers* it wouldn't hurt (much) to pluck them out one by one with a pair of tweezers. [;)] Pulling them out THOUSANDS at a time HURTS!!! Although, I suppose it would depend on how one were "plucked", of course, lol. But plucking can actually be an erotic "torture". [;)]

MzBerlin -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/4/2004 10:56:29 AM)

Hey Y'all-
For my job I have to remove all pubes except for an optional landing strip. What works best for me is Nair (takes some time and practice to get it down) and the hair minimizing lotion. I've been using this system for about six months and after month two I no longer burned myself as I had my own personal timing down.
As Always-

MzBerlin -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/4/2004 11:01:00 AM)

Forgot something (not unusual)

When I was shaving I shaved in the direction of the hair growth, not against it. This REALLY helped with razor burn but you have to use a SHARP NEW razor. Also, I use the 4 minute Nair with Baby Oil (pink bottle). The time varies. I've also had a few mild chemical burns on my precious, well YOU KNOW, and they cleared up in a day or two. With nair and the underside just go slow.

sub4hire -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/4/2004 2:12:07 PM)

I've used nair now and then in the past. It always seems to leave that stench for days later. Does the new stuff not leave a stench? Have they finally figured out how to scent it properly?
Does the minimizing lotion actually work? When it first came out I used it on my legs...nothing. Never tried it anywhere else.

MzBerlin -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/4/2004 4:05:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: sub4hire

I've used nair now and then in the past. It always seems to leave that stench for days later. Does the new stuff not leave a stench? Have they finally figured out how to scent it properly?

Ok, it does leave a funky smell, but it should go away by the next time you shower. You can take a regular shower (with soap) about three hours after you nair.


Does the minimizing lotion actually work? When it first came out I used it on my legs...nothing. Never tried it anywhere else.

Evidently you have to use if for an EXTENDED period of time, twice a day. I'm not exactly a strong believer in it yet, but at $2.50 a bottle I don't mind using it. I have seen a reduction in the coarseness and thickness of my hair, but it may be psychosomatic. You never know....[:D] I think that it's just a really really really mild version of nair with a whole bunch of moisturizers. I'm sure it helps to some extent, but that it's a commitment issue.

Good luck ladies, and let's all pray together for the lazer to become more affordable!!

As Always
Berlin [&:]

[&:] <goofy Berlin

proudsub -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/4/2004 7:19:08 PM)


Ok, it does leave a funky smell, but it should go away by the next time you shower. You can take a regular shower (with soap) about three hours after you nair.

Why do you have to wait 3 hrs? When I used Nair I showered 10 min afterwards to rinse it all off. I didn't notice any odor after I showered.

sub4hire -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/4/2004 9:27:58 PM)

I've always washed it off right away as well. Showered with various soaps. I was wondering if that was why the stench. Perhaps I am using the wrong type of soap?

LadyBeckett -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/4/2004 10:34:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: sub4hire

I've used nair now and then in the past. It always seems to leave that stench for days later. Does the new stuff not leave a stench? Have they finally figured out how to scent it properly?
Does the minimizing lotion actually work? When it first came out I used it on my legs...nothing. Never tried it anywhere else.

It really worked well for my daughter in law on her facial hair, so I used it. I had a grand total of six hairs on mah legs! It wasn't even worth the bother of shaving! lol They are gone! I used it for about six weeks, twice a day, morning and night...just as I would lotion. I've been attempting to track her down to get the name of it. As soon as I do, I'll post it! [;)]

subbiejenn -> RE: 24/7 Razor burn!!!! (8/5/2004 4:04:19 AM)

i tried the Nair and got the chemical burns [&o] and the smell .. guess i didn't have my timming right but don't think i am brave enough to keep trying. I've always used it on my legs and been happy with it for that....

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