RE: being married... (Full Version)

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Seeking2own -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 6:05:29 PM)


Cheating is different from informed consent. And if you do not like the situation vanilla situation you are in then there is a word for it...divorce or confess. Otherwise live with the decision you made...vanilla or otherwise doesn't matter.  I agree with adaddysgirl 100% on this issue.

adaddysgirl -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 6:14:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: lateralist1

It's this thing about human beings being monogomous that gets me.
We are not it's a simple as that.

Well yes, some of us are.
Some may never be able to be monogamous, some may not feel naturally so but may make the choice to be and for some of us (including myself) monogamous is how we are wired.  Sure, we might be a minority but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  So if you are talking about all human beings, i would have to say your conclusion is  incorrect.

Sinergy -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 6:30:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: adaddysgirl


ORIGINAL: lateralist1

It's this thing about human beings being monogomous that gets me.
We are not it's a simple as that.

Well yes, some of us are.
Some may never be able to be monogamous, some may not feel naturally so but may make the choice to be and for some of us (including myself) monogamous is how we are wired.  Sure, we might be a minority but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  So if you are talking about all human beings, i would have to say your conclusion is  incorrect.

I am currently reading Jared Diamond's "Why is Sex Fun."

A real eye opener.


adaddysgirl -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 6:45:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: CelticPrince

I have made some exceptions to that and have never regreted it once, and I certainly did not look down my nose thinking cheater, cheater.

Well of course not CP.  Most cheaters probably don't call themselves cheaters (at the time)...nor do those they are cheating with.  Even the ads on here.  Do you see one  from a married guy whose wife doesn't know and his ad says 'i'm cheating on my wife' ?  No, but plenty of them say they are looking for a 'discreet relationship'.
And in a lot of cases, people can't even admit they cheated until years later when they finally accept the reality of what they did.  But because they don't choose to call themselves cheaters at the time....or the one they are cheating with doesn't choose to call them cheaters....still doesn't make them not cheaters.

roland23 -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 6:45:21 PM)

We really need to move away from our Puritan mindset.


bandit25 -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 6:53:11 PM)

I don't think it's Puritan.  If you are married, looking for a discrete relationship...with or without the knowledge and/or consent of your partner, you should realize that many of those you contact are going to say no thanks. 

As I said earlier, it's really up to the third party whether or not s/he want to get involved.

angelic -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 7:05:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

According to statistics I read not long ago, a half of all men and two thirds of all women cheat on their partner. Maybe those stats are wrong but other stats give very high rates of cheating too so I guess cheating is part of human nature. It sucks but insisting its wrong isn't going to change it so is it really worth worrying about?

i find this very sad.  It is not in my human nature.  i would certainly hope those numbers are wrong.

dawntreader -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 7:35:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

One thing about contemplating a relationship with a person married or involved with someone else; you never have to worry or question a couple of the most essential parts of a relationship - Trust and Integrity.

Going in - you know they lack both. It's good to know you have that foundation to build upon at the inception of the relationship instead of finding out later when you've become emotionally involved.

Well said!

Sinergy -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 7:46:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: angelic


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

According to statistics I read not long ago, a half of all men and two thirds of all women cheat on their partner. Maybe those stats are wrong but other stats give very high rates of cheating too so I guess cheating is part of human nature. It sucks but insisting its wrong isn't going to change it so is it really worth worrying about?

i find this very sad.  It is not in my human nature.  i would certainly hope those numbers are wrong.

According to Jared Diamond, it is in everybodies human nature. 

But then again, it also is not.

I love books that prove both sides of a dichotomy are correct.


marieToo -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 7:54:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

According to statistics I read not long ago, a half of all men and two thirds of all women cheat on their partner. Maybe those stats are wrong but other stats give very high rates of cheating too so I guess cheating is part of human nature. It sucks but insisting its wrong isn't going to change it so is it really worth worrying about?

I agree and I think the reason that 'cheating' is so common is that we are trying to kick shit against the tide, when we as a culture try to fit into an almost impossible expectation that we place on ourselves.  We get married and think we will always think and feel the same exact way.  My thinking at 42 is different than it was when I was 20.  I just dont think we can go our entire lives moving through new discoveries, growth and changes and think that we are going to have every possible emotional and physical need met by one person for the rest of our lives.  
Obviously the clean cut answer is to get divorced before you move on those new feelings, but I dont see cheaters as people that should be labled for life as unethical and non-trust worthy.  I mean, we really could say that about anyone who has ever told any kind of lie or betrayed anyone, anytime on any level. 

adaddysgirl -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 8:10:07 PM)



According to Jared Diamond, it is in everybodies human nature. 

But then again, it also is not.

I love books that prove both sides of a dichotomy are correct.


It is but it's not?  lol
In many cases, people write books based on their own personal views and opinions....and use some random polls or studies that further support their i generally don't use their conclusions as a means to define my life (although no doubt some can be interesting reads). 
Is Jared into BDSM by chance?  [8|]

BabyNyla -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 8:11:33 PM)

My Dom won't let me do anything with anyone who is married and their spouse doesn't know it (whether sub or dom).  He figures if they can't be honest in their nilla life, no way they'll be honest in the D/s world, where commication is even more important.

szobras -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 8:20:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

One thing about contemplating a relationship with a person married or involved with someone else; you never have to worry or question a couple of the most essential parts of a relationship - Trust and Integrity.

Going in - you know they lack both. It's good to know you have that foundation to build upon at the inception of the relationship instead of finding out later when you've become emotionally involved.

That would depend purely on the nature of the relationship. Just because someone is married,or in a committed relationship does not brand them with distrust and without integrity. I would not without knowing the nature of the committed parties agreement , and hear it from both. To do so would be for me, forming an opinion based on the fact that I have no information. No Thank You. If the motivation for the need of discretion is to keep  from getting busted by your partner,then most likely they do lack. Personally, I do not choose to enter into any relationship on any level with anyone, that I do not feel each will include all parties best interest WITH honesty, integrity, and trust.

marieToo -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 8:39:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: szobras


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

One thing about contemplating a relationship with a person married or involved with someone else; you never have to worry or question a couple of the most essential parts of a relationship - Trust and Integrity.

Going in - you know they lack both. It's good to know you have that foundation to build upon at the inception of the relationship instead of finding out later when you've become emotionally involved.

That would depend purely on the nature of the relationship. Just because someone is married,or in a committed relationship does not brand them with distrust and without integrity. I would not without knowing the nature of the committed parties agreement , and hear it from both. To do so would be for me, forming an opinion based on the fact that I have no information. No Thank You. If the motivation for the need of discretion is to keep  from getting busted by your partner,then most likely they do lack. Personally, I do not choose to enter into any relationship on any level with anyone, that I do not feel each will include all parties best interest WITH honesty, integrity, and trust.

This is my basic sentiment also. I won't involve myself with someone who is doing this behind their spouses back.  Its the first thing I ask when getting to know someone:  "Are you single"?  Its not my preference to be with someone married and is, for lack of a better term a "hard limit" criteria for me.

But because we do not know the specifics of the relationship,  I wont lay down a blanket statement that suggests that married people who cheat or who have cheated are some kind of sinners who are beyond redemption who are unworthy of forgiveness, understanding, love, trust or any other grace that most of us like to live under. 
For all we know the couple stays married for reasons that are important to them, but they each go their own way.   Im not about to say cut and dried that anyone who fucks someone other than their spouse is unethical when I dont know the circumstances or each of their reasons for being in the relationship.

adaddysgirl -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 8:48:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: marieToo
I agree and I think the reason that 'cheating' is so common is that we are trying to kick shit against the tide, when we as a culture try to fit into an almost impossible expectation that we place on ourselves.  We get married and think we will always think and feel the same exact way.  My thinking at 42 is different than it was when I was 20. 

i couldn't count the number of times i've told my kids to wait til they were older to get married....for this reason.  Yes, people do grow and change and hopefully, they are able to grow together with their parnter....but that is not always the case (or maybe not even usually, i don't know).  At almost 50, i definitely look for different things in a partner than when i was 20.  If i had gotten married early, i could have only hoped that my partner would have grown along the same lines.  If not, then we either honor our vows, stick with it anyway, and make the best of it....or we get divorced. 

I just dont think we can go our entire lives moving through new discoveries, growth and changes and think that we are going to have every possible emotional and physical need met by one person for the rest of our lives.  

i have several people in my life who offer mental, emotional and spiritual support.  Although these are areas that i would freely share with my partner, i sometimes find a need to say talk to another female about something emotionally  charged...kind of like a shoulder to cry on.  my partner may not like to do this...or may try and just not quite give me what i need i go to a good friend or relative (usually a female) to get that need fulfilled.
i also have quite stimulating conversations with friends and family, and have a brother who shares a lot of interesting spiritual concepts with me.  i appreciate all those relationships and they all have a place in my life.
But when it comes to the, i do not need another to share myself with that way (and never have).  The thought doesn't even interest me so yes, i do look for a partner who will be the only one to meet that particular need....and yes, i do believe i will find such a partner in life.
i notice that some people think that monogamy means a partner has to be the sole provider/support to all the needs i mentioned above....but that is not usually the case.  Although i would want a partner involved in those areas, i also have other networks to rely on as well. 
And some may feel the need to look outside of the relationship for the physical as well.  Hey, nothing wrong with that if that's what works for them and their partner.

Obviously the clean cut answer is to get divorced before you move on those new feelings, but I dont see cheaters as people that should be labled for life as unethical and non-trust worthy.  I mean, we really could say that about anyone who has ever told any kind of lie or betrayed anyone, anytime on any level. 

i see a lot of people say they once cheated, knew it was wrong, and wouldn't do it again.  We all make mistakes so i would not call them a cheater for life.  If a potential partner admitted to me that he cheated on an ex-wife and realized he shouldn't have, would i take the chance that he wouldn't cheat on me?  Well, i would take a lot of things into consideration, but i would say that is possible.  So i am not looking at every cheater as 'once a cheater, always a cheater'.
But if i see someone who clearly states they cheated, saw nothing wrong with it, and will do it again, then obviously, i would label them a cheater for life.

marieToo -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 8:54:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: adaddysgirl


ORIGINAL: marieToo
I agree and I think the reason that 'cheating' is so common is that we are trying to kick shit against the tide, when we as a culture try to fit into an almost impossible expectation that we place on ourselves.  We get married and think we will always think and feel the same exact way.  My thinking at 42 is different than it was when I was 20. 

i couldn't count the number of times i've told my kids to wait til they were older to get married....for this reason.  Yes, people do grow and change and hopefully, they are able to grow together with their parnter....but that is not always the case (or maybe not even usually, i don't know).  At almost 50, i definitely look for different things in a partner than when i was 20.  If i had gotten married early, i could have only hoped that my partner would have grown along the same lines.  If not, then we either honor our vows, stick with it anyway, and make the best of it....or we get divorced. 

I just dont think we can go our entire lives moving through new discoveries, growth and changes and think that we are going to have every possible emotional and physical need met by one person for the rest of our lives.  

i have several people in my life who offer mental, emotional and spiritual support.  Although these are areas that i would freely share with my partner, i sometimes find a need to say talk to another female about something emotionally  charged...kind of like a shoulder to cry on.  my partner may not like to do this...or may try and just not quite give me what i need i go to a good friend or relative (usually a female) to get that need fulfilled.
i also have quite stimulating conversations with friends and family, and have a brother who shares a lot of interesting spiritual concepts with me.  i appreciate all those relationships and they all have a place in my life.
But when it comes to the, i do not need another to share myself with that way (and never have).  The thought doesn't even interest me so yes, i do look for a partner who will be the only one to meet that particular need....and yes, i do believe i will find such a partner in life.
i notice that some people think that monogamy means a partner has to be the sole provider/support to all the needs i mentioned above....but that is not usually the case.  Although i would want a partner involved in those areas, i also have other networks to rely on as well. 
And some may feel the need to look outside of the relationship for the physical as well.  Hey, nothing wrong with that if that's what works for them and their partner.

Obviously the clean cut answer is to get divorced before you move on those new feelings, but I dont see cheaters as people that should be labled for life as unethical and non-trust worthy.  I mean, we really could say that about anyone who has ever told any kind of lie or betrayed anyone, anytime on any level. 

i see a lot of people say they once cheated, knew it was wrong, and wouldn't do it again.  We all make mistakes so i would not call them a cheater for life.  If a potential partner admitted to me that he cheated on an ex-wife and realized he shouldn't have, would i take the chance that he wouldn't cheat on me?  Well, i would take a lot of things into consideration, but i would say that is possible.  So i am not looking at every cheater as 'once a cheater, always a cheater'.
But if i see someone who clearly states they cheated, saw nothing wrong with it, and will do it again, then obviously, i would label them a cheater for life.

A very well-spoken, level-headed post.  But I agree with much of what you said, so I guess Im partial. lol. 

thaimeeuppppp -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 8:55:15 PM)

I have never been married, but have had sex of varying kinds with married men who were on the DL. So many people have reasons for staying married such as to please family, or to stay with someone because of their children.I think people usually have ways to justify cheating but are quick to judge others if they do. It has always been around. Its certainly not ideal m nor coragous

juliaoceania -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 9:11:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: adaddysgirl



According to Jared Diamond, it is in everybodies human nature. 

But then again, it also is not.

I love books that prove both sides of a dichotomy are correct.


It is but it's not?  lol
In many cases, people write books based on their own personal views and opinions....and use some random polls or studies that further support their i generally don't use their conclusions as a means to define my life (although no doubt some can be interesting reads). 
Is Jared into BDSM by chance?  [8|]

No, he is the author of many interesting books that cover the range of interdisciplanary subjects in the social sciences and biology. He is rather well regarded, having won many book awards, including the Pulitzer.

I have not read that particular book he references though. Jared Diamond is rather brilliant.

juliaoceania -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 9:16:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: rubyleu

Just curious to know how others feel about Dominants, and submissives that are married, yet have a discreet bdsm relationship with another, withouth their spouse being aware of it. As for the Dominants who are married, do you feel this is an "undomly" quality?

I can think of a few people that post on here and want a poly family, they are married dominants. I suppose that is not the situation you are referencing in your OP though.

I have known people that carried on BDSM affairs. One of them is my best friend. She opted for the open marriage plan though. I find it hard to judge people, I have not walked in their shoes, but she knew that I did not think it was a good situation for her to be in, it was harmful to everyone, especially to her.

My opinion is that I think it is wrong to lie and cheat, but if the spouse knows, I do not think it is lying and cheating anymore.. but that is just my opinion.

adaddysgirl -> RE: being married... (1/26/2007 9:20:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania

No, he is the author of many interesting books that cover the range of interdisciplanary subjects in the social sciences and biology. He is rather well regarded, having won many book awards, including the Pulitzer.

I have not read that particular book he references though. Jared Diamond is rather brilliant.

And that he may be.

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