RE: how many slaves (Full Version)

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goodpet -> RE: how many slaves (3/13/2007 2:39:11 PM)

 Right now it  is just me. I was collared last May, '06. I knew from the begining that He was poly and wanted additional folks in His life. That might include an additional slave.

We are not in a position, like LA to take on the responsiblility of another person. (we already have a dog and the roommate has two cats we take care of mostly.)  We are trying to buy a house and have several conferences to work on or present at.  We don't have the time right now to dedicate to a new relationship.

Although the time is not right for a new partner right now, we both like to have an open door and friends over often, so we do open the house to many friends, have formal dinners,  and some overnight subbie guests, but we don't do the casual swinging outside a relationship,  so it more friendship and snuggling.

We attend a few poly groups and it is on the back burner, but someday, who knows, the right person will show up and there you go, He will have two slaves on His hands to deal with..

behindmirrors -> RE: how many slaves (3/13/2007 6:28:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: yourmaster1969

ok slaves
How many slaves does your master have and what would you do if master wanted to bring another slave in to the relationship

My Master has one slave, and that is me.
What would I do if he wanted to bring in another? Talk to him. See why. Ask what he's looking for, and if I will be involved with any other slave(s). Think long and hard about it, and keep talking to him.
I don't think that's anytime in the near future, though- and I'm happy with that.


DiurnalVampire -> RE: how many slaves (3/13/2007 6:32:44 PM)

From the other side only becasue Angel never as access at school. 
I have only him, right now.  He knows full wel I want to bring on someone else, and it ha always been something we have talked about.  Anyone else would not be 24/7 and would most definately not be living with me, not until they earned the spot if they could. He is alright with it, so he says. That remains to be seen.


ownedgirlie -> RE: how many slaves (3/13/2007 7:07:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: yourmaster1969

.....what would you do if master wanted to bring another slave in to the relationship

I would do whatever he told me to do.  He may want me to help train her/him.  He may want various levels of my assistance depending on the other slave.  He may want me out of it completely.  Whatever he wants, that's basically what I'd do. 

Celeste43 -> RE: how many slaves (3/14/2007 5:41:34 PM)

Monogamy is one of our ground rules, no cyber, no phone sex, no play even without sex with anyone else. If he came home one day and announced he was changing the rules, he would be free to find someone else but I wouldn't be there.

Changing the ground rules that I agreed to in order to enter the relationship constitutes ending the relationship imo.

aurora31 -> RE: how many slaves (3/14/2007 7:28:46 PM)

I am one of three slaves in Sir's house. His alpha has been with him for close to 6 yrs and me and my sister slave joined the house together about a month and a half ago. If he wanted to bring another in the house I would discuss any concerns I may have but in the end it is his decision and I will live with it and make the best of it.


whipingherfeet -> RE: how many slaves (4/18/2007 7:13:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: aurora31what a lucky master
I am one of three slaves in Sir's house. His alpha has been with him for close to 6 yrs and me and my sister slave joined the house together about a month and a half ago. If he wanted to bring another in the house I would discuss any concerns I may have but in the end it is his decision and I will live with it and make the best of it.


slaveish -> RE: how many slaves (4/18/2007 1:00:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: yourmaster1969

ok slaves
How many slaves does your master have and what would you do if master wanted to bring another slave in to the relationship

He has one other slave (wife), and me. If he wanted to bring in another ... ~shrug~ I'm sure he'd do it well, make sure it was a good choice for everyone involved, and everything would be fine.

michaels4evr -> RE: how many slaves (4/18/2007 2:15:00 PM)

just me at the moment. Master wants another slave in the relationship because that would make me happy. I wouldn't mind two or three more actually. Therefore He's given me permission to look..its really difficult to find someone who would work for us, however, let alone more than one.

starshineowned -> RE: how many slaves (4/18/2007 2:34:55 PM)



How many slaves does your master have
Currently just this slut.


what would you do if master wanted to bring another slave in to the relationship
The want of a eventual poly/family dynamic was well laid out and explained to me by Master before begged collar. It continues to be a frequently visited topic as the search continues. Master just says if it happens thats wonderful but if it doesn't..then it doesn't.

Well Wishes
Happy slave of Master Delvin

Celeste43 -> RE: how many slaves (4/18/2007 5:32:22 PM)

Sub not slave and we're monogamous. If he changes his mind he's welcome to go look for someone else but then I'm welcome to walk.

Casie -> RE: how many slaves (4/18/2007 5:43:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: yourmaster1969

ok slaves
How many slaves does your master have and what would you do if master wanted to bring another slave in to the relationship

He has just me,  I'm not sure how I'd react  Honestly I would probably be uneasy and scared that our relationship would change. Over time I would warm up to the idea

Devilslilsister -> RE: how many slaves (4/19/2007 7:00:49 AM)

Currently we are in no position to bring another person into the mix.  Atleast i'm in no position to bring another person into the mix = )  i'm too emotionally charged and bringing in another person with another set of problems and stress would be a recipe for disaster.  Master is poly, while i am not really.  We've discussed bringing in another and i voiced all concerns i have with the idea and he seems to have decided that its not a good time for it.  imo - maybe in a few years, if all things go well....  who knows what the future holds? 

Currently its just me tho. 

smilingjaguar -> RE: how many slaves (4/19/2007 10:06:27 AM)

(fast reply)

He has me.  We have talked many times about adding another female slave but decided that right now there is too much chaos to even attempt another relationship at this time.

greeneyes1962 -> RE: how many slaves (4/19/2007 1:03:37 PM)

I am the one and only. He has not expressed an interest in having a 2nd, i can't honestly say how i'd react.

leili -> RE: how many slaves (4/19/2007 1:06:44 PM)

okay, again, no one is going to like my answer.  oh well, you can all get over it the way i see it LOL.  anyways, your Master is your Master and if he brings another slave in it doesn't really matter if you give a shit about it or not now does it?  anyway, this is just the way i see it, and also, you should enjoy having some company anyways.  plus someone else to play with.  blechth, i hate posts like this.  it's like, omg, another girl is coming!  you should be happy they are coming.  sorry for the rudeness but my opinion differs strongly from those around me

slo18 -> RE: how many slaves (4/19/2007 1:26:58 PM)

well  my Dom doesnt have any slaves  but he has me one submissive.  we have discussed the possability of finding a thrid in the future  but he doesnt wish to do this right now because  he doesnt feel we are solid enough to incorparte a perminent  thrid.  maybe some day.     and I would welcome her as best I could. ( am not always the most friendly person toward women.)

smilingjaguar -> RE: how many slaves (4/19/2007 2:24:05 PM)


anyways, your Master is your Master and if he brings another slave in it doesn't really matter if you give a shit about it or not now does it? 

I'm sure there are relationships where this is true.  However, I'm not just an obedient pussy to him.  I have a mind and a heart, and if he didn't realize this he wouldn't be getting anywhere south of them.  We have been together for 10 years come tomorrow.  He has always had the final say, but he fully expects to know my true thoughts and feelings about anything he asks of me.  Part of the reason for the "not yet" decision is an UM with a medical condition we need to focus on as well as being a little unsure of what he's looking for.  He's undecided on whether he wants another slave equal to me or a someone who submits to him but can domme me while he's away.  I guess this would put me submitting to the both of them.

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