What Am I Doing Wrong? (Full Version)

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JerseyKrissi72 -> What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/24/2007 6:59:02 PM)

I had two boils that needed to be cut open, drained/ packed then I was put on medication to treat MRSA. Now, I have another boil....once again on my backside and it's red and swollen...I'm thinking to myself "not again". I read online that tea tree oil is effective in treating MRSA, boils- etc. so I'm giving it a chance before going on antibiotics that mess my entire body up! Should I panic yet? I mean,  can it just be a simple boil? Why is it recurrent???? I'm in good health other than my diabetes (which I have under control)..I can't figure it out!

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/24/2007 7:00:55 PM)

What type are they?

Some people just are predisposed to them.  I'd take a look at your overall diet and exercise, or stress.

Our bodies are weird and complex things, just trying to deal with what's going on.

JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/24/2007 7:24:51 PM)

I have been under alot of stress lately- that is a fact-. I will let it go until Saturday, if it isn't any better I will go have it drained...I have to work til Friday so I really am just going to try to deal with it for now...if it's not one thing, it's another.[&:]

zindyslave -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/24/2007 7:26:46 PM)

I occasionally get boils and they usually go away on there own. I have never had to have them drained or anything but you aren't doing anything wrong as LA said some people are predisposed to them just keep that area clean and it should be fine. 

minnetar -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/24/2007 7:34:45 PM)

Sorry i don't have any advice.  i just wish you the best with getting better!!


lovewithoutfear -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/24/2007 8:13:17 PM)

My doctor told me MRSA lives in the nasal passages with no symptoms, then recurs or is reinfected from there into cuts or pimples.  He suggsted a little Neosporin ointment in the nostrils every couple of days for a few weeks and it did seem to help. 

HutchGarahl -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 3:06:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: JerseyKrissi72

I had two boils that needed to be cut open, drained/ packed then I was put on medication to treat MRSA. Now, I have another boil....once again on my backside and it's red and swollen...I'm thinking to myself "not again". I read online that tea tree oil is effective in treating MRSA, boils- etc. so I'm giving it a chance before going on antibiotics that mess my entire body up! Should I panic yet? I mean,  can it just be a simple boil? Why is it recurrent???? I'm in good health other than my diabetes (which I have under control)..I can't figure it out!

Well, I have no clue what MRSA is, so won't comment on that. As for the boil...My mother had 3 at the same time, all had to be cut, drained and packed. My nephew (only 3) got one on his bottom and one on his inner thigh at tha same time. When asked what could be causing them, doc said all boils are is impurities in the body and that's the only way for the body to get them out. It has nothing to do with doing anything wrong. Might wanna do as LA suggests and double check you diet.

SweetBobbie -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 5:48:56 AM)

boils are not caused by "impurities" from within but by bacteria from the skin entering a hair follicle that becomes blocked and then spread into the local tissues where they are contained by your own body's defenses.  Drainage is the ultimate answer and will occur either spontaneously or if they are large can be done by a doctor.  Antibiotics are not usually necessary after drainage even for MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus).  MRSA is not a particularly aggressive organism just very hard to kill and simple skin infections such as boils are not a serious issue unless you are a health-care worker who delivers wound care for others.  As a deep infection, i.e. bone or heart or pneumonia it can be life threatening.  It played a role in the loss of my right leg in fact.  It can colonize and hang out in the nasal passage especially so the use of a broad spectrum antibiotic ointment such as neosporin daily in each nostril for about two weeks can change that.

HutchGarahl -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 5:56:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: SweetBobbie

boils are not caused by "impurities" from within but by bacteria from the skin entering a hair follicle that becomes blocked and then spread into the local tissues where they are contained by your own body's defenses. 

Well...I wasn't gonna argue with a doctor..he did go to school to learn this stuff. But i've always said, doctors don't know everything. [:-]

MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus). 

Big words! I take it this is something to do with the sinus passage?

SweetBobbie -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 7:14:06 AM)

Sorry about the language but all the words mean is that the organism which is named Staphylococcus (staph to its friends?) aureus is not killed by methicillin a type of antibiotic specifically designed to kill staph.  It began as a hospital associated rarity increased to a common cause of hosptial infections and is now just running around in most of the developed world thanks in part to the overuse of antibiotics.  It is the typical cause of boils, skin and soft tissue abcesses but especially in diabetics it likes to get into bone and then ya got problems.

i suspect Y/your doctor was just oversimplifying for Y/you W/we somdtimes do this and it usually backfires.

imthatacheyouhav -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 7:29:04 AM)

so can MRSA be gotten rid of?

mistoferin -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 8:04:32 AM)

Here's a link that might be helpful:


soultoshare -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 8:19:05 AM)

Krissy....i can feel your pain...lliterally!  I've had the same issues with boils, have had several really nasty ones, and they cultured them, and they are MRSA too.  The biggest factor in my getting them for me was stress....the doc told me that when you get stressed, your immunity drops, and it makes you sensitive to the staph bacteria.  I was under tons of stress over my job, it's my EX-job now, and i haven't had an outbreak in months.  When i did get them, the doc gave me bactrim and keflex......started to make a difference in 12 hours.  One thing, if i can catch them in time, using just a simple pimple cream with benzoyl peroxide in it seems to help them go away, just cover them with a band-aid with some on it.  I also have some natural drawing salve that i alternate with neosporin if I don't get it caught in time...i've actually had them spring up in a matter of 2 hours!

I too have diabetes, and it makes it take longer for the boils to heal.  The antibiotics cure them, but the actual abcess takes a couple of weeks to completely go away, depending on the size of the original boil.  Try the suggestion of the neosporin in your nose....the one medication the doc wanted to give me was a bactrim based ointment for use there...no one had it tho....it was on back order.

Good luck, hon......been there, done that.....


Owned1 -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 9:47:43 PM)

I would first off suggest you do not wait too long since you have a reoccurance of the boils coupled with your diabeties.  Diabetics need to take more care with infections and such as they are prone to have more difficulty with healing.

Stress can be a factor but so can many other things. Keep track of your diet, have you added something new, for me its peanut butter, I can guarantee if I have peanut butter more than a couple times a month I will have a cyst somewhere on my body.  Do not use scented products, even soaps should be a chemical free as possible and make sure you are rinsing really well in the shower.

Try showering at least once a day and ensure you are completly dry in the affected areas.  I know it sounds really strange but if you are able blow dry the areas on a low heat.  This is something a dermatologist uses at the hospital I work at and believe it or not it truly helps the healing process.  It will also ensure the area is completly dry.

Also make sure you are wearing clothes that can breath, cotton. yanno those ugly granny panties, not too tight either.  Mind you of late I have noticed you can buy some attractive panties in cotton.

Good luck


HutchGarahl -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/25/2007 9:59:46 PM)

Sweetbobbie, you sound like a well educated doctor..or nurse. :) Very helpful though. And never apologize for using big words, specially if your accustom to using them. I'm just kind of a simple minded country girl with little education..so big words are hard for me. If I don't understand something, i'm not afraid to ask. :) I like it when someone can actually put things into terms I can understand.

LeatherBentOne -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/26/2007 5:53:00 AM)

Please be very careful especially since you are diabetic.  I became septic once, and almost died from the bacteria that was flooding my bloodstream.  I spent 3 months in the hospital and one year bedrest.  Today, I'm permanently disabled.  Please be careful with infections.  They can kill.

JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/26/2007 6:29:34 AM)

Thankyou all for your information- it means alot to me. I used tea tree oil on the boil and it has almost disappeared[:)]. I feel great at the moment, no fever, no aches and pains so I am very thankful for that. I am back to work and getting alot of exercise which should help.

Quivver -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/26/2007 10:54:40 AM)

Hey Girly.... I cant help with the boils since I've never had one, but I have other things that stress and diet are behind.  I am going to try a detox diet soon and will let you know how things go.  It might be worth looking into for yourself also!  

FelinePersuasion -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/26/2007 11:03:48 AM)

Not all cotton panties are ugly granny panties, I wear cotton bikini cut, in cute and funky fun prints, their not ugly, nor are they "granny panties"


Also make sure you are wearing clothes that can breath, cotton. yanno those ugly granny panties, not too tight either.  Mind you of late I have noticed you can buy some attractive panties in cotton.

Good luck


imthatacheyouhav -> RE: What Am I Doing Wrong? (4/26/2007 11:08:58 AM)


Not all cotton panties are ugly granny panties, I wear cotton bikini cut, in cute and funky fun prints, their not ugly, nor are they "granny panties"

i'm a Grandma so .....all my panties are granny panties. LOL

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