3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (Full Version)

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subinutah -> 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/16/2007 10:19:43 AM)


domiguy -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/16/2007 10:38:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: subinutah


Just goes to show you can rape the willing and still face jail time...just be cause it might be consentual doesn't make it legal...One nice thing, the guys castrated won't be able to pass on their "desirable" genes.  Thin the herd.

MissSCD -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/16/2007 10:47:28 AM)

Whoa that is some heavy stuff.  I think I have talked with one or two of them before. 
That is in NC.  I am in SC. 
I would never do anything like that in a dungeon, but still there are so many things to think about when opening one.  
I am better off doing dinner parties. 

Regards, MissSCD

bayboundse -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/16/2007 12:53:07 PM)

Darwin Awards for these guys. They have been taken out of the gene pool. The ones who did it...well nothing wrong there except a few state lic. lol

EasyE -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/17/2007 4:58:09 PM)

Wouldn't like it myself but for God sakes when will the government stop trying to control what people do with their bodies, which has no effect on others.  You can't commit suicide by law...


Our government has become way too far reaching.  Something is going to hae to happen eventually

MsParados -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/18/2007 2:43:35 PM)

I'm with you. If they want to do it, why punish the ones that supplied that service? Our bodies, our lives..... fuck off uncle sam!

SmokingGun82 -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/18/2007 5:17:49 PM)

Agreed. But then again, I'm rather proud to be a "crazy libertarian," as Rush calls us.

Yang4yin -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/18/2007 5:56:14 PM)



I'm with you. If they want to do it, why punish the ones that supplied that service? Our bodies, our lives..... fuck off uncle sam!

If the "victims" had gone to a licensed physician for the procedure, everything would've been legal. It's a little strange that the misdemeanor charges of practicing without a license were dropped in the plea agreement.

SmokingGun82 -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/18/2007 6:04:32 PM)

Why should any adult have to go to a licensed physician? If I want to hire my gardener to take out my spleen, shouldn't that be my right?

sweetnurseBBW -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/18/2007 7:22:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: SmokingGun82

Why should any adult have to go to a licensed physician? If I want to hire my gardener to take out my spleen, shouldn't that be my right?

Wouldn't you rather have someone who knew what they were doing taking out an organ? Gardner can make my flowers look pretty but major surgery, not so sure about that one.

SmokingGun82 -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/18/2007 9:00:00 PM)

Of course I'd rather have a doctor do it... but I think that if someone prefers the idea of gardening shears being used, that's their decision.

cjenny -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/19/2007 5:07:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: SmokingGun82

Of course I'd rather have a doctor do it... but I think that if someone prefers the idea of gardening shears being used, that's their decision.

My first instinct was to agree, but..
What happens when it goes bad? If the peep hasn't medical insurance 'we' end up paying for the repairs. I would worry about sterility in a garage.

SmokingGun82 -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/19/2007 8:04:24 AM)

Ah, but you're assuming that in a world that lets people choose to have surgery in a garage there's not universal healthcare... or some happy little clause saying "If you hire the local blacksmith to do your surgery, tough nut, buddy."

starshineowned -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/20/2007 5:23:57 AM)


What I would like to know is how did the police even find out about this operation? Was it poor advertisement on the owners part or a unhappy customer?

Next I have to agree while on one hand the laws do tend to be a tad bit over protective (cough intrusive) on society in the guise of maintaing social order...but I also agree that most of the time it is society that ends up footing the bill for such incidents in one way or the other.

Think Kilvorkian (spelling) was very much on the right track with how he went about offering persons the option of suicide versus horrid suffering. Hopefully more like him will pop up in time.

Well Wishes
Happy slave of Master Delvin

SilentHunter -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/20/2007 5:41:51 AM)

I seen some of the surgeons over here in the UK, and with free healthcare (well its technically free, but you pay with National Health contributions), i also worked in the hospitals and know some of the level of care from some lol. I think going to a cutter who was doing them in his garage you would leave with less than you went in sure, but bet you wouldn't end up with MRSA?

starshineowned -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (3/20/2007 5:51:25 AM)

Most probably true Sir. Hospitals are the worse for staph spreading but that many hands in the pot as well as visitors to and fro makes control of such extremely difficult.

Never seemed to fail..family would come..see the bright shiny "please see the nurse before entering" sign on the door, and walk right on in to hug and kiss mom or grandma..oi. NA's were bad enough and think just lack of understanding but laundry, housekeeping, and extended services didn't help matters much in prevention of spread..lol.

Well Wishes
Happy slave of Master Delvin

Aswad -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (4/5/2007 10:23:58 PM)



Wouldn't like it myself but for God sakes when will the government stop trying to control what people do with their bodies, which has no effect on others.  You can't commit suicide by law...

Actually, you can. There's even a term for it, something along the lines of "law-enforcement assisted suicide". That's when you provoke the police into shooting you without actually posing a threat to them. Rather irresponsible, as some police officers may get traumatized, but not illegal as such.

Aswad -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (4/5/2007 10:32:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yang4yin

If the "victims" had gone to a licensed physician for the procedure, everything would've been legal. It's a little strange that the misdemeanor charges of practicing without a license were dropped in the plea agreement.

That one kind of stuck with me too... They dropped all the charges except the one that was related to consensual body modification in a BDSM-context, which means they essentially felt that the only thing important about this case was setting a precedent saying that you can't consent to "perversion", as they called it.

Operating what conceptually amounts to an unlicenced surgical clinic would rank a whole lot higher on my list of priorities than controlling what their "patients" were allowed to do with their own bodies. The statement from the judge essentially comes across as a moral panic.

I'd prefer to see them sentenced for how they were doing this (unlicenced, etc.), rather than why. There's a reason why docs and clinics need to have a licence; operating an illegal one might give the "patients" the wrong impression about the risks associated with doing something in a place like that, as opposed to doing it at home, with 911 just a few keystrokes away, following the written instructions of a licenced doctor (who obviously can't do the procedure in such a context due to the Hippocratic Oath). Either way is fairly risky, especially for males.

leatherorlace -> RE: 3 Sentenced for Castration `dungeon' (4/5/2007 11:25:51 PM)

I've heard it referred to as "Suicide by COP", but anyway you look at that permanent solution to a troubled life, I feel that we should reflect on the emotional trauma that the responding officer will suffer after the event and send the officers on a six month cruise. Nothing short of a full bar in their suites, dancing girls of boys, scheduled sessions for guilt catharsis twice daily at the hand of an experienced practitioner of the lifestyles finer offerings.
  Heavy sexual interactions should be encouraged and those that have issues with big baggie-ball sacs should be issued a new pair of garden shears, fishing line and a barb-less hook for suturing the resulting anomaly following the castrations. Volunteering My services as an experienced craftsmanis out of the question since, I know that it would foulup their tax returns and possibly cause some angst over worrying about the correctness of their Recovery and rectal interludes. hehehehheee
  Just last week, I had the same gal that has approached Me before to encourage Me to cause some defineable damage to her huge breast. boidawgs have approached Me for castrations, but even though, I possesss the knowledge to cause her to develop cysts, puncture her implants, some scarification, tattooing and branding, I refused her request and the males pleas to become eunuchs.
  My freedom means a great deal to Me, I haven't any friends in-prison that, I'm missing badly enough to purposely join them on their forced vacations. The female prisons wouldn't accept My co-habitating with the women so, I'll not be castrating anyone for less than forty-eleventeen kazillion dollars, cash, upfront, moved off shore and on to a Suisse account a month prior to the day of "cojones seperation" by sharp objects.
  I'm thinking that there should be no problem whatsoever having all of My pervy friends elected under the party for Delicious Deviants, judge directed verdicts assured incase one should be offended by a silly DA that can't accept that he has no providence over the baggy balls. heheheheeee

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