RE: Most Submissive Thing (Full Version)

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lusciouslips19 -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 12:10:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: justheather


ORIGINAL: idontknowdou

yeah think that why chantix didnt work for me either yeah wellbutrin is what 300 a month now that without medical insurance.

The companies that make these drugs often have programs where people without insurance can get the drugs for free or at a substantially reduced cost.
If you are serious about quitting, you can contact a mental health clinic or a medical clinic and inquire about these programs. They might even be able to hook you up with enough samples to complete your course of treatment.

There is a generic for wellbutrin. Budoprion. It works the same and is much cheaper.

girlygurl -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 12:56:25 PM)

I asked my Sir this question and this was His response...." most submissive thing is you've given Me your heart and soul"


juliaoceania -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 2:09:07 PM)

I do not know if my Daddy would answer this way or not, but I can tell you that the most submissive thing I have ever done was to drive him home from surgery yesterday because he insisted that he wanted me and no one else to do so. You see, I have a phobia of driving that I have been working on... so I drove for over an hour through traffic along the three lane PCH to get him home. It was extremely stressful, and if anyone else would have asked me to do this I would have told them to go fuck themselves and maybe thrown up at the thought of it. There are things I do for him I would never do for anyone else.

sweetnurseBBW -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 2:55:42 PM)

My obedience, whether that is  specific act or not.

BlackPhx -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 4:17:48 PM)

I have an HMO and the max that they will charge me on a co pay is 100$, but the welbutrin is beginning to kick in..I got 2 hours sleep in a row might have been longer but Master got frisky. He sleeps through all my snarling and pacing. So far I haven't had a smoke, HAVE leaned towards a fireplace at Cracker Barrel to inhale the wood smoke and I think my jaws are beginning to unclench a little. Still have more barbs than a siamese twinned porcupine, but I will get there. Oh gods, I may have to drive him to the airport Tuesday...those poor drivers on the road...

poenkitten (can't type, the cigarettes are calling me)

slaveluci -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 5:53:17 PM)

I asked Master this afternoon and He says it's hard to choose one specific thing, but....the biggie that came to His mind is when I "gave up my whole life to come down here and live with Him."  I moved 800 miles south of my family, friends, job - everything I had always known and depended upon to join Him and live our life together.  To happily do that because He asked is, to Him, the "most submissive" thing I have yet done for Him.  It's been a pleasure..................luci

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 10:08:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania
I do not know if my Daddy would answer this way or not, but I can tell you that the most submissive thing I have ever done was to drive him home from surgery yesterday because he insisted that he wanted me and no one else to do so. You see, I have a phobia of driving that I have been working on... so I drove for over an hour through traffic along the three lane PCH to get him home. It was extremely stressful, and if anyone else would have asked me to do this I would have told them to go fuck themselves and maybe thrown up at the thought of it. There are things I do for him I would never do for anyone else.

Hey chica, I wish I could say this goes away- but I'm at about 80k miles and 6 years of driving and I still get anxious driving 10 minutes by myself to a new place and try and get my partner to drive if I can.

I DO it, if I have to, and I somehow have always gotten where I'm going and come back.  But it's always there and always a factor.  Part of what keeps me going is that my worry over becoming agoraphobic or letting my driving fear control me overrides the fear of driving and getting lost itself.

WolfSpirt -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 10:14:36 PM)


velvetears -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 10:37:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania
I do not know if my Daddy would answer this way or not, but I can tell you that the most submissive thing I have ever done was to drive him home from surgery yesterday because he insisted that he wanted me and no one else to do so. You see, I have a phobia of driving that I have been working on... so I drove for over an hour through traffic along the three lane PCH to get him home. It was extremely stressful, and if anyone else would have asked me to do this I would have told them to go fuck themselves and maybe thrown up at the thought of it. There are things I do for him I would never do for anyone else.

Hey chica, I wish I could say this goes away- but I'm at about 80k miles and 6 years of driving and I still get anxious driving 10 minutes by myself to a new place and try and get my partner to drive if I can.

I DO it, if I have to, and I somehow have always gotten where I'm going and come back.  But it's always there and always a factor.  Part of what keeps me going is that my worry over becoming agoraphobic or letting my driving fear control me overrides the fear of driving and getting lost itself.

When i first started driving my fear was in getting lost as well.  i bought every map i could get my  hands on for the counties surrounding me and bit the bullet on it. The more i drove the more i came to realize it is actually quite hard to get lost lol..... As long as you learn the major highways and parkways you'll be ok. 

i absolutely adore driving - i could do it for a living now. i knew i conquered my fear when i was half way to Queens NY when i realized i didn't have my map with me [sm=hair.gif]  It took me 2 hours and lots of pulling over to ask directions but i found my friends house. 

So LA i am sorry to say i have to disagre with you - it sometimes does go away with exposure [:)]

slavetoobeyYou -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/23/2008 11:51:02 PM)

She seemed to get a kick out of after playing being able to make me go to a coffee shop restroom with Her shoe to cum on it and lick it off.

But it might be having been trained to not cum for months because She hasn't given permission is the most submissive, especially when I am right on the edge straining to cum from my realization in that moment that I can't because I'm Her slave and She controls that, and more especially if I accidentally go a little over the edge and have to really tighten and fight the ejaculation to keep it from happening--which I never knew was possible but found out through my determination not to (or inability to?) disobey Her (and initially not wanting to find out what the punishment would be which She told me I wouldn't like).  Fighting the ejaculation off is very uncomfortable so as much as I am drawn to the edge, I have learned to rarely accidentally go over it any more.


StormsSlave -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 1:23:03 AM)

My Lord says that the best thing I do is make it so he doesn't have to keep a[:D]

(edited to add)
In all seriousness, the truest form of my submission is in shutting the fuck up.  I am a woman of many words, and I use them often and with great skill.  There are many times when he is on the edge of anger or already on a rant that I am inclined, in my nature, to antagonize him and say what is on my mind.  Through sheer love and force of will, I manage to keep my mouth shut, not say the ugliness that is in me, and therefore submit to this relationship and my love for My Lord.

salilus -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 8:35:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: littleone35
There are no right or wrong answers just looking for:  What does your Dom/me see as the most submissive thing you do for them.

Obeying him.

favesclava -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 9:51:09 AM)

falling in love for the first time. knowing He's poly , it was madness. i'm a hot headed latina. not a stereotype. the women in my family are fiercely territorial and that just doesnt cut it with Him. so when the lil green monster arises i have to really fight it. i'm winning so far. but it can be a struggle . knowing i'm loved and cherished  helps a lot.

rubberpet -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 10:10:06 AM)

The most submissive thing I do for Mistress would be going to the store and buying Her tampons! [:D]

Seriously, I think it's the fact that I embrace Her dominance over me.  I don't worry about other people's reaction when I bow down to Her.  By me living my life and surrendering to Her, I think it's the most submissive thing I do for Her.

branbran77 -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 10:59:50 AM)

I'ts funny that u should ask this because i just told my Dom last night that i feel that the most submissive thing i could do is anal....ofcourse im a Newbie and that might change....but right now...its anal.....thats when i feel like im being dominated as a women.

kyraofMists -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 1:15:03 PM)

Obey him.  In fact, that is the only way to show submission to him.

Knight's Kyra

mbes -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 2:21:54 PM)

I asked mine and he said "ironing my pants". He has a good point, that is one thing in which my pleasure lies solely in his pleasure.

alwaysuna -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 4:57:03 PM)


the most submissive act I've done is to give up smoking.

No kidding.

I remember the first time I went to visit my Dom.  I was being a bit of a shit about the smoking thing, frankly I wanted to smoke a cig and he wasn't having that.  I had packed cigs on the trip, figuring that he would concede to the fact that I am addicted and let me go get a smoke outside. (He is in the UK and I knew he would NEVER buy me cigs and all I had was USD)  

We were in the living room and I told him that I brought cigs with me.  He gave me the most incredulous look and told me to let him see them.  I handed my smokes to him and he emptied the pack and crushed them all, paper and tobacco crumbling to the living room floor....  I stood there for about 5 seconds...furious!  Then bent over and started cleaning it up, making sure not a single speck was left.

That was the end of the discussion.

bostoy -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 5:44:46 PM)

I asked Bo this and he said "my most basic answer is simple, your complete and unyielding trust in me  is the most submissive thing you do for me."


NefertariReborn -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (2/24/2008 6:22:19 PM)

I don't have a slave at the moment but I can tell you what would be the most submissive thing one could do for Me.  I'm an introvert, but, what I do requires Me to be an extrovert.  When I get home, I want to exhale and get all of that talk off My spirit.  Be quiet and still with Me.  That's the most submissive thing.  Don't talk. Don't tell Me all the problems or the excitement or anything.  Don't wiggle the ass or bring out any new toy.  I'd prefer to just lie and hold him for an hour or so.  Breathe and just be. Let Me hear his heart beating. 

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