RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (Full Version)

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GrizzlyBear -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 3:04:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Einzelganger

If I'm a school administrator, I would grant my teachers and staff the right to carry a concealed firearm, IF THEY ATTEND THE APPROPRIATE CLASSES, AND DEMONSTRATE SOUND REASONING.  If that were the case, if a serious problem like yesterday's events should arise, a student in desperation could approach ANY staff member and ask for help; there would be no need to wait several minutes until the police arrive.  How many people can die in several minutes?  Take a look at the news.

This is what the Isrealis decided to do.  Some years ago, the Palestinian terrorists decided that attacking shcools and massacreing children would be a good way to further their political ends.  acouple gunmen would show up with grenades and AK-47s and slaughter the whole school.  Happened several times.   Police and soldiers couldn't be spared to guard every school, every school bus.  Solution? 

Since Israel has universal military service, all teachers were already trained in the use of arms and were likely already issued at least one (generally an Uzi submachinegun),  plus were encouraged to purchase and carry personal arms.  All that was needed was to encourage all teachers to bring their weapons to school.

A couple more terrorists tried the old tactic, and were shot dead by teachers before they could make their political statement by killing all the children, thus wasting their martyrdom.  Suddenly the attacks against schools stopped.

Could it work here?  I dunno,  But if that teacher in the German class at VTU had had a 9mm Glock concealed behind his/her hip, and knew how to use it, there might be a few less students dead today.  Just like there are in Israel.

LadyEllen -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 3:35:42 AM)

First of all, my own condolences on what happened. It was widely reported in the UK and I'm sure the reactions from here will be as varied as the reactions over there. Two students from my area were at the university at the time, so we have had first hand accounts of the terror and tragedy, and direct impact of that.

Handguns, rifles and shotguns with capacity for more than three rounds were banned here in the UK over a decade ago. It is now very difficult indeed to legally obtain even a shotgun permit, and this weapon must be secured in a steel box when not in use. We can still obtain air weapons to maximum legal power (a .22 at max legal power can kill, if used properly), and there are scores of books around, as well as redundant engineers who can make such a weapon very deadly by increasing its power, or even reactivate a deactivated handgun.

Yet - 
a) our gun crime - mainly handguns - has soared in the past ten years, guns now being a fashion accessory and tool of gang behaviour,
b) I can obtain a semi automatic pistol and ammunition for a few hundred pounds (cheaper than before the ban) within a day or so. Within a few days and at a little higher price, I can obtain a fully automatic sub machine gun and ammunition,
c) if I wanted to murder one or a bunch of people in our witness crowded island, a gun would be my last choice even if I had one,
d) if I wanted to commit suicide with a gun, I could just as well put on a burkha and take my kids' toy gun onto the underground in London, where I'd be shot by police within a half hour.

I believe what we will come to see in these latest shootings in Virginia, and in the previous similar incidents, is a situation none other than those which resulted in the ban here in the UK - the failure of the system which administers the granting of permits. We had two key incidents here, both of which were awful, and both of which could not have occurred in the way they did had the system been administered properly. Both of the men who committed the incidents here, were known to be seriously psychologically ill, meaning that their permits should never have been granted, yet they were.

Now, I'm pretty convinced that had our two culprits here been picked up on and refused permits, then in those days at least, when no black market for guns existed, they would likely never have obtained guns, but probably would have still embarked on some sort of spree with an alternative weapon. Indeed, we had another case at around the time when another seriously psychologically ill man killed and maimed a class of infants with a machete - which is a horticultural tool whose sale can hardly be banned.

What this means, is that it is not the weapons used which are bad, but that the people who use them to kill others are in whatever way, psychologically damaged. What we see here then, is a failure of the psychological/psychiatric systems which ought to be in place to prevent such incidents, either by providing cures to those afflicted such that they have no urge to kill or by incarcerating them in such a way that they are incapable of acting out their urges. Yes, this denies them their freedom, but we cannot deal in absolutes here for one dangerous person, when the right of so many others to life is potentially put at risk thereby.

There is no point in banning guns, since they will always be around and only the law abiding would obey such a law. There is little prospect of removing the guns from US society that exist as of now, since there are just too many, and most importantly it is a right in the constitution. But, the US could do what I feel we ought to have done in the UK a decade or so ago, and that is to look at how these permits are granted, and the penalties for possession of a gun without a permit.


meatcleaver -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 4:34:04 AM)



Yet - 
a) our gun crime - mainly handguns - has soared in the past ten years, guns now being a fashion accessory and tool of gang behaviour,
b) I can obtain a semi automatic pistol and ammunition for a few hundred pounds (cheaper than before the ban) within a day or so. Within a few days and at a little higher price, I can obtain a fully automatic sub machine gun and ammunition,

There is still very little gun crime in UK compared to Swiss and Finnish gun crime and miniscule to US gun crime. Also most British gun crime is kept within the confines of urban gangs.
  • The British Crime Survey (BCS) estimated that there were 2.4 million violent incidents against adults in England and Wales in 2004/05.
  • The BCS also estimates the total number of crimes to be about 11.7 million.
  • So, gun crime amounts to less than 0.5% of violent crime and less than 0.01% of total crime.

Real0ne -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 4:48:05 AM)


I believe what we will come to see in these latest shootings in Virginia, and in the previous similar incidents, is a situation none other than those which resulted in the ban here in the UK

that would be one way to out this government in one clean sweep.  any bets on a civil war?

Real0ne -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 4:51:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver



Yet - 
a) our gun crime - mainly handguns - has soared in the past ten years, guns now being a fashion accessory and tool of gang behaviour,
b) I can obtain a semi automatic pistol and ammunition for a few hundred pounds (cheaper than before the ban) within a day or so. Within a few days and at a little higher price, I can obtain a fully automatic sub machine gun and ammunition,

There is still very little gun crime in UK compared to Swiss and Finnish gun crime and miniscule to US gun crime. Also most British gun crime is kept within the confines of urban gangs.
  • The British Crime Survey (BCS) estimated that there were 2.4 million violent incidents against adults in England and Wales in 2004/05.
  • The BCS also estimates the total number of crimes to be about 11.7 million.
  • So, gun crime amounts to less than 0.5% of violent crime and less than 0.01% of total crime.

you missed NG's thread where statistics also show that tho there is less gun deaths there is more violent crime in the uk as a whole than in the us

BOUNTYHUNTER -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 5:18:03 AM)

Everyone in Israel is armed and as well they should be,I am kind of on the fence about arming teachers etc.I believe that more guards a tighter security does a better job,As a open free society this mean some of our freedom is curtail then so be it.I never thought in a thousands years I would hear myself say that statement.AS a retired special forces  I know how to protect mine  and my self and have taught my extended family to shoot ,WE also have security dogs and have trained them in the past for others...WE aren't safe in the USA any more,we mind as well be prepared for what coming and yes my fellow Americans ITS comming...bounty

LadyEllen -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 5:19:46 AM)

MC - it may be miniscule, but it has soared.

It is now much cheaper to acquire a semi automatic handgun here than ever it was before. It is now possible to acquire a fully automatic SMG here, when it wasnt before.

We have produced a thriving black market in guns, when the whole point was to remove them from society. We have shootings every week that are now so commonplace that they dont make the front pages of the newspapers, as they would have done before, being a rare event previously.

So the controls have not helped. Maybe the removal of the controls wouldnt help either, but the thing is I am a law abiding taxpayer with no criminal record, so why on earth should I not be able to have a gun? I'm mature enough not to run people down in my car, mature enough not to go crazy with the swords I own, so why would it be that given a gun I should go about shooting anyone?


BOUNTYHUNTER -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 5:25:09 AM)

ITS not really a BLACK MARKET when you can find Any thing you may need or want out in the open at swaps meets.fea markets.I know here and within a 100 miles radius you can if you have the money become armed to the teeth.PICK up your local papers and notice just how many guns are for sale by private owners.All the new Gun laws ever did was drive the market under always just this ol" masters views

Pulpsmack -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 6:06:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

Only fools will refute that the correlation between liberal gun laws and the number of guns in society and the amount of gun deaths. No doubt the pro-gun lobby will say that the only way to protect oneself is to have a gun without even considering all the data pointing to that stance being nigh on idiotic. 

Scroll down to list at the bottom. The stats say more guns and more liberal laws in society equals more gun deaths.

Only fools cite statistics from special interest groups. I can counter that nonsense you  posted with similar nonsense from the NRA.

Here's one I randomly found on google:

Myth #3: Gun Control Has Reduced The Crime Rates In Other Countries

1. Fact: The murder rates in many nations (such as England) were ALREADY LOW BEFORE enacting gun control. Thus, their restrictive laws cannot be credited with lowering their crime rates.1

2. Fact: Gun control has done nothing to keep crime rates from rising in many of the nations that have imposed severe firearms restrictions.

* Australia: Readers of the USA Today newspaper discovered in 2002 that, "Since Australia's 1996 laws banning most guns and making it a crime to use a gun defensively, armed robberies rose by 51%, unarmed robberies by 37%, assaults by 24% and kidnappings by 43%. While murders fell by 3%, manslaughter rose by 16%."2

* Canada: After enacting stringent gun control laws in 1991 and 1995, Canada has not made its citizens any safer. "The contrast between the criminal violence rates in the United States and in Canada is dramatic," says Canadian criminologist Gary Mauser in 2003. "Over the past decade, the rate of violent crime in Canada has increased while in the United States the violent crime rate has plummeted." 3

* England: According to the BBC News, handgun crime in the United Kingdom rose by 40% in the two years after it passed its draconian gun ban in 1997.4

* Japan: One newspaper headline says it all: Police say "Crime rising in Japan, while arrests at record low."5

3. Fact: British citizens are now more likely to become a victim of crime than are people in the United States:

* In 1998, a study conducted jointly by statisticians from the U.S. Department of Justice and the University of Cambridge in England found that most crime is now worse in England than in the United States.

* "You are more likely to be mugged in England than in the United States," stated the Reuters news agency in summarizing the study. "The rate of robbery is now 1.4 times higher in England and Wales than in the United States, and the British burglary rate is nearly double America's."6 The murder rate in the United States is reportedly higher than in England, but according to the DOJ study, "the difference between the [murder rates in the] two countries has narrowed over the past 16 years."7

* The United Nations confirmed these results in 2000 when it reported that the crime rate in England is higher than the crime rates of 16 other industrialized nations, including the United States.8

4. Fact: British authorities routinely underreport crime statistics. Comparing statistics between different nations can be quite difficult since foreign officials frequently use different standards in compiling crime statistics.

* The British media has remained quite critical of authorities there for "fiddling" with crime data. Consider some of the headlines in their papers: "Crime figures a sham, say police,"9 "Police are accused of fiddling crime data,"10 and "Police figures under-record offences by 20 percent."11

* British police have also criticized the system because of the "widespread manipulation" of crime data:

a. "Officers said that pressure to convince the public that police were winning the fight against crime had resulted in a long list of ruses to 'massage' statistics."12

b. Sgt. Mike Bennett says officers have become increasingly frustrated with the practice of manipulating statistics. "The crime figures are meaningless," he said. "Police everywhere know exactly what is going on."13

c. According to The Electronic Telegraph, "Officers said the recorded level of crime bore no resemblance to the actual amount of crime being committed."14

* Underreporting crime data: "One former Scotland Yard officer told The Telegraph of a series of tricks that rendered crime figures 'a complete sham.' A classic example, he said, was where a series of homes in a block flats were burgled and were regularly recorded as one crime. Another involved pickpocketing, which was not recorded as a crime unless the victim had actually seen the item being stolen."15

* Underreporting murder data: British crime reporting tactics keep murder rates artificially low. "Suppose that three men kill a woman during an argument outside a bar. They are arrested for murder, but because of problems with identification (the main witness is dead), charges are eventually dropped. In American crime statistics, the event counts as a three-person homicide, but in British statistics it counts as nothing at all. 'With such differences in reporting criteria, comparisons of U.S. homicide rates with British homicide rates is a sham,' [a 2000 report from the Inspectorate of Constabulary] concludes."16

5. Fact: Many nations with stricter gun control laws have violence rates that are equal to, or greater than, that of the United States. Consider the following rates:

High Gun
Ownership Countries

Low Gun
Ownership Countries




Switzerland (high)









France (low)



Israel (high)



Japan** (low)



It is very easy to manipulate statistics and the fact you swallow the Kool Aid such fervor shows your level of critical thinking.

For example, the Brady organization used an ATF statistic demonstrating that 1 in 5 violent gun crimes involved an assault rifle. It turned out that the ATF lumped assault rifles in the same category as all long arms, including shotguns. It turns out the ACTUAL statistic of AWs in violent crimes was 4%. 

Also, since you opened the can of worms... Nazi Germany had some of the strictest gun laws imaginable and how many were murdered back then? Apples to oranges? perhaps, but then again so is ANY comparison to the United states.

Find a nation that operates under a capitalistic system that recognizes individual rights and freedoms  has a population in excess of 250 million ethnically diverse citizens in different social classes. When you have ALL those factors in play then you can make a fair comparison. Otherwise your selective nonesense about pockets of western Europe are as relevant as including Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany (and that doesn't work well in your favor).

meatcleaver -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 6:27:33 AM)

You are talking bollocks. We are talking about gun crime and you bring in just about every other spurious argument to blur the picture that gun crime is out of vcontrol in America. Compare the two pages below. There were over 16,000 murders in the US in 2005 while in the UK there were just under 900. The US has five times the population of the UK so the multiple the UK's rate by 5 and you get 4,500. Just a little over a quarter of the murder rate of the US. Yep, guns really protect you. Drink some kool aid brother.

Violent crime varies in definition from one country to another. I used to work in the probation service and Britain has more crimes on the statutes than most countries and comparisons are difficult other than in concrete facts such as murders. A study was done by the Thatcher government to find out why Britain's crime rate was so much higher than its neighbours. The study revealed that certain behaviours were not seen as crimes in some countries while they were seen as crimes in Britain, such as Saturday night bar fights which are recorded as violent crimes in Britain but not even recorded by many of Britain's neighbours. Also in Britain, the people who are most likely to suffer from violent crime are inner city youths, the exact same people that perpetrate the same violent crimes. Very little of this crime seeps out into the wider community. However, I would agree with you, the more Britain runs its economy US style rather than on the European social model, crime does appear to go up significantly and does go beyond the inner city areas more.

meatcleaver -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 6:30:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: Pulpsmack

Find a nation that operates under a capitalistic system that recognizes individual rights and freedoms  has a population in excess of 250 million ethnically diverse citizens in different social classes. When you have ALL those factors in play then you can make a fair comparison. Otherwise your selective nonesense about pockets of western Europe are as relevant as including Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany (and that doesn't work well in your favor).

Your murder rate is way above Canada's and Australias and New Zealands. All are immigrant countries and all ethnically diverse. Sorry brother, you are looking for excuses.

Pulpsmack -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 6:36:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

Your murder rate is way above Canada's and Australias and New Zealands. All are immigrant countries and all ethnically diverse. Sorry brother, you are looking for excuses.

Clearly you have ZERO idea about what you are talking about. Canada is one of the most racially homogonized nations on the planet. I believe that lardass moron Michael Moore stymied himself in his own movie, Bowling For Columbine with the words: "And Canada IS ethnically diverse! one in 10 are non-white!" One in 10? WTF? that is anything BUT diverse. The same applies with your other examples.  

lockedaway -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 6:36:31 AM)

Meatcleaver, I'm glad you aren't a pervasive voice in this country.  We have almost triple the population of the UK and the freedoms we enjoy can carry some risk but they are still worth having.  You can post your socialist, government control B.S. all you like.  I don't know why people even respond to it.

meatcleaver -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 6:47:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: lockedaway

Meatcleaver, I'm glad you aren't a pervasive voice in this country.  We have almost triple the population of the UK and the freedoms we enjoy can carry some risk but they are still worth having.  You can post your socialist, government control B.S. all you like.  I don't know why people even respond to it.

You carry on goosestepping lockedaway, you need the exercise.

meatcleaver -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 6:55:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: Pulpsmack


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

Your murder rate is way above Canada's and Australias and New Zealands. All are immigrant countries and all ethnically diverse. Sorry brother, you are looking for excuses.

Clearly you have ZERO idea about what you are talking about. Canada is one of the most racially homogonized nations on the planet. I believe that lardass moron Michael Moore stymied himself in his own movie, Bowling For Columbine with the words: "And Canada IS ethnically diverse! one in 10 are non-white!" One in 10? WTF? that is anything BUT diverse. The same applies with your other examples.  

How do you make that out?

Canada 83% European desent

USA 76% European desent

Holland 80% European desent

UK 85% European desent

The differences aren't as big as you suggest.

Pulpsmack -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 7:02:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

You are talking bollocks. We are talking about gun crime and you bring in just about every other spurious argument to blur the picture that gun crime is out of vcontrol in America. Compare the two pages below. There were over 16,000 murders in the US in 2005 while in the UK there were just under 900. The US has five times the population of the UK so the multiple the UK's rate by 5 and you get 4,500. Just a little over a quarter of the murder rate of the US. Yep, guns really protect you. Drink some kool aid brother.

What is "bollocks" is arguing an isolated variable in two countries that have different government, different economies, different social factors and, different demographics. Ever heard of the scientific method? The only way the comparitive results are meaningful is when the independent variables are identical between the two populations.

If you have a petri dish in a bathroom generating X amount of bacteria and a petri dish in a kitchen generating Y, you can't make a meaningful comparison when you have a difference in temp by 10 degrees, different humidity and 5 times the human traffic in the bathroom.

Like it or not, you have to look at the whole picture.

lockedaway -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 7:10:21 AM)

Me?  Goosestepping?  YOU are the one that wants to limit people's freedoms, sport, not me.  You are the one that wants big government that will regulate everyone's life, not me.  If anyone should be sliding into his jack boots right now, it's YOU. :)  You are the guy that thinks that government can manage an individual's life better than the individual.  Why don't you just admit that you are very much at odds with what we value in the United States.  You should go to South America...surely there is some little country that would relish your kind of oppression. [:)]

MistressLorelei -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 7:22:09 AM)

When tragedies like this happen, it only rings to me like it's simply too easy to get a weapon.  If weapons were allowed on campus, would a handgun have been able to take down the murderer (who didn't care about being shot), firing at will, any quicker than it ended naturally?  Or would there have been additional senseless accidental killings by college kids who were scared for their lives firing guns they were carrying.

And what about on days when there is no mass murderer stalking the school...  On these days, would guns go off for trivial incidences the way they often do.  Jealous rage,  bar fights, road rage?

We can't give everyone a gun.  We spend a lot of time on these boards talking about how so many people in this world are so unintelligent, uneducated, uncaring, etc)... but then we want to  put guns in the hands of people just like this.

High schools have had many shootings, even elementary and middle schools... shall we just keep giving guns to more and more people.... will we then all be safe?   I don't think so.

meatcleaver -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 7:24:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Pulpsmack


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

You are talking bollocks. We are talking about gun crime and you bring in just about every other spurious argument to blur the picture that gun crime is out of vcontrol in America. Compare the two pages below. There were over 16,000 murders in the US in 2005 while in the UK there were just under 900. The US has five times the population of the UK so the multiple the UK's rate by 5 and you get 4,500. Just a little over a quarter of the murder rate of the US. Yep, guns really protect you. Drink some kool aid brother.

What is "bollocks" is arguing an isolated variable in two countries that have different government, different economies, different social factors and, different demographics. Ever heard of the scientific method? The only way the comparitive results are meaningful is when the independent variables are identical between the two populations.

If you have a petri dish in a bathroom generating X amount of bacteria and a petri dish in a kitchen generating Y, you can't make a meaningful comparison when you have a difference in temp by 10 degrees, different humidity and 5 times the human traffic in the bathroom.

Like it or not, you have to look at the whole picture.

The fact is that the US has regular mass murders while other developed countries don't have regular mass murders. That certainly says something about American society and  it liberal gun laws. While guns are obtainable in most countries, the very fact you have to search for a gun means that the person who is intent on killing is delayed and has time to think rather than pick up a gun and immediately react.

meatcleaver -> RE: Gun Control And Tragedy (4/17/2007 7:25:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: lockedaway

Me?  Goosestepping?  YOU are the one that wants to limit people's freedoms, sport, not me.  You are the one that wants big government that will regulate everyone's life, not me.  If anyone should be sliding into his jack boots right now, it's YOU. :)  You are the guy that thinks that government can manage an individual's life better than the individual.  Why don't you just admit that you are very much at odds with what we value in the United States.  You should go to South America...surely there is some little country that would relish your kind of oppression. [:)]

If freedom requires people to have freedom to kill with ease, then I guess I am for limiting freedom. One has to think about the freedom of the the people being killed which you don't seem to consider important enough.

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