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RE: "Teach me to be a....." - 4/20/2007 12:27:04 PM   

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From: South Florida
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ORIGINAL: onestandingstill

I am like you where the lights just came on and I started having a hell of a party in this new house in my mind.

Love it! 


A clever man can get out of situations a wise man never gets into...
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

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RE: "Teach me to be a....." - 4/20/2007 2:59:03 PM   

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Often in the recent past, i have wondered if i myself am really "true" mainly because high protocol trappings or a laundry list of rules  is not something i seek.  For's just living in a way that i feel the most natural in a relationship  with a person who's natural inclination is to have authority over his mate.

I've often had the same thoughts crosss my mind, but from the D 's perspective.  I've been asked the question " If we were in a relationship, what sort of rules would You have me follow?" a few times in the past.  My usual reaction? "Uhunno"( "I don't know" for those without male grunt language skills) followed with a shrug of my shoulders. I wasnt't at that stage yet with that paticular person; I finally realized it was essentially pointless to do.  Specific rituals and rules hold little interest to me outside of play, I much prefer the spontanteous and instinctive understanding of the relationship between us and and our place in it.

(in reply to SusanofO)
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RE: "Teach me to be a....." - 4/20/2007 3:34:50 PM   

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When I first started doing BDSM things it was with a girl that I was good friends with.  I took the top and she was the bottom.  We were just doing crazy things, when I look back then I can see that I was DOM however a little uncertain about the stuff I was doing.  LOL..   Anyways, When I think of all the social experiences be it one on one with people, in friendships, work and other settings.  I can honestly can I'm Dom.   Not to mention all the relationship experiences and in actually have a few lifestyle relationships.  I've also had Vanilla relationships.. Interesting things when I hear complaints or remarks from the others in these Vanilla relationships with BDSM play.  LOL..  I know I'm Dom.  Hell, I've been accused of being controling, accused of wanting things my way, accused of Even being a sex addict or using somebody a lot for sex.  Gee..  I think this Tells me something about myself.    LOL...   I can probally share 1001 stories about my life and what makes me a Dom.  In terms of my mindset, they way I feel and think.

The one thing most people coming into or embracing BDSM have a problem with being certain what they are at times.  Because they simply lack experiences in BDSM to draw upon.  When I think back to my first experiences, I myself was a little questionable with myself, exploring new territories for the first time.  Then again so was my friend she was coming to indentiy with being submissive.   We both were learning to relax and simply enjoy these roles.  I think this is the big thing, to get to a point where you feel relaxed and comfortable in being a Dom, Sub or Switch.   Hell, I know I'm not the slave boy type, because I've actually experimented with being in this ROLE.. YIKES it's totally not me.    So it's always a good to experiment a little to get to know yourself.  

Another thing is to indentify with your Fantasies!  You should be able to indentify if you are a sub, Dom/me or switch by what turns you on, or the things that float your boat.   Not really hard.   Once you've come to terms with what you are.  It's a matter of doing them, repeating it and getting better at it.   Reading and asking questions is always great to get a better understanding, perspective or new ideas.

(in reply to spankmepink11)
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RE: "Teach me to be a....." - 4/20/2007 3:59:27 PM   

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When I was just getting started, I was insecure as all hell. If the first thing I encountered was a website, I'd probably have started a similar topic or thread. The first thing I encountered was books. The second thing I encountered was a family friend who was into the scene and had been a professional dominatrix. She answered a lot of my questions, acted as a sounding board, and showed me a bunch more books. By the time I was doing parties, I still didn't really have a clue, but I had enough theory to serve as a roadmap.


Think of my verbosity as a sort of litmus test for our relationship. I write in a manner identical to how I speak and how I think. If you can not cope with what I have written here, it is probably for the best if we go our separate ways.

(in reply to SusanofO)
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RE: "Teach me to be a....." - 4/21/2007 5:58:38 PM   

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Where did you find the information you were seeking? Also looking to confirm/validate what I feel, not sure where to look.


I am stronger than yesterday

(in reply to spankmepink11)
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RE: "Teach me to be a....." - 4/21/2007 8:28:01 PM   

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This is kinda funny...

I think I was born with some of this, really, but I don't think I'd have started exploring it, if it wasn't something external that kinda "flipped the switch" so to speak, and cause that bulb to flash to life in my head.

The reason that I say this is kinda funny is because I've often wondered just how weird it is that I've felt the urges and inclinations I've had for both the dominant and submissive "roles" (which, as a stand alone complex, within ones own head, they aren't really roles until they mesh with people external of the self) my whole life since that switch was flipped. But aside from wondering that, the funny part is that I've often wondered where other people got their information. Not really why they asked for it.

But when I first realized that bondage, sexual tortures, subjugation, domination, sex slavery and the like turned me on, I was really really young. It was my private little world, because I didn't even understand at the time what I was really thinking about.

When I first experienced my first kiss... During a sleep over... And show and tell... I was 6 I believe... The girls were slightly older, twins, not sure of the age, but I'm thinking 9 or 10 (I know, I can hear ya all "Pshaw! Yeah, right fucker!)...

That's not the punch line... No, there isn't one, really I'm not joking here. So from then, I just started exploring, but back then, I didn't have anyone that I could turn to. Plain and simple, neighborhood kids and I would get together, in little tree forts, and whatever else, play our little games, and I had the opportunities to work with tape, rope etc., till I was about 11 or 12, when I finally started really trying to build on relationships with girls... I did some pretty crazy things with my first "girl-friends" back then too, but back then, through some sort of fate, I had gotten a hold of my first Gor books.

It's not something that taught me anything except what NOT to look for in literary greatness, but it did provide something else. It wasn't until I read these books, that I really had another light bulb occur, and that bulb was that I could structure everything that I had learned, that I could stream line my desires for not only myself as a "Man" or as a "Master" or whatever other title fit, whenever, but that I could, should I communicate this effectively, structure my relationship with whatever girl I was with, to fit this paradigm of M/s...

I think once I read through that book, cover to cover about four times, spent countless nights, sleeping on it, thinking about it, drawing things pertaining to MY thoughts about it... Designing tools, implements etc. I met someone in high school, that came from a rather traditional, though Christian Chinese family.

I was talking to him, when suddenly I hit on this subject, somehow. I think he was telling me of his girlfriend and something he had done with her. And another realization hit me. I told him about what I had been doing and he asked me "So, you're into BDSM too?"

I said.. "Huh?" I didn't know what it was called. Even in the Gor book it didn't have any sort of name of that sort. All the names of things, such as karta, and kajira... sweetwine and paga... Okay, there wasn't anything for me to really identify with reality in these books, except the principles. The release of the slaves self through the recognition that she didn't have self by never referring to the self etc. Living only to please her owner and so forth.

The OP doesn't have anything to do with Gor, or what I'm talking about, but I think there are some points covered here. I think it comes down to the fact that we're all born with different archetypes, and we all exhibit different combinations of these when we're faced with certain situations.

When I found out, from my friend there was a whole new world of people that were like me, I was still faced with a dillemma... I don't just run around espousing the greatness of BDSM when I'm 14 years old, trying to find someone with some knowledge. It left me with no choice but to grow relatively normally, but to find as many willing partners to work with as I could in the time between the age of 12 and 18... At least, that was my goal... But it was Kevin (my Chinese friend) that gave me a lot of insight ( I have no idea when or how he stumbled onto this information, though I remember him speaking of his "lifestyle uncle" in Hong Kong) into BDSM, M/s and the archetypes of Dominant and submissive.

Through out it all, I've always had one sense of it, ever. Being a switch, and somewhat of an empath, it might have given me some extra tools to work with, as I could literally relate with the girls that I would experiment with. I could identify with their needs, desires, as a "scene" or an "adventure" progressed. I didn't call them "scenes" or the community "the scene" until a few years back, as I wasn't really involved in it, except online. I was doing my thing in the privacy of my home or with friends that I knew were in the scene, but I didn't participate with them that regularly.

Through all of it, I had the simplest sense of find an interesting girl, open dialog, get her comfortable, ask her questions, answer her questions, lead the conversation, perhaps engage in the "tickle attack", start wrestling and then pin them, note their reaction... Go for something more intimate, a kiss, or a neck nibble... Perhaps a bite... Again, note reactions...

Never, if there was something negative in her reaction, did I proceed, but always, if there was, there was questions, answers and so forth. I think the biggest thing, when someone is asking for guidance, is ultimately, they are seeking a road map.

This can be a book, a guide, a person, a mentor... Someone or something which contains the knowledge they've yet to take into themselves. When they're asking, sure it's to be accepted. It's a desire to learn, an inate curiosity. Sometimes, they forget to slow down and examine things and break them down. They want to learn it all now.

Of all the things I've learned in my life, BDSM is the only thing I didn't rush. The one inate thing that I know I had, is the understanding that I'd always be this way. After all, I always was this way. Now, as for other people, they are going to be different.

What works for one person, doesn't work for everyone else. And honestly, they're opening themselves up for a serious mess, if they find certain people here, or anywhere else just gleefully willing to teach. Sometimes, learning on your own... Learning your partner(s), learning yourself, taking it one step at a time, slowly, savouring every last moment of it is really the best way to go.

Think, most of all. They don't want to think, but this is a thinking kink... Say that ten times fast... lol...

There is no "kinksters almanac" (If someone shows me one, I'll stand corrected) "The way to BDSM" or "Ultimate M/s Handbook". Sound like good book projects to me, but that's not my point.

I think really, is they just want to connect, and it really doesn't matter how... When you want to learn, you want to connect to teachers. To connect with teachers, they ask for them. Ask and you shall receive. Universal principle here.

But really, what they're really asking for is answers to a whole slew of questions that they'd flood the boards with if they can't find someone to simply talk to, in a semi one-one fashion.

I agree, that one to one, might not be the best idea, in some cases, but it doesn't hurt, when someone's first starting out. Mentors are good for a couple reasons. They disseminate the knowledge in easy to digest chunks. Usually. And they also are there to speak to face to face.. usually... At least you can get them "privately" to discuss things and master-mind their dominant or submissive traits.

I went my whole life up to four years ago, without reading a single book on BDSM specifically. I just never seemed to have time, or inclination to search. Everything I've learned is self taught. But that has also taken me twenty three years to accumulate that knowledge of myself, and my partners, and come to some point of understanding of certain catch alls, and that nothing else is certain.

Each instance is different, but what people are looking for is a cut and dry method to the madness... Unfortunately... There just isn't one. Of course, that could be fortunate also.

At any rate, I don't know if I didn't just screw this thread up, or if I've offered anything of value to the OP, so I suppose I should get off here.

Peace folks.


Consistent Discipline Renders Punishment Unnecessary

(in reply to Kitte9)
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RE: "Teach me to be a....." - 4/22/2007 12:51:44 AM   

Posts: 4387
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From: Maui
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its that whole pesky every person is an individual thing again. every person will learn things differently, have different needs and desires and differing definitions of what the seek


Service slut, durable plaything, and ponypenquincatdogpig, to Lee Harrington

This is him

"Its none of my buisness what other people think of me."

(in reply to TigerNINTails)
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RE: "Teach me to be a....." - 4/22/2007 5:59:17 AM   

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My my my, such an age-old absolutely classic paradox; commonly it is referred to, in the halls of psychology, as "nature vs. nuture."  Are subs born or are they made?  What about Doms- are they just "being," or have they read, listened, watched, learned, reflected, and developed?  LuckyAlbatross said:   "Being one is innate.  Being a very good one is taught."  I agree.  I believe the underlying dynamic is a desire/need on the part of the sub to be guided, taught, and directed; along that line, Doms have the same need/desire which manifests itself by providing said guidance, discipline, direction, borders and boundaries.  I read, listen, watch, learn and reflect because it is in my aggressive, searching nature to do so.  The Dom/sub relationship will be very symbiotic when it finally just "is."  Two words that are used interchangeably by Doms and subs in healthy D/s situations are:  committed and willing.


Nothing lasts, and yet nothing passes, either.
And nothing passes just because nothing lasts.
-Philip Roth


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