What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (Full Version)

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littlesarbonn -> What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/22/2007 3:59:58 PM)

This is a response to something I was reading recently, from a submissive who was trying to figure out what he might possibly ever have to offer a dominant woman in hopes of her taking him seriously. So here goes.

Here's some advice from someone who's been around the block a few times (translation: my mommy still won't let me cross the street). :)

You first of all have to figure out what it is you have to offer. What separates you from the crowd? This stumps a lot of submissives, but I'll let you in on a few secrets that don't work, then we'll go into some things that might work. Keep in mind that what I state here may be helpful to some, but you should never by lying about your abilities in hopes of achieving something because you'll ALWAYS be found out, and you'll never get a second chance.

What doesn't work:
1. Anatomy. Pictures of, descriptions of, fingerpaints about, Van Gogh-styled carvings of exact representations of genitalia should be the first thing you NEVER consider one of your strong points. If you're writing to a dominant woman, she already has enough of these types of inquiries from guys that she's going to go through the roof with anger if you send her another.

2. Don't tell her your a dom who has suddenly decided to offer her the unique opportunity of dominating someone who is not a submissive. Unless she knows you are already and has harbored a secret desire to dominate you, because she knows you're a dominant she wants to break down, it's never going to work.

3. Lying. One lie and you're pretty much gone. You'll rarely get a second chance.

4. Passive-aggressive behavior. No one likes this. I've been there myself in the past. Took years to get rid of it.

5. Taking yourself way too seriously. In MOST cases (not all), you really need a sense of humor about things. I was once cleaning a bathroom for a dominant woman I was really trying to win favor with, and I didn't know the first thing about the word "dilution", so I poured half the bottle on the floor and created the stickiest situation a submissive can ever be in. She was in the middle of doing a very long session and had left me alone. So, for four hours, I kept trying to figure out how to fix this mess I made. When she came out, and I completely expected her to yell at me and throw me out, she asked what happened, I told her, and she started laughing (in a good way). Surprisingly, I did, too, because for four hours I was convinced this was going to be the worst encounter ever, because I really liked her. Everything turned out okay. Sure, I had to still make it right, but at least she told me how to do it (fortunately, I'm a bit smarter about such things today than I was back then).

6. Playing games to get what you really want. Way too many do this. Don't. Be honest. Tell her what you're seeking. If it's what she thinks is something that might interest her, it will work out. Sometimes, she'll not be all that interested but now that she knows, she might one day use it as some kind of leverage with you or way of rewarding you, or something to keep from you forever because she's mean and vicious and...and...oh sorry, was getting kind of excited there.

What you should do (what you really asked):
1. Assess yourself. What do you know how to do? Are you great with computers? Can you put them together blindfolded (don't tell her that because she just might have you do it that way)? :) Are you great at massage? Have you been trained to do something she might find useful, like research or legal issues? Can you cook? Do you detail cars? Do you fix cars? Everyone has things he or she excels at. Find those, and you have something she wants. Cunnilingus is NOT the kind of skill you want to advertise. Nor is full body worship or sex.

2. Use common sense. If you were her, what would you want? Read what she writes. Does she complain because she can't find a good cup of coffee? Find her a good cup of coffee. Or be able to make one.

3. Remember that she's a real person. Too many submissives fail here. Miserably. They treat her as a goddess or some untouchable persona, and while she may warrant such admiration and respect, keep in mind that she's also a real person. Should you ever interest such a woman, remember that she's probably a lot more comfortable in her fuzzy slippers than she is in high heeled boots and full dominant regalia. Some guys can't get beyond that, or they pretend to but really are just fetishist in nature.

4. Figure out what you actually want from her and see if that somehow coincides with her desires. I'll be honest with you. I rarely pursue anyone, mainly because I spend a great deal of time finding everything out about her I can, and then I try to see how I would best fit into her life. If I don't see a fit, I generally don't make contact. I realize that I don't want to be there if I'm not going to be useful, wanted and needed.

5. Learn as much about her as possible. That at least shows you that you're really interested in her and not in just some generic dominant woman. This can backfire on you, however, as I discovered when I really went out and discovered everything I could about a woman I was interested in some years ago. I found out what she was studying and read all of her interviews about what she was seeking. I did this to determine whether or not I was right for her, and I came away from that research convinced that I was. During our first encounter, I sort of freaked her out, probably leaving her thinking I was some kind of stalker. So be careful about how you do it. Know her well enough to find out if you are compatible, but don't go overboard enough to scare the crap out of her. It didn't get that bad in the example I used; but I certainly realized it could have.

Najakcharmer -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/22/2007 4:28:28 PM)

Dude.  You rock.  This post ought to be required reading for guysubs.

SDFemDom4cuck -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/22/2007 4:51:21 PM)


Absolutely spot on. This needs posted in the General Boards or sub board.

LadyHeart -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/22/2007 6:49:45 PM)

That is first class! I would suggest adding only one more point:

Once you've got her interest, don't drop the ball! It's suprising how many submissives do many of the positive things you have referred to, then get a last minute bout of stage fright and fail to follow through.

I had a really good example just last night. I had exchanged a few missives with a nice young man who had succeeded in convincing me he was genuine. I was going to a munch and suggested that we meet there (his profile said he was interested in meeting others and he took my phone number and all the information). He was a no show. He could have sent me a txt to say he had panicked. He could have said he felt he wasn't ready. Nothing. I am prepared to wager my favourite crop that he'll pop up again asking for another chance, but he's misssed his opportunity. I feel that we begin as we are likely to go on, and if he can't be reliable or honest, I can't be bothered.



LaMistressa -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/22/2007 7:00:00 PM)

This is a great post, and should be a must-read! 

DreamyLadySnow -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/22/2007 7:46:01 PM)

Excellent post. I agree with everything you said, especially the part about Dominant women being people. We are. Really.

LadyHeart's point is also valid. I suspect all straight or bi Dommes are familiar with poof boys. It gets tiring.



aidan -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/22/2007 8:15:24 PM)

It's always nice to know you're not the only sane person in a mad house. Good on ya, bro.

MsD -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/22/2007 8:43:43 PM)

sarbonn, you are always so eloquent ... this, to me, is your masterpiece! *s*  I'm putting a link to it in my journal on the other side lol

also wanted to say to LS - it's not just the boys that go *poof*; I've run across tons of girls that go *poof* ... about a week before a face-to-face, usually[:'(]

Politesub53 -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 4:11:07 AM)

Littlesarbonn.... Kudos to you, many of us do indeed think along these lines. You have just expressed it so clearly that anyone reading it should now be able to get " IT " 
Thank you.

LadyPact -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 5:01:44 AM)

littlesarborn, kudos for an excellent post!  Well thought out and well written.

jssubc -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 5:15:50 AM)

Great post sarbonn.
From a selfish point of view i hope not to many actually pay attention to it. *G*

MsKatHouston -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 8:35:10 AM)

Mind if I use this to direct others to?  Great post.  [sm=applause.gif]

chiaThePet -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 9:17:05 AM)

Dear littlesarbonn,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share such excellent thoughts and
guidance. This is food wrought of genuine substance for a submissive in the
throws of trying to "figure it all out". i shall indeed be looking for more of
your generous sharing of understanding and experience, as i am a boy with
a voracious appetite for learning. Thank you again, i am better for your words.

Respectfully, chia* (the pet)

littlesarbonn -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 9:40:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: MsKatHouston

Mind if I use this to direct others to?  Great post.  [sm=applause.gif]

Of course. I would be honored.

LadyHugs -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 6:59:28 PM)

Dear littlesarbonn,
Bravo!  Well done!  I agree - a must read for any Dominant and slave and or submissive man seeking.
Thank you for writing what is needed to be said.
Respectfully submitted,
Lady Hugs

MistressNoName -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 7:10:04 PM)


You think you could copy and paste this to every male sub (looking for a Mistress) on this site? The ones who really need to read this are most likely the ones who NEVER come over to the forums and may not even know it exists.

This is wonderful, btw. Thanks for posting it.


BBBTBW -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/23/2007 7:25:54 PM)

[sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif]STANDING OVATION[sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif][sm=applause.gif]  Well written, excellent information and YES we are HUMAN FIRST.  As we appreciate the human element in a slave so should a slave appreciate the human element in a Dominant.

MsCameron -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/24/2007 6:04:02 AM)

Outstanding :)

You've written some really good posts but this one is the best.

May I copy and credit to a Ladies/male sub list that I'm on?


Edited cause it's too early to remember what name I'm signing LOL

thetammyjo -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/24/2007 7:17:43 AM)

Well written and thought through, littlesarbon.

One suggestion: You might want to mention that even if you do all those wonderful things and none of the negative ones, this is a matter of finding compatible partners. There are no guareentees and thinking there are is a sure way to get disappointed.

KaramelGoddess -> RE: What can a sub have to offer a dominant woman (a response) (6/24/2007 7:49:45 AM)

Best post I've ever read by a male sub.  I shall be directing potentials here from now on.  Splendid!!  Thank you!



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