Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (2/28/2007 10:37:08 PM)

I could probably go to michaels and get a job as  one of the staff that teach crafts there, but other than that?

I know that I would enjoy and thrive on a job where arts and crafts were a part of my job, I do not, however want to have to go to school years and years for it, or pay tons of money.

FangsNfeet -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (2/28/2007 10:58:04 PM)

You don't have to go to school to teach your trades.

There are plenty of music tutors and craftsmen who do not have certifications nor degrees. They only look good for when being hired by institutions. Otherwise, just put an add in the paper and teach what you know to people at home. Attend a few workshops here and there and then see about working for traveling workshops. Also, think about starting your own workshop as well.

Mysti -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (2/28/2007 11:20:50 PM)

Do you make things and want to sell them to make a profit? oh lord that sounded like a infomercial.. I have a shop on a site called etsy. the basic rules for it is that the item has to be either a: handmade, or b: be used to make something handmade. its me newest addiction. It doesnt pay the rent but it helps out, and could be a fun diversion for you. Follow the link in my sig and check the site out :)

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (2/28/2007 11:25:42 PM)

Mysti I make  home made things yes, I often make items from scratch with minimal non made by me items, like foam penguins, or earrings! I'll check it out.

Mysti -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (2/28/2007 11:31:44 PM)

Its really my latest addiction. And better than ebay since all listings are a flat fee of 20 cents each. none of this graduated selling fees like ebay. and you can have up to 5 photos free instead of paying up the yinyang. I'm definately an etsy convert and I'd be happy to help you get started if youre interested. just shoot me an email here :)

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (2/28/2007 11:40:34 PM)

I did sh oot you an email:)

BBBTBW -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (2/28/2007 11:47:23 PM)

I work in a group home with adults with developmental disabilities.  I am always amazed at the skills they have acquired over the years.  I have one client that makes cross stitch coasters and sells them.  He will put a basic monogram on them and do them in any color you desire.  I have toyed with the idea of having a traveling crafting class that offers simple/quick/classy crafts that can be completed in less than an hour for the average person.  It would be interesting if I could make something of this nature into a business.  Obtaining a grant from the gov't and making the classes available to the grouphome agencies around the state, charging each individual a nominal fee for supplies. It may take a person with developmental disabilities a little longer to grasp the concept.  But once they have it, they have it.  Offer the class once a month and open up some horizons, make some new friends and have some fun.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (2/28/2007 11:55:07 PM)

BBT I almost got hired as an adult group home staff, my mom still knows the lady who almost hired me, I could definatly ask her if I can do crafts with the adults in the group home! I probably would not get payed for that, but I'd enjoy it anyway!

BBBTBW -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (3/1/2007 12:26:33 AM)

Create a Business...Apply for a gov't grant.  Use that for your operating expenses and charge the participants a nominal fee for supplies.  Or if you don't want to do the grant thing, incorporate your expenses into a supply kit and charge them for that.  doing it once a month is not going to break their banks, believe you me and they will enjoy it.  I know we are always looking for things to do and places to go and many times things are few and far between.  The guy that does the coasters is but one crafty person.  I have a lady that does latch hook and is intersted in learning to do rubber stamping etc....and they love making things for their families...b-day gifts would serve your creative side as well as your humanity side.

Geez, I think I am talking myself into something and its working [:D]

If you want to talk on the other side, feel free to e-mail me

wandersalone -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (3/1/2007 2:05:58 AM)

What about try selling your crafts at local markets
Work in a craft/hobby shop and/or teach classes in whatever you do 
Check if the local colleges want people to run their adult education classes
sell online
Volunteer your services in community organisations
start selling your crafts to friends

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (3/1/2007 9:58:22 AM)

wander I want to try craft bizzar's the timing has to be right though. They come along once every year, holidays usualy like X mas. Perhaps next year I will be in a position to do one, it's 25 dollars for two tables, Which is very reasonable. lord knows I've got tons of items I could sell if people at the bizzar were in a buying kind of mood:D Or since X mas is seasonal, I could find an all encompassing bizarr!

I could start a huge trunk thing of items to sell and store them up, and keep adding as time goes on, I already have bout 200plus infinity  items.

There was this one hospice place that wanted crafters, you could do it right from your home, or in the hospices, they would also pay for the supplies you needed, which would be great, you get to teach the craft do the craft and no out ofp ocket expense.

Crafts are a wonderful thing huh:D I'm not really looking to go big time, like grants and my own full time buisness, I've tried selling online, didn't work to well nobody wanted the items. It'd be neat if I could be on one of those shows, you know where you do the craft on tv, and every one watches and you show them how. Don't know how that'd come to fruitation though, but it's a nice idea.

KenDckey -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (3/1/2007 11:11:52 AM)

Have you considered working for your local Parks/Recreation Department?  They teach and do a ton of crafts.

fergus -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (3/1/2007 11:21:43 AM)

with ebay and other internet venues it is TOTALLY easy to start doing what it is you want to do - and you can do it slowly and build it up over time during your free time so that you do not have to starve while doing it ;)

Couple tricks though,
1) You will have to work reallyhard - bust your ass in fact.
2) People will not just magically know who or where you are or what you make/sell, you have to spend a LOT of time (and a little cash) reaching out - advertising and such
3) you have to work really hard - very little free time, especially at the beginning
4) Hustle - never pass up an opportunity - follow every lead
5) you will have to work really hard - especially if you are by yourfself doing it - making products, coming up with original designs, marketing them, customer service, advertising, etc.
6) Rule of thumb - what ever your product costs you in materials, you should sell it for about 3.5 times what the materials cost was - this helps compensate for time, other expenses, and what not. 
7) you must work really hard
8) Research - is there a market for what you do?  What are other items like your selling for? What makes your better/unique/cheaper/higherquality?
9) You must be prepared to work really hard.


Vendaval -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (3/1/2007 6:31:18 PM)

Parks and Rec is a good idea, KD.  I also suggest the YMCA,
Boys and Girls Club, senior citizen centers, adult ed at any
community college and summer camps for kids.

Mysti -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (3/1/2007 8:07:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: fergus

with ebay and other internet venues it is TOTALLY easy to start doing what it is you want to do - and you can do it slowly and build it up over time during your free time so that you do not have to starve while doing it ;)

Couple tricks though,
1) You will have to work reallyhard - bust your ass in fact.
2) People will not just magically know who or where you are or what you make/sell, you have to spend a LOT of time (and a little cash) reaching out - advertising and such
3) you have to work really hard - very little free time, especially at the beginning
4) Hustle - never pass up an opportunity - follow every lead
5) you will have to work really hard - especially if you are by yourfself doing it - making products, coming up with original designs, marketing them, customer service, advertising, etc.
6) Rule of thumb - what ever your product costs you in materials, you should sell it for about 3.5 times what the materials cost was - this helps compensate for time, other expenses, and what not. 
7) you must work really hard
8) Research - is there a market for what you do?  What are other items like your selling for? What makes your better/unique/cheaper/higherquality?
9) You must be prepared to work really hard.


I concur with all of this though my usual markup is closer to somewhere between 1 1/2 and 2. Its not my bread and butter, i just genuinely love it. I bust my ass with advertising though myspace, when i sell on ebay, and shit even in my forum sig. im an advertising whore, and it shows in my packaging. i brand everything from the wrappings, to the mailing packages, to sending out a few business cards with each purchase. its not your local churches craft bazarr but i love every second of it

YourhandMyAss -> RE: Jobs that involve crafts as part of your job. (3/1/2007 10:52:30 PM)

parks and rec would be a good idea, we have one right down here!

Fergus I got so much stuff I made from craft projects past I am litterally all set for abouta year with stuff lol. I always make new stuff of course, but I am back piled.

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