RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (Full Version)

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MistressDREAD -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/2/2004 9:23:28 PM)

After speaking with YourSlave4life
I have found what was lacking in
his profile and gave him the information
to correct to give those whom seek
better information as to his words
but conter dicktion in his responces
when sumone responds to him. There
is a viable reason why he is not able
at this time to leave the area he is in
but the future can develope a relationship
away but for now his area is the only
place he can be with just cause. If there
is a Dominant he can serve in his area
untill he is again able to move this would
prove benifitial to the Dominant whom
has a use for such a slave presently.
good luck in your search YourSlave4life

Sundew02 -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/3/2004 8:19:13 AM)

I did not find, for my personal taste, too much information in the profile. What I did find was a lack thereof. If you have an age, location or other expectations, then be honest and POST them in your profile comments section. This would give the Dominants an idea if you are truly available as a slave. Sundew

MistressKiss -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/3/2004 10:00:04 PM)

Well, hells bells...just when you think you find a good one....grinsssssssssssssssss


Magic -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/6/2004 5:31:11 AM)

Bravo Mistress Kiss, Bravo i say...

anthrosub -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/12/2004 2:17:04 PM)

With respect to A/all:
i've been searching for over two years. Tried the local BDSM group (Black Rose), AOL chat rooms, ALT, and user groups on Yahoo. i stumbled on Collarme through reading a Yahoo message thread about two weeks ago. i wrote my profile to state my intended goal, knowing that the details will be addressed should someone contact me. It seems where i live, most Dominants are Pro only or already have a life mate. Relocating seems my best hope of meeting more people.

i received a few inquiries at the outset and then nothing. This has been my experience in every place i engage in. i'm looking for a relationship that as described here in the thread will grow and develop. i realize there's no such thing as instant servitude. As a submissive male, i have to contend with the reality of being buried in a mountain of "pseudo subs" and have become increasingly frustrated to the point of considering that maybe i'm destined to live out the rest of my life alone. That's how it feels anyway. i wish there were some way to create a site that can verify the integrety of the profile to weed out the distractions.

There's also the hard reality that in order for the person i'm seeking to see me, She must be a member, too!

Best wishes,

iwillserveu -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/12/2004 2:50:37 PM)

This is a good first step. What you write seemed reasonable TO YOU. Getting feedback on what was wrong with it is a good first step.

Now for the second step I will tell you the secret. Just conflorm the aporfment sroughly. Remember, when in doubt srough migout.

I hope that helped.[:D]

ShadeDiva -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/12/2004 6:14:35 PM)

Well yanno why not just try to find FRIENDS - rather than a dominant?

To me, this is all about rushing to the destination and ignoring the journey.

Don't worry about the masses of posers you feel are making it harder for you - focus on YOU, and your growth as a submissive/slave. Feed your genuine desire to serve, be real and yourself and sincere - and you WILL shine from the masses of idiots. Honest.

The good ones freaking almost glow that's how different they are in their conduct, how they hold and handle themselves, how they converse, etc. from those that are looking for pud pulling material, or a leading lady for the domme part in their script.

You don't transform into a submissive o slave as soon as you are collared, the process begins long before you ever meet your dominant usually.

Relax, and enjoy the trip.


January -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/12/2004 6:34:00 PM)

Wonderful post, Shade.

Sinergy -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/12/2004 8:26:10 PM)

Lovely post, shade.


You don't transform into a submissive o slave as soon as you are collared, the process begins long before you ever meet your dominant usually.

From the other perspective, I dont think one becomes a Dominant by putting on a blue name tag at a munch and demand any wearing red name tags to kneel in obeisance.

I posted on my profile that from my perspective a person unable to Dominate themselves; show up in wrinkled clothing, unwashed, lacking social graces, unable to control their basic urges, does not seem like they would be able to Dominate another person any better.

This is just me, but there you go...


MistressDREAD -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/12/2004 9:47:17 PM)

being a Mistress
I can tell you
that being a
whinner on here
does not attract
My attention.
you have been
here two weeks.
and Im going to
assume in your
words that your
experiance to this
point with in the
BDSM communities
you have visited
did not gain you what
you seek and you
are frustrated but
really, what have you
shown in your words
that would attract My
attention as a Mistress
to you?Were your actions
the same in the Munchies
and Groups you attended
because if they were I would
not of been impressed with
you. Think of yourself
as being sumthing you are
selling. Would you tempt
to sell the item by complaining
about what it doesent do or
show all of its positive points
and attract those whom seek
this product for its use. JMO

ShadeDiva -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/13/2004 5:18:13 AM)


From the other perspective, I dont think one becomes a Dominant by putting on a blue name tag at a munch and demand any wearing red name tags to kneel in obeisance.

I posted on my profile that from my perspective a person unable to Dominate themselves; show up in wrinkled clothing, unwashed, lacking social graces, unable to control their basic urges, does not seem like they would be able to Dominate another person any better.

Oh, I'd FULLY concur!

Just, yanno, he was talking from the submissive/slave standpoint, so was just addressing that hehe.

And yeah if they can't control their appearance and conduct or other facets of their lives - controlling another is just ridiculous, IMO.

To the original poster - I noticed that your 2 year search seems completely based online - why not attend a local munch? Get involved in your local community! Make friends and hang out in the real life community - she might be there right under your nose just waiting! One group does not a community make! There are other groups in your vicinity - try them!


anthrosub -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/13/2004 2:19:48 PM)

Dear MistressDREAD,
Thank You for Your thoughts. i guess i should have indicated in my post i was sympathizing with the original author. What i wrote was a summary of my own experiences to date to give context, not to it's a declarative post of sorts. i have two excellent relationships with Dommes but neither could grow (one due to a serious heart condition, the other because the Domme is married to a Dom). The last thing i would want is to come across as whining.

my experience in the community here in DC is that most of the attending members are male Doms, the socials are not prone to social mixing, and i have a strong feeling the Lifestylers network more privately in inner circles. Clearly not every Domme in this area is only a Pro but there sure are a lot of them...probably because of the demographics.

Thank You again for Your thoughts.


Estring -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/13/2004 4:08:26 PM)

I think it is a numbers game for you anthro. The numbers are stacked against you. There are more male subs than there are female Dommes available. As a male Dom, I have the same problem. Many more of me than female subs or slaves. Subtract the players from that number and it gets worse. My best advice is quit looking so hard. Let people know who you are as a person first. You'd be surprised how many read what is posted here. Show everyone who you are.

iwillserveu -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/13/2004 5:27:09 PM)

Wow! The truth? What a concept! (Besides, it is easier to remember.)[:D]

JadeLady -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (6/13/2004 7:09:46 PM)


I just wanted to say that I really liked your post here. You said alot and it is all so true.

Jade Lady

lilserenity -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (7/22/2007 9:02:06 AM)

when you live with a lady then you can try to serve her by cooking for her,running a bath,doing nails and hair for her not everyone else online..You live with a lady(MB) whether your type or not you have that chance to play with her and serve her.. smiling and I agree with A/all the people here ,it takes many years to be a slave then to change takes more years  decide at the beginning what you are first then be that..I know many Dom/mes have transformed into Dominants from being slaves or subs at the beginning but it was to share their knowledge in what they want and how they want it.. They have to experience pain and pleasure first then they can apply such  to Us..  Good luck in everyones' search.. hugs to all the Dom/mes and sisses,and brothers..serenity

thetammyjo -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (7/22/2007 9:46:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: YourSlave4life

Hello to All,
I write to so many Dommes and rarely ever get a respone. I am very sincere in my desire to become someones property but I can't figure out why noone writes me back especially since I don't write 1 or 2 line emails. I write long informative emails. I was wondering if maybe there is something wrong in how my profile is wriiten...Could some please help me figure this out...I need to serve.....

Other than be online what else do you do?

To be honest, I have never met someone I later had any type of relationship if the principle means of connection was the Internet.

Almost all of my partners I have met at munches or bdsm group meetings. The very very few I first met online very quickly became involved in those groups which is where I honestly took them seriously.

While I can't claim this is the way it is for every dominant (male or female) I'm sure this is the case for many of us.

MisPandora -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (7/22/2007 11:51:55 AM)



After speaking with YourSlave4life
I have found what was lacking in
his profile and gave him the information
to correct to give those whom seek
better information as to his words
but conter dicktion in his responces
when sumone responds to him. There
is a viable reason why he is not able
at this time to leave the area he is in
but the future can develope a relationship
away but for now his area is the only
place he can be with just cause. If there
is a Dominant he can serve in his area
untill he is again able to move this would
prove benifitial to the Dominant whom
has a use for such a slave presently.
good luck in your search YourSlave4life

I swear this was the same guy who used to advertise himself in Kingston, NY.  He used to have an OK profile, and at one time, he had pictures. He lived at the time I talked to him a while back with his brother....?  Anyhow, changes like that where they suddenly move locations without saying, "Hey, I just moved" makes it look like they're recreating themselves because the pond that they were in dried up.

MisPandora -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (7/22/2007 11:54:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: anthrosub
my experience in the community here in DC is that most of the attending members are male Doms, the socials are not prone to social mixing, and i have a strong feeling the Lifestylers network more privately in inner circles. Clearly not every Domme in this area is only a Pro but there sure are a lot of them...probably because of the demographics.

OMG that is so untrue!  This is fairly incorrect.  There's an entire group dedicated to femdoms in DC!

Politesub53 -> RE: why can't I find a Mistress to serve? (7/22/2007 12:31:30 PM)

Wow this thread was brought back from 2004. Is this a record ?

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