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RE: Did I break my.... - 10/9/2007 6:38:44 PM   

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The question being, how can one compete with e01n?

(No one can compete with e01n).

(in reply to Aswad)
Profile   Post #: 161
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/9/2007 6:59:16 PM   

Posts: 1472
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That's a very good question... How would one compete with me? More properly, why would you want to?

Personally, I always wonder at "after the fact" medical threads on online bulletin boards. I mean, if it were really a concern, they'd seek medical assistance instead of asking a group of anonymous assholes such as ourselves (theoretically speaking). Instead, they are seeking attention for their own reasons. My curiosity is what those reasons are and how to use that motivation to destroy the malfeasance that it conceals.

BTW - earthy just laughed Her ass off at this whole turn of conversation. Hugs and kisses to you both, lads...

(in reply to Griswold)
Profile   Post #: 162
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/9/2007 7:10:17 PM   

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ahhh Griswold and Aswad...

no one could possibly compete with e01n.  I'm a lucky girl.

And thank you ever so much...I'd blush but well, you know. *S*



Seeking, searching, hoping, living, loving, jumping. So what's new with you?

(in reply to e01n)
Profile   Post #: 163
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/10/2007 1:31:26 AM   

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From: Houston, TX
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I'm still puzzed how the OP got the plug in her a$$ if her arms are as short as she claims.

Did she prop it, then sit on it? (thumb up like Fonzerelli!)

Did she back into it, like a truck pulling in to a loading dock?


LMAO!    Thank you for a lovely visual ('s been a very rough week)


When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things.
~Real Live Preacher, Real Live Preacher weblog, 07-08-04; Anonymous author of

(in reply to came4U)
Profile   Post #: 164
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/11/2007 9:26:51 AM   

Posts: 116
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From: Australia
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Your original post was about the concern you had for your asshole, not your vagina or virginity. The people that have responded to your questions have given you the answer already and that is to seek medical advice. You wont find what you seek in a kit, or online. I can see how distressed you are about this but come on! in order for you to have final peace in the questions you seek, isnt it just the smartest thing to do (apparently you are with an IQ of 144) and seek a professional's advice. Like other people on here have told you, having someone looking at your ass isnt the same as having a speculum put in your vagina. If you dont want to take the advice, then stop bitching about it.


"No bond is stronger than that of the Beast"

(in reply to hermione83)
Profile   Post #: 165
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/11/2007 10:06:33 AM   

Posts: 3572
Joined: 1/23/2007
From: London, Ontario
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What I wanna know is how many actually checked their poop-shoots jusssssst in case their's was oval too?


Ode to my ass:

did you check like a loon..
with a spoon?

did you check with a tin cup...
with your finger up?

with a mirror in hand..
cheeks held by a rubber band?

is it oval, is it round?
when you open it, did it make a sound?

oh look, oh hook in crook
I love my ass, come see, come look!!

Come play doctor, come play nurse,
use the creepy utensils from my purse.

Ahhh Oooo, Mmmmm, that feels nice
even some ginger is some added spice.

It is muscle and skin, between hip bone...

See a doctor or leave your ass alone!!

< Message edited by came4U -- 10/11/2007 10:16:27 AM >

(in reply to slaveelle)
Profile   Post #: 166
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/11/2007 10:21:08 AM   

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Alas, I think we shall probably never really know if she did indeed, break her asshole.


Peace and light,

There are no victims here...only volunteers.

When you make a habit of playing on the tracks, you thereby forfeit the right to bitch when you get hit by a train.

"I did it! I admit it and I'm gonna do it again!"

(in reply to came4U)
Profile   Post #: 167
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/11/2007 10:27:22 AM   

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From: London, Ontario
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I broke mine,

I divorced him.   

(in reply to mistoferin)
Profile   Post #: 168
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/11/2007 10:41:42 AM   

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What I find the strangest about all the fear that any medical practitioner would FORCE anytype of exam on you. For one...Im in the same boat she is, Ive 4 UMs and no health insurance. I dont qualify for the states medicaid yet if I was to get insurance through my husbands place of emplyment we would have to pay around $200 a week and we just cant afford that. I also live in a small rural town and the thought of walking into the local health clinic is well..terrifying..the place is awful. I did qualify for medicaid while I was pregnant, and unfortunantly even though medicaid gives you the choice of choosing any OBGYN in your county..well..there only happen to be three in my county at all so..gee..not much of a choice there hun when one is refusing new patients anyway...

Anyway, yes...there would be some gynecologists who would refuse to treat you for anything else if you refused the exam..but..uhm...they arent literally going to FORCE you to take the exam, you can alway sjust say no thanks and just walk out. Be sure and ask their policies on this sort of thing BEFORE paying your money at the front desk, you can generally ask over the phone. Call around say, Ive got a problem Id like to see a doc about but I dont want a full exam will you still see me, theyll say yes, or no...there..easy as that.  On top of really dont need to go to a gynecologist for this problem, as several people finally got around to mentioning. However, most gynecologists are pretty studyied up on things like hemmoroids and such seeing as how its a fairly common occurance during pregnancy and labor, so if you would for some reason feel more comfortable with one...they'd know what to tell you at least. But, other than the fact that they see more vaginas and assholes than the typical family practicioner does in a day, im not sure why you would feel more comfortable with one. A good number of gynocologists are male anyway, youd probably have more luck finding a nice friendly female general practicioner anyway if your looking at the cheap sliding scale people. You dont have to get an exam to make an appoitment. The majority of doctors are more than willing to schedule a quick..introduction..type appoitment. This is good when you go to a new town or are searching for a new doctor. Make a bunch of these appointments, talk to the doc about your feelings on medicines and exams and see if your personality clicks with theirs. Not all doctors are great...some are just plain lousy. Some are wonderful and easy to talk to and willing to take half their lunch break to explain things and help calm your fears. Not all people will consider the same doctors to be the best. Its a personal choice. Now, that being said. I absolutly abhor doctors (well except for one and he's cute and lives in another country and isnt even a doctor yet...) anyway...when at all possible I avoid going to the doctor. But, I know there are times it just cant be helped. There are however in most general areas a 24/7 on call nurse who is willing to asnwer some questions over the phone. Although she is probably gonna give you the same advice and that is that no one can tell you if something is "normal" without seeing it physically.....I can generally get info on bug bites and colds and minor irritations over the phone, but sometimes theyll tell me I have to come in. I generally dont anyway, but thats just me. Id normally rather pay for a full tank of gas to drive to the closest major city with a walk in clinic and pay the $75 it costs to be seen there than go to my local government run health clinic here....Now...Im fairly sure that since you have a computer you know how to use google. Do a hunt for asshole pictures. I did and came up with thousands. Youre gonna find that there is a wide range of "normal"....pretty much everyone on this collarme site is pretty damn kink aware and readily acceptable of anyone who plays with their own ass...damn it..most of us on here have played with our own asses at least once in our life (oh gads, tell me it isnt just me?).....what most average people arent acceptable of is when you flat out refuse to admit that going to see a doctor really IS the best option sometimes...and well..I cant tell you whats going on with your own ass A: without seeing it now and B: probably without knowing what it was like before either....Its been several days you still in pain? how bad is the pain? just mildly annoying? moderately affecting your life? so bad you scream in terror everytime you try to sit?..are you bleeding? Is there blood in your stool? it is dark or bright red? these are things a regular doctor would ask, and their are reasons for asking them. A doc cant just LOOK at something and tell if something is wrong. What looks out of place on one person could be every day normal for another. I could sit here and describe my asshole to you in great detail and it wouldnt do you any good..because after having three kids and a host of other issues down there, my rear just aint the pretty pink rosebud you see in porno films, and yet its pefectly normal for me and exactly what it should look like. Its pretty damn easy to create a fissure in the lining around the anal spincter, they are quite common and most people dont even realize when they have them. Caused most often by straining to take a really big poo (did anyone watch southpark last night??). Occasionally the lining of the rectum will make its way to the outside where it isnt supposed to be. Sometimes it can be just pushed back in and the muscles will tighten themselves up with a few weeks of rest (ie no toys and take a stool softner like colace). Sometimes the damage is so bad it needs medical attention, sorry..there just isnt much else you can do about it...preperation H can help sometimes with that irritating feeling, but it doesnt really heal anything. That just takes time. None of us can tell you what your asshole is "supposed" to look like. and knowing what ours looks like really isnt going to help anyone unless they happen to have an asshole fetish...shrugs. Im still a bit confused about how you cant reach your the hell do you wipe when you take a shit? You dont have to reach around the back to stick a toy in or pull it out, you can bend at the waist you know and reach down between your legs...and if you still cant reach your rear end that way...chick you got more problems than any of us can help with...


I said I was a submissive, I never said I was a GOOD submissive.

Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.
~Woody Allen

(in reply to slaveelle)
Profile   Post #: 169
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/11/2007 8:10:33 PM   

Posts: 960
Joined: 10/26/2006
From: Houston, TX
Status: offline


What I wanna know is how many actually checked their poop-shoots jusssssst in case their's was oval too?


Ode to my ass:

did you check like a loon..
with a spoon?

did you check with a tin cup...
with your finger up?

with a mirror in hand..
cheeks held by a rubber band?

is it oval, is it round?
when you open it, did it make a sound?

oh look, oh hook in crook
I love my ass, come see, come look!!

Come play doctor, come play nurse,
use the creepy utensils from my purse.

Ahhh Oooo, Mmmmm, that feels nice
even some ginger is some added spice.

OMG!  Where do you find this stuff?!?!  Too funny!!


When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things.
~Real Live Preacher, Real Live Preacher weblog, 07-08-04; Anonymous author of

(in reply to came4U)
Profile   Post #: 170
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/13/2007 2:26:01 PM   

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I find the responses, in large part to this poster's question abusive.  For my views on that see my post at the top of the Health & Safety forum.

In answer to Hermione83's simple question, and in opposition to jeorgejames68's description of his anus: "mine is nice and round, reasonably tight and firm all around!!!!," I will say that the average anus, especially when a person is in a semi-fetal position does feel, upon palpitation to be more firmly ensconced by muscle and rounder on the bottom (the edge nearest to the penis or vagina).  In this same position the anus does feel more oval and softer at the top, and does indeed feel more oval rather than "puckered round."  

Some people are more flexible than others and if a person stands, and her arms are long, the anus then does feel more round than oval in that position which might account for differing opinions.  Furthermore the lower part of the ridge seems to maintain a firmness when relaxed, while the upper part becomes markedly softer.  

I have seen, felt, washed and inserted fingers into many an asshole.  It is not uncommon, due to poor nursing care, to have a patient develop fecal impaction.  In this case "balls" of fecal matter ranging from the size of golf balls to small peaches become "stuck" in said person's rectum.  They are removed by inserting a gloved finger, and essentially rolling them out.  Proper functioning of our elimination system is every bit as important as other systems.  

Warning signs that would require a visit to a practitioner would be significant bleeding that does not stop quickly; continued bleeding upon defecation; pain that continues or worsens during defecation or a lack of bowel control.  If any of these are present I would suggest finding a Nurse Practitioner.  Avoid a gynecologist—they don't do assholes. Proctologists do not exist anymore, the term is archaic, and these doctors are called colorectal surgeons.  If your Nurse Practitioner decides you do have a significant problem your Practitioner would refer you to one.   

Hermione83, I'd be surprised if you did any severe damage.  I suggest that you buy a butt plug that has a flange so it can't "slip in," or one that has a longer handle.  The anal region is one of the most enervated areas of the body—and anal play is enjoyed my many--male and female.  I'd hope that any problems would have lessened significantly or gone away by now.  

People are right in referring you to a Practitioner in this litigious society however it is your right to decide not to go to one.  Women and men who are doctor avoider/phobic do indeed sometimes die because of their fears, so when a person says "I'd rather die than have a gynecological exam," well—I believe that.  And I have actually gone with several women for exams, both gynecological and non, in cases where a support person makes all the difference.  But people of Collarme, phobias are a valid medical problem and here in this community I have always been happy to see positive input—not vicious and bullying responses.  I am surprised.  

Further Collarme is an appropriate place, either for a person who is extremely shy, or who might suffer from social anxiety or other mental disorders—just as much as it is an appropriate place for those who desire a Poly, dominant, or slave lifestyle.  I do not judge others here, and am saddened when I see others who do.  It demeans our community.   A person with anxiety, extreme shyness, or even a social disorder like agoraphobia may well find a partner with the experience and sensitivity and patience to develop, over time a good, loving sexual relationship.  Many dominants would enjoy the slow journey into your awaking sexuality.  I find embarrassment to be delightful. 

(in reply to servantheart)
Profile   Post #: 171
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/13/2007 2:47:21 PM   

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Hermione, you do not need a gynecologist.  You need colorectal specialist.  In fact,you can talk to one confidentially you can call and ask to speak to one anonymously and they might be able to help you with understanding the shape and size and possibly if any damage has occured.  This is common in childbirth and can be corrected if it is a problem.  Really I would suggest that you see a doctor for your own safety.  If you have any continued soreness, lack of control of bowel movements or any other kind of pain or feelings that are unusual you should definately see a doctor.  I know its embarassing, but a doctor particularily a colorectal specialist is the only doctor trained in that.  Ideally in the future if that should ever happen again, try to relax and not force it out, just wait a little bit.  If you are really scared and it won't come out on its own or with a little pushing then you should really hit emerge, no one there will laugh or judge you .. they have helped me before.  Its good even if something happens and you just want to make sure that you are alright.  You should always err on the side of safety and your own well being.  
There was also something that my local "sex store" owner told me about for people with shorter arms(like you and I), its some kind of base extender it might be good to look into that kind of thing or finding some other way to make the base of the plug bigger so that it doesn't all go in and inadvertantly hurt/injure you.
Sorry some of the other people are being rude, take it witha grain of salt, your best thing is to see a doctor to make sure that you are alright.  Don't be afraid. 
Hope you are well.

(in reply to laurell3)
Profile   Post #: 172
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/13/2007 2:51:16 PM   

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If you are afraid to go out, there are some very special doctors that will make housecalls.  Look around for one, and the shyness .. its up to you.  How important is your safety to you.  I am not being rude or sarcastic,  but your health should take precidence over your fear.  But if the problem is your anal region, you do not need a gynecologist.
Hope all turned out well

(in reply to TakenPet)
Profile   Post #: 173
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/13/2007 4:29:57 PM   

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From: Calif
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ORIGINAL: MadameMarque

Okay, I'll play...

Try this,
and here,,
for starters.  If it doesn't feature a clinic near enough to you, call the ones listed, and ask for guidance, till you find what you need.

When you are seen by a low cost clinic, they will decide whether you need to be referred to a specialist (unlikely, I'm strictly guessing), and probably, if you are referred by the low cost clinic, the specialist will also treat you on a sliding scale, by arrangement with the clinic. 

You should also start looking into whether you qualify for Medicaid, in your location.  But for the immediate, the low cost clinics will charge very little, and won't turn you away, for inability to pay.

Also, call a couple of hospitals.  They usually have nurses to answer questions over the phone, and help people decide if they need to come in.  Tell them your concerns.  I've heard people who've worked in the ER talk, and your story wouldn't lift an eyebrow.

But know that every single medical professional is going to say that they can't say much, till they see you.

If you want a female doctor, ask for one.  If you're concerned about breaking your hymen, discuss that with them.  All they need to know is that it is part of your religious practice, concerning your hymen, your modesty, etc, and they won't mess around, because in some cultures, this sort of thing could mean your life - that is, if a woman's hymen were broken, before marriage, she could be shunned or persecuted by others in her culture.

If you need a support person to accompany you to the doctor, either take someone you trust and know, or ask the clinic for a recommendation.  Tell them you have serious problems, in coming for medical treatment.

You know what you felt like down there before; now you say it's different.  That's as much as anyone here can tell you, too.  If you'd torn the lining, you'd be bleeding.  It's likely you bruised yourself, and that swelling is what you're feeling. There are many blood vessels near the surface, there.  Or, maybe you have minor hemorroids.  Even if you torn one of the muscles that contract, around the area, you'll probably be fine. 

But just in case you need treatment, you must be seen right away.  Problems internally, especially with something like your digestive tract, can get serious quickly.  You don't want to mess around.
Pain is a message.

You're asking for advice and information.  But what if the answer is, yes, there's something seriously wrong, and you need medical attention?  What if it were a loved one of yours, asking your advice, for the same reasons?  Would you tell them it's better they suffer peritonitis and die a hideous death, than go to a doctor?  Is that what you'd want for your friend or loved one?

I've given you the benefit of the doubt, here, and taken you seriously.  If you are serious, then you need to take it seriously, too.

Not just good, but Puuuuuurfect!
And, to the OP:
I didn't read all the pages on this thread, however in the US there are many programs such as mentioned before for you.
You can get a good Doc, on a sliding scale, and stay with that Doc to get the help you need. There are many and varied services out there. The Doc you see will be the first step.

(in reply to MadameMarque)
Profile   Post #: 174
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/13/2007 11:20:49 PM   

Posts: 5516
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From: Sacramento
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She's not afraid to go out, she's afraid the dr will insist on a vaginall exam and take her virginity. Which has been explained quite a few times that the dr isn't gonna be interested in her vagina, when the problem is in her ass.



If you are afraid to go out,

(in reply to TakenPet)
Profile   Post #: 175
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/13/2007 11:41:18 PM   

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you probably just inflamed your hemroids, nothing to worry about, get some prep-h and the swelling will go down. as long as you don't have massive amounts of blood you didn't hurt anything.

(in reply to SixFootMaster)
Profile   Post #: 176
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/14/2007 1:15:02 PM   

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There is absolutely no way I can answer your original question in any way that's going to provide you with help or peace of mind.  What I can give you is this:

IF you decide to see a gynecologist, you  have the RIGHT to REFUSE any treatment or examination.  They CANNOT perform a gynecological exam on you without your consent.  Your refusal to allow such an exam will limit the help they can give you. 

The nearest large hospital to you should have a nurse's line that you can call (without giving them any identifying information) to describe your concern, and they will ask you explicit questions related to your suspected injury (how much pain you're in, when you last had a bowel movement, is there any bleeding) to evaluate whether or not you should go to a doctor.  If they feel you should go to a physician, you can explain your financial limitations and they *should* have some suggestions/referrals for you.

It should also be possible for you to go to a gynecologist, and tell them you are refusing a full gynecological exam, and allow them to visually inspect your hymen so they can give you an INFORMED opinion about the likelihood of tearing YOUR PARTICULAR hymen, by procedure.  They can do a PAP smear without doing a full exam, but it's more difficult. It's also quite possible for you to refuse to wear those crappy paper gowns - bring a couple of clean sarongs and only have the doctor expose the part you're looking at.  You may get better results with a Muslim-friendly doctor on that front; some of them are very accustomed to dealing with women who show up in burkas.  You may have to travel a bit to find one.

You can be seen by a nurse-practitioner if it's specifically doctors you're frightened of.  Frankly, I don't have a phobia per se of physicians, but they do give me anxiety.. which means my blood pressure jumps 20 points on both numbers when I go into the office. :-/  White coat hypertension, yay.  NOT.  

It's possible you may be able to call the nearest medical school and get some advice.  It's possible you may be able to take a picture (carefully draping out any other possible reflective surface if you're using a mirror), making up an email account unconnected to any other that you have (Yahoo actually can be useful from time to time) and emailing the picture to one of the online Q&A medical sites - but contact them requesting permission first.

Frankly, I'm much more concerned about your flat refusal to even consult with a doctor - this has some serious far-reaching effects on your health and well-being.  I would STRONGLY recommend seeing a gynecologist BEFORE you get married - if for no other reason than to make sure that you do not have an excessively thick hymen, and even if it's only limited to a visual inspection to be sure you don't have any serious problems on your wedding night.  I actually did work with a woman whose honeymoon was unimaginably painful, and the wedding was not consumated for six weeks after she got back from her honeymoon.  After her surgery cleared up.  Not only was she in great pain, and required surgery to remove her hymen, also her husband was very badly emotionally hurt at the idea that 1) he wasn't "man enough" to breach her on her wedding night, and 2) he was causing her so much pain she was screaming.  I would hate to see a similar situation happen to you and your future husband.

Unfortunately, no one on this board can give you explicit information that will actually assist you in determining if you are actually injured or the severity of the injury if you are.  In order to do that, you MUST communicate in some way with a medical professional.  No one is qualified to give you explicit medical advice in a forum like this.  We are, at best, qualified to refer you to a doctor.  That's about it.

(in reply to bottombob)
Profile   Post #: 177
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/15/2007 1:32:08 AM   

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okay i just read this whole thread. and here's my 2 bits to add.
1. its your option to go to a doctor or not  ( i personally hate docs but go when necessary so i don't die)
2. exams are not forced upon people. ( if they are then said doctor should be reported)
3. not going to a gyn untill you're married?? - never heard of that ever in my life i went to my first one at 16 to make sure that everything was fine and that nothing was wrong and that my periods were normal
4. virginty/hymen - a hymen can be broken or torn due to many different factors ( tampon use strenous excersize etc) i've never known a woman who got married with her hymen in intact.. - getting a doctor's exam does not mean that you've lost your virginity. (i was 16 and still a virgin when i had my first exam and the 1st guy who had sex with me didnt' notice.).  if you might have polyps or a tumor in you down there then they'd have to you know put things in there to find out and possibly save your life. ( or you could just bleed to death or get eaten by cancer)

(in reply to tactileartist)
Profile   Post #: 178
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/15/2007 8:03:52 PM   

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Everyone has said everything I would have said.

So I was here, I read....sorry no 2 cents.

--Master G's {girl}

(in reply to MissMagnolia)
Profile   Post #: 179
RE: Did I break my.... - 10/15/2007 10:02:13 PM   

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ORIGINAL: hermione83

What is the point of these forums if everyone is randomly refusing to answer a straightforward question, out of disrespect for my life choices?

If you ask a stupid question, you should be flattered you get any response at all. And "Did I break my asshole? What does yours feel like?" is definitely a fucking stupid question. Especially since you've stated that, even if it is broken, you're unwilling to do anything about it. Why ask if you're dead-set against fixing it in the unlikely event that something's seriously wrong?


ORIGINAL: hermione83
If you all were really so open and understanding and non-judgemental as it always seems, you would be as equally understanding about people who weren't, if that makes any vague sense.

This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. Just wanted to mention that. Being open, understanding, and non-judgmental is one thing. Commending someone for refusing medical help if needed is different. I'm about as tolerant as they come, but if one of my friends told me they were planning on ripping their eyelids off, I wouldn't sit back and say "Wow, what a great life choice!" I'd tell them they're stupid, and (slowly, if necessary) explain why.

For you, I'll just say this- you're not going to get solid medical advice from a BDSM board. At best, you're getting a dozen amateur opinions. If you want medical advice, go to a medical professional. Second, quit bitching about people thinking you're stupid. Either learn to ignore them, or quit acting like an idiot.


It frightens me, the awful truth of how sweet life can be.
- Bob Dylan

Proper capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my Uncle Jack off a horse" and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse."

(in reply to hermione83)
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