RE: Submissive or slave? (Full Version)

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nella -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 3:34:39 AM)

Bullies are everywere, and one can not let the bullies deside for one how to life ones life.

FuriousAngel -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 4:17:45 AM)

Believe it or not, my first few years of stumbling around the lifestyle, I never realized that the labels of 'submissive' and 'slave' existed, or represented that of which I see argued time and time again. A little over a year ago, I stumbled into a chat room and stared in fascination at the endless slave vs. sub debates. I never cared which one I was. It was just a feeling inside me.

At one point I found myself in a relationship and the label of slave was applied. Carrying that label of slave meant everything to me at that time. When the relationship ended, I found myself feeling very confused as it was a label that had been bestowed upon me and I'd happily accepted. Once no longer in that situation; I felt lost as to where I fell amongst the 'ranks' (figure of speech).

I spent a long time in quiet argument with myself. Reading, talking to others, etc. I was so desperate to pick one of those pretty labels and slap it on my forhead. I felt I just HAD to have it before I could carry on with my journey. Even worse? When I began to think I wasn't a 'slave', I became discouraged and felt less worthy. This was a real wake up call for me. How did this happen? Since when did I need a label, and why would I care so much?

I had wandered around the lifestyle happily never caring about them; and now, my entire life revolved around trying to apply one to myself. After much thought, I realized that no set of definitions, rules, etc. were going to give me the answer. It was, what it had always been about for me .... a feeling. A feeling that is inspired in me. I took a match to the slave and submissive labels and walked away in relief. Now, when it comes up?

I refer to myself as a subbie-slavie-thing-a-majigger! Truth is, when I find the One that moves me? I don't care what he calls me, as long as he calls me 'his'. I respect those that have been able to identify themselves with one or the other of the terms. I have not and I stopped making it a matter of life and death. I am a subbie-slavie-thing-a-majigger and I say it with as much pride as any submissive or slave!

rozynozy -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 7:39:13 AM)

I understand the sarcasm! I feel the same at times. You just have to remember what you and your Master feel that you are. People will always look down on someone. I have never been that "high up" to look down on anyone!


cellogrrlMK -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 8:09:42 AM)



Actually, for myself and several other Dominants that I know, "subbie" is often used as a term of endearment, just like "pet" or "little one".

I think it depends greatly on the tone in which is used. Like any other word in the English language, when used with scorn, it can become a condescending term or even an insult. Do not let the use of the word itself bother you, but rather the whole context of the sentence/paragraph.

Yes MistressJade, of course it depends upon the tone. Since the only time I ever see it is in a written context I have to look at the whole sentence. I understand what you are saying and appreciate your clarification.


Some people simply seem have a fetish of "one-up-manship"

LMAO!!!! I LOVED that! Thank you for my first guffaw of the morning!


Having limits within a relationship, whether it be sub or slave, can be perfectly acceptable -- as long as it is something that both you *and* your Master have agreed to. Both of you should be making your own "definition" of what "is" your relationship -- not others. If you are both happy with it and each other - who cares what others think!! [:D]

Of course you are right. I was a bit newer to the fora when I made that post and felt, um, "threatened" perhaps. Reading everyone's responses, yours included, simply confirms what's important really [:)]


My 2ยข worth, as usual...

Worth way more than two cents Ma'am! Thank you!


cellogrrlMK -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 8:17:26 AM)

Wow FA!!! What an amazing post!

I didn't realize the two labels denoted anything different from each other and that they were interchangeable until I came to this site.

Being a subbie-slavie-thing-a-majigger is cool too. [;)]

cellogrrlMK -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 8:18:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: rozynozy

I understand the sarcasm! I feel the same at times. You just have to remember what you and your Master feel that you are. People will always look down on someone. I have never been that "high up" to look down on anyone!

^5 Rosy

stormsfate -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 10:27:45 AM) funny! I have the exact opposite experience. Often you will find that slaves...particularly those in or seeking an absolute relationship...are considered the armpit of the bdsm community...and often viewed as non-thinking, stepford wife clones who are doormats. For many years I only posted on absolute forums because I simply got tired of the repetitive posts regarding this and similar issues.

At any is not better than the other and those that think so are generally caught up in the "my kink is better than yours" or have a need to feel of more importance. I wouldn't even worry about it as long as you are content.

best regards,

lil1v -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 2:58:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: FuriousAngel

I refer to myself as a subbie-slavie-thing-a-majigger! Truth is, when I find the One that moves me? I don't care what he calls me, as long as he calls me 'his'. I respect those that have been able to identify themselves with one or the other of the terms. I have not and I stopped making it a matter of life and death. I am a subbie-slavie-thing-a-majigger and I say it with as much pride as any submissive or slave!

*laughs out loud* I am so with you on that! *laughs*

Pretty soon we'll have debates.. sub vs slave vs subbie-slavie-thing-a-majigger

I'm going to be laughing all the rest of today about this..

*giggles* thing-a-majigger HE HE HE HE

nella -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 6:32:22 PM)

Oh goody, more debate, that means i can be more lazy by the computer. But honestly i should get my hind quarters of this chair and do somthing sueful, like my studies for example.

thisjuicy1 -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 8:59:03 PM)

i've seen this subject on many threads. The only thing that really bothers me is when slaves refer to other submissives as "just a sub" or "only a sub". i am tired of hearing/reading slaves use this phrase, most specifically the words "just" & "only". These imply inferiority, weakness, and unworthiness. i believe that the door is wide open for a submissive to become a slave, presuming that she develops a relationship with the RIGHT Master, and hence, becomes able to free herself of her own limits and accept His. For a slave to to say of a submissive that she is "only a sub" shows a lack of compassion and an unwillingness to recognize the potential of that submissive.

i do really agree with others' comments that the only label that matters is the one your Master uses for you.

ravenna -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/14/2005 11:02:58 PM)

i'm a slave. i'm usually submissive too, but not always. But i'm always my masters' owned property, so i'm always their slave.

(Wow, my shortest post ever!)

cellogrrlMK -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/15/2005 10:51:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: thisjuicy1

i've seen this subject on many threads. The only thing that really bothers me is when slaves refer to other submissives as "just a sub" or "only a sub". i am tired of hearing/reading slaves use this phrase, most specifically the words "just" & "only". These imply inferiority, weakness, and unworthiness. i believe that the door is wide open for a submissive to become a slave, presuming that she develops a relationship with the RIGHT Master, and hence, becomes able to free herself of her own limits and accept His. For a slave to to say of a submissive that she is "only a sub" shows a lack of compassion and an unwillingness to recognize the potential of that submissive.

thisjuicy1, you nailed it! It's the "just" and "only" that probably prompted my original post. Since it's been discussed so much in other places too, at least I don't feel like I'm the only one who has noticed it <WHEW!>


i do really agree with others' comments that the only label that matters is the one your Master uses for you.

I think I like the subbie-slavie-thing-a-majigger label... even though I still don't like the term "subbie" LOL


FuriousAngel -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/16/2005 7:41:41 AM)

Does anyone remember that old generic brand of food, products, etc. that used to linger around in the eighties? I'm not sure if it's still out there these days? All the products were in bright yellow and had black lettering that read "I love No Name" (Only the 'love' was a red heart instead of the word)

That's me! LOL! When I reached my conclusion about where I stand in this lifestyle, I actually went in search of this old label and found a yellow baseball hat with the logo on the front. I did a little cut n' paste work with the hat and a photo of myself in a software program.

The friends in the lifestyle who watched me stumble around with the question for a couple months laughed to die when they saw the picture which clearly stated my conclusions! LOL! I heart no name!

MissCrystalBlade -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/18/2005 12:29:18 AM)

This thread has reminded me of the diversity of opinion within the community as a whole. Considering I have only been active in the community for about 6 years I don't claim to be "Old Guard" rather I was raised by my mentor in and Old Guard manner. Traditionally, a person did not start as a slave. Being collared as a slave was the pinnacle of a relationship which had developed between a Master and a submissive. I realize that people tend to want to label each other and themselves, but to say you have NO limits and you are a slave before you have experienced a real D/s relationship is naive. Even in long term relationships where a submissive has accepted a slave collar, the limits still exist. Part of the progression of the relationship is the Dominant recognizing the limits and accepting those limits as part of the relationship. While I believe in gently pushing my subs limits to help them expand and grow, certain hard limits are not violated regardless of whether or not I have applied my slave mark. As an example, my sissy baby slave had a limit in regards to needles, he was terrified of them. With the help of my mentor, we slowly worked him past his fears and that limit is no longer an issue. In contrast, we have never, and will never even approach his ( and my ) limit in regards to beastiality. I would not allow it if another Dominant wished to engage in that type of scene with him. It isnt a matter of him being mine to do with what I will or my limits extending to him, it is a matter of my feelings for him and knowing that I would be violating our trust by allowing something like that to happen to him. I also wanted to point out that being a slave does not automatically mean doormat. There are doormats throughout the lifestyle, regardless of what they choose to call themselves. Try not to take it personally if you feel that someone is looking down on you because you are a sub and they are a "slave" or vice versa. It happens throughout the community on both ends of the spectrum. I have had men tell me that I wasn't a Mistress but that I just haven't met a man who could put me in my place.....yeah, ok....I have people look down on me because I have a sissy baby slave at home. Just be confident in who and what you truly are and pay no attention to ignorance.

nella -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/18/2005 5:28:41 AM)

i also think that a submissive is more likely to have limits in other ereas than pain and sex. i for example will NOT be a house servant. i have others things that i do, studies to atend to, and simply do not have the time to take all the housework. Many have called me not submissive becouse of that, but that is a limit to me. If i can not study, i am not happy, but for many that is not an acepted limit and i must be fake, weras things i will not do sexualy that is acepted.

darkinshadows -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/18/2005 6:07:08 AM)

Firstly, welcome to collarme forum CrystalBlade!

Very elloquent post.
This leapt out at me...


Traditionally, a person did not start as a slave. Being collared as a slave was the pinnacle of a relationship which had developed between a Master and a submissive. I realize that people tend to want to label each other and themselves, but to say you have NO limits and you are a slave before you have experienced a real D/s relationship is naive.

I struggle, I really do. Time and again, I see people grumble and guffaw at people who have the profile name of 'Master such - and - such'... yet who admit they have no property or submissive. Yet never have I seen anyone make the same comment about a person who calls themself 'slave' yet is not owned, or been owned.
Why is that?

The definition of a slave is of property, one under service... I have always seen that submission is a state of mind, rather than label. To be submissive, then to be owned would make one a slave. Neither are better than the other, neither have different limits. The only thing that defines the limits is the person themself. Doesn't make you any less slave to have limits... or more superior to have the 'freedom of a sub'.

Each person is individual... the only label that matters, is the one your Master/Mistress gives you.

Peace and Love

darkinshadows -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/18/2005 6:15:28 AM)

I am on collarme, submissive... that doesn't make me less of a slave however.

Due to the conatations(sp?), Demon and I do not label Angel as a slave... but in the thoughts of others, that is what I am. Demon does not believe in such and therefore, I am a submissive.

I work. I keep house and complete chores. I am a taxi service. I study also. I look after children. And, I also have no limits.
(did i mention i also have a superwoman outfit?

Are there differences between sub and slave?
one - but only as a dictionary dictates.
Are there differences between people?
of course - because people are unique

Peace and Love

nella -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/18/2005 7:58:25 AM)

Like always, different opinions on termonology, can be a bit unpractical, but basicaly i think it is good, we have different opinios and wiews of life, and how to live or lives, so why not have different opinions on words like theese to. As long as pepole can comunicate what they mean by the labels they give themself, the labels names must not have the same meaning for all pepole.

allyC -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/23/2005 2:20:04 AM)

A cheery hello to everyone here!

Original by slaveanwyl


as to being a sub all slaves are submissive the only difference i can see is that a sub hold onto some aspects of control and has more say in things as well as be able to dictate when, how , if and such things

Boy this topic sure makes its way around and around *grin*

The way I look at it is the way Webster's looks at it. Submissive is an adjective. It describes a character/personality trait or behavior of a person. On the other hand, slave (a noun) is defined very simply as this: a person who is abjectly subservient to a dominating influence or force.

I'm a slave because I am abjectly subservient to my owner (the dominating influence or force) and also because that is how he defines me, however, I am not submissive as a personality or character trait. In fact, with the exception of those people who inspire me to feel or react submissively, I'm pretty darned dominant. I know a lot of dominant slaves. So sometimes the term "submissive" just doesn't fit in a general way.

I've also never really bought into the "a sub has limits but a slave doesn't" thing because (as stated in a previous post) we all have limits as human beings. People in a TPE relationship even have them. Maybe they are with someone who would never tell them to do the whole slave flambe thing, but regardless, they most likely would say no. In my case, my limits are defined by my owner as long as I wish to remain in his collar, however, I know I wouldn't set myself on fire without a damned good reason. *grin*

I think that we are all just people. In the lifestyle, the labels are supposed to be there so that people will know which side of the whip/collar/etc. that a person wishes to be on. I think that is why I've come to like the term bottom and top and I often wish they could just be universal words that give a vague idea as to where a person "stands" so to speak. That way we could just get to know each other to figure out which shade of gray each of us wears.

A bottom might be a submissive person and might not. A bottom may have surrendered to another or may not have. Either way, its a great label to say "Hey, I am on the bottom side of the D/s equation. I think with each person being different in their character, personality, behaviors, etc., the term "submissive" can be grossly innacurate whereas the word "bottom" doesn't imply personality at all - it simply implies position.

Elitism and the internet have done so much damage to the terms used in WIITWD. The word "subbie" for example has taken on an entirely negative connotation simply because elitist people have used it in a derogatory manner on the internet. It used to be that the word subbie was just a short, cute term for submissive. Now it implies a heck of a lot more - most of it not good.

Unfortunately labels are necessary but I still think that each individual is just that - an individual with different ways to express their lifestyle role. Unfortunately most labels are too finite, making us get pigeonholed into something that might not really fit. So whatever you call yourself, I will most likely get to know you if possible and figure out what your own shade of gray is... :)

Well wishes to everyone here!

Cav's surrendered beastie,

Lordandmaster -> RE: Submissive or slave? (4/23/2005 9:57:55 AM)

Kinda like la cosa nostra.


ORIGINAL: siamsa24


Please tell me, what the heck is "WIITWD"????

It means "what it is that we do"

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