RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (Full Version)

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Prinsexx -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 9:26:28 AM)

Most of my limits exist outside of my bdsm watching pointless movies and repettitive housework.
Otherwise, given the obvious of no animals, no kids, no limits are set by my dominant but I have to be honest and say they vary on the day as one day my pain threshold could be high and on another very low. In which case I would have to say white rabbits and disappear down a tunnel.
I have, I admit, in the past said no limits and then wished I'd retracted the statement.
If I feel LOVE then there is that desire for no limits but of it's loveless submission then I put in more limits....selfish I know....and get the scene over and done with for the kick of it.
I now think that actually no limits is a construct used by the sub who is wanting to impress.

Prinnie xx

Stephann -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 9:27:39 AM)


It's in line with the point I made about knives.  "Knifeplay" can mean several things; some of them completely harmless (butterknife held to the shoulder) while others quite dangerous.  I knew a girl who liked to be choked, but it had to be done with something other than the hands, because she'd been actually choked by someone who...well, shouldn't have.

It's a way of saying that limits can take things out of context.


Bobkgin -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 9:29:13 AM)



I made a statement on another thread that made me wonder about other people thoughts regarding being a "no limits" bottom. 

Here goes......I am curious to other thoughts on the matter.

"For me, the phrase "no limits" is a hyperbole, but only because I take things too literally and to the extreme. (Think Hannibal Lecter)"

If you consider yourself to be or are looking for a "No Limits" bottom.  What exactly does that mean to you?  Does anyone really believe, in the literal, sense that they have no limits whatsoever? 

How do you define "no limits"?
(I would appreciate opinions and views from anyone on this matter)

Context is important.

The literal "no limits" on its own means just that. Every right she has she is surrendering, making clear her intention to never claim a right to anything.

"no limits beyond my own" would mean she would assert no rights beyond those which I permit her. Essentially my limits become her limits.

For a "no limit" sub to actually achieve "no limits", she would need a "no limit" dom. Otherwise, she would always be limited by the limits of her dom.

UR2Badored -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 9:41:25 AM)


Context is important.

The literal "no limits" on its own means just that. Every right she has she is surrendering, making clear her intention to never claim a right to anything.

This is what baffles me about making such a claim.  What if sub Jane Doe meets very compatible Dom John Doe.  Everything is perfectly content and after years, Dom John Doe becomes more extreme surpassing the tolerance of sub Jane Doe and her initial needs and desires.  sub Jane Doe, at this point, adores and love Domly Dom John Doe and wants more than anything to make it work but is miserable.  Domly Dom John Doe thinks he knows best, but sub Jane doesnt think so at this point.  Has sub Jan Doe given up any right to make assertions that may ultimately save the relationship? 

end question to Bobkgin

How many anchovies does it take to screw in a life bulb?  Sorry I have a sorry-a$% sense of humor

daddysprop247 -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 9:57:14 AM)

when i refer to myself as "no limits", that means that upon becoming slave to my Master, i gave up all personal limits and placed myself in his hands, which means that the only limits i have would be those he places upon me. and no, we are not perfectly 100% compatible in all areas, never have been...there are many things he subjects me to which i would choose to have as limits if i had the right to do so and were in a different sort of relationship. to answer a question posed to another poster, "Has sub Jan Doe given up any right to make assertions that may ultimately save the relationship?"...change "sub" to "slave" and i would say yes, absolutely. first, only my Master can terminate our relationship, so it would never be in my power to "save" it. secondly i am property now, not a free person who's number one priority is taking care of self. my number one priority is serving and pleasing my Master, regardless of how crazy he may become after 20 yrs and a severe head injury, regardless of what that may entail or what risks to self may be involved.

bandit25 -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 9:59:27 AM)

Isn't that pretty much for sub Jane Doe to decide?  For daddysprop, she's stated No, that isn't for her to decide.  But she makes it clear that's how it is for her and her alone.  Someone else may have a different answer.

Rover -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:04:32 AM)

Fast Reply to no one in particular....
Despite having read three pages of sanity, I pressed on... knowing that eventually it would devolve into utter silliness demanding an equal standing upon the mantle of logic and reality.  Why do people persist in affording it a place that it does not deserve?

UR2Badored -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:06:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: daddysprop247

when i refer to myself as "no limits", that means that upon becoming slave to my Master, i gave up all personal limits and placed myself in his hands, which means that the only limits i have would be those he places upon me. and no, we are not perfectly 100% compatible in all areas, never have been...there are many things he subjects me to which i would choose to have as limits if i had the right to do so and were in a different sort of relationship. to answer a question posed to another poster, "Has sub Jan Doe given up any right to make assertions that may ultimately save the relationship?"...change "sub" to "slave" and i would say yes, absolutely. first, only my Master can terminate our relationship, so it would never be in my power to "save" it. secondly i am property now, not a free person who's number one priority is taking care of self. my number one priority is serving and pleasing my Master, regardless of how crazy he may become after 20 yrs and a severe head injury, regardless of what that may entail or what risks to self may be involved.

In your case and my opinion, he is somewhat a perfect match for you.  You obviously adore him and that is something to admire about your relationship.

My question to you specifically--Don't you enjoy serving him in such a way that you feel benefited from in some way?  In other words, isn't your relationship mutually beneficial and consensual?  If you would not benefit from it in some way, would you remain in the relationship?  I know this is slippery slope-- I am just trying to understand clearly what you are saying. 

daddysprop247 -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:13:14 AM)



In your case and my opinion, he is somewhat perfect match for you.  You obviously adore him and that is something to admire about your relationship.

My question to you specifically--Don't you enjoy serving him in such a way that you feel benefited from it as oppose to feeling miserable and trapped (forced)?  In other words, your relationship is mutually beneficial and consensual? 

of course our relationship is consensual, he did not force me or coerce me into being his. i made the choice with my eyes wide open and totally willingly. as far as feeling fulfills me to please him, always. even if that entails some suffering and hardship on my part.

you are correct, i do adore him, and he is the perfect Master for me. 100% compatibility is not required for that. but that does not mean that i am always happy or that i do not ever truly suffer at his hands...i am not, and i do, often. but i also knew that this would be the case before i made the choice to be his slave, and happiness and bliss are not things i consider necessary in a slave's life. lovely, yes, necessary, no.

e01n -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:14:47 AM)

And again... I find myself agreeing with Larry Hagman's evil twin.

It's called negotiation for a reason. I'm getting something out of it as well as She is. And frankly, I'm not so arrogant to say that neither of us has "no limits." I'm painfully aware of my limitations and Hers...

But we *can* compensate and adapt...

mistoferin -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:16:20 AM)

We had an interesting discussion on this that turned up some surprising (to me) answers a couple of years ago if anyone is interested in checking it out.

UR2Badored -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:17:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: bandit25

Isn't that pretty much for sub Jane Doe to decide? 

In a no limits scenerio, wouldnt it be Dom John Doe to decide?

Thanks Erin........I definitely want to read it........

Daddy' that sense, your last reply makes sense to me--thanks for sharing  and explaining

Prinsexx -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:25:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: daddysprop247

when i refer to myself as "no limits", that means that upon becoming slave to my Master, i gave up all personal limits and placed myself in his hands, which means that the only limits i have would be those he places upon me. and no, we are not perfectly 100% compatible in all areas, never have been...there are many things he subjects me to which i would choose to have as limits if i had the right to do so and were in a different sort of relationship. to answer a question posed to another poster, "Has sub Jan Doe given up any right to make assertions that may ultimately save the relationship?"...change "sub" to "slave" and i would say yes, absolutely. first, only my Master can terminate our relationship, so it would never be in my power to "save" it. secondly i am property now, not a free person who's number one priority is taking care of self. my number one priority is serving and pleasing my Master, regardless of how crazy he may become after 20 yrs and a severe head injury, regardless of what that may entail or what risks to self may be involved.

Forgive me: IMO this is not  healthy.
Post the same in 20 years time and I might accept it as such.

UR2Badored -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:31:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

Forgive me: IMO this is not  healthy.
Post the same in 20 years time and I might accept it as such.

Consider me a natural meddler as a previous poster confessed but:

In her (Daddy'sprop) most recent reply, she states her relationship is consensual.  What is not healthy about a consensual relationship where the relationship is mutually beneficial? 

Daddyprop's situation aside, how would you answer my question or how would it differ from someone who viewed your relationship as unhealthy?  Would you care if it worked for you? 

I respect your thoughts on the matter.

UR2Badored -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:35:42 AM)

Thanks Erin, I started reading that thread.......It should have been required reading for me prior to starting this thread.  Thanks again

camille65 -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:47:03 AM)

I see a different approach between the two threads. The other one asks how it can work going into a relationship. I don't get someone stating no limits for everyone which is what that implies to me.
With my dom I haven't limits. There is no 'I won't do that activity X' since he wouldn't have me do activity X .With everyone else I have limits.

Aswad -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 10:52:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

Forgive me: IMO this is not healthy.

Who cares whether it's healthy or not, as long as it's what they both wanted?


Post the same in 20 years time and I might accept it as such.

Again, it doesn't matter. If he gets a brain tumor and goes crazy from it, it's his right within their mutually agreed upon dynamics to act crazy, whether that ends fatally or not. Sure, that may not fit how most people here want to live, but I see absolutely no good reason why they shouldn't be allowed to make such a decision for themselves. I think people have a right to decide these things for themselves, quite simply.


UR2Badored -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 11:04:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: camille65

I see a different approach between the two threads. The other one asks how it can work going into a relationship.

I did not see that specifically laid out......but my original post was brief so perhaps my question got lost in my translation.  oops

ownedgirlie -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 11:24:29 AM)

I do not impose limits on my Master.  When he owns me, he owns all of me and can do what he wishes.

We were not 100% compatible when we met.  I did not seek out someone whose limits met mine and then take them on as my own.  His limits far exceeded what mine would have been at the time.

Death is not a limit for me.  I came to learn that it is for him, however.  But this does not mean if he changed his mind and it was no longer a limit, I would turn it into one for myself.

Scat pizza wouldn't be so different from things I have done before.  Who knows, maybe it tastes better cooked, lol.

What I love about him, though, is before putting anything new and "outrageous" on me, he made sure he was confident that I could handle it.  The funny thing now is that I've begged him for things that have exceeded his limits.

Three years into this, limits is no longer a subject of conversation for us.  If I'm to be true to myself, I need to give myself freely and unencumbered, and without self imposed rules.  That's who I am.  And he wants a slave who will do that.  That's what makes us compatible, not a particular check list.  Not slighting anyone else who is different than this...just saying it's what I needed to do.

AFlyInYourWeb -> RE: No Limits: How far would you go? (9/16/2007 11:29:08 AM)



If you consider yourself to be or are looking for a "No Limits" bottom.  What exactly does that mean to you?  Does anyone really believe, in the literal, sense that they have no limits whatsoever? 

How do you define "no limits"?
(I would appreciate opinions and views from anyone on this matter)

Within the context of a LTR, as time has passed and trust has grown, I can reach a point where my only limits are HER limits.  It is one more level of surrender to her psychological control.  It is testimony of my absolute trust in her, and my total acceptance of her leadership role in the relationship.

I wouldn't dream of doing it in casual play, or even the early part of a LTR.  It takes time to develop confidence that she is competent and caring, has a moral compass roughly similar to my own, and she isn't going to one day decide to ask me to help her stuff Hanzel & Gretel into an oven. [:'(]

If I don't eventually get to a point that I trust her to that degree, it is a signal that I don't belong with her. 

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