THE ROOM (Full Version)

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shay -> THE ROOM (3/2/2005 6:18:44 PM)

The Room

Creeping across the quiet room, the girl heads to the wide double doors. She knows she should not be here, but she has missed the place so badly. Never has she entered the room upright, on her own two feet. Always before it had been on her hands and knees behind her Master. tears welling in her eyes, she wonders if He even misses her.

"He is probably glad to be rid of me", the girl thinks.

Normally, she would never dare come here. But knowing He is out of town has bolstered her courage. In her heart she hopes and prays that coming here will ease her torment.

Stopping abruptly she stares at the floor. Tears well in her eyes as she sees the ripped white silks lying there abandoned. They lie in the exact same spot where they were removed. The tears streak down her face as she bends over to pick up the brown leather collar laying on top of them.

Running her fingers along its smooth surface, she gently caresses the OWNED inscribed on it. Her heart asunder, her sobs fill the empty room. Discarded and abandoned as it is, it would mean nothing to anyone else. Clutching it to her chest, she seeks to ease the pain.

Looking at the couch where, with her eyes closed, she can see Him still. She can feel His bite upon her neck and aching fills her body. Yes she wanted released but she had no idea it would hurt so badly.

Echoing in her mind over and over are His last words to her "go to hell, girl". She wonders if He has any idea the actual hell she put herself in. Wonders if He would be happy knowing even now she obeys Him.

Her whisper of "Master" echoes about the empty outer room as she turns once more to the heavy double doors. Using both hands, she shoves open doors that only His had opened before. The light from the outer room barely lights the way but she slowly enters.

Trembling, her body aching from head to toe, she runs her delicate hands along the silks. Touching the collar about her neck now, the one that replaced His, she wonders how things might have been different if she had been trained better when the collar had been placed. Would she still have been with Him if she'd known how to please Him? If she had not been terrified of failing Him, would she be in His arms even now??

Lighting the three big candles with a deft hand, she smiles at the memory of how He always had her light them and how even now it came so naturally. The soft glow of the lit candles accent the highlights in her dark auburn hair. Her green eyes, although rimming with unshed tears, take in the beauty of the room that was so dear to her. Agony flows through her body as she realizes it was wrong to come back.

This was NOT helping.

Finally, moving toward the item that haunts her dreams by day and torments her by night, she runs her palms along the hard surface of the big wooden table. Linking her fingers in the loops where the steel cuffs used to hold her in place, she drops to her knees, sobbing. all her heart-felt anquish comes pouring out, leaving the table wet with her tears.

A loud scream rents the silence of the room, and she realizes it has come from her own throat, "MASTER, I miss You!" It bounces off the walls of the empty room. Rising swiftly, she blows out the candles and pushes the door closed. Glancing one last time at the discarded silks,and abandoned collar she knows inside that though her name had changed, the heart of the girl who had been His lives on.

Maybe all she needed to be able to move on was to come here one last time.

Would HE know she had been here?? yes, He would know. He might not care, but He would know.

~*~THE END~*~

theroebabe -> RE: THE ROOM (3/2/2005 7:07:46 PM)

Also quite beautiful. Thank you.

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