What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (Full Version)

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What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ?

Henri/etta Rochard - played by Cary Grant in "I Was a Male War Bride"
  0% (0)
Josephine & Daphne - Tony Curtis & Jack Lemmon in "Some Like It Hot"
  1% (1)
Norman Bates - played by Anthony Perkins in "Psycho"
  1% (1)
Frank-N-Furter -played by Tim Curry in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
  44% (30)
Zaza Napoli - played by Michel Serrault in "La Cage aux Folles"
  0% (0)
Mike Dorsey / Dorothy Michaels - played by Dustin Hoffman in "Tootsie"
  5% (4)
Dil - played by Jaye Davidson in "The Crying Game"
  8% (6)
Euphegenia Doubtfire - played by Robin Williams in "Mrs. Doubtfire"
  11% (8)
Bernadette, Mitzi and Felicia in "The Adventures of Priscilla"
  4% (3)
Gerald/ine Tilson - played by Adrian Pasdar in "Just Like a Woman"
  2% (2)
Noxeema Jackson, Vida Boheme, Chi-Chi Rodriguez in "To Wong Foo ..."
  5% (4)
Albert Goldman / Starina - played by Nathan Lane in "The Birdcage"
  5% (4)
Karl / Kim Foyle - played by Steve Mackintosh in "Different for Girls"
  1% (1)
Chablis Deveau as herself in "Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil"
  2% (2)
Sisters Euphemia & Inviolata -E.Idle & R.Coltrane in "Nuns on the Run"
  0% (0)
Robert/a Muldoon - played by John Lithgow in "World According to Garp"
  1% (1)
Dr. Robert Elliott - played by Michael Caine in "Dressed to Kill"
  1% (1)
Trelkovsky - played by Roman Polanski in "The Tenant (Le Locataire)"
  0% (0)
Babs Johnson - played by Divine in "Pink Flamingos"
  0% (0)
Martin Von Essenbeck - H. Berger in "The Damned (La Caduta degli dei)"
  0% (0)
Mick/Michelle - played by David Price in "All Men are Liars"
  0% (0)
Candy Darling - played by Stephen Dorff in "I Shot Andy Warhol"
  0% (0)

Total Votes : 68
(last vote on : 6/28/2013 4:23:54 AM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


sissymaidlola -> What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/21/2005 1:03:08 AM)

OK, so who is/are your favorite big screen crossdressed male performer(s) over the last fifty odd years ? Or if you prefer, which is/are your favorite tranny movie role(s) from that period ? Or if you would prefer yet another perspective to approach this poll from ... which was your favorite movie with a gender-bending theme during the second half of the 20th century ? [Note: currently the oldest movie in this poll is the first-listed Cary Grant movie, which was released in 1949, and the latest movie in the poll is "Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil" which was released in 1997.]

Text updated 3/28/05 by sissy maid lola

sissy Apologizes that he limited his initial poll to only ten movies, but he was under the impression that that was the maximum limit allowed for the number of options in a
CollarMe poll (his having not seen any other poll here with more than ten options offered until today). Therefore, much of the rationalization that sissy wrote in this OP for why he excluded certain movies from his short list of ten no longer applies, and it has now been rewritten below.

This poll was originally initiated as a list of ten gender-bending / tranny-themed movies together with a rationalization (the original version of this OP) for why those ten had been chosen while all others had been excluded. At the time of the OP there were three or four movies on sissy's list that he really regetted having to omit (see below), and by the end of the week he had remembered another half-dozen more, so he initiated a second (PART II) poll that included all of these additional movies at the Easter weekend. In perfect accord with Murphy's Law, today sissy discovered that the number of options that can be offered in a poll is certainly much larger than ten - it's at least thirty, and probably much more than that. Accordingly, the ten movies that were in the "PART II" poll have now been added at the bottom of this one ... and clearly further movies can also be added to these.

The original ten movies in the poll had been listed in chronological order (from 1949 to 1996), but the additional ten movies completely overlapped this time span (1969 to 1997) and so they could only be appended to the original list, rather than interspersed with it, if existing votes cast for the first ten movies were to be preserved. Currently, the first fourteen movies (with the exception of one that is misplaced) are still listed in chronological release date order (running from 1949 to 1997), with the last six movies being listed in reverse chronological release date order (running from 1990 to 1969). Any additional movies that are appended to the poll at this point will continue to make the list order even more arbitrary.

Why the following movies were included

The main purpose of initiating the second poll was to rectify some of the obvious oversights / intentional omissions in the first poll for tranny movies from the sixties, seventies and eighties. The three movies that sissy originally omitted from the poll that he particularly regretted leaving out were:

- Roman Polanski's "The Tenant" (originally titled in the French "Le Locataire")
- George Roy Hill's "The World According to Garp"
- Beeban Kidron's "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar"

and the three movies that were included in their place, with some possible regrets, were "Psycho", the Cary Grant movie, and both versions of "La Cage aux Folles" (where perhaps only one of the two would have sufficed). However, sissy included those three instead because sissy is a huge admirer of film directors Mike Nichols and Alfred Hitchcock (and "Psycho" is probably Hitchcock's quintessential movie) as well as also being a big fan of Cary Grant.

Ruminating some about whether he should really have included the film "Psycho" or not - and since he did include it, why not also include any of its sequels - made sissy remember Brian De Palma's own homage to (or, depending on your viewpoint, rip-off of) this classic movie ... "Dressed to Kill". Once again, soft sweet transvestites are falsely depicted on the big screen as psychopathic killers! How sissy came to overlook this movie for his first list of ten he'll never know.

Similarly, the movie "Nuns on the Run" must have flown under sissy's radar back in 1990 when it was released ... as sissy is a big Monty Python / Eric Idle addict he is not quite certain how that one got past him. So many thanks to Mercnbeth for adding that one to the second list of ten movies. The plot of that film makes it sound like "Some Like it Hot" meets Dudley Moore's Leaping Nun of Norwich character from "Bedazzled" !!

Thinking of Dudley Moore made sissy think of Liza Minelli which in turn made him remember Bob Fosse's 1972 classic movie "Cabaret" ... which was essentially a whole burlesque / drag fest centered around the Kit-Kat Club in Berlin in the early thirties just as the Nazis were coming to power. The problem sissy had with this movie was identifying a specific transvestite character / role in the movie ... and thinking harder about it made sissy then remember the 1969 tasteless but classic Luchino Visconti movie "La Caduta degli dei" (renamed "The Damned" for the American market) which was set in the same timeframe and location as "Cabaret" and focused on the Machiavellian rise to power under the Third Reich of a murderous transvestite pedophilic mother-rapist from upper German class nobility! Continuing sissy's lousy analogies, "The Damned" is "Cabaret" meets "A Clockwork Orange" !!

Contemplating films that might be in bad taste made sissy remember another classic transvestite movie from around that period ... the 1972 exercise in ultra-bad taste by movie maverick John Waters known as Pink Flamingos. This low-budget movie directed by John (a.k.a. the Prince of Puke and the Pope of Trash) brought us yet another collaborative performance from the real-life transvestite actor Divine who played the 200+ pound doggy-poop eating white trash pink trailer park drag queen Babs Johnson. In addition to Babs - who was promoted as the "filthiest person alive" together with her egg-eating mother, chicken-loving son and voyeuristic "companion" - the film also featured chick-with-a-dick Elizabeth Coffey, a pre-op M2F transsexual who had already undergone hormone therapy to develop breasts and female features at the time of filming in Miami.

And talking of transsexuals brings sissy to two further movies he left out of his original ten because the gender-bending roles were TS/TG rather than TV:

- Richard Spence's "Different for Girls" (a.k.a. "Crossing the Border")
- Clint Eastwood's "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"

The former movie got somewhat mixed reception from cinema audiences, but the latter title is both a truly great novel as well as a very popular classic film whose larger-than-life TS character, the Lady Chablis, needs no further justification for inclusion in this poll.

Finally, the 1992 movie "Just Like a Woman" is one of the few serious, rather than comedic, movies in both polls that addresses real transvestitism head on. Rather than the crossdressing being a sub-plot (as the TG nature of Dil is in "The Crying Game" or John Lithgow's TS character is in "Garp") the whole movie is actually focused on the main story of two lovers learning to understand and cope with the one partner's need to crossdress. Furthermore, this main gender-bending character (Gerald/ine) is a heterosexual transvestite struggling with the true nature of his sexuality rather than a thespian or female impersonator, a psychopathic killer, a homosexual drag queen, or someone that crossdresses due to some rather unbelievable set of circumstances. As such, this is one of sissy's personal favorites of the twenty movies listed in this poll.

Why the following movies were excluded

sissy Makes no apologies for ignoring the movie "Victor / Victoria". Besides the fact that Julie Andrews plays a crossdressed female performer in that film (although she is shacked up with a male drag queen who would have qualified as the male nominee), that movie blew large chunks IsHO - as much as sissy loves most of Blake Edwards' other films, particularly the Pink Panther series, that particular movie probably represents the nadir of his movie-making career. [:(]

The infamous Ed Woods' movie "Glen or Glenda" also got the big elbow because it was a little too cheesy (like almost all his movies!) and was "Calamity Jane" really a gender-bending movie ? i don't think so! The Joan Crawford movie "Johnny Guitar" also didn't make the grade ... mostly because sissy hasn't seen it, hee, hee, hee ... hey, it's his poll, so screw you, buddy!

Other "close but no cigar" movies were "Goodbye Charlie" starring Debbie Reynolds and Tony Curtis (some times sissy wonders how Mr. Curtis ever acquired his macho screen image) and "The Christine Jorgensen Story" (hey, helloooo ... a post-op TS is NOT a crossdresser!), and transsexual drag queen movie "Myra Breckenridge" (maybe next poll ... any excuse to think about Raquel Welsh and Mae West, eh!). [;)]

The crossdressing and gender-bending in "Yentl" and "Just One of the Guys" movies are both of the wrong kind ... remember this is a MTF CD movie poll, not an FTM CD movie fest! Maybe sissy should do a separate poll on just that topic ? (oh shit, then sissy will have to include "Victor / Victoria" ... so perhaps better that he not, eh ?). Finally, sissy never saw the movie "Mascara" so unfortunately it didn't make the grade, either.

One of sissy's all time favorite movies is Peter Cook and Dudley Moore's original "Bedazzled" - not the pathetic nineties remake! - but he was not able to determine the name of Dudley Moore's Leaping Nun of Norwich character ... anyways, most people wouldn't really consider it a gender-bending movie now, would they ?

Well that pretty well covers all the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties movies with a transvestite or crossdressing theme that sissy could remember ... but he is certain to have screwed up and, even after two attempts at this, still missed a few more, so if you can think of one that you feel has been seriously overlooked, please post it below. Two movies with tranny themes that immediately come to mind that still haven't been included yet are Woody Allen's "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask" which contains a whole transvestite vignette starring Canadian actor Lou Jacobi, and Arthur Penn's "Little Big Man" which contained a native American Berdache character called Little Horse who was what the Cheyenne call a "hee-man-eh". Far from being a "he-man" ... the term "hee-man-eh" meant that he was a transgendered male that dressed and lived full time as a squaw.

The nineties decade probably saw the release of as many CD / transgendered themed movies as the total of all the previous decades of film making, and this rate of release continues unabated in the 21st century. This poll originally contained four movies from the nineties, and this has now been extended to nine with the addition of the second group, and there are easily enough GOOD tranny-themed movies from 1997 - 2005 still not mentioned, which when added to the few CD or gender-bending movies that were made prior to 1949, might possibly make for another poll by itself (but don't hold your breath for that one!). [sm=lol.gif] Hopefully the eleven pre-nineties movies listed in this poll represent the best of the well known gender-bending films of the 1950s through the 1980s ... but if they don't, since the limit on the number of movies that can be included in the poll is much higher than sissy originally thought, post a message on this thread stating what has been overlooked and the movie(s) can possibly be included.


sissy maid lola


Sissyslave71 -> RE: What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/21/2005 1:49:32 PM)

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.



You forgot...


"White Chicks"

malepleases4ever -> RE: What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/21/2005 2:48:19 PM)


There you are! I've been looking for you. DOwn the basement I see, shredding the bandwidth with your megabyte posts. If brevity is the soul of wit, then burying your opponents in paragraph after paragraph of pink prose must be something else altogether. You are one of the more interesting people here, and I do wish you would bring your patented outlook upstairs to the high traffic zones of this forum more often.
CM needs more sissy.

I did vote in your poll (mine was for Dustin Hoffman) but I am really here to ask you some questions. After reading a number of your other threads/posts I am very curious to know what you do for a living. Are you able to divulge this without compromising any privacy concerns?

Secondly, do you have any plans to write the sissy handbook?


sissymaidlola -> RE: I am very curious (3/21/2005 8:03:58 PM)


After reading a number of your other threads/posts I am very curious to know what you do for a living. Are you able to divulge this without compromising any privacy concerns?

None of your business, malepleases4ever. You don't have a CM profile on the other side, and you "choose not to disclose your profile" on the mb side. You don't even have the balls or common courtesy to sign your posts with even your anonymous handle. You don't have any photos, no bio, no journal, and what little you have revealed about yourself at CM via your body of posts you have prevented access to. In contrast, sissy's presence at CM is an open book with an extensive amount of info in all of those areas ... yet you wish to know more about sissy without forthcoming anything at all about yourself ? What are you hiding from ? How do you expect to establish a relationship ... any type of relationship - business, personal, romantic, kink, whatever - without giving anything at all of yourself ? You need to look up the word "mutual" ... it is the opposite of "lonely" and "sole".


Secondly, do you have any plans to write the sissy handbook?

sissy Has no idea what you are talking about but why does he suspect that that remark was meant to be contemptuous ?


If brevity is the soul of wit, then burying your opponents in paragraph after paragraph of pink prose must be something else altogether.

If brevity is the sole of wit, then sissy guesses his loquaciousness must be the mutuality of repartee! Wanna know what sissy does ? ... Man's sense of humor seems to be in inverse proportion to the gravity of his profession! Bet ya don't know who said that, do you ?

sissy maid lola


dixiedumpling -> RE: I am very curious (3/21/2005 9:35:05 PM)


Man's sense of humor seems to be in inverse proportion to the gravity of his profession! Bet ya don't know who said that, do you ?

Why Karl Rove, I never would have recognized you!

GoddessDustyGold -> RE: What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/22/2005 12:14:09 AM)

"To Wong, Foo"...and for all three. Fabulous flick

FireWalker -> RE: What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/22/2005 12:57:05 AM)

I enjoy poles! careful now... I meant this kind... lol

I voted for Dil, in the Crying Game. mmmm so lovely. I didn't know what the movie was about when I watched it and I have to admit it took Me by surprize! But ohhhh I did enjoy watching her.

-=winks=- There is just something I love about this... a favorite

Fire Walker

conflicted -> RE: What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/22/2005 5:56:57 AM)

Definately Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. i, along with my kids watch it weekly!!! [:)]

p.s. sissymaidlola, i love reading your bright pink posts [;)]


sissymaidlola -> RE: Rove drag rage drove repartee re riposte re-post (3/22/2005 8:02:26 AM)


Why Karl Rove, I never would have recognized you!

Rove drag rage drove repartee re departed rogue's deleted riposte re-post

Well, the title of this re-posted post says it all, really <giggles>. [;)] OMG ... how did dixie dumpling manage to recognize that sissy was Karl Rove in drag ? Did the rage in sissy's repartee with the now departed rogue malepleases4ever and his deleted riposte reveal the real deal ? Rats ... reality's now disclosed. Rightwing Republicans really do desire to dress in raunchy red robed raiment ...


sissy maid lola


sissymaidlola -> RE: "To Wong Foo ..." movie omission (3/22/2005 8:45:22 AM)


"To Wong, Foo"...and for all three. Fabulous flick.

Yes, Ma'am, as sissy stated in his OP he really regrets having to leave that movie out! [:(] Unfortunately, the limit on the length of text for each poll option prevented sissy from listing the three roles, the three actors and the movie name on a single line without it being really cryptic. It lost its slot to Psycho! Now sissy isn't really expecting poor old Master Bates to show up in this poll as everyone's favorite TV, but by including that movie it meant there were at least two of the CD movie choices in the poll that presented a "serious CD role" as opposed to simply being comedies (the other film being The Crying Game).

Even today, it's very hard to put a man in a dress into a movie without either that role being considered light comic relief to the rest of the drama, or the whole movie being a comedy anyway. To do drag comedy is almost self-fulfilling ... but to do drag drama that resonates with its audience (as both Psycho and The Crying Game did) requires quite some skill from all concerned - script writer(s), actor(s) and director. OTOH, the image that all transvestites are mother-fixated psychopathic killers that was the immediate legacy of the quintessential Anthony Perkins role didn't exactly do male crossdressers in the sixties any favors either! [:D]

Hopefully, in the absence of To Wong Foo ..., You were able to vote for one of the other tranny movie candidates, Ma'am.

Respectfrilly Yours,

sissy maid lola


sissymaidlola -> RE: What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/22/2005 9:18:42 AM)


Definately Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. i, along with my kids watch it weekly!!!

Well now, conflicted, you might be taking the call to patriotic duty to the next level here! <giggles>. But sissy is a teeny weeny bit confused, ma'am ... if you like the movie so much, why didn't you vote for it ? As sissy writes this, it only has one vote (and sissy is pretty certain that was dani's vote). <winks at conflicted and whispers conspiratorially> So which movie did ya vote for ? You can tell sissy ... it won't go any further ... honest!


sissy maid lola


sissymaidlola -> RE: The Crying Game (3/22/2005 11:15:06 PM)


I voted for Dil, in the Crying Game. mmmm so lovely. I didn't know what the movie was about when I watched it and I have to admit it took Me by surprize! But ohhhh I did enjoy watching her.

Well thank You for voting, Ma'am, and that was also the movie that sissy voted for too. Like You, Ma'am, sissy was taken by surprise by this unusual element of the movie when it developed ... but, then again, that was the strength of this film! Lots of surprise twists, great acting, and two or three major storylines interwoven ... and all supported by great direction. It is one of those movies like Seven or The Sixth Sense that not only enthralls one more and more as one watches it, but also each time one watches it. Because the movie neither used the TG theme as comic relief nor as a sensational hook to increase ratings, but just threw it into the plot in a very natural and matter of fact way, means that this movie still remains one of the very best exponents of transgendered issues made to date.

This is not something that the movie specifically set out to do ... the TG nature of Dil is just one facet of many in the dynamics of the attraction between Dil and Fergus, and promoting TG awareness was neither a goal nor an agenda of the movie. Yet it admirably achieved that goal much better than other movies that have been made specifically to try and educate and further awareness of transgendered issues. For example, Ed Wood's Glen or Glenda was a labor of love by Ed, a TV, to try and promote better awareness and acceptance of transvestite issues. But the movie is so cheesy that it probably only managed to achieve for transvestitism what Reefer Madness did for promoting the cause of better awareness of the dangers of drug abuse! [sm=lol.gif] ROTFLMAO

Respectfrilly Yours,

sissy maid lola


MsSilvie -> RE: The Crying Game (3/23/2005 9:14:12 PM)

I'm just a fan of a sweet transvestite from transexual Transilvania...

So much so, I sometimes end up typing in pink when I quote sissymaidlola!

sissymaidlola -> RE: Typing in Pink (3/23/2005 9:28:46 PM)


So much so, I sometimes end up typing in pink when I quote sissymaidlola!

Oh, there's nothing wrong with typing in pink, Ms Silvie. Lots of famous people and characters throughout history have typed in pink. Even some famous cartoon felines ... de-dum, de-dum, de-dumpty-dumpty-dum, de-dumpty-daaaa, da-da-dum !


sissy maid lola


conflicted -> RE: Typing in Pink (3/24/2005 11:02:19 PM)


As sissy writes this, it only has one vote (and sissy is pretty certain that was dani's vote). <winks at conflicted and whispers conspiratorially> So which movie did ya vote for ? You can tell sissy ... it won't go any further ... honest!


ooops! sorry sissy...i'm a bit naughty, and forgot to actually vote!!
Though i have now corrected that and Priscilla now has 2 [;)]


fencerpet19 -> RE: The Crying Game (3/25/2005 12:45:56 AM)



I'm just a fan of a sweet transvestite from transexual Transilvania...

Never worry never fear Frank the wonder-f*** is here!
Long or short, thick or thin, vaseline will get it in!
2, 4, 6, 8, Frankie's f***s are always great!
Yaaaayyyy Frankie!

sissymaidlola -> RE: Further Frankie Furter Refrains (3/25/2005 7:57:26 AM)


Long or short, thick or thin, vaseline will get it in!

Long or short, thick or thin, vaseline will get it in
On your back, or on your belly, things go best with KY jelly
But, Riff Raff, that candelabra will NEVER EVER fit! ....

Hot patootie, bless my soul, I really love that rock 'n' roll.

sissy maid lola


Mercnbeth -> RE: What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/25/2005 11:50:09 AM)

Nuns on the Run (1990)
Eric Idle .... Brian Hope/Sister Euphemia
Robbie Coltrane .... Charlie McManus/Sister Inviolata

Combines cross dressing with religious fetish and catholic discipline.

onceburned -> RE: What is your favorite transvestite and/or gender-bending movie / role ? (3/25/2005 2:37:34 PM)

Mi Pollo Loco (1995)

Okay, I haven't actually seen it - but I want to. The name is a play on a Southern California restaurant chain and the movie Mi Vida Loca which came out about the same time. Its a spoof, obviously, and the public radio station in Santa Monica had rave reviews for the theatrical version of it.

fencerpet19 -> RE: Further Frankie Furter Refrains (3/25/2005 4:17:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: sissymaidlola
Hot patootie, bless my soul, I really love that rock 'n' roll.

sissy maid lola


Haha Oh great! Now that song's stuck in my head lol! Eddy's my favorite character. Too bad he had to go and get himself chopped up so quickly!

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