RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (Full Version)

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minnetar -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/30/2007 5:06:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

I know exactly how you feel. I'm discovering very quickly that Byzantine study, requires you to read Greek, and Levantine study, requires Latin (which is brutal, by the way).

i took latin in highschool and found it a great way to improve my vocabulary.


Sinergy -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/30/2007 6:31:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

I know exactly how you feel. I'm discovering very quickly that Byzantine study, requires you to read Greek, and Levantine study, requires Latin (which is brutal, by the way).

I had to learn how to speak and read Japanese in college.

The Japanese in World War 2 rewrote the histories of the countries into Japanese.  Then they burned / destroyed the originals.


Hard to imagine the historical recorders having any sort of agenda when they did their transcriptions.



p.s.  I thought the zillion translations of Christianity's bible by semi-literate monks was fraught with peril at
not providing a historically accurate transcription.

iam4her -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (5/1/2007 2:00:12 AM)


Now, what's this I've been reading about all the crime in Sweden because of muslim immigrants raping women, robbing people?
They say it is very bad in Stockholm and Malmo.
Can I come over and beat them up and maybe the police will look the other way?

Popeye, A huge overexhageration, Probably the usual media issue. You are pretty much much safe anywhere in Sweden, nomatter if its morning or night, downtown or suburbia. Crime rate is at a very low international rate.
I believe I have heard that New York City have a police force of 38.000 uniformed people,
In Our Country we only need 17.000 to keep the entire country safe.

FirmhandKY -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (5/1/2007 1:18:26 PM)

Not to be beating a dead thread to life, but I thought that this article by Fred Thompson was pretty good example of my general attitude about  "America's standing" in the world:

Sticks & Stones

It bothers Americans when we’re told how unpopular we are with the rest of the world. For some of us, at least, it gets our back up — and our natural tendency is to tell the French, for example, that we’d rather not hear from them until the day when they need us to bail them out again.

But we cool off. We’re big boys and girls, after all, and we don’t really bruise that easily. We’re also hopeful that, eventually, our ostrich-headed allies will realize there’s a world war going on out there and they need to pick a side — the choice being between the forces of civilization and the forces of anarchy. Considering the fact that the latter team is growing stronger and bolder daily, while most of our European Union friends continue to dismantle their defenses, that day may not be too long in coming.

In the meantime, let’s be realistic about the world we live in. Mexican leaders apparently have an economic policy based on exporting their own citizens, while complaining about U.S. immigration policies that are far less exclusionary than their own. The French jail perfectly nice people for politically incorrect comments, but scold us for holding terrorists at Guantanamo.


So I wouldn’t worry too much about the criticisms we receive. We make mistakes and at times the “carping” may even be on target, but it seems to me that we ought to look at a lot of the complaints as a badge of honor.

Read the whole thing.  He's mainly focused on Russia, but the paragraphs I quoted give you a good flavor of his style.


popeye1250 -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (5/1/2007 1:25:38 PM)

Well, Europe had better build up their defenses because I don't want my Troops involved in anymore European wars!
Two times is one time too many!
Their young men (And S. Korea's) come to the U.S. and go to college while OUR young men go into Uniform and defend their countries?

meatcleaver -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (5/1/2007 3:53:48 PM)

 One example of this excessive power is the missile defense radar system we want to install in Poland and the Czech Republic — to give the free world early warning of a missile attack by terrorists or a rogue nation like Iran. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence that the Russians have been supplying Iran with both nuclear and missile technology while using their U.N. veto to block sanctions that would force Tehran to back down. Regardless, we’re clearly at fault, he says, for putting a defense system close to Mother Russia.

Let's have a bit of honesty here, the missile defence system in question does not give the 'free world' an early warning against missile attack by terrorists. Terrorists don't have a missile system to threaten Europe. The proposed system is an American defence system to defend America not Europe. While I don't blame America for wanting to defend itself against threats it perceives to itself, don't expect Europeans to be taken in. This defence system gives no defence to Europeans, it is pointless for European defence, it merely puts Europeans in the firing line.

meatcleaver -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (5/1/2007 3:57:02 PM)

The French jail perfectly nice people for politically incorrect comments, but scold us for holding terrorists at Guantanamo.

I would take this guy a little more seriously if he put facts to his allegations.

We make mistakes and at times the “carping” may even be on target, but it seems to me that we ought to look at a lot of the complaints as a badge of honor.
It's quite obvious many Americans do see complaints as a badge of honour but it is America itself that claims to be the champion of democracy and civilisation, it is America that claims to be the upholder of the rule of law. Don't complain when people point out the difference between American rhetoric and its actions.

Sinergy -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (5/1/2007 6:14:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

The French jail perfectly nice people for politically incorrect comments, but scold us for holding terrorists at Guantanamo.

I would take this guy a little more seriously if he put facts to his allegations.

I would be more impressed if he gave a cogent and lucid explanation of how making a one government making a politically incorrect comment compares to another government imprisoning and torturing people.


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