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Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit

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Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/10/2005 8:13:59 PM   

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San Francisco Chronicle, April 10:

"When Susan Peacher hung up her latex evening gown and wooden paddle for a job with the federal government, the former dominatrix thought she was done with abuse."

"She went to work for the Treasury Department in San Francisco, but when she arrived at her new job, she found that one of the office managers was a former client.

"Last month, Peacher, 45, reached a settlement with the government, which did not admit liability or fault. She will receive $35,000 in compensatory damages, $25,000 in attorney fees, a job transfer, approval to work at her South Bay home one day a week, and the restoration of almost 800 hours of assorted leave."

Not a whole lot in compensation, and it came after years of being bothered by this guy.
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/10/2005 10:09:51 PM   

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Not a whole lot in compensation, and it came after years of being bothered by this guy.

Plus loss of privacy - having sensational details of your life splashed across the media and gossiped about by co-workers.

And what happened to the abusive boss? He takes a retirement.... big deal! It seems that Justice slept-walk through this case.

(in reply to CTclay)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/16/2005 12:41:21 AM   

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From: My Mothers womb.
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I dont agree with this entirely. A woman who becomes a pro dom, with adverts in fliers, magazines, online etc should not have the same expectations of privacy as one who was into S/M in a private setting (ie munches, parties etc). She decided to have a career taking money from men to beat on them. Now she wants to play the victim. Its doubtful this guy wanted this to be public. She could have just kicked him in the balls once in the office and said NO, and he would have never mentioned it again nor reported her for the ballbusting. Its essentially what he probably paid her for in years past.
I'm all for pro femdoms if thats what they want to do. But I dont think she is entitled to millions due to her previous occupation. T one point or another nearly every person gets sexually harrassed. If a male is harrassed society laughs if he complains. In a normal situation yes she would be entitled to much more and deserving it. But she wanted to make money off being a "powerful dominant woman" while the money was good, then wants to pretend it never happend and she suddenly the "poor little woman" when the money dryed up. To me that gives "real' dominant women a bad name as she was doing the "domme for dollars" thing. If we want equality that comes with responsibility. No he shouldnt have done what he did, yes she had a legal case against him. Should she get millions? No. Its her own choosing that helped to arrange this set of circumstances. I have seen to many times women play the "harrassment" card just because they can. It belittles when other women are being harrased in a much more serious way. He bothered her yes, but asking her to beat on him is not the same as some guy saying "Blow me or you're fired".


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(in reply to onceburned)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/20/2005 8:58:30 PM   

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Found an interesting inconsitency in the article. If you hover over the image of "Mistress Celeste" it says that it was her "meal ticket for several years". How does the time frame of 1999(likely middle of) to July 2001 qualify as "several"? I am not knocking her lawsuit or anything, just commenting on the poor QC of the SFGate.

(in reply to MsMacComb)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/20/2005 9:18:54 PM   

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From: Sacramento, California
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Kicking somebody in the balls is a crime and a tort. Ms. Peacher did exactly the right thing by suing, and now she is trying to help others by sharing her story and increasing awareness. This woman wasn't suing for invasion of privacy. Her boss was creating an extremely hostile work environment for her. I think that the compensation was fair considering that she still has her job, except under better conditions.

As for her name being in the papers, that was something she initiated. She's maintaining a high profile these days as a labor rights activist. If the offender got off easy, it's probably because he was a federal government employee, and things work differently in that system.

< Message edited by ManOwner -- 4/20/2005 9:20:32 PM >

(in reply to Kwix)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/20/2005 11:37:10 PM   

Posts: 808
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From: My Mothers womb.
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A crime and a tort? How was she making her living for "several" years? Now she is "helping others" how? Increasing awareness?
Sorry. But once again, being equal means accepting responsibility. She saw an opportunity to objectify men through their fetishes via their wallets. Then when business got slow, she got a job and is now suing based on the fact that she was formerly a "domslut for cash" and suddenly she is a victim like a innocent schoolgirl?
I am one that understands that double standards come back to bite the person in the butt. If she can hang as a domme for money, she should be able to hang in corporate America. People that still want women to be the victim of everything they cant deal with perpetuate the myth of our weakness. It makes "Real" dominant women look bad, and is an insult to women everywhere. She's a fraud, a gold digger and I have no sympathy for her.


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(in reply to ManOwner)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/20/2005 11:44:36 PM   

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From: Sacramento, California
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Did you read the article? This guy did more than proposition her. He practically took her career away. It sounds like you equate pro Dommes with whores. Even if this was the case, does someone who was once a whore forever give up her right to be treated with dignity? Ms. Peacher's previous occupation has very little to do with the case, and I don't think it should have any influence whatsoever over the result.

(in reply to MsMacComb)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/21/2005 12:00:30 AM   

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From: My Mothers womb.
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I did read the article otherwise I wouldnt have commented on it. I also have known many other women (and men) who may stretch the truth or outright lie. I dont see where he is giving his version, only hers.
Pro dommes give sexual satisfaction for money. Call it what you want. I am not against pro dommes, I also happen to think prostitution should be legal everywhere.
My only objection to this whole story is the perception she is trying to create of being some innocent little victim. I am simply saying that somehow, (regardless of her claims) this could have been stopped much earlier. Look ALL women are a victim of sexual harrasment at some time in some manner. So are most men. I recall a case a few years ago where two women were wanting to file charges against a coworker (a underling) based on their opinion that he was a sexist. They were to stupid to know the difference between a sexist and sexual harrasment.
Its the same as the boy who cried wolf. Or other women who cry rape, when it was consentual and they regret it the following morning (or daddy is going to find out, or their husband etc). Then someone who was TRULY victimized has a harder time being believed as so many "borderline" or questionable cases sour the opinions of judges, juries and arbitrators.
To me she seems to have a pattern of being an opportunist. Whatever, everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine is that she doesnt deserve much of anything. I dont and will not stick up for someone just because she is female, a prodomme, in the "lifestyle" etc. If this case were reversed and it was a female that used to see and pay a professional Dom I rather think people would laugh it off and call him a loser. Thats not equality.


Not looking for anyone for anything, any time.

(in reply to ManOwner)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/30/2005 8:51:28 PM   

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I don't think that she's acting like an innocent little victim. She is very straightforward with her past relationship with her 'boss', that wasn't something that was 'discovered' when she filed her lawsuit.

Your experiences with people "stretching the truth" are your experiences. You don't get to assume that EVERYONE falls into that habit. Certainly not because someone is a sex worker does that mean that s/he is more liable to be "stretching the truth".

I CERTAINLY do not think that because of ANYONES prior profession, legit or not in the eyes of mainstream society, that they should have to put up with ANY kind of harassment or abuse, whether from an employer or from someone on a message board.

I am a pro-domme and I work in for an architectural firm and they know about my pro-domme employment. My employers do not treat me badly, ask for sexual favors and/or expect me to do anything BDSM related while performing my regular job duties. So I should consider myself lucky and in the event that anyone does decide to harass me, it's my fault for being a pro-domme?

I don't think that anyone, prostitute, pro-domme or otherwise should have anything they do be held against them nor does it entitle anyone to abuse, harass or treat them like less than a professional in the workplace. Male, female or TG, any color, any sexual preference. That's equality.

You say that you are "for pro-dommes and legalization of prostitution" while at the same time intimating that this woman deserved abusive treatment as some sort of 'karmic retribution' for being a pro-domme. WTF.

You come off like you resent the individuals who get paid to provide BDSM as a service. As well as not making much sense.

If you are a sample of the people that are for legalization of prostitution, thanks, let's keep it illegal. And you should maybe take your meds as prescribed.

I also don't believe you are a female, nor do I believe you are in a polyamourous relationship. I think you are a TROLL.

(in reply to MsMacComb)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 4/30/2005 11:11:50 PM   

Posts: 808
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From: My Mothers womb.
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Wow. I hope when I grow up I will be able to know everything like you seem to think you do. You come out of nowhere with an attack stating what I think, telling me what, where and how I am wrong. You then question my 7 year marriage, insult me, call me names, and question my gender.
Heres a thought. No doubt you would want to side with this woman as you make your living being a " pretend domme slut by the hour for hire". You start babbling about equality yet your version seems to be that no one else is allowed the "equality" to state their own opinions nor have them. I could go on but why bother. You are obviously disturbed, hostile, not able of making sense nor reading what someone has written without adding to it what you "think" you see between the lines.
Lastly, personal attacks are not nice and besides, that can be a two way street. If I were the type to act as you do, I could call you a sawed off midget little half ass slant eyed wanna be slut cow cunted bitch etc etc etc. But than I am much better than that, lol. I discuss and even debate things with others politely without trying to insult them. Nice talking to you and thanks for the intelligent and praiseworthy contribution to the forum. Now fuck off.


Not looking for anyone for anything, any time.

(in reply to Asianatrix)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 5/1/2005 4:26:51 PM   

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I don't want to get in the middle of your lovely tiff here, but I think that agreeing to disagree is probably the most mature thing for both of you to do.
MsMacComb-just learn to be ok with people disagreeing with you. I am not attacking you by any means simply stating that people are entitled to their opinion and so are you. Restating your point can be useful but becomes useless after a time when you havne't changed people's minds.
Asianatrix- Same advice for you. And if you have a personal bone to pick with MsMacComb please do it in the appropriate forum or personal messages.
I think that with the hostility in this forum anyone else is scared to pick sides. I know I am. With this comment I am simply pointing out some less-than-ideal attitudes here. I've been in a few forums and they don't usually end up this heated. Just relax and agree to disagree considering that niether of you are on the jury to this case. Sorry if I'm intruding with this. I just tend to try to be a mediator where I can help things. If I'm bothering you just ignore this but please don't turn the claws of comtempt on me as I am trying to help, nothing more.

(in reply to MsMacComb)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 5/2/2005 1:02:24 AM   

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I have no problem with people disagreeing with me ever. I think healthy debate or conversation is not only interesting but its the cornerstone of what our country (US) is based on. Freedom of expression.
However insulting me just because someone has another opinion is not something I care to tolerate. And wont. The thread was almost two weeks old and out of her 5 posts one of them was an attack on me. Obviously my comments touched a nerve which set her off, which is fine. The insults are not. :)


Not looking for anyone for anything, any time.

(in reply to ILovePain13)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 5/2/2005 12:08:19 PM   

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I wasn't intending to insult you, nor do I see how I did. Notice I said that if my intervention offended anyone to ignore it. It was simply a suggestion considering people WERE getting insulted, and most certaintly not just you, although I don't see how anyone was insulting you. Merely disagreeing, including me. I disagreed with how you were dealing with the situation. That is all. And this is what I was commenting on. Ther way I was reading it, you insulted her first. If you don't feel that way, fine. I'm leaving this forum because I think that will make everyone happier and I'm sorry if trying to help gets shit thrown in your face.

(in reply to MsMacComb)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 5/2/2005 12:56:37 PM   

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Is English not read here? I never said YOU insulted me I was referring to her. I did NOT insult her I have no idea who the hell she is. And no one asked you to mediate so get over yourself. I post messages when and if I feel like it. If people agree great, if not to bad.


Not looking for anyone for anything, any time.

(in reply to ILovePain13)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 2/12/2006 2:28:44 AM   

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there are things to consider were they in this together to get a lump of cash from unckle sam. most pro,s know alot of info like job info. and was he the one that hired her. she had to know of his deep desirer for her. she help create the fantasy. but for her to let it go on for 2 years i think six mounths would have be alot easyer to believe. but in all the guy was wrong if he was harrassing but if he was trying to court her for marriage sorry thats not harrasment or a date but if it was sexual in nature sorry he,s guilty but we do not know nore did we hear directly so there both inoccent

(in reply to MsMacComb)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 2/12/2006 5:38:43 AM   

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I'd be interested to hear how Soulam was treated after it came out that he was a former client. It's interesting that he took that chance to be "found out" in the workplace.

Be well,

(in reply to CTclay)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 2/12/2006 5:43:26 AM   

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To me she seems to have a pattern of being an opportunist. Whatever, everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine is that she doesnt deserve much of anything. I dont and will not stick up for someone just because she is female, a prodomme, in the "lifestyle" etc. If this case were reversed and it was a female that used to see and pay a professional Dom I rather think people would laugh it off and call him a loser. Thats not equality.

She wasn't asking anyone to stand up for her because she was a ProDomme at one time. She wanted the harrassment in the workplace to stop. It doesn't matter what she did in her past. The case was taken on what was occurring in the workplace at the time. The article makes that clear.

Be well,

(in reply to MsMacComb)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 2/12/2006 11:48:01 PM   

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From: My Mothers womb.
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Yea, well if you say so. I still think its a double standard but then thats just my opinion. No one should have to tolerate harrasment. That doesnt mean she is entitled to compensation. It should just mean her boss (former client) was fired.


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(in reply to LadyJulieAnn)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 2/13/2006 3:13:40 AM   

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Pro dommes give sexual satisfaction for money. Call it what you want. I am not against pro dommes, I also happen to think prostitution should be legal everywhere.

Okay....why does everyone ASSUME Pro-Dommes give sex for money.
For petes sake people there is way more to BDSM than sex.

Am I the only one that gets that?

I apologize for going OFF TOPIC


Mistress Sassy

In the Immortal Words of Bob....Fuck the dumb shit.

"I love you not only for what you are,But for what I am when I'm with you."- Opening line from a poem by Roy Croft

(in reply to MsMacComb)
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RE: Ex-Dominatrix wins workplace lawsuit - 2/13/2006 1:46:25 PM   

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There are two things i'd say regarding this situation.

First of all, it's obvious the way this woman was treated was wrong.

Secondly, she's probably very lucky she wasn't fired on the grounds of false or missing information on her job application, as i doubt that she mentioned her Professional Domination experience on her federal application. Having applied for a federal job in the past, i know they look for the last 7 yrs of work experience. Leaving something like that out could have gotten her fired at the very least, prison at the most, if she didn't declare her income from Domination.

Saying that, i hope she isn't handling my federal refund.


(in reply to MistressSassy66)
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