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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle

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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/18/2005 6:37:16 PM   

Posts: 2994
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From: Barrie, ON Canada
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ORIGINAL: dark~angel

I would disagree - prophecy happens - not just in the past - but now. Or do you really believe that God just stopped His works through people? Are you in the belief with a certain sect of the church that miracles ended with the end of the apostles?
Have you ever seen a prophecy receieved and given out and/or seen it fullfilled? Seen Angels? Anything? Heard about it? Lived it vicariously? Or is it that your finite mind will not comprehend because you believe in the finite, because to believe in the infinite would mean having to accept Gods works?

Disagree all you like, but to believe otherwise is anti-Biblical. The Bible very clearly states that there will be no more prophecies, no more speaking in tongues, no more signs until the end times. Anyone that tries to fool you into otherwise is a fraud. W/we were also warned that these people would come before the end times.

BTW, by saying the universe is infinite I mean that as far as W/we know the universe has no limits. Nobody can comprehend this, and people are even now trying to prove that the opposite is true, else their big bang theory and theory that there is no God falls apart.


Hi. I don't care. Thanks.

Wicca: Pretending to be an ancient religion since 1956

Catholic Church: Serving up guilt since 107 AD.

(in reply to darkinshadows)
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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/18/2005 9:28:57 PM   

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Disagree all you like, but to believe otherwise is anti-Biblical. The Bible very clearly states that there will be no more prophecies, no more speaking in tongues, no more signs until the end times

The Bible says lots of things clearly that we disregard today, like executing people who commit adultery. You can claim that others' viewpoints are anti-Biblical, but what you are really meaning is that their views don't match your interpretation of the Bible.

(in reply to SirKenin)
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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 7:10:18 AM   

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The Bible very clearly states that there will be no more prophecies, no more speaking in tongues, no more signs until the end times.

Where, and in which interpretation? Yours, or Gods? How can a person say they see miracles on the one hand, and dismiss signs and wonders as fraud? It's a huge contadiction.


Anyone that tries to fool you into otherwise is a fraud.

Nobody is trying to fool anyone into anything. Free will, remember?


W/we were also warned that these people would come before the end times.


BTW, by saying the universe is infinite I mean that as far as W/we know the universe has no limits. Nobody can comprehend this, and people are even now trying to prove that the opposite is true, else their big bang theory and theory that there is no God falls apart.

Again with the generalisation that nobody can comprehend that the universe is limitless - why would that be so hard to comprehend? For me and many people, because of God - anything is possible.


Disagree all you like, but to believe otherwise is anti-Biblical.

Kenin - you really make it hard for yourself to allow anyone to hold a civil discussion. I don't come here to ridicule your belief - nor anyone elses - I asked you questions which you have not bothered responding to - so I can learn about your belief and your interpretation - so I can learn to understand where you are coming from. Anyone can say white is black - but to understand why they think that, it's always wise to look into their interpretation. So please don't lecture me that my interpretation is wrong or anti biblical, because it's not yours - it's mine - and I am well prepared to face God with an open heart and admit to HIM if I am wrong or understood things incorrectly because I didn't study the original texts - or learn specific words instead of relying on one set of scholars to dictate to me what God may of said, instead of what His words say to me. Are You?

Prophecy is not something that stopped in the Hebrew Scriptures, nor did it stop after the ministry of Jesus or the writing of the book of revelation. The work of prophecy - the telling the words and will of God - is the vocation of every Christian. Prophecy is proclaiming the word of God - Jesus Christ to the world. Thats my understanding - my interetation for ME. It's not wrong, or anti biblical or any other fundemental, scientific, or literalist 'right' you throw at me. I am not asking you to accept it for yourself - I am sharing my view and asking to hear yours.

Peace and Love



...i surrender to gravity and the unknown...

(in reply to SirKenin)
Profile   Post #: 103
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 7:25:58 AM   

Posts: 2994
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From: Barrie, ON Canada
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ORIGINAL: dark~angel

Prophecy is not something that stopped in the Hebrew Scriptures, nor did it stop after the ministry of Jesus or the writing of the book of revelation. The work of prophecy - the telling the words and will of God - is the vocation of every Christian. Prophecy is proclaiming the word of God - Jesus Christ to the world. Thats my understanding - my interetation for ME. It's not wrong, or anti biblical or any other fundemental, scientific, or literalist 'right' you throw at me. I am not asking you to accept it for yourself - I am sharing my view and asking to hear yours.

Peace and Love[/center][/font][/size]

I think W/we might actually be closer to each other's definition of prophecy than W/we realize, most likely due to the fact that I am usually very abrupt when I present something. So, do not take it personally. Prophecy does not exist like it did in Biblical times, but it does exist in a different form, the one you appear to be hinting at in your post if I am reading your post correctly. It is studying the past to establish the will of God. Reading the Bible, studying history, etc. Many people can still do this quite effectively.


Hi. I don't care. Thanks.

Wicca: Pretending to be an ancient religion since 1956

Catholic Church: Serving up guilt since 107 AD.

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 104
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 7:27:27 AM   

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Disagree all you like, but to believe otherwise is anti-Biblical.
So thats an Athiest then?

(in reply to SirKenin)
Profile   Post #: 105
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 9:03:27 AM   

Posts: 11766
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For some reason I am getting as much regarding this topic directly as I see on the thread. Here's an interesting perspective...


One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain evolution to the children.

The teacher asked a little boy: Tommy do you see the tree outside?

TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?

TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky
TOMMY: Okay. (He returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky.

TEACHER: Did you see God?

TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there.
He just doesn't exist.

A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.
The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy:

Tommy, do you see the tree outside?

LITTLE GIRL: Tommy do you see the grass outside?
TOMMY: Yessssss!

LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky?
TOMMY: Yessssss!

LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher?

LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain?

LITTLE GIRL: Then according to what we were taught today in school, she must not have one!

(in reply to SirKenin)
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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 9:36:17 AM   

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From: Davis, Ca
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That reminded me of something, written by Antony Flew:

The Parable of the Invisible Gardener

Once upon a time two explorers came upon a clearing in the jungle. In the clearing were growing many flowers and many weeds. One explorer says, 'Some gardener must tend this plot'. The other disagrees, 'There is no gardener'. So they pitch their tents and set a watch.

No gardener is ever seen. 'But perhaps he is an invisible gardener'. So they set up a barbed-wire fence. They electrify it. They patrol with bloodhounds. 1. (For they remember how H. G. Wells's Tbe Invisible Man could be both smelt and touched though he could not be seen.) But no shrieks ever suggest that some intruder has received a shock. No movements of the wire ever betray an invisible climber. The bloodhounds never give cry. Yet still the Believer is not convinced.

'But there is a gardener, invisible, intangible, insensible to electric shocks, a gardener who has no scent and makes no sound, a gardener who comes secretly to look after the garden which he loves'.

At last the Sceptic despairs, 'But what remains of your original assertion? just how does what you call an invisible, intangible, eternally elusive gardener differ from an imaginary gardener or even from no gardener at all?


Now it often seems to people who are not religious as if there was no conceivable event or series of events the occurrence of which would be admitted by sophisticated religious people to be a sufficient reason for conceding "there wasn't a God after all" or "God does not really love us then." Someone tells us that God loves us as a father loves his children. We are reassured. But then we see a child dying of inoperable cancer of the throat. His earthly father is driven frantic in his efforts to help, but his Heavenly Father reveals no obvious sign of concern. Some qualification is made — God's love is "not merely human love" or it is "an inscrutable love," perhaps — and we realize that such suffering are quite compatible with the truth of the assertion that "God loves us as a father (but of course…)." We are reassured again. But then perhaps we ask: what is this assurance of God's (appropriately qualified) love worth, what is this apparent guarantee really a guarantee against? Just what would have to happen . . . to entitle us to say "God does not love us" or even "God does not exist"? . . . What would have to occur or to have occurred to constitute for you a disproof of the love of, or the existence of, God?

Antony Flew (1968), "Theology and Falsification," in Joel Feinberg (ed.), Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy, Belmont, CA: Dickenson Publishing Company, pp. 48-49.


~in the begining it is always dark~

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 107
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 12:28:59 PM   

Posts: 4145
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*yay*... I adore Antony Flew! Omgosh -

Recommending reading-

'Equality in Liberty and Justice'
'The Presumption of Atheism, and other philosophical essays on God, Freedom and Immortality'(thats harder to pick up)
'Power to the Parents: Reversing Educational Decline'

Peace and Love



...i surrender to gravity and the unknown...

(in reply to perverseangelic)
Profile   Post #: 108
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 1:24:46 PM   

Posts: 2625
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From: Davis, Ca
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ORIGINAL: dark~angel

*yay*... I adore Antony Flew! Omgosh -

Recommending reading-

'Equality in Liberty and Justice'
'The Presumption of Atheism, and other philosophical essays on God, Freedom and Immortality'(thats harder to pick up)
'Power to the Parents: Reversing Educational Decline'

Peace and Love

I've read excerpts from the second two, but nothin' from the first. I admit, philosphy ain't reallymy strong suit, but this little "parable" caught my interest and imagination :)


~in the begining it is always dark~

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 109
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 2:59:08 PM   

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"I've never thought I knew that there was no God. I merely thought there is no sufficient reason that there is."

I really enjoy His writings and thoughts. He is a near a perfect example of someone who strives for truth without being blinded by hypocrasy or heresay.
Recently, He has been identified as a 'believer' - Some fundementalists and theists will try and teach that He 'converted' to Christianity about 4 or five years back. However in reality, I don't think He did. If you read His writings in any depth and follow His understanding, He believes in the possibility of something - or some 'God' - is the reason for creations, and that evolution is born from something more than science, but it is not the God of human christianity or Islam... 'that he just had to go where evidence lead him.' He pointed out that science indicated something before everything else - if that makes sense - I will try and look up the quote and post it when I find it - basically that something intellectually based, rather than cosmic chance quite possibly was the engineer of creation.

Lol... always a mistake to say something like that with Christians around.

FLew is IMO, a great example of a very wise Man.

Peace and Love



...i surrender to gravity and the unknown...

(in reply to perverseangelic)
Profile   Post #: 110
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 5:49:03 PM   

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I still don't see how an infant in Southeast Asia needs to be killed by a tsunami because Adam and Eve (or anyone else) has sinned. I really don't think there is any rational justification for it. Punishing people as a collective for the sins of individuals is EXACTLY what is rejected in those Biblical passages I quoted before.



ORIGINAL: kisshou

I wish I were better at analogies (maybe dark~angel will help me out).

In religion God is given a parental role because like a parent , God created us. (us meaning humans)

When God created us , God gave us paradise to live in.

Then God gave us a rule.

We (Adam/Eve) broke the rule.

This angered God. (if omnibenevolent means never getting angry , then God is not omnibenevolent)

Then God said 'you are now being punished leave paradise and suffer . (this explains war, poverty, death etc)

Then like alot of parents God realized we were not learning anything, so God decided to give us a second chance.

So since God really loves us , God sent Jesus to teach us.

If all of us lived like Jesus taught us, we would once again have paradise here.

Like parents with more than one child, God realized this would not be fair to punish both children, in case one child did as he was taught, but another child didn't.

So God gave us a time limit. If we (humans) have not shaped up by that time, God is going to end everything and then judge us all (including those who have already died). If we lived on earth as God taught us, we go to paradise. If not, we are up a creek without a paddle.

You might say that thousands of years is a long time for a punishment or you can look at it as God being really patient and loving by giving us alot of time to live like God taught us and re-establish paradise.

Like alot of parents, God believes in us and has hope for us and so is not giving up easily by just ending things quickly.

(in reply to kisshou)
Profile   Post #: 111
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 6:32:08 PM   

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ORIGINAL: EmeraldSlave2

If you are going to say that god accepts some bad things as being right, then you cancel out the idea that god is omnibenevolent.

Gotta jump in here and disagree. The correct argument is that "all things serve those who trust in Him", paraphrased from the New Testament. God is the ultimate good and therefore doesn't "accept" evil but stands as the only alternative to it. The theology is stacked in God's favor, lol. If it's His, it's good, if it's not then it's only good if it comes from an attempt to please and/or serve him.
As to the OP, God's rules are only for us and the Ten Commandments were not the final word on the subject of killing or even murdering our fellow humans. The Ten Commandments came ~before~ God commanded the Israelis to enter into the Promised land and kill every man, woman and child. The commandment "Thou shalt not commit murder" applied only to Israeli violence against his fellow Israeli and, even then, there were still exceptions, such as adulters,witches and homosexuals, just to name a few.
The biblical God is many things, but omnibenevolent has never been one of them. The biblical God promises his believers pain and suffering throughout life and then a great eternity. His only promise to non-believers is eternal damnation. Not sure how one gets omnibenevolence from the bible I've seen.

(in reply to EmeraldSlave2)
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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 6:51:42 PM   

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ORIGINAL: EmeraldSlave2
If god allows them, god causes them. God allowed sin to be created, god obviously felt it was the right thing to have in the world.

If your owner allows you to choose your own route and the route you choose is the one you're on when you have a car wreck, it's the owner's fault because he allowed you to make that choice, correct? This is the logic I see you promoting with your position. If you're equating allowing the use of freewill with cuplability for the consequences resulting from the exercise of that freewill, then I understand you correctly and I respectfully disagree. If that isn't your position, then perhaps you could phrase it another way that I, for one, can grasp better.


If you are going to say that natural disasters are not acts of god, then you can't say for certain ANYTHING is an act of god, even creation, unless you are going to say that man is more powerful than god.

That statement just doesn't fly, as written. While no one can prove creation is an act of God, at least not to the satisfaction of the skeptics, the remainder is a non-starter. God can possess the power/ability to stop an earthquake and choose to not exercise that power/ability.

Not trying to pick on you ES, just happened to catch that and wanted to weigh in.

(in reply to EmeraldSlave2)
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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 7:07:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domtimothy46176

The biblical God promises his believers pain and suffering throughout life and then a great eternity. His only promise to non-believers is eternal damnation.

This makes me wonder. I thought God forgives everyone so therefore how can one be condemmed? How can one go to hell?

Also people dont beleive these Priest that say they can heal the sick and heal disabled people as fakes and people making money. They do set ups etc to dis-proove them which prooves them as fakes. Why do people belief Jesus could do it?? when back in the times of Jesus it would of been easier to pull off....

Please explain why you think it is real? Do you just beleave because of everything your been told and the way your been brought up?

< Message edited by imtempting -- 7/19/2005 7:09:47 PM >

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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 7:16:44 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

At least that's a more honest answer than what most people give.

Why do you believe? Unlike a lot of people who talk about God, I'm not trying to get you to abandon your faith or see things my way. Actually, I'm trying to understand how to see things YOUR way. I still don't get it, but I find it interesting that you believe even though you take the problems I mentioned seriously. Most people I know who believe in God just try to dismiss all the problems.



ORIGINAL: kisshou

This was answered, the answer is 'I don't know'.

I could propose alot of theories though (is that what you want?)

I will jump in and answer for myself. I've seen too many things to ~not~ believe. I don't ascribe to every theological doctrine that finds it's way into a denomination's dogma, but a real, living God? Yeah, I accept that. The little miracles pile up way past the point where I can continue to shrug them off as lucky coincidences. The perfection of the biological system smacks of well-crafted design, in my opinion. Holding my child and being overcome with an upswelling of love gives me insight into the idea of a God that is the genesis of good. I look at the trees and streams while hiking on a summer day and I fail to understand how anyone can ~not~ believe. My instincts, I guess, are at the bottom of my belief, more than anything. I just ~know~ God is real.

(in reply to Lordandmaster)
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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 7:33:06 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

See, I get the free-will argument. I don't get how it explains tsunamis.

There isn't a spot on earth where we could live without danger from earthquakes--and volcanos too, incidentally. We are on a living planet, and living planets have earthquakes and volcanos. (Planets that don't, like the moon, are dead.) Come to think of it, it's disturbing that God would force us to live on a planet where it's inevitable that innocent people will be killed.

I'm left with one of these three choices:

1. God doesn't give a shit.
2. God does give a shit, but can't do better.
3. God doesn't exist.

Edited to add: I agree with what perverseangelic said about you:


I like reading your posts because you seem secure in your relationship with God and secure in the understanding that people disagreeing doesn't lessen your relationship.


ORIGINAL: dark~angel

As for not respecting God who would make people die - it's not His responsibilty - nor choice. He had to give over to free will because that is what we chose. It's like a parent - when the child comes of age - you can keep digging them out of trouble and trying to save them - but no child will learn if you keep bailing them out. It would just become like some manipulation. Still not sure if I make much sense here.

Here's my understanding of how it works:

God makes perfect planet and puts man on it with man having free will.
Man chooses to disobey God.
Perfect world is transformed into a world where man is challenged throughout his life by nature and evil and other men.
The purpose of this challenging is to make man choose for himself, evil or good under circumstances where neither side has an advantage.

As I said, this is my understanding and that's they best explanation I was able to formulate. dunno if it helps you understand my perspective, but I hope so.

(in reply to Lordandmaster)
Profile   Post #: 116
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 7:51:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: imtempting


ORIGINAL: domtimothy46176

The biblical God promises his believers pain and suffering throughout life and then a great eternity. His only promise to non-believers is eternal damnation.

This makes me wonder. I thought God forgives everyone so therefore how can one be condemmed? How can one go to hell?

Also people dont beleive these Priest that say they can heal the sick and heal disabled people as fakes and people making money. They do set ups etc to dis-proove them which prooves them as fakes. Why do people belief Jesus could do it?? when back in the times of Jesus it would of been easier to pull off....

Please explain why you think it is real? Do you just beleave because of everything your been told and the way your been brought up?

I've never been taught that God forgives everyone, only that God is willing to forgive those who are willing to humble themselves and repent and ask for forgiveness. Those are two widely different things.

Do faith-healers exist in modern times? I don't know. Do some claim to be able to heal? I'm certain some do make such claims. Do some falsely make such claims to scam the unwitting? Knowing what some people do out of greed, I don't doubt it. Why do I believe the New Testament accounts of the miracles of Jesus? I simply can't comprehend those who were there dying painfully to protect a lie. The disciples of Jesus were hunted down and killed by the Jewish religous leaders at every opportunity. The easy way out would have been to refute the works and teachings of Jesus, rather than insisting on their veracity. Who would knowingly die defending a lie? It seems illogical to me.

I believe it's real because I can't ~not~ believe it, based on my life experiences. I wasn't raised in a religous home and I didn't "discover" my faith during a sickness or anything like that' I simply see the existance of divine intent all around me.

I hope that helps answer your questions

(in reply to imtempting)
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RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 8:09:09 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domtimothy46176
The disciples of Jesus were hunted down and killed by the Jewish religous leaders at every opportunity.

It just seems like a cult to me. (I dont mean to offend) Look at cults and it is basically like Jesus. You have a divine leader that is all knowing, all seeing. You have the right hand men who has seen the proove of the leader. Then the followers who beleave because of whats being said is what they are wanting to hear.

Back in the days of Jesus they were going against the Religion of the time. Also making civil un-rest and going against the laws of the land. They were criminals.


The easy way out would have been to refute the works and teachings of Jesus, rather than insisting on their veracity. Who would knowingly die defending a lie? It seems illogical to me.

People die to protect a lie.


(in reply to domtimothy46176)
Profile   Post #: 118
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 8:12:36 PM   

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This is exactly the stage that makes no sense to me. Why did God create an originally perfect universe if it was going to be fucked up? How did humans succeed in fucking up God's perfect creation? And why should innocents today suffer because of it?

It all sounds horribly unjust to me. I'd really rather believe in nothing than believe in a God who is such an asshole. Of course, I don't choose to believe and disbelieve something on the basis of whether I like it. I believe on the basis of what I see and think.


ORIGINAL: domtimothy46176

Perfect world is transformed into a world where man is challenged throughout his life by nature and evil and other men.

< Message edited by Lordandmaster -- 7/19/2005 8:13:10 PM >

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Profile   Post #: 119
RE: "Acts of God" Riddle - 7/19/2005 8:25:53 PM   

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i cannot explain all that happens in the world, or answer all the questions that have been asked on this thread. However, i do know God exisits; that there is life after death; that we will be judged for our sins; that God loves us; and that He answers prayers.

i have felt His arms around me; His breath on my neck; His hand on my shoulder. i could never deny His existence after such experiences. i suppose some would call them "mystical"; others would call them "wish-fulfillment". i could not care less; i know in my heart what happened.

Some things in this life cannot be endured without God's help. That fact is undeniable. Y/you may not have prayed once in Y/your life, but that does not mean God deserted Y/you.


< Message edited by pinkpleasures -- 7/19/2005 8:27:07 PM >


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