post hoc ergo propter hoc (Full Version)

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Termyn8or -> post hoc ergo propter hoc (1/14/2007 1:00:10 PM)

I thought I should bring this up, as we discuss conspiracy theories and all that here. I was introduced to this phrase decades ago and embraced it, already knew it, and was glad it was expressed so well.

You've heard of an "ad hoc" committee, etc. Well this is Latin and not being formally schooled in Latin I pronounced it "hock", the correct pronounciation is "hoke".

The crux of it is, "that which followed must have been caused by that which preceeded". It is a phrase intended directly to warn of false assumptions. The Bush crowd has obviously never heard of it.

I believe it is sarcastic in nature and expresses that we must be on guard to make sure we do not make assumptions that are based on evidence that is actually irrelevant. The only way I can illustrate the point is by example. Even if I could translate Latin, it would not mean much. So here goes.

Here is the evidence;

I have a car with a blue interior. It got stolen, and only a red replacement steering column was available. My buddy's car got stolen, again with a blue interior, and the steering column he got was red. This particular individual has also had two ther cars stolen, and they both had blue interiors.

Here is the conclusion;

If you don't want your car stolen, get one with a red interior.

Now that is the post hoc saying in full bloom. I believe that it really was meant in a negative way, perhaps sarcastic. So many things in life are very hard to figure out. You get more facts, more answers, but they usually spawn more questions. If you are smart.

I believe that what "post hoc ergo propter hoc" is trying to say is "does this really prove that ?". Indeed in my business I have to use higher reasoning all the time.

I don't mean to get political, like why we are in Iraq when Korea gave us the middle finger, that is not within the scope of this text. I am talking about helping people hone their reasoning skills. First of all we must make some sense out of this mess to make a positive change in the world. We must be right, as right as possible.

Why do I bother writing this, well why did you bother to read it ? Some ounce of you somewhere cares. That is human nature, and even if things are going great for you, you know we are headed downhill. You do care, even if you have it on a back burner right now, you do care. Life gets in the way, but you still care.

To get heuristic on their ass, they MAKE life get in the way, and if we keep letting them do it we are screwed.

So, it pains me to see the starving children and who knows what else. But I MUST refuse. I would rather donate to a fund to get rid of the government that is causing the situation. In cases where it is not the US government (there are a few) we could finance a revolution. See, there are rich people in that country running it who don't give a fuck about the people who made them rich. Whether they made them rich by work or by being there to get aid, like from the US or something. If they get aid they steal the money and perpetuate the condition to get more aid.

Ironically, that is right. Look at the demaciated bodies of the children on the Christian Childrens's Fund commercials. How old do you figure they are ? Ten at most ?

CCF has been in business for over ten years. That means if they hadn't fed people ten years ago, these people would not exist. You see ? Can you see it ? Twelve fucking kids ? how do you suppose that happened. By irresponsible behaviour.,

You can't feed yourself, CCF is giving you this gruel, now you are full. What to do now, FUCK, FUCK and FUCK. We fuck more, they bring more gruel, they bring more gruel we FUCK more. I got twelve kids and never worked a fucking day in my life. This might not be their fault, there might be no work, but why have twelve kids then ? That is stoooooooooooooooooopid.

There is one fact that passes muster on post hos ergo propter hoc, if there are kids people fucked. It pains me to refuse charity, it really does, but to contribute would be wrong in my opinion, and I have to do what is right in my opinion, not yours.

OK, this went kinda rantwise, but not too bad. I think I will stop now.


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