RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (Full Version)

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whitedom4black -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 7:53:32 AM)

Why is raceplay (racial degradation) a turn on for some black subs in interacial Ds? Maybe because when white men and black women are rarely seen together its a white man raping a black woman, a white master using a black slave or maybe a white man taking advantage of a female employee. Many of these fantasies black women who are attracted to white men harbor and make for intense role-plays. The history of these relations makes for a very interesting power share - the blk sub is giving a part of herself/or having part of herself taken by the white dom while allowing the racial degredation.

Although I'm engaging in raceplay an activity that may make many whites shudder - many of the same whites will use covert racism. Tell me how many white male black female relationships you see on TV? For instance when holding my black girlfriends hand in public, why do black and white alike both stare as if 2 aliens had landed? (while been in a supposedly more open minded city like LA)

OK the collar and chain may have made them stare at us a bit more than usual - (just kidding)

amayos -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 8:08:25 AM)

I would certainly not have a problem with it, if I ever did have a slave with dark skin.

It's so refreshing to see a post that challenges ubiquitous social laws.

ginawithaB -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 10:29:33 AM)

Wow, is this the longest running thread? I'm sure not, but it has lasted a good long time.

I too am an African American slave...and though I don't get hot from racial play, I have engaged in racial play because it turned on my Top at that time. It pleased him, and it pleased me to please him...and submitting to a white man...well, that's the big turn-on for me. I did not so much enjoy being called nigger, but he enjoyed it...that's what mattered to me.

Kudos to you, ginger, for bringing this topic up. I had joined an African American online group, ever so briefly and never saw the topic even touched upon...I am positively thrilled that we can engage in this discussion honestly and openly no matter what people's POVs are here. So very refreshing.


ginawithaB -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 10:46:02 AM)


Tell me how many white male black female relationships you see on TV? )

Last wm/bf couple in a steady ltr i remember seeing was "Tom and Helen" on the Jeffersons. There have been a few on the soaps, i believe. Probably have been more bm/wf couples such as: Star Trek DS9's "Worf" (black Klingon) and "Jadzia Dax" (white Trill) and let us not forget the Dr.s Whats-his-name and So-and-so from ER (can't remember either character nor real names, but he was the surgical resident, Dr. Carter's mentor and she was the English doctor).


For instance when holding my black girlfriends hand in public, why do black and white alike both stare as if 2 aliens had landed? (while been in a supposedly more open minded city like LA

Come to NYC and you'll see the same thing...and mostly black folks will stare you down. Par for the course in an enlightened society. We are "supposed" to be above all this, but some ppl just don't like interracial coupling, esp b/w, and don't know how to deal with their feelings and so can't do anything BUT stare. But some are staring because they like what they see and some because they are envious and want the same for themselves. Trust me, I know. Now that I have it for myself, I don't have to stare with jealousy anymore.

MasterLark -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 10:48:55 AM)


This is a new wrinkle for me, and so I have been fascinated with the notion that a number of black female slaves get hot when racially based verbal humiliation happens as part of play. This isn't hot for you, except as you please your Master. Do you (or anyone else) know if it seems to be more common than not that black female subs/slaves get hot with being called nigger and such in this context? Why is it so arousing?

Wildfleurs -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 11:59:59 AM)

I'm black and my owner is white and I can't imagine engaging in race play. It doesn't interest either one of us, and for me its one of the few kinks that I just find a little creepy.

Lark, my experience has been that its not the majority of black female submissives that get turned on by race based play. I know a few that do, but most of the ones I know don't.

GinaB, I don't know which list you were on, but there is one called Dark Connections which quite a few people within the black bdsm community are on and its probably discussed every six months or so (along with the issue of interracial relationships and shaving 101).


ginawithaB -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 12:25:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterLark


This is a new wrinkle for me, and so I have been fascinated with the notion that a number of black female slaves get hot when racially based verbal humiliation happens as part of play. This isn't hot for you, except as you please your Master. Do you (or anyone else) know if it seems to be more common than not that black female subs/slaves get hot with being called nigger and such in this context? Why is it so arousing?

Hello MasterLark,

Honestly, I don't have an answer based upon any fact. But, I can hazard a guess. And this is only based upon me and my feelings. So, I'll answer in the first person.

As to the first question- I truly have no idea how common it is that black femsubs actually enjoy racial humiliation. I suspect that many more than are willing to admit are probably at least curious about it. I say this because for me only, I identify as slave... and I am compelled to consider the obvious connotations of this designation vis-a-vis the history of slavery in this nation. As I consider my own servitude to my current Master (who has not as yet introduced racial play and i don't know if He will - I have played racially in the past with another Dom), I can't ignore the fact that He is white, that He is Master over me, that i submit willingly to Him and that that's how we both like it. So, if He were to tell me that He wanted to engage in racial play, i would do it only because He wants it...of course, we would discuss my trepidation...but if He still wanted it, it would not be a hard limit for me. I would do it for Him. And it would excite me only because i would be doing what He wants, what He enjoys...

But as for why it turns some other subs/slaves on, I haven't got a clue. I mean, I could talk analytically about what's sometimes referred to as "slave mentality" within the African American community. I could talk about the attractiveness of White Male Power/Dominance in this society. But honestly, every sub/slave has to answer that question for herself. For me, the play in and of itself does fact, no play in and of itself does anything at all for me...It's only within the context of the Master/slave relationship that it holds any interest for me at all.

I hope I've answered your questions, Sir. Please let me know if I should clarify further and I shall certainly try.


ginawithaB -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 12:30:29 PM)

Hi Wildfleurs,

No, the group I was referring to was not Dark Connections, although I have heard of them and have visited the site a few times. Thanks for the info.


MasterLark -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 3:10:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: ginawithaB

Hello MasterLark,

Honestly, I don't have an answer based upon any fact. But, I can hazard a guess. And this is only based upon me and my feelings. So, I'll answer in the first person.

As to the first question- I truly have no idea how common it is that black femsubs actually enjoy racial humiliation. I suspect that many more than are willing to admit are probably at least curious about it. I say this because for me only, I identify as slave... and I am compelled to consider the obvious connotations of this designation vis-a-vis the history of slavery in this nation. As I consider my own servitude to my current Master (who has not as yet introduced racial play and i don't know if He will - I have played racially in the past with another Dom), I can't ignore the fact that He is white, that He is Master over me, that i submit willingly to Him and that that's how we both like it. So, if He were to tell me that He wanted to engage in racial play, i would do it only because He wants it...of course, we would discuss my trepidation...but if He still wanted it, it would not be a hard limit for me. I would do it for Him. And it would excite me only because i would be doing what He wants, what He enjoys...

But as for why it turns some other subs/slaves on, I haven't got a clue. I mean, I could talk analytically about what's sometimes referred to as "slave mentality" within the African American community. I could talk about the attractiveness of White Male Power/Dominance in this society. But honestly, every sub/slave has to answer that question for herself. For me, the play in and of itself does fact, no play in and of itself does anything at all for me...It's only within the context of the Master/slave relationship that it holds any interest for me at all.

I hope I've answered your questions, Sir. Please let me know if I should clarify further and I shall certainly try.


Thank you, that was helpful. I would think that the odious history of US slavery would counterbalance the feeling of "hot" for black female slaves who experience racial-play. But everyone is wired differently and what arouses, arouses...for whatever reason(s).

So I now presume that black female slaves getting turned on by racial play is more the exception than the rule -- fair or not? I really have no idea. Do you?

HoosierScorpio -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 3:48:34 PM)

I do understand were you are coming from but I never use racial words period. I like the basic ones like slut and bitch which I will problem get in to trouble by some of those who do not like those words too. I do not even like how those of the same race use it too much to and show disrespect to each other. I saw some one wearing a jacket with the logo of the black league they had in 1940s and I was afraid to use that word because historically that is what is was called. I know if he use it during a scene at a play party he might get the shit knocked out of him or worse. So you need to understand why it is hard because of history. I remember some one posted in a group about doing a Nazi scene were they interrogate the French liberator even though this is part of the BDSM fantasy. Some one did not like it because of the negative history of SSS officers and they were the ones that did the work for Hitler. If you ever saw the movie of High Anxiety by Mel Brooks and Glories leach man was the nurse and she was dressed in a SSS uniform and torturing Harvey Corman. There are some things people have a hard time with and you need to understand that even though you want it. There is just some lines need not be cross during a humiliation scene now how much you like it.

ginawithaB -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 5:04:34 PM)


Thank you, that was helpful. I would think that the odious history of US slavery would counterbalance the feeling of "hot" for black female slaves who experience racial-play. But everyone is wired differently and what arouses, arouses...for whatever reason(s).

You're welcome, MasterLark. Yes, I suppose one would think that, however, not that this is the exact same thing, but just look at the history of male/female relations in this country and around the world in general...presently and historically...One would think given all women have gone through historically to gain the rights and freedoms we now enjoy, at least in the West, that no woman would ever "cotton to" being called a slut or a whore or would willingly submit to obedience to any man's will...heck we even managed to get "...and obey" taken out of Christian wedding ceremonies. Why should any free woman willingly submit?...because it just turns some of us satisfies an urge and a need in a way that nothing else can.

Racial play, like any other, is just a little more extreme...pushes the slave, and perhaps even Master, a little further out of her/Himself. It's definitely what i would call "edge play." And some folks just like breath play-which scares the be-jesus out of me. [:)]

Petruchio -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/5/2006 5:41:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: ginger21

i'm an African-American slave, owned by a white Master. i absolutely love verbal humiliation- it turns me on like no other. But there's one word so vile and downright humiliating it makes me wet just thinking about's "nigger".

i've asked my Master to call me a nigger before and He said He'd consider it, which is all i can ask for. He did use it once, but only once. i'd love to hear Him say it again (He's got a southern drawl and when He says it, it sounds perfect!), but should i ask Him to again or should i assume that's He's uncomfortable with the word and let it slide?

Also, is this a common problem for white master, black slave relationships? i can't be the only black young lady that creams when she's called a "an uppity nigger whore"! ^_^

Ya got to love the man for his sensitivity and integrity.

I've dated black chicks from time to time (and no, the stereotype that black girls don't like to suck isn't true). One I had almost the opposite problem that you describe.

She had majored in all the women's studies and Afro-American studies and had been poisoned by a lot of feminist crap. We only went out 3 times, I think, and each time she'd raise some question about whites' unfair treatment of almost everybody in nearly every circumstances. That grew tiresome quickly, and it made no difference that my ancestors had died to free slaves.

Back to your question, I might have trouble calling you a nígger, but 'uppity nígger whore', now that's hot!

Petruchio -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/6/2006 6:35:58 PM)

I found myself thinking about your post.

First, I think you are one lucky girl: Your dom obviously respects and cars about you. He listens to you and tries to do for you, and yet he won't let you walk over him and compromise his ideals.

Secondly, two of the black chicks I dated were sub and only one got serious, yet I found myself uncomfortable with the terminology of 'slave' with her. You have given me a new perspective.

Christov -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/6/2006 6:44:53 PM)

You know in this kind of situation you described between your master and yourself, and all these responses, it kind of reminds me of a dilemma a friend of mine had. He was a Dom master and his girl loved being called his little Cunt. Now this guy was raised with a very liberated mom and Cunt was totally offensive to him.

But once he saw what it did for his subbie, he learned to love it.

I see nothing wrong with calling someone something they want to be called, wether or not it's socially acceptable outside of your room. In the bedroom or a scene.. do what ya want as long as no one gets"Seriously" hurt.

ZenrageTheKeeper -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/6/2006 7:56:13 PM)

I would take me a long time to use the "n" word in any kind of play situation and I would probably be stuttering if I ever did. No chance in hell of ever wearing a white hood.

However, I could use terms like spearchucker, tar baby, junglebunny, cotton picker or spade... if I a had a black slave who desired it.

ginawithaB -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/7/2006 9:15:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: ZenrageTheKeeper

I would take me a long time to use the "n" word in any kind of play situation and I would probably be stuttering if I ever did. No chance in hell of ever wearing a white hood.

However, I could use terms like spearchucker, tar baby, junglebunny, cotton picker or spade... if I a had a black slave who desired it.

Now this i find fascinating, because i actually find those terms MUCH more offensive than nigger could ever be. Nigger, somehow, is just a word--derogatory, yes, but still just a word. The others, they offend me on a cultural level, esp. "spearchucker, junglebunny, cotton picker."

SadistDaddy -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/7/2006 8:50:22 PM)

I had a slave who was proudly and defiantly of German ancestry. Her father left a cache of nazi literature and some artifacts to her when he passed. She wore german cross clothing and had an obsession with WWII and everything Nazi. That's why I always called her my filthy Jew. She protested at first as she found it offensive. She was GERMAN, the antithesis of Jewish in her mind. After a while, she would cuddle up to me and beg me to "correct your little Jew." As time passed she fell more and more into the role and would beg not to be sent to "the showers" when she was naughty. It was horrible, I loved it. To me this shows most anyone can come to enjoy race play as well as the pretend versions of unsavory real world associations.

SadistDaddy -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/7/2006 9:00:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: ZenrageTheKeeper

However, I could use terms like spearchucker, tar baby, junglebunny, cotton picker or spade... if I a had a black slave who desired it.

That takes me back. My whole family was racist. They didn't like it when I had black friends or listened to rap in 9th grade. I also was taught the terms porchmonkey, jigaboo and moon-cricket (if anyone has any idea where this one came from message me.) I was probably 7 years old before I learned "cotton-picker" was derogatory and brazil nuts had a proper name that was not "nigger toes." Don't worry, I'm much better now. I haven't had a black slave, but considering my background, it would be interesting. My family might even like the idea (shakes head).

patientlywaittin -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/7/2006 9:21:47 PM)

As long as your Master is comfortable with using isn't that all thatmatters?[:)]

Misstoyou -> RE: are You uncomfortable using racial humiliation? (1/7/2006 9:39:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: SadistDaddy

... As time passed she fell more and more into the role and would beg not to be sent to "the showers" when she was naughty. It was horrible, I loved it. To me this shows most anyone can come to enjoy race play as well as the pretend versions of unsavory real world associations.

The sub being German isn't quite the same thing, is it, anymore than my calling a Southern boy "my nigga". Now, if she were a Jewish sub who would beg not to be sent to "the showers"...

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