RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (Full Version)

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LadyAngelika -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/20/2010 8:22:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rochsub2009

i'm an INTJ.  i was always told that INTJ was a rare personality type.  But from reading some of the responses in this thread, we are the majority of the population here on CM.

i used to feel special, but now i feel as unique as a rice farmer in China.

Oh trust me, you are unique ;-)

- LA

Rochsub2009 -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/20/2010 8:25:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

Oh trust me, you are unique ;-)

Flatterer.  [:)]

Whiplashsmile4 -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/20/2010 9:23:54 PM)

How about PNTJ (Perverted None Thinking Jerk)?

pompeii -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 7:40:19 AM)

I too was amazed at the staggering number of INTJ's & INFJs in this kink arena. Makes we few ESTPs wonder if we're in the wrong fetish! :)

juliaoceania -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 8:48:14 AM)

This is an old thread... forget it

wykkidesire2plsU -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 4:59:26 PM)


I'm INTP. Don't know how rare it is, but the description I read was very accurate. My sign(Libra) is completely off, but that nails me on the head. Hocuspokus 0 science 1?

i just took the test and i am too! i felt the same, that "hey, someone gets me"[:D]

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 5:05:18 PM)

It makes sense, to me, that INTJs would make up a larger than average proportion of the population here -- INTJ is willing to explore ideas, start new things, and yet has very clear ideas about how things are supposed to go... sounds like a good fit for an alternative expression and rules-oriented type group to me.'

In the general population, INTJs make up about 1% of the population.


wandrinfule -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 5:55:01 PM)

INFP/INTP depending on mood. But these tests are basically astrology. Which apparently isn't enough to stop me from participating

LadyAngelika -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 6:55:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23


ORIGINAL: pompeii
I too was amazed at the staggering number of INTJ's & INFJs in this kink arena. Makes we few ESTPs wonder if we're in the wrong fetish! :)

I find the claims that there are so many INTJ and INFJ rather suspicious.  Especially since many of the people claiming to be INTJs and INFJs also claim to be pretty outgoing and social people (which is a contradiction).   I think we either have a lot of people who answered the test questions wrong, or a lot of liars.  I'm prone to suspecting them of lying about their social lives than their test score though.

You bring up a very interesting poing Psychonaut23 about the large claim of INTJs and INFJs but rather than call people liars, I'll propose a few other alternatives.

1) They aren't self-aware and could not answer the questionnaire properly.
2) They didn't really understand the questions.
3) They didn't take the real MBTI but rather a clone test off the internet which for legal reasons was not the same.
4) Kinky people tend to be more introverted because they protect a clandestine kink.

Just a few alternate explanation, not saying any of them are "the truth", but other plausible explanations other than "they are liars".

Our firm uses MBTI along side BigFive and a few other metrics. I personally don't put a lot of faith in them. They are interesting, but not the be all and end all.

Edited to add: Oh yeah, also, I'm actually not an Extrovert, but rather an Ambivert so the MBTI is misleading.

- LA

InvisibleBlack -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 8:07:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

Edited to add: Oh yeah, also, I'm actually not an Extrovert, but rather an Ambivert so the MBTI is misleading.

- LA

I had to go and look that word up. Given my results these days on the MBTI, I'd expect I've changed over the years from an introvert to an ambivert. Thanks for the new word. Pity it's not French. [;)]

pyroaquatic -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 8:10:18 PM)

Nailing a person down to a neat little category is like nailing the elusive snakefly caught only on camera.


LadyAngelika -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 8:12:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: InvisibleBlack


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

Edited to add: Oh yeah, also, I'm actually not an Extrovert, but rather an Ambivert so the MBTI is misleading.

- LA

I had to go and look that word up. Given my results these days on the MBTI, I'd expect I've changed over the years from an introvert to an ambivert. Thanks for the new word. Pity it's not French. [;)]

Je suis ambivertie ;-)

- LA

ETA: I might be wrong, but I thought the MBTI was not supposed to change...

FetishRose -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 8:18:37 PM)

I'm an ENTJ, the field marshal. Although its one of the rarer ones at less than 2% of the population, it's pretty spot on for me.
It is considered more of a dominant type, but I am quite dominant in my daily life, so that works :)

InvisibleBlack -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 8:29:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

I had to go and look that word up. Given my results these days on the MBTI, I'd expect I've changed over the years from an introvert to an ambivert. Thanks for the new word. Pity it's not French. [;)]

Je suis ambivertie ;-)

Querida! I still recall... It was your first funeral. You were so beautiful -- pale, and mysterious.  No one even
looked at the corpse!


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
ETA: I might be wrong, but I thought the MBTI was not supposed to change...

When I first took it back when I was in college (back at the Dawn of Time before dinosaurs walked the Earth) I was an INTJ and reasonably high on the I scale. I took it again for work sometime in my early thirties and then I took it again a couple of years ago when I started this new job. Over time the I score has dropped and now it's borderline - one question different and I'd be an ENTJ. Over twenty years, people do change.

LadyAngelika -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 8:34:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: InvisibleBlack

ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
ETA: I might be wrong, but I thought the MBTI was not supposed to change...

When I first took it back when I was in college (back at the Dawn of Time before dinosaurs walked the Earth) I was an INTJ and reasonably high on the I scale. I took it again for work sometime in my early thirties and then I took it again a couple of years ago when I started this new job. Over time the I score has dropped and now it's borderline - one question different and I'd be an ENTJ. Over twenty years, people do change.

Oh I agree. I was just saying, there are purists who say you do not change, not MBTI. But I agree you can change. With time, I am less E and more I.

I found this interesting commentary on MBTI:

The bottom line here is that your personality type is the four-letter type that you think best represents your natural preferences, regardless of your MBTI Indicator results. So, when you compare the two type descriptions, if INFJ feels like a better fit, than that most likely reflects your true personality.

That said, there are many reasons that you might take the MBTI instrument two different times and come out with different results. Sometimes circumstances in your life can lead you to answer the questions on the instrument so that your reported MBTI type does not reflect your true preferences. Here are some possible explanations for the discrepancy:

You might be working especially hard to develop one of the mental processes (e.g. Perceiving), so that you report it on the MBTI instrument with stronger than usual emphasis.

You might have taken the MBTI instrument one time as your "job self," responding as you see yourself acting on the job, and you might have taken it another time as your "home self," responding as you see yourself in your home environment.

You may have answered the MBTI questions based on someone else's expectations of you (e.g. your parents, family, friends, or work colleagues).

You may not be acting typically because of stress or a current challenge in your life right now. For instance, if you happen to be experiencing a lot of change and lack of control in your life right now, you might find yourself out of necessity leaning more toward the Perceiving side of the Judging-Perceiving preference dichotomy pair.

Think back to your frame of mind when you were answering the questions. Then, consider how it may have affected your reporting of yourself and whether it reflects your true type. Finally, if your true preference is for Judging, you'll undoubtedly find yourself identifying more naturally with the "J" statements in the paired list below:

J: I like to push to get things settled and decided
P: I strive to keep my options open so new information may be gathered

J: My preference is to have things organized into a clear plan
P: My preference is to explore things without a pre-planned structure

J: I like having due dates and staying well ahead of them
P: I want to follow my curiosity and work best under pressure as deadlines approach

J: I prefer to finish one project before beginning another.
P: I prefer to have several projects in the works at the same time.

J: I need to finish my work before I can play
P: I want work that feels like play

J: I want a clear idea of what is expected of me
P: I want the freedom and trust to work in my own way

J: I have been told that I decide things too quickly
P: I have been told that I have trouble making decisions

- LA

LadyAngelika -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 8:36:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: InvisibleBlack


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

I had to go and look that word up. Given my results these days on the MBTI, I'd expect I've changed over the years from an introvert to an ambivert. Thanks for the new word. Pity it's not French. [;)]

Je suis ambivertie ;-)

Querida! I still recall... It was your first funeral. You were so beautiful -- pale, and mysterious.  No one even
looked at the corpse!

You are such a charmer ;-)

- LA

lucylucy -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/21/2010 9:50:23 PM)

I'm INTP. This description of the INTP personality type is absolutely me: It's so me, it's a little creepy.

How does this connect to how I conduct myself in BDSM activities? I told my boyfriend early on that I think too damn much and I want to experience life less in my head and more in my body. Submitting forces me to experience life more through my body. It gives my life balance.

crazyml -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/22/2010 11:18:51 AM)

Alas I don't believe in any of this nonsense.

Which, as my friends are constantly reminding me, is a typical ENTJ (or Scorpio) response

domiguy -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/22/2010 11:26:00 AM)



Katy: INTJ's comprise approximately 1% of the general population (acc. to a book I have on the M-Briggs test). That of course includes both sexes.  But then again katy is an incredibly vile whore.  I don't think this test was formatted to include the likes of a katy.

I am an INFJ
- Susan

I can only hope that SusanofO is still an INFJ and that katy is still a vile whore.

BignBlonde4u -> RE: Myers-Briggs personality types (1/22/2010 11:42:36 AM)

Do you know where you can take the test and get results for free?

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