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RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 5:19:01 AM   

Posts: 14862
Joined: 5/7/2007
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ORIGINAL: laurell3


ORIGINAL: Politesub53


ORIGINAL: laurell3


ORIGINAL: Politesub53


ORIGINAL: laurell3

For you, politesub, I might do that, because you my friend are a delight.

(edited to add: you should remember you actually asked me to cook breakfast for you when you try to eat it though....hahaha)

Laurell, if you fulfilled my first request eating raw eggs would be a small price to pay..

raw eggs it is then!  (honestly they're probably better than me cooking them)

Cooking them is easy, start to boil the eggs, then have sex and voila...

All done in 3 minutes

Hon, I think you've been having sex with the wrong people......

Maybe so Ma`am, but the eggs tasted great 

(in reply to laurell3)
Profile   Post #: 181
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 5:31:26 AM   

Posts: 6322
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ORIGINAL: thetammyjo



At this point, you might be wondering why I'm "getting Mine", but he isn't getting his. The answer for this is that sexual intercourse is one of his few hard limits. This was an arrangement that was understood before I collared him. Do I wish sometimes that he didn't have that particular limit? Of course I do. Still, the limit is his, and I respect it.

It's also a fact that it does not require intercourse for a man to orgasm or ejaculate.

One of Fox's hard limits is also intercourse because he 100% does not want offspring and he is smart enough to know that if you play the game, even when you rig everything in your favor, things will still not go your way at some point. He (and I and Tom too for that matter) all think that even a minor risk is too great a risk when it comes to creating a human life.

Does Fox orgasm? Yes! Very rarely with me but that is his preference actually because he's more fetish inclined and loves to focus on me when it comes to sex.

Every man is different as is every woman in terms of sex. We do a grave disservice to humanity when we repeat stereotypes about the sexes. It's especially harmful in my opinion when the stereotypes are promoted by the members of a group about themselves.

I hope the post wasn't misleading in terms of release. It wasn't My intention at all. I was trying to explain the particular circumstances between how I was terming My reply to the original. In My attempt to eliminate confusion, I may have caused some.

No, no, LadyPact. I was actually using your post as a springboard to expand on an every few comments I've made that have been ignored by a few men on here who seem determined to be incredibly sexist toward their own sex by stating that men need sex (intercourse is the impression I'm getting).

I should have said "To build off of this comment" but I didn't so the miscommunication is on my end.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 182
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 5:32:12 AM   

Posts: 6577
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I cannot be defined by moments in my life, but must be considered for by the entirety of my existence.

When you fail to consider that I am the best judge for what is right for me, all of your opinions become suspect to me.

(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 183
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 5:41:45 AM   

Posts: 6322
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ORIGINAL: bottomboy81



What have you done to make the kind of woman you seek want you?

Come on bottomboy, let's hear it.


In the past, I have simply approached women and told them what I have to offer and asked them about them selves. I have simply made polite emails showing my interest. But no matter how most men do their emails, there is a very high chance that it will just ignored or a sorry email saying no thanks. What else do the women here expect men to do? Start doing back flips and pulling a circus act to get you interested? I understand that a lot of dommes don't want "bottoms" but I used to check out their profile and try to figure out for my self if they would be interested in topping. Now as I stand, I don't approach anyone no more. Its a waste of time. Even if I wasn't bitter as we speak, I would still be here with nothing.

That's your approach? Online only?

Come on. Please do tell me that you do more than this?

Speaking as me, and me alone, sending me an email or note on here does very little. Every sub I've trained, every slave I've owned, I met through the local community at munches, workshops, and parties. He/She was engaged with conversations with others, had made a good impression on others, and they approached me with far more than a fetish or kink desire.

True that may have started with a few emails but there had to be the ability to follow through (a matter of where they lived and time) and then actual repeated attendance at events.

I think for someone who is primarily interested in bottoming that workshops and parties would be the best way for you to go. Volunteer to be the demo target at a bondage or flogging demo. That shows the audience that you are helpful plus a chance to show how well you can react to and appreciate an activity. Munches can also be a good way to just make friends and talk but when bottoming or topping is your thing then you have to show your skills in some way often to get noticed.

I don't know the scene in Brisbane but maybe you can find out what's there or someone from the area may be around who could offer you information.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


Check out my website at Or

And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

(in reply to bottomboy81)
Profile   Post #: 184
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 5:49:47 AM   

Posts: 6322
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ORIGINAL: Smith117

If I need therapy in anyway, it's not because of a desire to hurt women. It's because in every nearly one of the 'relationships' I've had, the girl decided for whatever reason to fuck me over horribly, be it financially or by throwing around the "L" word when they meant nothing of the kind. I think I may actually be developing a fear of trusting women again. If there's something I need to 'talk' about, that'd be it. I've never met a girl who was straight with me. And just for the record, the 'relationships' I'm talking about were all real life honest to goodness girls. Right there in person and not behind a computer screen. Well, all but one anyway.

Have you considered examining what type of women you have been attracted to?

I have an attraction to what I called 'wounded puppies' -- both male and female -- and I know why I have that attraction.

I've learned that it isn't the healthiest attraction for me. Took several heart breaks but I learned.

Now when I feel that 'savior complex' kick in, I kick myself instead and stop and think really hard before I proceed further.

You cannot control anyone other than yourself. Getting angry at others, complaining about others, is a cycle of nothingness because it will accomplish nothing other than feed the negativity.

Control yourself, examine yourself, change yourself. None of us has the power to do more than that without the consent and hard work of another.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


Check out my website at Or

And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

(in reply to Smith117)
Profile   Post #: 185
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 5:51:16 AM   

Posts: 1596
Joined: 10/30/2006
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ORIGINAL: thetammyjo


ORIGINAL: bottomboy81



What have you done to make the kind of woman you seek want you?

Come on bottomboy, let's hear it.


In the past, I have simply approached women and told them what I have to offer and asked them about them selves. I have simply made polite emails showing my interest. But no matter how most men do their emails, there is a very high chance that it will just ignored or a sorry email saying no thanks. What else do the women here expect men to do? Start doing back flips and pulling a circus act to get you interested? I understand that a lot of dommes don't want "bottoms" but I used to check out their profile and try to figure out for my self if they would be interested in topping. Now as I stand, I don't approach anyone no more. Its a waste of time. Even if I wasn't bitter as we speak, I would still be here with nothing.

That's your approach? Online only?

Come on. Please do tell me that you do more than this?

Speaking as me, and me alone, sending me an email or note on here does very little. Every sub I've trained, every slave I've owned, I met through the local community at munches, workshops, and parties. He/She was engaged with conversations with others, had made a good impression on others, and they approached me with far more than a fetish or kink desire.

True that may have started with a few emails but there had to be the ability to follow through (a matter of where they lived and time) and then actual repeated attendance at events.

I think for someone who is primarily interested in bottoming that workshops and parties would be the best way for you to go. Volunteer to be the demo target at a bondage or flogging demo. That shows the audience that you are helpful plus a chance to show how well you can react to and appreciate an activity. Munches can also be a good way to just make friends and talk but when bottoming or topping is your thing then you have to show your skills in some way often to get noticed.

I don't know the scene in Brisbane but maybe you can find out what's there or someone from the area may be around who could offer you information.

I have to agree with thetammyjo. I've met all my subs/slaves at clubs and parties. The few
I've met online have never gone passed the first meeting...Most were just looking for kinky sex...


< Message edited by DianeB269 -- 12/1/2007 6:04:03 AM >

(in reply to thetammyjo)
Profile   Post #: 186
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 6:50:17 AM   

Posts: 152
Joined: 1/4/2004
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ORIGINAL: bottomboy81


ORIGINAL: laurell3


ORIGINAL: bottomboy81

The dommes don't care about that, its all about what they want and this is somehow supposed to remain a healthy relationship. A normal person wouldn't stay in one if they were not satisfied.

Not to mention, is a human being normal if they have no feelings for sex? unless they have a bad sex drive.

Actually, I have found the opposite to be true.  A large majority of the male subs I have talked to prefer long-term complete chastity.  I am more likely to impose chastity for a short time and actually want to have sex with them.  There have been plenty that have had no interest in me as such.

Assuming all dommes don't care or that you speak for all subs is just ridiculous. As has been suggested here a couple of times now, instead of wasting time posting about how bitter you are, go put some work into finding someone that fits your needs and educate yourself on the fact that we are all different and not all women are ANY one thing and not all Dommes are ANY one thing and not all subs are ANY one thing.  I am doubtful this thread will make you more appealing to those you talk to however.

This thread is about the subs who want sex, and the dommes that wont do it. It's not about the subs who want to be in chastity and or never get it. The problem is that the majority of dommes won't put out but they will be more easy on giving oral to another woman if they are bi. However, most expect to get everything they want out of male subs and then still think they shouldn't give a male what he wants the most, an orgasm. To say that most dommes will supply sex is ridiculous regarding to how many dommes complain about that factor.

Sweet jeezus.  First:this thread is not about subs who want sex.  The OP was from a wannabe fantasy wanker with (what appears to be) no experience at all in the real time community.  It has turned into a thread about bitterness and mis-conceptions.  Every Domina I know who is in any kind of serious caring relationship with her sub/slave realizes that such a relationship-whatever the dynamics- can only be successful if both parties are happy.   And every one of these relationships is different.  I know couples who have plenty of healthy good ol' SEX as partners do (and yes, they are partners).  

But these sweeping generalizations.....  good god.  A 99% rejection rate?!?  C'mon.  I'd say you have some deeeep issues my friend.  Now I suppose that until you find that last one who makes the world a better place when you are with her, until youend up with her, all others could be "rejections".  But I am not getting the feeling that that is what you mean.  I'm thinking nothing long term is more what we are talking about.  Two dates or "sessions" and you are back on the prowl.   Either tossed out, or unable to get instant gratification.   Speaking as a person- not dominat or submissive- if I was looking for a relationship and met someone with your attitude...  Well, you would be very quickly back on the prowl.  I cannot think of anyone I know who would tolerate such bitterness and negativity for more than a short while.  Your mindset will sadly probably not change for many years, if ever.  That is up to you. 

I've been doing this for a long time.  There is a match for everyone.  What do you have to offer yours?   The biggest thrill I get is seeing my Owner's smile or hearing her laugh.  I am here to make her life better.  As She does for me.  It's a partnership.  She has the final say, but we are both there to see that the other is taken care of.   Emotionally and physically. 

If you need sex to be happy, find a Dommie who will give ya sex when ya want it (or can afford it).  If not, find yerself a Bitch Dominatrix who will lock yer li'l weewee away.  Good luck in your searches.  But realize the other must want you as well.


Have you hugged your Sadist today?

(in reply to bottomboy81)
Profile   Post #: 187
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 7:05:02 AM   

Posts: 16
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I guess it all depends upon your definition of sex as well.  Is it just missionary position intercourse?  My thought is that the brain is the biggest sex organ you have and that a woman teasing me a bit while controlling me can be just as if not more intense that intercourse.  This is especially so if I haven't had what you define as "sex" due to the anticipation factor.  Same reason someone in lingerie can be more alluring than completely nude. 

(in reply to dogboydoggie)
Profile   Post #: 188
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 9:52:03 AM   

Posts: 1149
Joined: 9/4/2004
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I have to agree with thetammyjo. I've met all my subs/slaves at clubs and parties. The few
I've met online have never gone passed the first meeting...Most were just looking for kinky sex...


There are no absolutes. Happily, my experience meeting Bay Area subs from this site has been different, and more than once. :)  But the point is well-taken nonetheless. A submissive doesn't have to restrict his search to the internet, and then complain about it.

** Edited for typo, as this is too early on a Saturday morning for me. lol

< Message edited by Misstoyou -- 12/1/2007 9:53:12 AM >


~ Miss Marie

a.k.a. "mean Lady"

(in reply to DianeB269)
Profile   Post #: 189
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 10:57:17 AM   

Posts: 6322
Joined: 9/8/2005
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ORIGINAL: Misstoyou



I have to agree with thetammyjo. I've met all my subs/slaves at clubs and parties. The few
I've met online have never gone passed the first meeting...Most were just looking for kinky sex...


There are no absolutes. Happily, my experience meeting Bay Area subs from this site has been different, and more than once. :) But the point is well-taken nonetheless. A submissive doesn't have to restrict his search to the internet, and then complain about it.

** Edited for typo, as this is too early on a Saturday morning for me. lol

I should probably have written more clearly.

A few successful relationships for me did start via an email or two but they have to very quickly become part of my local community so we could meet, get to know each, and when I'm part of a community I damn well expect my sub or slave to be s well.

None of those wonderful people though ever limited themselves by only looking online. They used it merely as one way to make initial contact.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


Check out my website at Or

And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

(in reply to Misstoyou)
Profile   Post #: 190
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 12:20:33 PM   

Posts: 27124
Joined: 8/15/2005
From: Island Of Misfit Toys
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I leaped back into this thread to see how it merited ten pages of posts, and wowser!  There are some seriously unhappy guys out there! 

I have met many folks via the internet, I'm happy to say, but I go from email to meeting pretty quickly---within a week or so, anyway.  If they aren't interested in meatspace activity, they are out.  None of that "oh I can't go out someone might SEE me" stuff for me!


[page 23 girl]

(in reply to thetammyjo)
Profile   Post #: 191
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 1:08:33 PM   

Posts: 1447
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ORIGINAL: laurell3

It's unfortunate that you've had such a hard time.  However, maybe you need to take a look at why you are repeating the same pattern rather than assuming all women are like that.  You're right people can hurt people in relationships.  BOTH male and female.  Not everyone has the emotional maturity to have a successful relationship.  Those types one should try to avoid.

I have yet to see any person "on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars merely because of an accusation of paternity.  In fact, paternity tests now run around $90 here.  It's very simple to ascertain the truth of the statement without much doubt.

While it's always possible a woman could be raped or a man could be the victim of a false claim of rape, if one lives their life expecting such things, you are correct, relationships would be a miserable and unsuccessful place to be.

I'm sorry you have been hurt.  Most of us have at some point.  It can make trust more difficult in the future.  However, I'm guessing none of the women here are the ones that hurt you and to assume they are all the same is a bit silly, wouldn't you agree?

Actually, I've looked at it all, from every angle. The women I've been with are all different. For awhile they shared some similarities like red or a red tint in their hair, but personality-wise they were all different. Yet almost every one has screwed me over in some way.

The only factor I can see that is my responsibility in any of it is that I was too stupid to see them for what they really were.

And as for the hundreds of thousands of dollars you have yet to see, start listenint to Tom Leykis on the radio. He's interviewed a guy twice now who was slapped with a paternity case 10 and a half months after he had sex with a girl....unfortunately for him, he was in the Navy at the time and on a ship halfway around the world. The military didn't bother getting to the bottom of it, we were at war afterall. So he wasn't able to contest it. And in the military, when you're named 'daddy' they take half your cash, no matter what. It was a 10-year ordeal for this poor guy, amounting easily 50K-100K in support for a kid that wasn't his. At one point, he finally got her to relent and get a paternity test. He had irrefutable PROOF that the kid wasn't his, but the state said 'tough shit' you see they'd rather the wrong guy be on the hook for the money than to have the state foot the bill via wellfare. It took this poor guy 10 years to get this straightened out. And when he finally did, did he see any of that money back? No. Is that woman in jail for fraud? No. The guy got screwed and there's nothing he can do about it.

As for your final comment, I will have to redirect you to the first statement I made, where I said more than once that my observation was "not 100% true, 100% of the time." I stated at the front that my observations were mine and I did not mean 'everyone.' As a matter of fact, the 'type' of woman I was talking about didn't even post in this thread. I've seen a couple of profiles from the women here and not one indicates a demand for money in her profile. Therefore, there's not a single woman in this thread who should be offended because my words are not directed at them. As a matter of fact, if you read the further messages of mine, you will see that in reality, no one should be offended by what I said. I even said being a prostitute is the oldest profession in the world. But if you're going to be one, own it and say so. don't say "oh you must tribute me." Just call a spade a spade. It's not hard, unless of course the woman is ashamed of herself.

(in reply to laurell3)
Profile   Post #: 192
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 1:11:01 PM   

Posts: 1447
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ORIGINAL: thetammyjo


ORIGINAL: Smith117

If I need therapy in anyway, it's not because of a desire to hurt women. It's because in every nearly one of the 'relationships' I've had, the girl decided for whatever reason to fuck me over horribly, be it financially or by throwing around the "L" word when they meant nothing of the kind. I think I may actually be developing a fear of trusting women again. If there's something I need to 'talk' about, that'd be it. I've never met a girl who was straight with me. And just for the record, the 'relationships' I'm talking about were all real life honest to goodness girls. Right there in person and not behind a computer screen. Well, all but one anyway.

Have you considered examining what type of women you have been attracted to?

I have an attraction to what I called 'wounded puppies' -- both male and female -- and I know why I have that attraction.

I've learned that it isn't the healthiest attraction for me. Took several heart breaks but I learned.

Now when I feel that 'savior complex' kick in, I kick myself instead and stop and think really hard before I proceed further.

You cannot control anyone other than yourself. Getting angry at others, complaining about others, is a cycle of nothingness because it will accomplish nothing other than feed the negativity.

Control yourself, examine yourself, change yourself. None of us has the power to do more than that without the consent and hard work of another.

I have taken that look, like I told the other girl. I've already taken the mental steps necessary to ensure that I don't get screwed again. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) those steps include simply assuming that each girl I meet is exactly that. That just ensures I never let my guard down. History has shown me that the moment my guard drops, I get screwed. As long as I keep them at arm's length, I'm fine. So be it.

(in reply to thetammyjo)
Profile   Post #: 193
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 2:31:02 PM   

Posts: 151
Joined: 5/31/2007
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ORIGINAL: Smith117




ORIGINAL: Smith117

"Typically," female dommes are mostly about controlling their slaves' wallets.

Not sure of the kind of circles you move in, but in my circles, it doesn’t even amount to “typically”.

"I can't count the number of 'female doms' I have seen whose profiles say "you will not get sex, you are worthless, you will tribute me at every turn and treat me like a princess"

You need to get out in the real world. Those are the flashy semi-pro 'financial' Domme profiles you are looking at, hardly something you can base your assertions on.

As for the rest of your post, it was just to ridiculous to comment on.

I think this thread is about to descend even further chaos, didn't think it was possible lol.

Yay, my first flame. So....shall I flame back? Naaah. I'll recover gracefully.

Firstly, I never spoke for your cicles, I simply stated from my experience.

Secondly, you have no idea what profiles I'm looking at. I've seen ones that clearly say "pro domme" but MOST of the ones I mentioned indicated the woman was looking for a relationship....yet with only money and good treatment of her as the perks.

The rest of my post was not ridiculous, unless of course you find some of it pertains to you. You see, far too many men know where I'm coming from. In fact, Tom Leykis based his radio 'empire' on telling men how to avoid women like this. So it's not uncommon at all.

I haven’t even bothered to read much past page 8 of this thread. I had to stop, I felt my brain imploding.

Smith, try as you might, but you are not acting gracefully. How was I flaming you? My dear, I don’t flame people. I sense ‘typical’ diversionary tactics. Stop using smoke and mirrors, if you are going to reply to me, address what I wrote properly and accurately, instead of being evasive and distractive.

I didn’t say you spoke for my circles, I was addressing your “typically” ‘hypothesis’, to add another perspective. My truth is (and for a number of people I suspect) that that you were over egging the word “typically” - in the real word, it doesn’t even amount to 'typically'. You seemingly have a perspective bias. Which leads me on to…

"Secondly, you have no idea what profiles I'm looking at."

You gave the Collarme viewing public every idea what profiles you were looking at, by using the word “typically” and stating in a round about way that that you draw your flawed conclusions (partially at least) from the profiles you view.

To quote you again “I can't count the number of 'female doms' I have seen whose profiles say "you will not get sex, you are worthless, you will tribute me at every turn and treat me like a princess"

I am going to assume you are not involved in your local BDSM community in any significant way (feel free to correct me). I politely suggest you get out there and get involved. ‘Your experience’ amounts to nothing more than a skewed perspective bias, and self reinforcing prejudice. But so what if a both parties want that kind of relationship? If it is not for you, move on. Or maybe it annoys you so much because it pertains to you?

Yes, I agree, a lot of men will relate to your diatribe, doesn’t validate it. A lot more men and women will relate to the opposite. So, using your ‘majority’ method to make a point, what’s that proving?

Ones persons experience is not representative of a whole. What it is representative of, is that persons social habits.

To quote you, “The rest of my post was not ridiculous, unless of course you find some of it pertains to you. You see, far too many men know where I'm coming from. In fact, Tom Leykis based his radio 'empire' on telling men how to avoid women like this. So it's not uncommon at all.”

Are you aware of how ridiculous and immature this sounds? It’s disjointed, illogical, contradictory. Yes, the rest of your post was as equally ridiculous as the above quote, if not more so. I am left thinking two things. 1) You are either a genuinely ignorant and inexperienced, amateur arm chair critic, who actually believes his little forays into highly flawed gender pop psyche and social commentary. Or 2) You are trolling, and enjoying the controversy. I am going to go with number 2, as I don’t believe anybody can be that dumb.


I’m sorry, I don’t do autographs

(in reply to Smith117)
Profile   Post #: 194
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 2:32:44 PM   

Posts: 350
Joined: 11/14/2007
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****captures both bottomboy and smith117, strips them down to nothing and restrains them both****

anyone else want to join in on the "punishment".  I'm really in the mood to dish it out to these two. 

**Mistress Pav pulls out her riding crop with an evil laugh**

< Message edited by MistressPav -- 12/1/2007 2:34:15 PM >


Proud Owner of Zubi
(my boy "ToyZ")
Claimed & Collared 9magick#2008

"An it harm none, unless they deserve it, do what ye will." --Scorpio Creed

A- Rh-

(in reply to Smith117)
Profile   Post #: 195
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 2:34:46 PM   

Posts: 6322
Joined: 9/8/2005
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ORIGINAL: Smith117


ORIGINAL: thetammyjo


ORIGINAL: Smith117

If I need therapy in anyway, it's not because of a desire to hurt women. It's because in every nearly one of the 'relationships' I've had, the girl decided for whatever reason to fuck me over horribly, be it financially or by throwing around the "L" word when they meant nothing of the kind. I think I may actually be developing a fear of trusting women again. If there's something I need to 'talk' about, that'd be it. I've never met a girl who was straight with me. And just for the record, the 'relationships' I'm talking about were all real life honest to goodness girls. Right there in person and not behind a computer screen. Well, all but one anyway.

Have you considered examining what type of women you have been attracted to?

I have an attraction to what I called 'wounded puppies' -- both male and female -- and I know why I have that attraction.

I've learned that it isn't the healthiest attraction for me. Took several heart breaks but I learned.

Now when I feel that 'savior complex' kick in, I kick myself instead and stop and think really hard before I proceed further.

You cannot control anyone other than yourself. Getting angry at others, complaining about others, is a cycle of nothingness because it will accomplish nothing other than feed the negativity.

Control yourself, examine yourself, change yourself. None of us has the power to do more than that without the consent and hard work of another.

I have taken that look, like I told the other girl. I've already taken the mental steps necessary to ensure that I don't get screwed again. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) those steps include simply assuming that each girl I meet is exactly that. That just ensures I never let my guard down. History has shown me that the moment my guard drops, I get screwed. As long as I keep them at arm's length, I'm fine. So be it.

I know from Fox and from one of my friends that sometimes people get targeted by assholes -- please excuse my language folks. I can't see myself why these two very close people to me routinely get tried like crap by others. Not all others mind you, just far more than I would possibly expect.

I've known my friend for over 10 years now and Fox for 8 and I can't give them better advice because I honestly don't grok why folks are users and abusers and liars and cheats, etc. Fox would constantly have people talking over him and ignoring him so I've learned to draw him into things but that doesn't fit whatever signals he's sending out. My friend routinely has authority issues in her classes and I could walk in with bare feet, crappy jeans and a torn t-shirt and get my student to listen even on the first day.

So my friend and my slave might be able to relate to what you've experience, Smith117. They've worked hard on creating a small circle of friends they can turn to for support. I hope you have one as well.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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(in reply to Smith117)
Profile   Post #: 196
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 3:02:50 PM   

Posts: 151
Joined: 5/31/2007
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ORIGINAL: bottomboy81




ORIGINAL: bottomboy81



That’s the second post from a man on here with an entitlement complex. What is it with these men? Sheesh. You’d have us women believe that we are suppose to role over and spread our legs every time your cocks get hard!


ORIGINAL: bottomboy81

ya ya what ever, I think being rejected 99 percent of the time validates bitterness. Its really a miracle that most men still like women from after years of rejection. Women are bitter all the time as men always have to prove them selfs that they are not after women to only use them. Kinda like guilty until proven innocent. Yet a womans bitterness is always more validated and they make the rules and are on top of the game. But than again, a lot of todays women are shameless hypocrites, what else is new.


Your diatribe has to be one of the most ridiculous things I have seen written. I don’t mean this in a sarcastic way, but seriously, my suggestion is you learn to get over your petulance, and open your eyes a little. You may enjoy life and relationships more (and have better luck) if you stop tarnishing a whole gender with unfounded social commentary.

What have you done to make the kind of woman you seek want you?

Thanks for the advice but its completely false. It is validated to be bitter when you have been rejected 99 percent of the time. It's just like not trusting dogs when 99 percent of the time you came across one, it bit you. What I don't understand is that its perfectly acceptable for women to think men are guilty until proven innocent as we always have to prove our selfs that we are not only wanting one thing. Which I think is a higher level of bitterness than just being bitter for being rejected.

Or all the women out there that have the mentality that there are not many decent men or there are no decent men. You see these women every day, they are everywhere. It wouldn't be hard to come across one on this site or even this thread.

It seems more validated and socially acceptable for a woman to be bitter but it should be the other way around as women have it a lot easier than men. Men having it the hardest, we get judged worse than women when we are bitter but its no surprise for women having double standards. They are full of them and are 100 percent shameless about it. Which is also defined as entitlement mentality

It's women who have the entitlement mentality more than anything these days. The princess entitlement mentality is an social acceptance. Many women expect chivalry and some traditional values to remain (that only benefit them) and then think men are entitled to nothing. Even that these women are expecting men to do these things, he doesn't deserve anything in return. Thats sadly how a lot of women think these days. They make entitlements for them selves and see a man as a fool if he refuses to follow them but when a man thinks he has entitlements, he is an idiot.

Now, I could sit here, and counteract everyone of your accusations, with reverse anecdotes regarding the male gender. But there is no point, and frankly I don’t have the time, or the inclination to get into that, it is petty and futile. All men and women are individuals, I have had bad experiences with men, I certainly don’t tarnish them with the same brush, or assume that is what the majority of men are like.

Now, I hate to go about preaching about making sweeping generalisations, but I assume you understand why making sweeping generalising (particularly unfounded ones) never works? I hate to get personal here, and I don’t mean it to offend, but are you really surprised you are rejected 99% of the time when you make offensive, sweeping generalisations, and feel all women are like this, and show resentment to them, that seems to borderline misogyny? The fact that you seem to be rejected by the type of women you describe, says an awful lot about the type of women you seem to be attracted to.

No, it is not valid to lump all women into broad, carelessly thought out categories, just because you have been rejected by 99% of the women you approach. It would be more appropriate to stop shifting the ‘blame’ onto the objects of your desire, stop resenting them, then ask yourself what it is you are doing wrong. Though, obviously, that is not nearly as convenient.

As a side note, you also forget, a lot of men like women with the Princess complex, and treating them as such, and actively seek it. Obviously this is not for you.

This thread is just getting too silly, I’m out of here.

This classic shaming tactic is always reflected on men when they are being bitter. When you really think about it, what was the cause of the person getting bitter the first place? But the defense some women come up with is that the bitter person is getting rejected because they have always been bitter since they were born. So much for logic.

But anyway you are saying that I am generalising and you claim that most women don't do these things? Well unfortunately their actions don't apply that way, thats the way I see it, you are entitled to think different.

A lot of men who are desperate or really want the woman's interest big time may provide women with these things willingly. But the problem is that a lot of women demand it or expect it. 

Do not tell me what it was I was saying, or doing. I was clear and upfront, your diatribe begged questions, I asked them. I was not shaming you. Mind your manners man, and stop being manipulative. The “shaming tactic” as you put it (or in my words, suggested self reflection) is in fact a basic thing most emotionally intelligent people do, when things are not working out for them.

If something is not working out for an emotionally intelligent person, then the logical thing is to ask themselves ‘what is it I am doing and putting out there, that could be counter productive to my search’. People who find it difficult to face up to that, blame the object of their desires, and everyone else, and scorn - it’s much easier.

It could be you are attracted to the ‘wrong’ type, and effectively banging your head against a brick wall, I am guessing that you are exteriorly attracted to the types you describe. It could be that you just haven’t tried enough, it doesn’t happen overnight, finding someone with compatible kinks as well as someone we gel with is never easy. Or more probably, you are another male looking for a top. The simple fact is, bottom males looking solely for fem tops are ubiquitous. The amount of purely fem tops (non pro) looking solely male bottoms are relatively scarce. It’s not easy and it’s a long wait for a purely male bottom. I guess it’s fairly common they then start looking at the pros, and start to resent them for not giving it away, that’s when the perspective bias comes in.

One doesn’t just ‘walk’ into relationships, then exist. You don’t just sit there once you have found someone. It’s a long term mutual energy exchange and fulfilling each others needs - a one sided relationship like you describe just simply wouldn’t work. And likewise, when finding a relationship, you don’t just sit there and ‘want’, then eventually get resentful when it doesn’t happen. You figure out what is appropriate for your needs, what it is you have to offer, and putting the correct vibe out there that is appropriate to what you seek. Ok, I have over simplified, but your beliefs are going to stop what it is your profile says you seek.

“But anyway you are saying that I am generalising and you claim that most women don't do these things? Well unfortunately their actions don't apply that way, thats the way I see it” (emphasis added)

That’s is the way you see it, as you have a perspective bias. For some reason you have been unsuccessful (to date), and you are allowing that to formulate an unjust, negative and bitter viewpoint, rather than taking a positive and productive viewpoint. All the women I know are not as you describe, that is my truth. I politely suggest that you pay a lot of attention the part of the above post I have underlined and have bolded and really think about the meaning of that one little word.

“ A lot of men who are desperate or really want the woman's interest big time may provide women with these things willingly. But the problem is that a lot of women demand it or expect it.”

Why is that a “problem”? For you, yes, it would be. What you describe is the height of romance for some people of both genders and they BOTH enjoy it. Are women suppose to just be grateful we have male interest, and have no standards, and then roll over and spread our legs for whoever wants us? Or just because you want them? Or, if we do have standards, then fawn fake modesty to keep your ego intact? I mean, how dare we demand or expect anything! How dare we desire. I take it entitlement complexes are meant solely for yourself and the rest of the male domain then?

But anyway, this thread has descended into inanity. I really am out of here this time lol.


I’m sorry, I don’t do autographs

(in reply to bottomboy81)
Profile   Post #: 197
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 3:10:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MistressPav

****captures both bottomboy and smith117, strips them down to nothing and restrains them both****

anyone else want to join in on the "punishment".  I'm really in the mood to dish it out to these two. 

**Mistress Pav pulls out her riding crop with an evil laugh**

Hey Ma`am.... Why do they get all the fun...

(in reply to MistressPav)
Profile   Post #: 198
RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 3:40:26 PM   

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cos Mistress says you cannot!!
you should only ever say "yes Mistress" and stop asking stupid quesions

(in reply to ItalianSMistress)
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RE: mistress why cant your male slave have sex - 12/1/2007 3:53:32 PM   

Posts: 152
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cos Mistress says you cannot!!
you should only ever say "yes Mistress" and stop asking stupid quesions

<heavy sigh>
I quit coming to the forums for a couple of weeks.  Now I remember why.   10 pages and counting.  Me?  I have to see it thru now.  I am a masochist after all.


Have you hugged your Sadist today?

(in reply to ade59)
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