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"Community" - 4/17/2007 3:00:39 AM   

Posts: 1841
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On this and other sites, one of the continually recycling conversations dwells on the concept of "community," our sense of it, whether it exists or not, and how it affects (or doesn't effect) our lives. Along with discussions of community, there are discussions of "vanillas," who's better, who's not, differences, similarities along with how and if we can be accepted, legalities and how to gain greater acceptance/less fear/loathing about what it is we do and all that.

Some people legitimately believe there is no sense of community. Some people revel in it. Some believe that, as one gentleman put it in an e-mail group I'm in, "vanillas are dangerous," others see no difference between vanilla and D/s and the arguments go on and on and round and round.

However, one of the interesting things I've been contemplating recently is just how much our struggle and assertion of "community" actually impedes our struggle for acceptance by the greater numbers of society we say we're pushing for. (although I understand that gathering together in numbers makes us all stronger)

Then, yesterday, I was reading a book entitled "Someone Else's House: America's Unfinished Struggle for Integration by Tamar Jacoby, and I came across a quotation that kind of summed up my current thoughts. The book is an exploration of integration, what's worked, what hasn't, and the mistakes of the last 35 years. It ponders the question whether integration, not just physical, but complete integration is ever possible.

It's this quotation I'd ask you to begin to focus on. The book obviously tackles the difficult subject of racial integration, but the following quotation could just as easily be applied to the efforts and struggles of those who practice bdsm.

I don't attempt to equate the struggles of people who choose a specific lifestyle with those who struggle with racial injustices - whichever side of the fence you sit on, but the quote really made me think. I hope it does to you as well.

"Today "community" means not one integrated nation but a minority enclave as in the black [bdsm] community."

So, my question is, do you agree or disagree with this idea? If  you do, then how much do you believe even while our attempts at being recognized as a "community" bring together people that may otherwise be disenfranchised, that this fragmenting from the general communities of our cities, countries societies, etc, in essence, impede the very thing so many people are trying to accomplish (acceptance, legality, etc)? How much does the us vs them approach and who's better cost us in terms of acceptance, etc? And most importantly, taking the subject of the book, do you believe that complete integration (acceptance, legality, neutrality) is ever really possible? If not, what do you see as our best possible hope. If so, how do you see it coming about?


(yup, thoughts like this really DO randomly run through my head. scary huh?)

< Message edited by julietsierra -- 4/17/2007 3:15:42 AM >
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RE: "Community" - 4/17/2007 3:30:02 AM   

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My question would be: What would be the goal of integration? Acceptance of this activity as a "legitimate" option that some majority of people don't find unacceptable? (That is probably a silly question, that is probably the goal, I imagine. I'm not being silly, just clarifying) I consider it legitimate whether a majority of other people do, or not - of course I know you do, too - just thought I'd reiterate that.

IMO, I think this issue is harder than dealing with racial issues, because people's sexual activities are less visible, and there isn't a strong argument (yet, as far as a lot of quantifiable research) that it's a biolgical or genetic drive for people engaged in it. If it really does seem to be an active part of the intimate lives in only about 10% of the population (as I've read it is) then IMO, there will always be a disparity, in that bdsmer's will never be considered a majority, probably.

Ideally, minorites are heard, and heard as a legitimate voice to be heard. In reality, sometimes the squeaky wheels (the majority) really do get the grease more often, sad to say, at the expense of a minority, that should at least be recognized as existing in the first place. 

I think, bdsmer's are currently about where gays were in the early 1960's ,as far as visibility (but I base that partly on the awareness level of it in the conservative community, and part of the country, I live in)  

Not that the fall-out isn't or wasn't worse as far as racial issues (it was, and can be IMO, but that's not the topic and I don't want to digress). There is certainly some fall-out for folks who want to be "out of the closet" as far as this stuff goes, and feel inhibited, and I can see why they'd feel that way. Media, neighbors, etc. can be extremely nosy and gossipy, and vile about it, too, sometimes (if not most of the time) just for something to do, or watch on tv, or have some "cause" to march on about. 

I realize the above (how long it took for racial inequality issues to be addressed to a larger degree, as well as no quantifiable research that a desire for bdsm acitvity  could be caused by a specific biological genetic drive) shouldn't make a difference, really, but it might be a factor, IMO, as far as how long it takes, for more of the general public to consider bdsm activity less as "something to be feared", as opposed to something to be either basically ignored, or somehow hailed as a legitimate option for people.

Because some people view it as an  "illegitimate, or "bad"  life choice", IMO, the way some view homosexuality as an illegitimate "choice" - and so, if it can be somehow "proven" to be not so much a choice, but a gentically driven desire, or even a need, so much the better.

Too bad, isn't it, that we can't just all make our own choices, and leave eachother alone to make them? (this is obviously a rhetorical question)

Even then, research proving there is some genetic drive for this activity could still be used against bdsmer's (remember the research, a couple of decades ago, that supposedly "proved" that certain males had an extra chromosome that made them more prone to be "Violent Psychopaths?" proved unfounded, but was considered legit by many supposedly "in the know" for quite awhile (years).

I realize I am not being overly optimistic, here. But then again, if that kind of quantifiable, mostly irrefutable research is found and publicized, it could also definitely work in favor of making bdsm activity deemed by more of a majority of folks, to be acceptable - Eventually.  

About the only thing I can imagine it will take is time. Time. Decades. Not a complete analogy, but it's been almost 40 years since the "Stonewall Riots" for gays, and they've made a lot of progress, but still don't have marital rights on par with straight people (but I see that as probably slowly changing). 

I realize it isn't much consolation, BUT - everywhere, no matter what, there will exist some segment of the population that considers it their business, what others do in their most intimate moments.

I don't see them all that often, and they don't terrifically affect my personal life. I realize that is not the reason this kind of activity shouldn't be more able to be discussed openly, as a choice for folks, but I do find in it a small consolation.   

I am of the feeling these people who make what bdsmer's do their business when it obviously isn't, very much deserve to be ignored, but I still do not announce my proclivities in their direction, because it:

1) Legitimizes their "concerns" to begin with

2) Underscores that they seem to think this "needs" to somehow be made a divisive issue when I don't, particularly

3) Have no doubt they can also be vindictive and cruel, if it they think it will serve their purposes. And I have no intention of being their "sacrifical lamb" so they can advance their goals (I don't want to debate this part, as it is a very personal choice, IMO).

Good topic. I have no real solutions or answers for you, and wish I did (except possibly more Activism, (which already takes place to some degree, and I which I actually would consider in my own less visible way) - but I do think it's a good topic. 

- Susan

< Message edited by SusanofO -- 4/17/2007 4:23:23 AM >


"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all". - Emily Dickinson

(in reply to julietsierra)
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RE: "Community" - 4/17/2007 3:51:44 AM   

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Religion.  It's all over.  And, while we have religious among us, for the most part, doesn't approve of what we do.  It's guided much of history and society.

Taboos are still strong.  Incest, under-age, homosexual, sado/maso, D/s, anal, oral, fetish.. I'm going to stop here as I'm going to get depressed going on.
I live in Virginia, US.  Reading up on our laws (lawyer/business family), I've come across a lot of funny laws.  Did you know, here, it's illegal to have anal or oral sex?  Yup.  Not just a misdemeanor, either!  It's a felony!  (Considering this board often carries an illegal taboo, I'm going to procede to pretend I haven't commited numerous felonies each day for years now.)  We recently (in the past several months) voted down a change in the law that would recognize civil unions between homosexual couples.   (Currently, Virginia law reads that homosexual unions/marriages are not only not allowed to take place here, but will be considered void and invalid for any action within the state or that involves the state.)

I may or may not have gone out and slept with a seventeen-year old girl when I was eighteen.  If I did, I wouldn't be able to mention it here.  It's a misdemeanor.  There's no "Romeo and Juilet" law here, not that it would be a sparing grace.  If I had done such a thing, and given the DA a reason to dislike me, I could be prosecuted for it.
When I was fifteen, I may or may not have slept with another girl in my class.  If I did, we'd both be eligible to be tried under felony charge in the state of Virginia.

My law study was genearl, which included sexual, but I'm not quite an expert on it.  I do not know of laws directly pertaining to s/m or D/s.  For incest, I know that the above-mentioned illegal activties carry greater penalities if with a family member.  I don't recall seeing a law against incest that doesn't break another law, but I'm going to guess it may be there.  I don't think anyone's made a law against foot worship yet in Virginia.

People are still starting to wake up.  Social rule still governs the minds of many, if not most.  "Society" is a living, breathing creature.  It's micromers, which one may consider analogous to cells in an organism proper, are individuals adhering to and enforcing its precepts.  Society, as we know it today, will evolve or die.  Eventually.  But, for now, it's vast and powerful and not fond of challenges to its surivival.

Intergrate or stay apart?  Depends.  Does the BDSM community stand a better chance as a small animal, or as a collection of germ cells?  The answer is likely a combination of the mechanisms will prove to be most effective.

Myself, I'll continue to take part in this community, while "coming out of the closet" in my real life.

(in reply to julietsierra)
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RE: "Community" - 4/17/2007 4:02:51 AM   

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ORIGINAL: CuriousLord

Intergrate or stay apart?  Depends.  Does the BDSM community stand a better chance as a small animal, or as a collection of germ cells?  The answer is likely a combination of the mechanisms will prove to be most effective.

Myself, I'll continue to take part in this community, while "coming out of the closet" in my real life.

Nod. I guess what strikes me most is that while we're typically engaging in a combination of mechanisms to achieve some sort of acceptance - among them being developing a sense of cohesiveness in a lifestyle that is not really cohesive in anything except our desire to do things to each other in a largely consensual manner -  that very cohesiveness seems to be coming with a price tag, and I'm unsure that people understand the price of what they're doing. Perhaps they do and just don't care. I don't know. 

When people talk about the bdsm "community," practices, etc and point them out to be somehow better, deeper, stronger than those practiced by people we call "vanillas"... we in essence, perpetuate the very thing we're attempting to overcome - even as we're attempting to garner some social acceptance for what it is we do to each other. It's been my growing thought recently in light of some posts I've read here, on other sites and on a couple of e-mail groups I'm in that perhaps in the attempt to build community, we're in effect, shooting ourselves in the foot by trying to rank each group within the larger communities we call our neighborhoods, cities, states, provinces and countries in terms of who is better than whom.

Anyway, these thoughts have been dancing around in my head for a while now and yesterday, when I began reading Jacoby's book, that quotation jumped out at me and kind of gelled things in my own mind about all this.

By the way, I enjoyed your post on what you may or may not have done in your life that may or may not have been in compliance with or in violation of the law in your given state. It was very interesting, and I may or may not have faced some similar dilemmas in my own state.


< Message edited by julietsierra -- 4/17/2007 4:06:01 AM >

(in reply to CuriousLord)
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RE: "Community" - 4/17/2007 4:33:33 AM   

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I wrote on this very subject on a group I run...

My take on this was more along these lines... What is the community? Someone define it.

What I see are groups of people who are friendly with one another (to a degree) instead of a community. Often there are multiple groups within the same geographic location. Some members of one group may be honored in ways that would include Capping Ceremonies, titles of recognition that the "community" awarded them & so on. This honored member could walk in the door of the neighboring "community" & all of this honor, experience & titles would mean squat.

So what is community, I ask again?

With the addition of this post I could add... if we can't recognize or accept the validity of others within our own "ranks" then why would anyone ever expect the vanilla "community" to accept us much less integrate us?

(ok, back to coffee)



(in reply to julietsierra)
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RE: "Community" - 4/17/2007 4:39:02 AM   

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As far as gaining more mainstream acceptance, I see our best possible hope in playing up our similarities, and down-playing our differences, (or at least making them seem less like "differences") - like that or not, and as unique as everyone is, by empahsizing the less extreme aspects of bdsm activity, to any segment of what is considered to be a people in a majority.

To anyone who really objects to that idea, if it sounds "hypocritical", I think it's also very practical, and I think idealists in this regard may have a very long wait (but then again, maybe they don't care).

I do realize that, due to extreme instances of discrimination, groups like ACT-UP (for gay rights), etc. have made progress where others seemingly haven't, and there is some argument to be made, IMO, that "in your face" demonstrations for equal rights, make a minority segment much more visible - and there is the old saying that no publicity is bad publicity -  I tend to disagree (please no flames).

Although they do have a place, and maybe they do help, in terms of overall visibility (they can also piss a lot of people off, and some of those people might be in a position to substantially help, and not hinder, a cause, which IMO, is something to consider)

And then again, there was Gandhi, and Martin Luther King (more peaceable, and yet very, very effective)

I think there really is such a thing as bad publicity, and I say don't add fuel to the fire. If something is going to be emphasized as an "example" of bdsm as more "normal" than "abnormal" as far as emphasizing similarities between bdsmer's and "vanillas" then it makes more sense to me, to make it something considered more "normal" to begin any "campaign"with  - and then go from there, and build on the positive results, maybe introducing emphasizing activities considered more "extreme" (if necessary) as time goes on.

Such as emphasizing small things like:

1) Everyone appeciates sex (except for people who are frigid or asexual, or into chastity as a kink, I am supposing) whether they are "vanilla" or not.

2) Many (or at least some) of these people can identify that spanking isn't really totally horrifying (or at least less horrifying, than say, mock crucifiction) as an activity

3) Make "tourists" feel welcome. Re: Instances where part of a community can be seen as "touristy" well, if a minority wants to feel more accepted, then they will have to be, at the very least, tolerant of the "kink tourists" in Clubs - and I think many "life-style" folks are (but I hear groaning about them in some posts).

I say recognize them for what they are - a good PR opportunity at the least, even if they are just "dropping in" for a year or two (or even a week-end). I started out as a "tourist" (just on the Internet) - everyone gets familiar with this kind of activity via some kind of outlet - if that outlet involves a bdsm "community" (even if a loose one), then  strive to keep interactions as friendly as possible.

4) When I think of more examples here, I'll be back. There are plenty of them (but I gotta be somewhere less than 2 hours, and need to get ready)

- Susan 

< Message edited by SusanofO -- 4/17/2007 5:18:15 AM >


"Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all". - Emily Dickinson

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RE: "Community" - 4/17/2007 7:15:43 AM   

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Well I think there are "communities"- homosexual, hetereosexual, leather based, and such (one could even postulate that those who spend more than 50% of their communication/interaction in the scene online form their specific community).  But those are fairly broad and, at least for heterosexuals, don't often have to form a significant sense of identity from that trait.

I tend to think, when talking about kink/authority dynamic relationships, it's more a generalized sub-culture.

I think complete integration is possible, but still many generations aways.  Homosexuality isn't completely integrated yet. 

But as I was saying to a friend yesterday, unless you're talking professional or political contexts, kink is pretty much out there and exposed, it's not hiding in enclaves anymore.


Find stable partners, not a stable of partners.

"Sometimes my whore logic gets all fuzzy"- Californication

(in reply to SusanofO)
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RE: "Community" - 4/18/2007 12:24:37 AM   

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Hi Juliet,

Very interesting post. I agree with your quote: I think that the word "community" has changed in meaning to apply now to "cliques" instead of the larger population.

I think it unfortunate that activism has had the unforeseen consequence of splitting us up into more and more "communities" instead of bringing us together. We divide by race, gender, religion, political affiliation, etc.

Once created, the "community" becomes self-perpetuating. Once someone begins to make their living running one of these organizations, they have to justify their continued existence.

There is always another "emergency", always another battle to fight.

Understand, I'm not saying that these groups haven't done a lot of good. But when do you declare "success"?

The other thing you mention is this constant need for members of one group to compare themselves to another group: the ole "us vs. them" mentality. Our side is always better, theirs worse. Look how pervasive this kind of thinking is: my Dad is stronger than yours, my school is better than yours, I make more money than you, I'm stronger, more handsome, more intelligent, ...

Why this constant need to compare ourselves with others? Why can't we just be happy with who we are.

By the way, I'm not saying all of this by way of criticizing others: I do it just as much as anyone else. That's what really bugs me!


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RE: "Community" - 4/18/2007 2:38:03 AM   

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Understand, I'm not saying that these groups haven't done a lot of good. But when do you declare "success"?

The other thing you mention is this constant need for members of one group to compare themselves to another group: the ole "us vs. them" mentality. Our side is always better, theirs worse. Look how pervasive this kind of thinking is: my Dad is stronger than yours, my school is better than yours, I make more money than you, I'm stronger, more handsome, more intelligent, ...

Why this constant need to compare ourselves with others? Why can't we just be happy with who we are.

By the way, I'm not saying all of this by way of criticizing others: I do it just as much as anyone else. That's what really bugs me!

Put quite simply, we're hardwired that way.  We have been since our caveman days, and until someone figures out a way to beat Einstein and develops something to enable humans to live somewhere other than Earth, and then tack on a few hundred thousand years of evolution and natural selection, we will continue that way.

(in reply to DarkDreams123)
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