why does the truth scare (Full Version)

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ckattchaser -> why does the truth scare (1/21/2007 1:04:11 AM)

or make others uncomfortable
I'm a older Dom who's lived on the edges of this livestyle most of my adult life,
20 years driving long haul,a 18 year "very vanilla" marriage in those years
seem to matter as to the "experence" I may or may not have
 and NO I'm not what I call a "webdom" I do consider myself more than a novice,
openminded enough to learn new,yet knows well that I don't need to cap my name or be addressed as Master to know who and what I am...I respect everyone's right that does...it's just not my need........
yesterday never was......tomorrow never will be..today is all we have. LIVE today well friends.....chaser  

Focus50 -> RE: why does the truth scare (1/21/2007 2:08:49 AM)

For cryin' out loud you old geezer, you're 4 years *younger* than me!!!
The truth?
It's unromantic; it ruins one's fantasies; it cuts too deep; it rarely measures up to our (often unrealistic) expectations; too many people are afraid of it or can't handle it blah blah blah....
This is the Net; perfect for denying or disguising one's falibilities - get used to it....
And welcome to the Forums!  :-)

ckattchaser -> RE: why does the truth scare (1/21/2007 2:27:06 AM)

Thanks Pops........ya made my day........is nice to know I don't walk this road alone

LeatherBentOne -> RE: why does the truth scare (1/21/2007 7:26:40 AM)

Because when one is faced with the truth, it means they can no longer run from their faults.  How often do people lie about their good qualities, their accomplishments?  Almost never!  They lie about their faults, and when one is at fault one must own it and take responsibilty to change it.  So they deny their faults and blame them on others or circumstance, then play the victim.  Woo is me.

Any type of change can provoke fear in most of us humans so we cling to the familiar.  But, first one must have the desire to change something that has worked for them in the past to get the attention they crave.  The pay off perpetuates when others pay attention to them by feeling sorry for the perpetual victim.  After all, negative attention is better than none at all, so they wallow in the self-pity of their pathetic lies with no desire to change. 

I think people who are incessant liars suffer from low self-esteem and self-worth mosttly, but sometimes it's a matter of not being able to trust others with the truth for fear of rejection, when the simple fact is that because they are liars makes them undesireable.  Thus, the cycle continues.


IvyP -> RE: why does the truth scare (1/21/2007 8:12:50 AM)

cause it's usuially NOT pretty.....but just the fact that it's the truth to me....is a turnon!!  no matter how ulgy..i relish in the thought and turn around the ulgyiness into security....but that just lil ol' me...if i was NOT supose to answer in this forum, since i am not a Mistress or Master, please accept my humble apologies,  i was compelled to do it anyway...and Thats the truth!!    slave ivy

Quivver -> RE: why does the truth scare (1/21/2007 9:45:26 AM)

I've found the truth usually hides in the unsaid ... why it's unsaid has many reasons, but often it's a lack of self knowledge. 

MistressDoMe -> RE: why does the truth scare (1/21/2007 12:38:44 PM)

Most people can not handle the truth, they prefer lies.

emdoub -> RE: why does the truth scare (1/21/2007 2:05:34 PM)

Because it blows illusions out of the water, and many are more comfortable with their illusions than with the truth.

Midnight Writer

Nimkii -> RE: why does the truth scare (1/22/2007 5:40:01 AM)

what truth ? Honesty ? being what one said ? have the boards changed ? did I miss a memo ? Oh well one can hope for all that some day .

ShogunSensei -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/20/2007 11:48:05 AM)

The truth?  The truth?  They can't HANDLE the truth!

szobras -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/20/2007 1:46:38 PM)

Truth has no contradiction.

Devilslilsister -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/20/2007 6:00:47 PM)

everyone has said it alot better then me........

the truth scares, because people hide from it. 

SirDraven -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/20/2007 6:31:01 PM)

Why do we lie?

We lie out of weekness. We lie to protect ourselves.We lie to make oursleves out to be more then we are.

In this lifestyle honesty needs to be paramount in my humble opinion.

TemptingNviceSub -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/20/2007 7:23:13 PM)

Why do we lie?...Because often times the truth is unpalatable...Tempting

Viciousbabe -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/20/2007 8:29:11 PM)

Personally, I think when some one tells me the truth, I am 1000x more likely to come back. Knowing the truth allows you to know what you are dealing with. When one lies about their faults and/or assests, it leads to inevitable destruction of the relationship.

That said, some people may be interested in talking enough to find out about you and then find you are not what they are looking for

azzmaster -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/20/2007 8:38:01 PM)

u know who u r, don't worry about what anyone says, u be u. can't please all da people all da time, fuck em

AquaticSub -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/21/2007 12:00:26 AM)

Honestly the only thing that occurs to me is: What truth are you talking about?

To use religion as an example (If you must flog, please wait till I'm done), some know as truth that there is only one God while others know as truth that there are many.

Relating more to our lifestyle, some believe as truth as those who are monogamous are selfish/insecure while others know as truth that polyarmous people simply can't settle down.

Exactly what sort of truth are you talking about? These sorts of truths or are we talking about the "If I cut you, you will bleed" kinda truth?

Just curious...

WhiplashSmile -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/21/2007 12:18:25 AM)

The truth is everybody lies, just some more then others.

HCWT1 -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/21/2007 1:33:07 AM)

As we are only caretakers of our time and space and that that we use and passes through our fingers,there isn't enough time in our lives,to reallise all that makes up the truth.Anyway.............

The truth is often stranger than fiction.

wandersalone -> RE: why does the truth scare (2/21/2007 2:57:41 AM)

I have to admit to not understanding the OP.  Are you talking about people answering questions honestly, feeling confronted or scared about proceeding to real life meetings, feeling that your age is a barrier, little or no response to your emails, was it a more existential question for which there is no answer....or none of the above?

edited to fix my typos

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