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RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 2/2/2007 12:22:46 PM   

Posts: 146
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Devilslilsister I initially started this as a reply to your question of whether you should or should not have this done to your child. But I have gotten so overwhelmed by my negative view and by emotions in regards to this topic that I have gone on to make an essay.

With that said, some of this is for your eyes, while most is not. I do not wish you, or any one for that matter to take offence to what I have said here. This is after all my opinion.

I have take more then a day to formulate this essay. I have consciously chosen words that I believe will maximize the clarity of my thoughts. It does not mean that I am an authority in this topic.

And for the record:

I am circumcised.
I am not anti-Semitic.

So let’s begin.

Who does the circumcision really benefit?
- Doctors who charge for it!
- Self conscious mothers of newborns who don’t want to have to really touch the penis to clean it.

Now what are the other side effects of circumcision?
- A society forced to continue this cycle of body modification/mutilation , because
- Circumcised males who do not know how to clean them selves, and cannot teach their sons how to clean thier peni.(btw: peni is plural)
- and Mothers who also don’t know how to clean it.
- Reduced sensitivity in the male glands. (Debated by many)
- The promotion of promiscuity, and unsafe sex.
- The promotion of lazy genital cleansing practices.

Being un-circumcised is not bad. Forcing males to be more self aware and self conscious is far from bad. Women are forced to be self aware of their cleanliness, why shouldn’t males be responsible as well.


Circumcised or not, contributions to STD’s and VD’s and other Diseases can be caused when males are not educated on how to efficiently and thoroughly clean under the foreskin, and leave a residue concoction of perspiration, urine, and male & female intimacy bio-fluids. When not immediately cleaned, this residue becomes a breeding ground for Bacteria and viruses.
(Please don’t get me started on unprotected anal sex. I will say this if you eat beef; Ecoli is in your scat.)

Let me repeat something here: CIRCUMCISED OR NOT. Some, if not many men, even when circumcised still have some skin that may cover some portion of the glandular portion of the penis. With that said. The bio-fluid concoction can accumulated with some, if not many circumcised men as well.

This is not just unhealthy for the male, but for every female he becomes intimate with.
Through his ignorance, he leaves this residue in every intimate partner he has since his last THOROUGH cleaning.
Is this the males fault, his mothers fault, or societies fault, for this males lack of knowledge of proper genital hygiene? Well, honestly its partly every ones.

Personally when I even suspect I could have an odor down there, I become very self-conscious around others; I will grab the first possible moment to remedy the situation. If I am in public, baby wipes can be purchased any where that sells diapers. When at home, well nothing more need be said.

So what we are now left with is a society that would rather not train and educate males on how to clean thier peni, rather a society that would prefer to take an old Jewish ritual and incorporate it into a Western Society. Let’s mutilate un-consenting young males by cutting away the problem, which in the end is not 100% effective.

If this practice was developed today, it would either be shot down faster then a falling brick, or considered as some form “special interest” body modification, likening it to extreme body jewelry.

If we did something remotely close to woman, protest groups would start overnight. (Hence the horrific reaction to the term female circumcision.)

Food for thought to the ladies, imagine having the "Labium Majus" (the skin around your clitoris) removed, with out your consent, because the society or religion you practiced said this would help prevent STD, VD and Diseases by an additional 3%.
Would you consent for you and your daughter for a 3% gain, when education can improve the odds by 90%


my appreciation to A/all who have read my opinion.

slrn 000145067

(in reply to gregor2001us)
Profile   Post #: 41
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 2/3/2007 11:33:27 AM   

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Bravo to enigmaslave!  A very well done post.


"Every step, fucking adventure" Al Sweringen, HBO's Deadwood

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Profile   Post #: 42
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 3/29/2007 11:09:53 AM   

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The United Nations and the World Health Organization are now strongly recommending circumcision to prevent the spread of AIDS.

Key findings are:

"They said that countries with high rates of heterosexual HIV should urgently improve access to male circumcision, giving priority to sexually active young men, while continuing to promote condom use and encourage regular testing."
"The WHO and UNAIDS said increasing male circumcisions could prevent 5.7 million sub-Saharan African men from contracting HIV over the next two decades, and save 3 million lives."
"Researchers have previously noticed that HIV tends to be less prevalent in areas where circumcision is common, and three large African studies have in past months found that circumcised men are 50 to 60 percent less likely to catch the AIDS virus.
Experts believe cells on the inside of the foreskin, the part of the penis cut off in circumcision, are particularly susceptible to HIV infection."


(in reply to LeatherRose)
Profile   Post #: 43
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 3/29/2007 3:38:44 PM   

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 You will notice that this article is directly stating that AFRICA should improve access to these practices, not that they recommend this for countries with proper medical care, access to condoms, and proper hygiene procedures. At this point ANYTHING that can reduce the numbers of AIDS patients in Africa is recommended, just look at the numbers!

Let's also keep in mind what a farce the 'medical studies' done in Africa are, most of these people don't have a choice. When they do have a choice they usually don't know what their signing up for they're just told that they won't get AIDS if they do the study (Which, as we know, is not true). If the studies turn up as something the backing group doesn't want to hear the studies are scrapped and a new one is done until they get the results they desire. 
There are many several conflicting opinions and probably always will be because they are just that, OPINIONS. No matter how 'expert' someone is there is always a group behind them that dangles funding like a carrot.

 While I am not anti-circumcision by any means, I think it is a personal choice to be made by the individual or parents, I do think that this inflammatory post on your part is scare tactics at their lowest. Let parents and men make their own choices and do their own research.  I'm not arguing the validity of the study at all, I think they're right on with a lot of it. ( I have done a lot of penis research since I have an uncircumcised son.) I'm simply stating that in five years the facts may be vastly different. We are all aware of how ever changing the HIV and AIDS virus is, it mutates faster than any virus know it man, other than the common flu. If it can outsmart all the vaccines and cocktails that have been developed do you really thing cutting off a few foreskins is going to stop the spread?

Maybe if our government took the trillions of dollars we have spent the last few years on 'defense' spending and spent it on education, clean water, and health care in Africa the problem would get better. (Lets also not forget all the AIDS patients in our own country that are receiving substandard care.) I would take a wild guess and say that within 20 years the number of AIDS victims would be reduced seventy five percent if a few of the wealthier countries in this world decided to help Africa build sustainable governments instead of raping it of it's natural resources and taking a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy when it comes to genocide, persecution, rape, mutilation, and slavery within Africa.

It's preposterous what the world is getting away with.  We get their diamonds, their gold, their land and we give them expired aids medication that kills people, more small arms than any other nation, and the blind eye of the white world. Maybe if this issue really worries you so much you should focus on helping to reduce the number of AIDS victims with REAL education instead of scaring people into cutting off their genitals.

(in reply to somethndif)
Profile   Post #: 44
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 3/30/2007 3:08:20 AM   

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the UN stance on female circumcision is unequivocal. Whenever it is mentioned, it is referred to as Female Genital Mutilation.


Dr Godfrey Kigozi, one of the researchers in the Ugandan study, has said, "When you say circumcision reduces acquisition ... it does not mean it eliminates HIV/AIDS. The essential message is that you cannot depend on circumcision to protect you. Therefore, don't circumcise solely for the purpose of reducing your risk.


Under the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, an infant has rights that include security of person, life, freedom and bodily integrity. Routine infant male circumcision is an unnecessary and irreversible procedure. Therefore, many consider it to be “unwarranted mutilating surgery”.

Tut,tut,tut... lets look at a sensational news article rather than a medical one?  Mis-information to back a cause?

Kevin De Cock, MD, director of the World Health Organization's HIV/AIDS program, says that if the findings hold up, the global agency will issue guidelines backing the procedure for HIV prevention.
Male circumcision could avert as many as two million new infections over 10 years in sub-Saharan Africa alone, he says.
De Cock says his agency will await the results of two more large studies, expected to be completed next year in Kenya and Uganda, before making a move.

In other words, the WHO have not backed the study as it is NOT complete and it is NOT held up as yet.
It has also been studied that this is contry to female circumcision which is thought to increase the likelyhood of the HIV virus. 
Peace and Rapture

< Message edited by darkinshadows -- 3/30/2007 3:22:47 AM >



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(in reply to somethndif)
Profile   Post #: 45
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 3/31/2007 12:26:44 AM   

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From: Bluefield, WV, USA
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Female "circumcision" cannot be compared with male circumcision.

The higher risk for women who have been circumcised of getting HIV probably has something to do with them being sewn up so tight that they can barely pee, then getting ripped open by sex...and getting sewed back up tightly after having a baby.  Also, their folklore has it that a man can be cured of AIDS by having sex with one of these virgins.  Comparing size, I'd assume that would be the equivalent of shoving a watermelon up someone's arse without lube. 

Another thing, removing the hood is not the same as removing the entire penis. :) 

We're mixing apples and oranges over this genital mutilation issue, but I can understand adults who wish they hadn't had this decision taken away from them as a baby, and those who are parents and want to leave this a free choice.

About condom use solving everything;
if the men were using them,
and if they worked perfectly 100% of the time,
there would have been no test subjects *with foreskins* getting HIV. 
All of these passionate feelings over this is interesting, and as always, ty for the read.

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 46
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 3/31/2007 9:23:16 AM   

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On the contray - if you think male mutilation is any less important than female then that is a worrying stance.
Having worked with those suffering from female mutilation, I can assure you it comes in a variety of forms, from sewing, to removal of glands, to plugs.  But that doesn;t make it any more worse, especially in African countries, and that is what people are seeming to forget.  That this research is based on african studies - it is not intended for the US or european countries.  Male mutilation (or circumcision if that sounds more 'acceptable') in african countries carries a high risk of death and infection and is in some cases completely different to the clip and snip that goes on in the states, jewish states and elsewhere.
Peace and Rapture



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(in reply to cynthiamarie)
Profile   Post #: 47
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/2/2007 12:01:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: darkinshadows


Kevin De Cock, MD, director of the World Health Organization's HIV/AIDS program, says that if the findings hold up, the global agency will issue guidelines backing the procedure for HIV prevention.
Male circumcision could avert as many as two million new infections over 10 years in sub-Saharan Africa alone, he says.
De Cock says his agency will await the results of two more large studies, expected to be completed next year in Kenya and Uganda, before making a move.

In other words, the WHO have not backed the study as it is NOT complete and it is NOT held up as yet.
It has also been studied that this is contry to female circumcision which is thought to increase the likelyhood of the HIV virus. 
Peace and Rapture
The quotation you attribute to Mr. de Cock is not from the recent article from the Reuters news service to which I provided the link in my last post.  I am not sure where you got your de Cock quotation, since you did not provide a link.  I wonder if it was in an earlier article, and the two large studies he refers to have now been completed.
Here is the only quotation from de Cock in the recent Reuters article I referenced in my last post: 
"These recommendations represent a significant step forward in HIV prevention," said Kevin de Cock, the WHO's director for HIV/AIDS programs, pointing to big potential gains in places where male circumcision is rarely practiced.
"Scaling up male circumcision in such countries will result in immediate benefit to individuals. However, it will be a number of years before we can expect to see an impact on the epidemic," he said."

It appears that Mr. de Cock and the World Health Organization no longer have reservations about the benefits of male circumcision, and are in fact backing male circumcision as an important method for combating the spread of the HIV virus.


(in reply to darkinshadows)
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RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/2/2007 4:40:19 PM   

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The article is around 8 months old and from a Canadian source on a medical web journal cited from direct statements of De Cock.
And I far as I was aware the studies are not as yet fully completed but are to be ceased.
No one has made an official statement about them as being completed, just ended - ie - not fulfilled to the expected term.  Whether this is due to a lack of funding, or that at the present time the sponsers have the results they 'need' who knows?  *call me the cynic*
Anyway - lets look at it from your point of view though, for discussions sake.
These studies are NOT intended for USA or european AIDS links.  This is documented for African countries.
If as a adult male you want to go for circumcision as an aid for AIDS - no pun intended - your free choice.
How fabulous for you.
Circumcising males against their knowledge or consent is a different matter altogether.  And using the excuse that we do non consensual injections etc to children all the time is such an empty argument.  This is bodily mutilation that is not a necessary procedure.  As an adult, you should be aware of all possible care to take to avoid STDs.  Sexual intercourse is only one way of coming into contact with the AIDS virus.  Mutilating a child based on studies done in africa sponsered by who know whom, just doesn't cut it with me.
Peace and Rapture



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(in reply to somethndif)
Profile   Post #: 49
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/2/2007 6:08:15 PM   

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ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

The article is around 8 months old and from a Canadian source on a medical web journal cited from direct statements of De Cock.
And I far as I was aware the studies are not as yet fully completed but are to be ceased.
No one has made an official statement about them as being completed, just ended - ie - not fulfilled to the expected term.  Whether this is due to a lack of funding, or that at the present time the sponsers have the results they 'need' who knows?  *call me the cynic*
Anyway - lets look at it from your point of view though, for discussions sake.
These studies are NOT intended for USA or european AIDS links.  This is documented for African countries.
If as a adult male you want to go for circumcision as an aid for AIDS - no pun intended - your free choice.
How fabulous for you.
Circumcising males against their knowledge or consent is a different matter altogether.  And using the excuse that we do non consensual injections etc to children all the time is such an empty argument.  This is bodily mutilation that is not a necessary procedure.  As an adult, you should be aware of all possible care to take to avoid STDs.  Sexual intercourse is only one way of coming into contact with the AIDS virus.  Mutilating a child based on studies done in africa sponsered by who know whom, just doesn't cut it with me.
This is getting tiresome. 
The Kenyan and Ugandan studies you are disparaging were conducted by The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  The co-principal investigators of the Kenyan trial are Robert Bailey, Ph.D., M.P.H., of the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Stephen Moses, M.D., M.P.H., University of Manitoba, Canada. In addition to NIAID support, the Kenyan trial was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and included Kenyan researchers Jeckoniah Ndinya-Achola, M.B.Ch.B., and Kawango Agot, Ph.D., M.P.H. The Ugandan trial is led by Ronald Gray, M.B.B.S., M.Sc., of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland. Additional collaborators in the Ugandan trial were David Serwadda, M.Med., M.Sc., M.P.H., Nelson Sewankambo, M.B.Ch.B., M.Med.M.Sc., Stephen Watya, M.B.Ch.B., M.Med., and Godfrey Kigozi, M.B.Ch.B., M.P.H.
In the article I referenced -- and to which I provided the link -- in the post that started this thread, there is another link to this press release by the NIH which provides more information about the studies.  These were carefully done, scientific studies.  Here is the link to the NIH press release. 
And here is a relevant quotation from the NIH press release:

“Many studies have suggested that male circumcision plays a role in protecting against HIV acquisition,” notes NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. “We now have confirmation—from large, carefully controlled, randomized clinical trials—showing definitively that medically performed circumcision can significantly lower the risk of adult males contracting HIV through heterosexual intercourse. While the initial benefit will be fewer HIV infections in men, ultimately adult male circumcision could lead to fewer infections in women in those areas of the world where HIV is spread primarily through heterosexual intercourse.”
"The findings from the African studies may have less impact on the epidemic in the United States for several reasons. In the United States, most men have been circumcised. Also, there is a lower prevalence of HIV. Moreover, most infections among men in the United States are in men who have sex with men, for whom the amount of benefit provided by circumcision is unknown. Nonetheless, the overall findings of the African studies are likely to be broadly relevant regardless of geographic location: a man at sexual risk who is uncircumcised is more likely than a man who is circumcised to become infected with HIV. Still, circumcision is only part of a broader HIV prevention strategy that includes limiting the number of sexual partners and using condoms during intercourse."
The point here is that your reliance upon a quote from Mr. de Cock that was 8 months old was grossly misleading.  It was made before the results of the Kenyan and Ugandan studies were known in December 2006.  Mr. de Cock -- like every other responsible person in the fight against HIV and AIDS -- now accepts the results of these studies.  And, as explained in the highlighted passage above, NIH believes that the results of these studies has application here in the U.S., as well as in Africa.

< Message edited by somethndif -- 4/2/2007 6:09:20 PM >

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 50
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/2/2007 10:35:46 PM   

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ORIGINAL: justheather

Oh come on, it's fun!
And you get a real sense of satisfaction when the job is completed!
AND...if they resist, you can tie their arms down!

Lol. I think I might need to change my profession!

(in reply to justheather)
Profile   Post #: 51
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/3/2007 4:37:12 AM   

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Not misleading - pointing out that the study was pulled before expected and therefore has not been fullfilled to course.  Even you mentioned that.  Question always is - why?
And I would still love to know who sponsered the study.
We can all see who conducted the studies - what affiliations do they belong to?
edit to ad - The majority of those you listed are american doctors and associations, btw - interesting?
Also, this is only a study on female to male infection which is a small percentage of case study.
And how about lifestyle of those taking part in the studies?
Yes.  It is getting tiresome.
Because it is still non consent mutilation of a minor no matter what spin you put on it.
If you would rather do that than sit down and do that, than talk to people about other risks of HIV then thats your choice.
Its a pity the child you do it to doesn't get the same chance.
Mind you, many males in the states are circumcised.  Yet HIV still prevales.  Of course not as dangeously sweeping as it is in Africa - but it is interesting comparrison nonetheless.  It would be interesting see someone do an assessment figure based on percentage to compare the USA to Africa seeing as Aids is still widespread across the US even with all these circumcised males.  And how does the USA compare to a country like the UK where circumcision isnt the norm?  On a percentage basis - is the infection rate similar?  The studies would suggest that the USA should be less infected than the UK - wouldnt it?
Oh, and how do you think something like this would affect the poor in the states and other countries where healthcare depends on what you can afford and what insurance you have? In Africa, the procedure is most likely to be free - else there would be no way to implement such a vast undertaking.
Are you suggesting that the rich will become AIDs free and fuck the poorer citizens?
You will then get to a point where people from poorer situations health and insurence will rise because they will be in the 'higher risk' catagory...

< Message edited by darkinshadows -- 4/3/2007 5:26:10 AM >



...i surrender to gravity and the unknown...

(in reply to somethndif)
Profile   Post #: 52
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/5/2007 10:40:32 AM   

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ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

Not misleading - pointing out that the study was pulled before expected and therefore has not been fullfilled to course.  Even you mentioned that.  Question always is - why?
And I would still love to know who sponsered the study.
We can all see who conducted the studies - what affiliations do they belong to?
edit to ad - The majority of those you listed are american doctors and associations, btw - interesting?
Also, this is only a study on female to male infection which is a small percentage of case study.
And how about lifestyle of those taking part in the studies?
All of your questions are answered in the articles to which I have provided the links, if you would only read them. 
The studies were stopped about 6 months early because the results of the studies were clear, circumcision reduced the rate of HIV infection by about 60%.  The study was stopped to offer circumcision to the men in the control group who had not been circumcised, because it would have been unethical not to give them the option of being circumcised, and at greater risk of infection.  The studies were sponsered/funded by the National Institutes of Health, a U.S. government agency, and at least one of them, was co-sponsered/funded by the corresponding Canadian government agency.  The men included in the study were those who claimed to be heterosexual, and all were given information about using condoms and the preventing HIV infection and other STD's.
Interestingly, based upon the results of these studies, New York City is now planning to institute a program to encourage circumcision to help combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic there, especially in certain high risk populations. 

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 53
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/5/2007 11:04:28 AM   

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I don't read 'articles' - I read the actual report as I prefere my information first hand and if you if you bothered to read the study instead of rely on Reuters or other sensational news groups and sites for your info you may know what you were really talking about.
Your percentage is in error any way - as there were two studies - one in uganda and one in kenya - neither hit the 60% mark (I am on my Boys pc right now and the report isnt at hand, but I believe it was 43% and 57(ish) % for each study - when I return home, I will take a more detailed look for you if you wish)
The circumcised also had a third (approximently) less time of sexual activity than those who were unmutilated.  Plus the report actually recommends that the results are not helpful in a country such as the US - simply because the infection rate for the HIV Virus is a higher percentage within the gay and male to female infection, which this study was not based upon.
Anything else I can assist you with information wise?
Peace and Rapture



...i surrender to gravity and the unknown...

(in reply to somethndif)
Profile   Post #: 54
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/5/2007 3:37:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

I don't read 'articles' - I read the actual report as I prefere my information first hand and if you if you bothered to read the study instead of rely on Reuters or other sensational news groups and sites for your info you may know what you were really talking about.
Your percentage is in error any way - as there were two studies - one in uganda and one in kenya - neither hit the 60% mark (I am on my Boys pc right now and the report isnt at hand, but I believe it was 43% and 57(ish) % for each study - when I return home, I will take a more detailed look for you if you wish)
The circumcised also had a third (approximently) less time of sexual activity than those who were unmutilated.  Plus the report actually recommends that the results are not helpful in a country such as the US - simply because the infection rate for the HIV Virus is a higher percentage within the gay and male to female infection, which this study was not based upon.
Anything else I can assist you with information wise?
It is quite clear that you haven't read either the articles I have referenced, or the report.  And I said "about 60%."
As for your contention that the studies "are not helpful" in the U.S., I refer you again to the following from the NIH December 2006 press release.
"The findings from the African studies may have less impact on the epidemic in the United States for several reasons. In the United States, most men have been circumcised. Also, there is a lower prevalence of HIV. Moreover, most infections among men in the United States are in men who have sex with men, for whom the amount of benefit provided by circumcision is unknown. Nonetheless, the overall findings of the African studies are likely to be broadly relevant regardless of geographic location: a man at sexual risk who is uncircumcised is more likely than a man who is circumcised to become infected with HIV. Still, circumcision is only part of a broader HIV prevention strategy that includes limiting the number of sexual partners and using condoms during intercourse."
The science seems clear enough now.  Ignore it or disparage it if you like, but that won't change it.  And I am done with this thread.  There is no arguing with a fixed and unrelenting ideologue.

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 55
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/5/2007 6:22:03 PM   

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No matter how many people and groups join this ill thought out band wagon, circumcision still provides essentially no additional benefit if condoms are used properly.  And with a foreskin, many may find condoms more acceptable due to the increased feelings and pleasure.  The only real benefit that I can see is that the Doctors can feel like they are using their skills to do something to fight AIDS.

(in reply to somethndif)
Profile   Post #: 56
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/5/2007 11:25:13 PM   

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The risk of infection from a single unprotected sexual encounter with an HIV-positive partner is on the order of 1 in 600 or 1 in 800, depending on your gender, and whether you are descendent from one of the lineages that survived the bubonic plague (in which case you are virtually immune).

Cutting this risk by 50% does nothing of relevance, except in those areas (such as Africa) where any change in the risk of transmission can have a significant impact on the effect of an ongoing epidemic. 1:600 per intercourse is an acceptable risk for some (otherwise that virus would be extinct by now), and 1:1600 per intercourse is unacceptable to most.

A condom is the only fairly reliable means of dealing with the risk. On the off chance (1:50 IIRC) that it doesn't work, it still counts as only one contact, meaning the net risk is 1:30.000 or 1:40.000 for those who are not pseudo-immune, depending on gender. That's a significantly lower risk than getting into a car, if I remember my statistics correctly; add other risks to this, and it pretty much gets lost in the background noise. Hence, a Dom allowing others to use his/her sub(s)/slave(s) isn't necessarily a risky or irresponsible thing, provided they use a condom. Either way, you need to consider acceptable risk, which means getting real figures for the stuff you want to do, and "background" risks to compare it to, and making a decision based on this.

(in reply to gregor2001us)
Profile   Post #: 57
RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/7/2007 3:43:10 PM   

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Uh, the full report is not the link given... See for the full reports if they are even there.  There are many documents that relate to this study.

Yes circumcision has been shown to reduce HIV transmission.  But as justheather said so does

So does using a condom.
So does knowing the HIV status of your partner(s).
So does not using IV drugs or sharing needles with others.

Far more American men are circumcised than in Africa and CDC states:

How will these results affect the U.S. epidemic?                           These NIH studies have focused on populations in Africa, where the infection rate is high and where heterosexual sex is the predominant mode of HIV transmission. In the United States, the majority of adult men are already circumcised. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in a 1992 survey, 77 percent of men in the United States reported being circumcised. In addition, there is a lower prevalence of HIV in this country, and the men at greatest risk have been those who have sex with other men. The degree of protection that circumcision may afford for men who have sex with men is unknown. For all of these reasons, the study findings will likely have less of an impact in the United States. Information about circumcision is available from the CDC at  cdc dot gov.
Circumcision does reduce penile sensitivity and if I had mine (which sadly, I don't) I'd like to keep it.  And I'd reccomend it as an option to someone who won't go through the bother to observe their own and their potential partner's latency period, and then simply get tested, and/or in the meantime use a condom (which is not foolproof, but consider this - male has sex with viremic hiv infected women, his chance of becoming infected are 0.6%; I do not know the woman's chance and suspect it will be much higher) which offers significant protection, if used properly.
It is an interesting observation for beleagured Africa.  In South Africa entire factories and huge farms have simply closed due to depletion of workforce by HIV/AIDS.

(in reply to LeatherRose)
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RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/10/2007 6:34:26 PM   

Posts: 6
Joined: 3/20/2007
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well said Leatherrose, for me it sounds more logical if foreskin protects a bit more
but I really think it has nothing to at all, how clean your dick are, only that matters is how often you clean it, not if you have foreskin or not so this study is like saying if you cut your hair you will reduce getting HIV
how did the test work? did all guys fuck same women that proven had HIV? maybe the it was adiffrence how the men in the test expose themself to the risk, maybe more men did use condom during the test period or maybe some did no have sex at all or maybe had parthner and was healty, so many factor is involed if you get HIV or not. so how can a tiny piece of skin matter so much, easy it does not matter.

here in sweden almost none are circumcised and  sweden has almost no HIV at all, like 10 new cases per year (but last report was increseing) most cases has been of men being sexbuyers in thailand

if you want to be sure not getting HIV use condom, only proven way that works so far.

(in reply to LeatherRose)
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RE: Male circumcision reduces risk of HIV - 4/10/2007 6:42:18 PM   

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Joined: 11/3/2004
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I am gonna say two words here; only two:


I said it in one.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Druzzil)
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