The femdom "gifting" dynamic (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 7:42:02 AM)

I hope this won't deteriorate into a "moneyslave," "pro vs. non-pro" or other financial debate.  In this post, I am NOT talking about women  (or men) that scam by asking for tributes up front, or those that demand a gift for consideration (ie, send me a present or I won't even talk to you).   Nor am I talking about mutual "gifting" in a real life, flesh and bone relationship between mutually affectionate partners.

There's an interesting dynamic that I have observed and would like both femdom and sub opinions about.  I believe that a great number of submissive men like, prefer, and WANT to be told (read: ORDERED) to send gifts to femdoms they are courting and/or admiring (like a professional dominatrix they see, or a femdom whose web site they visit daily).  In my 10+ years of having a femdom web site, I've found three distinct results when talking of gifts (note that I rarely solicit gifts on my site):

1.  If I leave an option and information for submissives to gift if they choose, a small portion will do so and do so happily.

2. If I present an option of exchanging gifts for training, or a clear barter (ie, "I am having trouble finding these boots in my city -- if a sub can get these and send them to me, I will provide phone training in exchange."), I receive a little more response, but not much.

3. If I demand -- and clearly, the more BITCHY and more presumptuous about it -- gifts (either specific or general), and do so with a clearly sadistic, openly erotic tone - the response is strong.  Not only do more men get engaged by this and want to do it, the fallout is not resentment or frustration, many report excitement in being told and warmth in knowing they did as told.

Now, I will be honest, the dynamic in #3 isn't really consistent with my personality and also rubs my ethics the wrong way.  But after years and years of this, I feel as though a great many men simply eroticize the idea that they have no choice, that they are being ordered to do something, and that they must complete the task -- and they get real fulfillment out of it. Both during the task, and after completing it. 

My personality resonates more with #1, and I feel as though a lot of men may like to send gifts and do it because they want to show appreciation, earn favor or simply because they felt like doing something nice.   Also, I there's not much materially that I really want/need and when I need it, I just buy it. 

It makes me wonder if those femdoms that are demanding gifts (not in exchange for training) are simply responding to a demand/need of submissive men.  It also makes me wonder how widespread the dynamic is.


VeryMercurial -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 8:01:48 AM)

Great post AAkasha, it is interesting that approach # 3 works so well.  Now that explains why so many Professional
Domina's have that, "Be my money slave pig", attitude!  In a way it makes sense, you are appealing to the humilation

cloudboy -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 8:28:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: VeryMercurial

Great post AAkasha, it is interesting that approach # 3 works so well. Now that explains why so many Professional
Domina's have that, "Be my money slave pig", attitude! In a way it makes sense, you are appealing to the humilation

I see three things here:

1) A short term, wanker affair urge.

2) A Lolita-esque submissive daddy urge --- aka --- being controlled and ordered around by an impulsive brat who turns you on.

3) A desperate act to buy femdom love or attention.

thetammyjo -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 8:49:09 AM)

I've had some people send me things from my wish list though never with a note asking me to scene with them.

Usually it has been people I trained years ago letting me know how much I helped them or people I've met at events just saying "thanks".

I've also gotten anonymous gifts from my list. Which is sad because I like to say "thank you" in an email at least.

I'm happy to accept gifts from people if they are truly gifts -- in other words not tied to an expectation to scene or have sex. I think it's odd for someone to send a gift to a stranger but whatever, I think I'd be a bit stupid to know accept something I want when offered to me without loopholes. In fact, I feel flattered when folks do this.

I do not however list this on any of my information and this is the first time I've publically admitted that this happens and how it makes me feel.

MistressSassy66 -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 10:51:20 AM)

I have to admit that quite a few do want that #3 option.
Though some dont always follow through no matter how they are treated.

My personality is more towards #1,so it can be a challange at times to be a Bitch.

I shouldnt have to be a Bitch to get what I want.Its rather exhausting and I prefer to use My energy elsewhere,so if they need to be bitched at everyday I'm not the
One for that.

porthuronsub -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 11:32:47 AM)

I personally wouldn't send a gift for any of the three reasons.  I did bring a gift with me for the first meeting with my Mistress, and would repeat that. 
I think it is desperate men looking/hoping to gain favor with that Mistress. Some men I am sure like the part about being ordered to do it, but that is like online play which does absolutely nothing for me, in the flesh or nothing at all.

petdave -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 4:37:34 PM)

Makes a certain amount of sense. i think there's a certain mindset in some submissive men that it's not an act of submission if the Woman isn't "forcing" you to do it. Kinda like the whole sissy maid disconnect... you can clean a woman's house because she wants you to, and take enjoyment from doing something useful... maybe. But if She dresses you up and orders you to do it, then it becomes a scene, which is a much more alluring prospect.


mp072004 -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 5:41:53 PM)

Great thread proposal, Akasha. This is a dynamic I don't understand well at all--I grok the enjoying-receiving-presents part, but I've noticed there is more to it, which I don't get. I look forward to reading more responses!


UtopianRanger -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/16/2007 8:15:58 PM)



I hope this won't deteriorate into a "moneyslave," "pro vs. non-pro" or other financial debate.  In this post, I am NOT talking about women  (or men) that scam by asking for tributes up front, or those that demand a gift for consideration (ie, send me a present or I won't even talk to you).   Nor am I talking about mutual "gifting" in a real life, flesh and bone relationship between mutually affectionate partners.

There's an interesting dynamic that I have observed and would like both femdom and sub opinions about.  I believe that a great number of submissive men like, prefer, and WANT to be told (read: ORDERED) to send gifts to femdoms they are courting and/or admiring (like a professional dominatrix they see, or a femdom whose web site they visit daily).  In my 10+ years of having a femdom web site, I've found three distinct results when talking of gifts (note that I rarely solicit gifts on my site):

1.  If I leave an option and information for submissives to gift if they choose, a small portion will do so and do so happily.

2. If I present an option of exchanging gifts for training, or a clear barter (ie, "I am having trouble finding these boots in my city -- if a sub can get these and send them to me, I will provide phone training in exchange."), I receive a little more response, but not much.

3. If I demand -- and clearly, the more BITCHY and more presumptuous about it -- gifts (either specific or general), and do so with a clearly sadistic, openly erotic tone - the response is strong.  Not only do more men get engaged by this and want to do it, the fallout is not resentment or frustration, many report excitement in being told and warmth in knowing they did as told.

Now, I will be honest, the dynamic in #3 isn't really consistent with my personality and also rubs my ethics the wrong way.  But after years and years of this, I feel as though a great many men simply eroticize the idea that they have no choice, that they are being ordered to do something, and that they must complete the task -- and they get real fulfillment out of it. Both during the task, and after completing it. 

My personality resonates more with #1, and I feel as though a lot of men may like to send gifts and do it because they want to show appreciation, earn favor or simply because they felt like doing something nice.   Also, I there's not much materially that I really want/need and when I need it, I just buy it. 

It makes me wonder if those femdoms that are demanding gifts (not in exchange for training) are simply responding to a demand/need of submissive men.  It also makes me wonder how widespread the dynamic is.


I'm gonna be as candid as all hell :  When it comes to gifts, I live for the surprise and romance part of it.....and know few men as giving as I. However, if I am approached in a manner consistent with your third example.... I will withdraw from the relationship completely and right away. No matter the context, when someone expects /demands a gift it ruins the romance.

- R

blackpearl81 -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/17/2007 10:36:31 PM)



I hope this won't deteriorate into a "moneyslave," "pro vs. non-pro" or other financial debate.  In this post, I am NOT talking about women  (or men) that scam by asking for tributes up front, or those that demand a gift for consideration (ie, send me a present or I won't even talk to you).   Nor am I talking about mutual "gifting" in a real life, flesh and bone relationship between mutually affectionate partners.

There's an interesting dynamic that I have observed and would like both femdom and sub opinions about.  I believe that a great number of submissive men like, prefer, and WANT to be told (read: ORDERED) to send gifts to femdoms they are courting and/or admiring (like a professional dominatrix they see, or a femdom whose web site they visit daily).  In my 10+ years of having a femdom web site, I've found three distinct results when talking of gifts (note that I rarely solicit gifts on my site):

1.  If I leave an option and information for submissives to gift if they choose, a small portion will do so and do so happily.

2. If I present an option of exchanging gifts for training, or a clear barter (ie, "I am having trouble finding these boots in my city -- if a sub can get these and send them to me, I will provide phone training in exchange."), I receive a little more response, but not much.

3. If I demand -- and clearly, the more BITCHY and more presumptuous about it -- gifts (either specific or general), and do so with a clearly sadistic, openly erotic tone - the response is strong.  Not only do more men get engaged by this and want to do it, the fallout is not resentment or frustration, many report excitement in being told and warmth in knowing they did as told.

Now, I will be honest, the dynamic in #3 isn't really consistent with my personality and also rubs my ethics the wrong way.  But after years and years of this, I feel as though a great many men simply eroticize the idea that they have no choice, that they are being ordered to do something, and that they must complete the task -- and they get real fulfillment out of it. Both during the task, and after completing it. 

My personality resonates more with #1, and I feel as though a lot of men may like to send gifts and do it because they want to show appreciation, earn favor or simply because they felt like doing something nice.   Also, I there's not much materially that I really want/need and when I need it, I just buy it. 

It makes me wonder if those femdoms that are demanding gifts (not in exchange for training) are simply responding to a demand/need of submissive men.  It also makes me wonder how widespread the dynamic is.


Akasha, (forgive me if this addressing isn't appropriate, but, I've never addressed you directly, and starting off with "Ma'am" or "Miss" seemed a little presumptious. I would prefer to err on the side of caution than make a mistake such as that.)

I've always enjoyed reading your posts. Although, there are some times where someone would want to gift/tribute willingly,  not because he/she is using it as a method to gain notice. (I myself have been in a similar situation - maybe send a gift, like a bathing basket from a place such as Bath & Body Works, to gain a prospective Dommes attention)

Then again, It could be fairly awkward - what if said person gave something like perfume/bathing salts/oils, and that person was allergic? (kinda humorous situation, but I've read about it happening nonetheless)

Personally, I don't agree with tributing immediately, specifically because you may not know enough about the person your gifting/tributing for.

On the same token, there is always the law of supply/demand - As long as there is a demand (bad pun - i know) of  ProDommes wanting to be tributed, there will be a supply of willing submissives ready to do that.



Nikolette -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/17/2007 11:01:55 PM)

I imagine its difficult to know which came first, the chicken or the egg: Femdoms demanding gifts as a result of meeting the desires of the subs, or Dommes desiring gifts from their subs and the subs experiencing the exchange with pleasure and aiming for participating in it again.

Maybe it can be traced back, way back, to kept women. The original Mistress's. I know that a HUGE part of that dynamic was gift exchange. Perhaps these women of sexual power moved from "protector" to "protector" with more and more of an egotistical attitude and demanded more and more and had their demands satisfied. Perhaps over time this dynamic continued to slowly filter down in both men and women.

I always say money and sex are two of the most powerful motivators around. So maybe its a double source of pleasure for them. Maybe they (the subs) get to feel both powerful and vulnerable/humilated in the exchange and its intoxicating. It could be powerful because they CAN give in to the Domina's demands based on their economic standing and humiliating to be cowed into providing such gifts.

These are just some random thoughts....

FukinTroll -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/17/2007 11:05:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nikolette

I imagine its difficult to know which came first, the chicken or the egg:

Oooh I love this game. Creation or evolution?

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/17/2007 11:16:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: porthuronsub
I personally wouldn't send a gift for any of the three reasons.  I did bring a gift with me for the first meeting with my Mistress, and would repeat that. 
I think it is desperate men looking/hoping to gain favor with that Mistress
Actually vanilla gentlemen when really into a lady, come bearing gifts from cheap to the slightly too extravagant, so being generous and chivalrous is not the quality of desperate men generally speaking.    M

MsCfromMelbourne -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/18/2007 1:55:41 AM)

I am a financially independent woman and submissives know I only want them for my own pleasure - absolutely nothing else.  So they have to be exemplary.

Having said that, submissives always bring flowers and I love that.  Often I am given lovely fetish wear, jewellery and wonderful new things for my dungeon.  (Of course the implied request is that I wear/use the gifts sooner or later :)

I am especially flattered when a submissive makes me something all by himself.  Many of  them are really handy with woodwork, leather craft and the like. 

Others have taken me on exotic holidays and weekends away.  A heart surgeon I was seeing took me to medical conferences at 5 star hotels all over the country. 

And of course I have had countless romantic dinners, invitations to the theatre and other normal looking "dates"

In every case, I believe the gift was a genuine expression of gratitude, so I accept graciously.  Demanding gifts (or cash) would defeat the chivalry of the gesture.

 And in my 10 years, no-one has ever just handed me cash.  That would be the height of rudeness, in my view.

MuscleyandCute -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/18/2007 7:07:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: MsCfromMelbourne

I am a financially independent woman and submissives know I only want them for my own pleasure - absolutely nothing else.  So they have to be exemplary.

Having said that, submissives always bring flowers and I love that.  Often I am given lovely fetish wear, jewellery and wonderful new things for my dungeon.  (Of course the implied request is that I wear/use the gifts sooner or later :)

I am especially flattered when a submissive makes me something all by himself.  Many of  them are really handy with woodwork, leather craft and the like. 

Others have taken me on exotic holidays and weekends away.  A heart surgeon I was seeing took me to medical conferences at 5 star hotels all over the country. 

And of course I have had countless romantic dinners, invitations to the theatre and other normal looking "dates"

In every case, I believe the gift was a genuine expression of gratitude, so I accept graciously.  Demanding gifts (or cash) would defeat the chivalry of the gesture.

And in my 10 years, no-one has ever just handed me cash.  That would be the height of rudeness, in my view.

Quite interesting to read that, you getting lots of gifts and so on.  Theres a woman I know personally who now has a submissive, he buys he stuff, he got her an expensive leather corset recently.  I didnt ask but she tells me the reason he buys all this for her is because there arent many Dommes so he feels he needs to do this in order to try keep her. 

What I find interesting is that looking at your quote above where you explain all these gifts you are given is that if you compare that to your average man its very different.  I find that most Vanilla men tend generally not to go that far because they dont need to due to the market forces and ratios between men and women.  Personally I wouldnt call it a genuine expression of gratitude so much as being perhaps a bit more out of a desperateness.  This isnt to say that Vanilla men are worse or dont treat their women well enough, its just more an equal relationship which is less based on  exchange of material goods regardless of whether they are demanded or not. 

One thing I have found from experience is that when its materially 50/50 this creates good grounding for feeling at ease with each other.  So when a Domme wants to fly over to me I will ensure that I contribute to 50% of the costs whether she suggested that originally or not.  I feel its important to go 50/50 and the reason I do this is because I want to instill a feeling whithin the other person that I genuinely see value in them as a person, or else why bother as far as Im concerned. 

Usually my dates are very keen for me not to brunt any more than 50% of the costs, I appreciate this because A) It shows they are actually interested in me. and B) It destroys any notion that we are seeing each other for any reason other than that we are seeing each other!  

Whether one demanded gifts or not isnt the issue with regards to the above paragraphs. 

When one looks at it we can see different tendencies of either sex male and female, it seems to be that mens is sex while the womens lean towards money/materials.  This is of course only one section of people, it works for them so good!  There are many catagories under this section including prostitute, gold-digger, woman who marries because of what a man has and basically any woman for whom material goods are a part of the relationship.  Then of course you have the men such as a prostitutes punters, Sugar Daddies, men who obtain women by virtue of what they have and probably a few more.  Its not something I am to critisize if thats how people want to live their lives then good for them, we all have our own ways after all.

But then again I am from a family in which my beuatifull Sister chose to leave a previous boyfreind because she moved off the University and he has millions of pounds.  She wants to do it for herself! What a good girl, giving a good name to women!

GuidingLite -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/18/2007 7:47:55 AM)

Quote:  Actually vanilla gentlemen when really into a lady, come bearing gifts from cheap to the slightly too extravagant, so being generous and chivalrous is not the quality of desperate men generally speaking.    M " End Quote

I cant speak for the men but when I go on a date I ususally do bring her a small gift.  Out of chivalrous and generous intentions, not desparation. 

porthuronsub -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/18/2007 9:00:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: BlkTallFullfig


ORIGINAL: porthuronsub
I personally wouldn't send a gift for any of the three reasons.  I did bring a gift with me for the first meeting with my Mistress, and would repeat that. 
I think it is desperate men looking/hoping to gain favor with that Mistress
Actually vanilla gentlemen when really into a lady, come bearing gifts from cheap to the slightly too extravagant, so being generous and chivalrous is not the quality of desperate men generally speaking.    M

I did not say that with the intention of implying that all men that bear gifts are desperate.  I am sorry if that is the way it came across. 

But with that said, it is the Dommes that are ultimately in control of who gets into their realm and there are far more submissives than there are Dommes.  If a submissive hasn't had any luck getting the attention he desires, he would most likely start gifting as a way to win favor out of desperation. 

Stephann -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/18/2007 10:22:01 AM)

This will sound harsh (seems I'm having a day of it, though.)  I do not confuse the desire to share a gift with a woman a man truly cares for, with the usage of financial resources as a substitute for engaging in a healthy, normal emotional interaction.

It would seem that the submissive/slave who circumvents the normal relationship expectations by blatantly purchasing a gift is not addressing the problem, but rather reveling in the avoidance.  Some female rape victims engage in dangerous sexual activities, for the same reasons.

The question I would pose, then, is would you accept a large or expensive gift from a man on a non-professional basis, if you knew you had no intention of spending time with him in the future?  Would such a gift influence the way you feel about him?


TexasMaam -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/18/2007 10:54:21 AM)


... In my 10+ years of having a femdom web site, I've found three distinct results when talking of gifts (note that I rarely solicit gifts on my site):

1.  If I leave an option and information for submissives to gift if they choose, a small portion will do so and do so happily.

2. If I present an option of exchanging gifts for training, or a clear barter (ie, "I am having trouble finding these boots in my city -- if a sub can get these and send them to me, I will provide phone training in exchange."), I receive a little more response, but not much.

3. If I demand -- and clearly, the more BITCHY and more presumptuous about it -- gifts (either specific or general), and do so with a clearly sadistic, openly erotic tone - the response is strong.  Not only do more men get engaged by this and want to do it, the fallout is not resentment or frustration, many report excitement in being told and warmth in knowing they did as told.

Now, I will be honest, the dynamic in #3 isn't really consistent with my personality and also rubs my ethics the wrong way.  But after years and years of this, I feel as though a great many men simply eroticize the idea that they have no choice, that they are being ordered to do something, and that they must complete the task -- and they get real fulfillment out of it. Both during the task, and after completing it. 

My personality resonates more with #1, and I feel as though a lot of men may like to send gifts and do it because they want to show appreciation, earn favor or simply because they felt like doing something nice.   Also, I there's not much materially that I really want/need and when I need it, I just buy it. 

It makes me wonder if those femdoms that are demanding gifts (not in exchange for training) are simply responding to a demand/need of submissive men.  It also makes me wonder how widespread the dynamic is.


I've found the exact same dynamic.  
Like you, I'm happier when receiving gifts motivated by a sub's choosing; and, like you, I've found that men genuinely respond when presenting a gift that they are told to provide.  It's fascinating.
"Caveman! Bring Meat!  Be Quick About It!"
The more stern the command, the more precise the instruction, the less conversation about it, the happier the man is to comply.
Of course, I usually reciprocate by 'fixing something delicious with the provisions', whether it's wearing the lovely boots to his delight, daubbing the perfume for an evening out and leaning my neck towards him for a soft kiss mid date, using the paddle on his silly bum, or preparing a lovely dinner table and feeding him the fruits of my culinary labors using the wine, groceries, etc that's he's provided, whatever the case may be. 
IMHO,  therein lies the man's satisfaction: having 'grunt, ugh, beat chest' provided the object of his desire with something he has absolutely no doubt that she dearly wanted, and watching her enjoy what he's given to her.
Basic male instinct.
God I love it!

GuidingLite -> RE: The femdom "gifting" dynamic (2/18/2007 10:56:28 AM)

You make alot of sense.  THanks!

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