RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (Full Version)

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goodhouseboy -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/24/2005 2:38:53 PM)


Something just doesn't sound right with these scenarios. I've heard of bad luck and poor choices, but that seems like a lot of work (all that travel) -- I think you need to work harder on establishing a connection, chemistry and a mutual understanding before meeting people in real life.


well i guess it is MY fault for giving trust..."I" was taught take someone at their i expect others to take me for MY word.
"I" was raised as an honest man.....and now find that there are far far too many liars,thieves/ and cheats in this world.
it is so so be lied to......and even if i went through some lengthy outlet ordeal...a gamer is a gamer.......if it is 6 hrs/6 days/ 6 months.....a lie is a lie...
it is just NOT possible to find out who is truthful...when you can't get back ground on anyone...ALL women hide behind the one has ever sent me ANY information that was real.....aside from 'a' phone...NO Ms EVER gives references.......but it is expected of us "boys" to do it? too many double sets of rules for me. high frustrations...

have a good day.

AAkasha -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/24/2005 2:47:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: goodhouseboy


Something just doesn't sound right with these scenarios. I've heard of bad luck and poor choices, but that seems like a lot of work (all that travel) -- I think you need to work harder on establishing a connection, chemistry and a mutual understanding before meeting people in real life.


well i guess it is MY fault for giving trust..."I" was taught take someone at their i expect others to take me for MY word.
"I" was raised as an honest man.....and now find that there are far far too many liars,thieves/ and cheats in this world.
it is so so be lied to......and even if i went through some lengthy outlet ordeal...a gamer is a gamer.......if it is 6 hrs/6 days/ 6 months.....a lie is a lie...
it is just NOT possible to find out who is truthful...when you can't get back ground on anyone...ALL women hide behind the one has ever sent me ANY information that was real.....aside from 'a' phone...NO Ms EVER gives references.......but it is expected of us "boys" to do it? too many double sets of rules for me. high frustrations...

have a good day.

You didn't answer the questions and I guess you don't intend to.

And trust is one thing, but setting yourself up to be taken advantage of us another. There's a lot of dishonesty on the net everywhere, not just here. You should take all the steps necessary to build trust before meeting someone face to face. If you streamline that process in hopes of finding the "one" quickly you are setting yourself up for heartache.

Also, it would be no surprise to me that the ones that *allow* a quick meeting, not a lot of connections or other things are the ones that turn out to be flakes. The ones worth meeting won't jump into things like that with you. The ones looking for "someone to buy me a house" will.

You need to make better choices to protect yourself. You also need to show a woman you have that strength of character and common sense if she is going to allow you into her home.


BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/24/2005 5:42:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: goodhouseboy
well i guess it is MY fault for giving trust..."I" was taught take someone at their i expect others to take me for MY word.
"I" was raised as an honest man.....and now find that there are far far too many liars,thieves/ and cheats in this world.

You're a regular victim aren't you Goodhouseboy? You're wonderful and it's everyone else's fault your life isn't working out.
If you pay attention to what Akasha's telling you, you may find that this is a great learning opportunity and maybe your choices won't turn out exactly the same over and over and over again... What did they say about the definition of insanity? M

LadyAngelika -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/24/2005 6:34:11 PM)


You need to make better choices to protect yourself. You also need to show a woman you have that strength of character and common sense if she is going to allow you into her home.

You mean, you aren't running a stray sub charity-type shelter?

- LA

Paulnz -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/24/2005 7:28:10 PM)

I always say to find what you are looking for it is often best to STOP looking. What you're looking for is often right under your nose. In olden times ( and not so olden ) you generally found a partner from within social circles that were no further in radius than a days walk, or a days ride at the most. Think about it.

onceburned -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/24/2005 7:38:52 PM)


houseboy in iowa...still searching for Ms Real....

Hey, welcome home! Plenty of dommes here, its hard to turn around without bumping into at least one.

erm... well, I guess it depends upon where you are at the moment. [:-]

Still, I think you have been getting good advice goodhouseboy. Slow down, look around, get to know the people in your area. Attend the local munches and events. Cedar Rapids has one of the stronger organizations in the state.

Here is the mail list
Here is the newly born website

If you develop a good reputation in your local community I think you will find that this helps in your search.

goodhouseboy -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/25/2005 3:44:41 PM)


One more thing. You made it very, very, VERY clear that as a submissive you have no expectations for play -- at all, period.

If so, then why would it matter or not if one of the femdoms had no real life experience? If she isn't going to be expected to "dominate you" then what kind of experience are you talking about? One doesn't need experience to have a houseboy pick up for them or do chores.


because Ma'am,...if they have no idea what is going on,...and have not been there done that...i have to be their teacher and boy...just like i found in michigan...
i understand You are trying to be helpful,...i understand i have had a run of bad luck...but i figure some day it will all work out...
and by the way?...just for topic?..i had hope..some day some Ms would take me past houseboy is only my starting-block for the relationship...
thank you

goodhouseboy -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/25/2005 3:47:19 PM)


You didn't answer the questions and I guess you don't intend to.

And trust is one thing, but setting yourself up to be taken advantage of us another. There's a lot of dishonesty on the net everywhere, not just here. You should take all the steps necessary to build trust before meeting someone face to face. If you streamline that process in hopes of finding the "one" quickly you are setting yourself up for heartache.

Also, it would be no surprise to me that the ones that *allow* a quick meeting, not a lot of connections or other things are the ones that turn out to be flakes. The ones worth meeting won't jump into things like that with you. The ones looking for "someone to buy me a house" will.

You need to make better choices to protect yourself. You also need to show a woman you have that strength of character and common sense if she is going to allow you into her home.

Akasha [/quote===========

well?........understood.......and i didnt avoid Your q's so much as i figured it was a mute topic anyway...
You are being helpful and i am grateful.
thank you

some day...over that perverbial rainbow,..i will find my place...

GentleLady -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/28/2005 1:35:09 AM)


and by the way?...just for topic?..i had hope..some day some Ms would take me past houseboy is only my starting-block for the relationship...

So you are not a no-strings-attached houseboy point of fact you have a hidden agenda.

goodhouseboy -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/28/2005 7:43:59 AM)


So you are not a no-strings-attached houseboy point of fact you have a hidden agenda.

there is nothing hidden....but then...You are entitled to Your feelings.
but if i am being accused of hiding things...look around...coz 99% of all domme ads hide the fact, after you write to them they have their hand out and purse open...and yet claim they are non pro?

do not accuse me of lies...i merely said it would be nice..i never said anything is written in concrete.
i never beg or ask for anything...other than to prove myself..unlike some dommes i have met...demanding large amounts of one told me she expects a slave to buy her a new home...and i am wrong?....not!
what little i ever said is mere petty stuff...just to see if some day some Lady is able to help someone become more than he wrong?...and then it's the same ones whine because they ARE just one thing?./...oh puh leeeeeze./ talking out both sides of their mouth.
give me an intelligent slave and whine because they have not been more than a domestic? this world no one can have their cake and eat it too...

and the biggest joke going...people after large amounts of cash and earthly goods...realize one day when they are dying...oh my...i can't take it with me...

i really get upset this...double talk and double sets of rules...

this is MY rant day!!! and since everyone else has had theirs..i am having mine..

and no i did not point fingers or mention names..there ARE a few good ads...just a very few...out of 5 pages of so called dommes....i found 5 people able to talk to me like a human being..and didnt sit in an ivory tower...and i will not divulge their names...i will merely say i found 5 Ladies i respect,..out of 5 pages of names.

y'all have a great thursday...and a wonderful weekend coming up.

thanks You

dprsub -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (4/28/2005 6:29:45 PM)

I believe that some really, really good points have been raised. I do have one issue though, and I don't want it to be mistaken as being argumentative or anything.

It's just that, for me, my tendencies are so deeply-routed that while I'm quite happy doing vanilla things, I honestly feel that I would _need_ non-vanilla interaction from my partner. And it just would not be fair to the other person to expect them to do things which they don't like for your own gratification. Thus, I am kind of afraid to start things up with people who I don't already know share the same...quirks. (By "things", I mean more than just a friendship.)

Moleculor -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/2/2005 1:38:25 PM)

I realize this is an ancient thread (and I haven't read past the first half-page, but...

The OP applies to vanilla dating too.

However, I have to wonder: Is it the waiting that causes the shyness in social situations, or is it the shyness in social situations that causes the waiting?

AAkasha -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/2/2005 2:20:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Moleculor

I realize this is an ancient thread (and I haven't read past the first half-page, but...

The OP applies to vanilla dating too.

However, I have to wonder: Is it the waiting that causes the shyness in social situations, or is it the shyness in social situations that causes the waiting?

I think it's both affecting one another and it creates a downward spiral. Unfortunately, now the Internet makes it plausible for people to effectively develop "relationships" without ever leaving their house. It's less risky. They can also satisfy a lot of their sexual desires. The longer they do this, the harder it is I think for them to go out and meet people the old fashioned way. The additional negative side effect to this is that they also don't learn to be comfortable in social groups.


anthrosub -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/2/2005 8:59:33 PM)

I have to say I really like this post by Akasha. I've thought about most of what's said here regarding my own personal situation many times over the past few years. I can see a lot of the points she makes seeming to apply but I also have my own unique personality and life experiences mixed in and that's why I'm writing.

I've always been aware of a leaning towards sexual kink since before I entered puberty; although at that time I had no idea what it was I was feeling. Unfortunately, by the time I started seriously dating, the girls I met all suffered from apparently conservative upbringings or were simply not as attracted to sex as I was. Plus, I was so wrapped up in having any sort of sexual experiences (as most boys do) that I didn't really focus on the details of why I had the leanings I had until I was much older.

I went through several relationships and one marriage and in each case, my personality and submissiveness pushed us apart. My feelings about what sex could be (as opposed to what they were conditioned to accept as normal) were so strong that I couldn't suppress them enough to stay in the relationships. I didn't learn of this lifestyle (as a lifestyle) until the mid nineties. By then I was 40.

Much of what Akasha writes about being "socially behind" appears on the surface to be my situation but I must speak of my own personality and how it has contributed to my current circumstances and partly explains my past failed relationships. You see, I've always been a loner. I find people fascinating...but from a distance. I'm not drawn to having a great deal of social activity and never have. I've tried to force myself out there but something inside me just never got activated so I don't connect.

I'm very much a one-on-one sort of person and I know this is not the norm but what can I do? If I go out and put myself in social circles, all I feel is like I'm pretending to be enjoying myself when in fact, I'm looking forward to when I'll be free of the responsibility of having to interact with people I'm not really interested in being around. I seek the intensity and focus of being with one person where we can really get to know each other.

I'm now 50, I grew up the only boy with 6 sisters. I moved constantly (15 times in 15 years) because my father was in the military. I learned to be my own best friend and entertain myself with hobbies and activities I could do alone. In short, I learned not to have to depend on others.

On top of that, I'm extremely intellectual and have spent a good deal of my early adulthood studying things like philosophy, science, religion, and psychology. I now have a degree in Anthropology (the study of humankind) and find most people to be...if you'll excuse the expression...kind of average. It's hard for me to spend time listening to conversations in social settings that are basically small talk to fill space and time.

The relationships I've enjoyed most have always been one-on-one but again, this was not the norm for my partners and they would eventually get frustrated with me in addition to my being submissive. I thought the Internet would help me find someone who would be receptive to my unique personality and qualities but alas, it has turned out to be a mostly people interested in playing head games for their own personal amusement, conducting a business, or looking for someone to become a mate but not seriously self-aware about who they really are. Those that do have sincerity and integrity are by definition already involved and are here to interact but aren't looking.

It's very frustrating. I've got a world of things I can talk about and in spite of my being a loner, I have done quite a bit with my life. I have a lot of skills and abilities on the vanilla side that I can offer. Being older now, I feel I've started to settle down and can't find anything out there that really lights a fire inside anymore. I'm really beginning to believe I've passed the point where I will ever find a good mate. I have no delussions about this lifestyle and who dominant women are or what they want as women. I'm just a I've been all my life.

I suppose it makes sense that people like me can't find each other because we're not putting ourselves in situations that would bring us in contact.


xasey -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/2/2005 9:29:59 PM)

This issue hits really close to home, as a shy sub female. So I'd like to chirp in with my few thoughts.

I'm shy. I admit it. I have some of the problems AAkasha spoke of. I don't date often; and when I do I probably met them online. So my skills are a little lacking. I'd consider myself "interesting"; I have a handful of things that define who I am, its not all kink. I don't have that problem, but I do take a bit of shell-cracking to get to open up.

My problem is meeting people in those large social groups you mention. It's very weird going somewhere to meet 1 person, and meet 10 of their friends all at once. They have established relationships with each other, I don't. Now, I do alright for myself in places like work or school, where there is some other context to facilitate communication. But among too many, I get scared and shut down. Since I'm being quiet, no surprise, they choose to talk to each other. Which leads to that downward spiral.

I don't do so bad in a one on one discussion, or being introduced to one or two friends slowly. I do have a problem showing affection. I think I don't know how to invite the responses I want; or give the appropriate ones back. After a first date or two when I really like someone, I'd like to just lay under a tree and not talk. Preferably with my head on their chest :). But I'm a little shy to make that happen, and feeling submissive to the person doesn't seem to help.

So what do I do? I *like* being submissive. I hate trying to shell-crack on a partner, I'm not cut out for it. And I'm scared.


sarbonn -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/2/2005 9:31:42 PM)



I always say to find what you are looking for it is often best to STOP looking. What you're looking for is often right under your nose. In olden times ( and not so olden ) you generally found a partner from within social circles that were no further in radius than a days walk, or a days ride at the most. Think about it.

That's been my status for awhile. I stopped looking. Instead, I've spent most of my time just bettering myself instead. I figure that even if I never find anyone, that's fine, too. At least I will have spent a great deal of time making myself better in the long run.

I discovered a long time ago that I can't please everyone. Nor can everyone please me. But that doesn't mean the search ends.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/2/2005 11:09:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: sarbonn

I always say to find what you are looking for it is often best to STOP looking. What you're looking for is often right under your nose.

I stopped looking. Instead, I've spent most of my time just bettering myself instead.

While that statement may be profound "stop looking...", I really don't agree with it. I do not think one needs to devote one's entire time/energy looking to meet a partner, but I feel it is very important to pay attention to one's surroundings, and go out to places where one might run into compatible folks in order to give fate a nudge if you will.
It's important to do random things with "average" people (unless equal IQ/degrees is your only criterion), because it is in placing yourself out socially that you will run into a sufficient number of people and have the greatest chance of clicking with a few.

I understand being comfortable in one's skin, and being one's best company. I feel I'm fabulously kool at this point, have family, work, friends, health and don't "need" anyone; but unless remaining single and in love with self is what we desire for the rest of our lives, than perhaps some exposure in the form of socializing/dating may be in order, hence the need to be able to hang out and relax in the company of others. M

LadyAngelika -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/3/2005 4:50:58 AM)

Hey anthro,

Let me first say it's nice to see you back, posting again. You know I'm a fan of a lot of the things you have to say.

Your situation is a tricky one, yes. But perhaps at this point in your life, you have a new lesson to learn. That is to come out of your shell and adapt. Easier said then done, I agree. But as you pointed out, the status quo is probably not going to get you anywhere.

I'm not telling you that you need to change who you are. I'm not suggesting you lower your standards regarding the kind of relationship you want. In fact, I think the kind of woman you are looking for – strong, dominant, intelligent/intellectual – is a relatively common configuration, not in abundance, but common.

Also, you might want to focus on meeting people face to face. I have a hard time going to BDSM events as I don't find I have much in common with the people that I meet there except for the fact that we like things that go boom. So I try to meet people in other settings. What kind of non-kink interests do you have? Perhaps you'd like to join a film or literature society? An intellectual club (such as Mensa)? There you could engage on the levels of conversation that you like.

So a regular average crowd is boring, huh? Ok, I can understand that to a certain point. I much prefer an intellectually stimulating conversation as well. But what I've learned is that it doesn't always have to be cerebral. It's like when I was in film school, I would turn my nose up at blockbuster films, thinking they were beneath me and not worthy of my attention. Today, I don't miss a Ben Stiller film because the sheer silliness has my ribs hurting for days. I've learned that the lighter sides of life can be pleasant as well if I just give them a chance. I had to change my attitude about them.

If you are willing to give the lighter side a try cooking classes? For the record, I have 3 male friends who have gotten dates at cooking class. Or perhaps a martial arts class, or something with physical activity that you can enjoy. Also, volunteering for an organisation and meeting people that way.

So without suggesting that you reinvent yourself, because there is a lot of amazing qualities within you, you may want to make a few minor adjustments. I know this is unsolicited advice and my apologies if it comes across as "here's your solution!". That is not my intent. I do think however that when something is not happening the way you want/need it to, you need to realise what can be altered in the equation to get the result you are looking for.

- LA

AAkasha -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/3/2005 10:37:25 AM)



This issue hits really close to home, as a shy sub female. So I'd like to chirp in with my few thoughts.

I'm shy. I admit it. I have some of the problems AAkasha spoke of. I don't date often; and when I do I probably met them online. So my skills are a little lacking. I'd consider myself "interesting"; I have a handful of things that define who I am, its not all kink. I don't have that problem, but I do take a bit of shell-cracking to get to open up.

My problem is meeting people in those large social groups you mention. It's very weird going somewhere to meet 1 person, and meet 10 of their friends all at once. They have established relationships with each other, I don't. Now, I do alright for myself in places like work or school, where there is some other context to facilitate communication. But among too many, I get scared and shut down. Since I'm being quiet, no surprise, they choose to talk to each other. Which leads to that downward spiral.

I don't do so bad in a one on one discussion, or being introduced to one or two friends slowly. I do have a problem showing affection. I think I don't know how to invite the responses I want; or give the appropriate ones back. After a first date or two when I really like someone, I'd like to just lay under a tree and not talk. Preferably with my head on their chest :). But I'm a little shy to make that happen, and feeling submissive to the person doesn't seem to help.

So what do I do? I *like* being submissive. I hate trying to shell-crack on a partner, I'm not cut out for it. And I'm scared.


The situation you talk about -- meeting an entire group of people where everyone knows everyone else -- is a very difficult situation and also happens to vanillas. But you just have to keep doing it, and not be afraid of it.

You can ease the pressure a little by reminding the friend that takes you along that you haven't met anyone yet, and ask them to help by introducing you around and not accidently abandoning you. Most people have been in that situation before and understand.

If you find yourself in that awkward situation, take time to observe and listen in. Learn the dynamics of the personalities, take time to find out what is making each person tick.

Another diversion is to be helpful to the host/hostess, who often excuses themself to go to the kitchen or whatnot (if it's a private party) -- introduce yourself and offer to help.

Also, look out for the other "fish out of water" who might be in the group -- new, or just a little more shy. They are probably feeling just like you.

Remember, if it's a "regular" event (weekly, monthly) you will find that just making yourself a 'regular' will help you feel more comfortable there. And, once you are, remember to be kind to the next new person because you know how they felt.

Sometimes we shy away from social situations because it seems there's no point in being uncomfortable, shy or nervous around a group of total strangers. We have to work at it, and sometimes deal with anxiety and uneasiness to reap the rewards of getting to know new and interesting people.

Don't give up!


AAkasha -> RE: Why looking too hard can ruin your chances (5/3/2005 10:51:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: anthrosub

I have to say I really like this post by Akasha. I've thought about most of what's said here regarding my own personal situation many times over the past few years. I can see a lot of the points she makes seeming to apply but I also have my own unique personality and life experiences mixed in and that's why I'm writing.

I've always been aware of a leaning towards sexual kink since before I entered puberty; although at that time I had no idea what it was I was feeling. Unfortunately, by the time I started seriously dating, the girls I met all suffered from apparently conservative upbringings or were simply not as attracted to sex as I was. Plus, I was so wrapped up in having any sort of sexual experiences (as most boys do) that I didn't really focus on the details of why I had the leanings I had until I was much older.

I went through several relationships and one marriage and in each case, my personality and submissiveness pushed us apart. My feelings about what sex could be (as opposed to what they were conditioned to accept as normal) were so strong that I couldn't suppress them enough to stay in the relationships. I didn't learn of this lifestyle (as a lifestyle) until the mid nineties. By then I was 40.

Much of what Akasha writes about being "socially behind" appears on the surface to be my situation but I must speak of my own personality and how it has contributed to my current circumstances and partly explains my past failed relationships. You see, I've always been a loner. I find people fascinating...but from a distance. I'm not drawn to having a great deal of social activity and never have. I've tried to force myself out there but something inside me just never got activated so I don't connect.

I'm very much a one-on-one sort of person and I know this is not the norm but what can I do? If I go out and put myself in social circles, all I feel is like I'm pretending to be enjoying myself when in fact, I'm looking forward to when I'll be free of the responsibility of having to interact with people I'm not really interested in being around. I seek the intensity and focus of being with one person where we can really get to know each other.

I'm now 50, I grew up the only boy with 6 sisters. I moved constantly (15 times in 15 years) because my father was in the military. I learned to be my own best friend and entertain myself with hobbies and activities I could do alone. In short, I learned not to have to depend on others.

On top of that, I'm extremely intellectual and have spent a good deal of my early adulthood studying things like philosophy, science, religion, and psychology. I now have a degree in Anthropology (the study of humankind) and find most people to be...if you'll excuse the expression...kind of average. It's hard for me to spend time listening to conversations in social settings that are basically small talk to fill space and time.

The relationships I've enjoyed most have always been one-on-one but again, this was not the norm for my partners and they would eventually get frustrated with me in addition to my being submissive. I thought the Internet would help me find someone who would be receptive to my unique personality and qualities but alas, it has turned out to be a mostly people interested in playing head games for their own personal amusement, conducting a business, or looking for someone to become a mate but not seriously self-aware about who they really are. Those that do have sincerity and integrity are by definition already involved and are here to interact but aren't looking.

It's very frustrating. I've got a world of things I can talk about and in spite of my being a loner, I have done quite a bit with my life. I have a lot of skills and abilities on the vanilla side that I can offer. Being older now, I feel I've started to settle down and can't find anything out there that really lights a fire inside anymore. I'm really beginning to believe I've passed the point where I will ever find a good mate. I have no delussions about this lifestyle and who dominant women are or what they want as women. I'm just a I've been all my life.

I suppose it makes sense that people like me can't find each other because we're not putting ourselves in situations that would bring us in contact.


You're going to have to get out and meet people and perhaps lower your standards regarding idle social conversation, or else find a partner who is as equally content being alone or with you only and can satisfy your other needs. That's a tall order.

You also need to keep intellectural snobbery from destroying your social life. Do you believe that the idle conversation at a social gathering is indicative of the intellect of the people there? That's why they call it "small talk." Also, a person's intellect and ability for deep thought -- and capacity to be engaging and interesting -- is not only measured by booksmarts.

If I were to imagine a mature femdom who had an equal thirst for knowledge, a passion for learning and an open minded sexuality, I'd almost automatically picture a vivacious, social woman who loves to travel, has been to exotic countries, takes risks and is fascinated with people and culture. But she's not a loner type, and needs a lot more stimulation than being with one person.

I think if you completely dropped your intellectual idealism for a mate and judgements of people based on social conversation you'd open your doors tremendously. Just as you might think a flighty, spontaneous "airhead" you just met (who may have an MBA, you just don't know it) might seem intellectually unchallenging to you, the dynamic, world-traveled woman across the way might see you as stiff, reclusive and boring.

You need to at least meet half way. Try to appreciate the beauty in people and their experiences, not judge them by how many books they have read.


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