RE: Most Submissive Thing (Full Version)

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daddysliloneds -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/2/2008 10:18:41 AM)

allow them to dominate me, of course!

bipolarber -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/2/2008 11:01:36 AM)

Well, since I have a phobia about knives... I'd have to say... letting my Domme cut me, ever so lightly, with a razor. (and then she gets to spend the rest of the afternoon prying me off the ceiling.)

colouredin -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/2/2008 2:30:24 PM)

Hmmm I can say when i felt most submissive, he has stopped talking to us because he was annoyed with his slave, and i was furious that he was taking it out on me, in a normal situation i would have shouted, i kept doing that thing where you open your mouth to say something then closing it again just as quickly then I gave up and read my book, internally I was furious but I physically couldnt get mad at him. It was quite surreal and the most submissive I have ever felt. I knew that if I did shout at him I would have upset him so instead I just put up with feeling crap. 

malloves69 -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/2/2008 4:57:26 PM)

for me the most submissive thing my mistress does to me is probable when she fists me anally ..after a couple of big strapons of course [:)]..she fisted me 2 times yesterday ..that feeling is amazing once she slides in me ..can i be anymore vulnerable for her ? [:)]  also close other things we do together is when she feeds me back my cum one way or another [:)] and lastly when she does sounds on me [:)] yes she has taken almost every hole i have and played with it one way or another [:)] those would be my top 3 our time together [:)]  have fun ..mal

HerLord -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/2/2008 11:09:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: StormsSlave

My Lord says that the best thing I do is make it so he doesn't have to keep a[:D]

(edited to add)
In all seriousness, the truest form of my submission is in shutting the fuck up.  I am a woman of many words, and I use them often and with great skill.  There are many times when he is on the edge of anger or already on a rant that I am inclined, in my nature, to antagonize him and say what is on my mind.  Through sheer love and force of will, I manage to keep my mouth shut, not say the ugliness that is in me, and therefore submit to this relationship and my love for My Lord.

I have to say the MOST sub thing My Love did for me, was give me her will. At some point, I realized, with great concern, My Love had given me her will, as in she no longer considered any other rule than mine nor any thought. I never asked that of her. It was given almost unwittingly. Now, my needs/wants come before that of the entire house. This is a huge burden to bear. I have to make sure My Love still remembers to look after her 18yo UM. As the "Will" of the house, I now can no longer put my wants and needs first, I have accepted the responsibility of the house. It was only on much, MUCH reflection on this question was I able to pinpoint what it was that was most sub from My Love.

OP. Great Thread!

scarlettjinx -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/19/2008 11:56:41 PM)

The most submissive thing I believe my Papa thinks I do is When I start the shower and bathe Him from top to toes so all he has to do is stand and turn. I do it without being told to. 
I think the most submissive thing I have done is let Him take care of me when I was sick. A few weeks ago I had pnemonia and wasn't allowed out of bed. I tried to get up and take care of the household things, but He sent me back to bed and took care of mee as though I was a little princess. It was so hard for me because I love taking care of Him, but it made me feel so loved that He wanted to care for me Himself.

Daddyslilpookie -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/20/2008 4:59:19 PM)

I agree the most submissive thing I can do for my Daddy is say "yes Daddy", when he asks me to do somthing, especially if it isn't my favorite thing to do.

Lestat2006 -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/20/2008 8:45:18 PM)

Hmmm, as a lover of anal (and I certainly think it's a submissive act - I feel in total possession of my sub when my cock is fully in her ass), I think receiving a rim job from her is much more submissive.  There is a mental aspect of having her commit an 'active' act vs. something passive that definitely turns me on.

daddyncherry -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/20/2008 9:04:03 PM)

So i got to page 4 without seeing this yet, but i'll post it...

my Daddy once said that he thought the most submissive thing would be getting pregnant by there is that, hasn't happened yet but...

As for what i do already..

Cutting down on coffee and doing A2M maybe would be the most, IMO but he just said it is when i clean my/guest room (cause i leave it out and clean everything BUT my room)

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/20/2008 9:05:52 PM)

The most submissive thing Fox does is greet me at the door on his knees with a fresh cup of coffee in his hands when he is here and I get home from work.

For Angel, its wearing his panties and tights under his jeans when we go out shopping.


cindysm -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/20/2008 10:01:13 PM)

for me, the most submissive thing is to be naked and shaved makes me feel very, very submissive

Daddysredhead -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 7:59:48 AM)

This week, Daddy and I introduced a new playmate to our (normally) private play.  He made her rim me for a nice long time as an act of submission to me as He felt that would be the most humbling thing she could do to accept another female in a Dominant role to her.

tulitukka -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 8:32:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

Stay true to themselves and say no when necessary.

For me saying yes is meaningless if you cannot freely say no.

I used to think that way, but being with my girl has taught me differently. As far as we know, she is mostly incapable of saying no and thus it becomes my responsibility to take care of her. And it also happens to be part of my kink, so all is good. Still, it was a big surprise for me that I did not need that from her.

But in order not to hijack the thread totally, the most submissive thing in her for me is not really anything she does. It is her state of mind I can read from her facial expressions and body language, perhaps even scent. It gives me a high much better than anything I've ever known. There's something primal about it.

tulitukka -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 8:40:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: chellekitty
i think its extrmely submissive when the submissive submits in the way the Dominant wants them to submit instead of the way the submissive wants to submit....chelle

And when the two are identical?

Why then, LA, it's blissful[:)]..........luci

And if the submissive wants to, no needs to, submit in the way that the dominant wants the submissive to submit?

ophelialocke -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 10:35:59 AM)

for me it is letting HIM help ME because I hate to let anyone do anything for me ever

daddysgirl1978 -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 8:09:08 PM)

my Daddy is telling i have to quit smoking and it is the most submissive thing i have had on my plate.. how did you guys do it??

MasochistToy -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 9:33:27 PM)

The most submissive thing I can do for Daddy is humiliation. I absolutely hate it! Daddy knows that I pride myself on being perfect. He puts me in situations where I am not able to be perfect. He makes me dress scruffy and with no bra and go to the store, with my breasts that is a very obvious thing! He also likes to make me say inappropriate things in front of others. Fortunately he is concious of the fact that I have a fairly high profile job so he only does that when we are way from home, but he still does it. When I put the things that make me proud of me aside for him and lose myself in doing what he wants, that is what he consideres the most submissive thing for me to do.

mmsprecious -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 10:07:55 PM)

my Master says that one of the most submissive things i can do for Him is to eagerly clean Him off after sex no matter where His "member" has been.

Master Mike's precious

domahpet -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 10:23:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: malloves69

for me the most submissive thing my mistress does to me is probable when she fists me anally ..after a couple of big strapons of course [:)]..she fisted me 2 times yesterday ..that feeling is amazing once she slides in me ..can i be anymore vulnerable for her ? [:)]  also close other things we do together is when she feeds me back my cum one way or another [:)] and lastly when she does sounds on me [:)] yes she has taken almost every hole i have and played with it one way or another [:)] those would be my top 3 our time together [:)]  have fun ..mal

god again???

StormsSlave -> RE: Most Submissive Thing (3/21/2008 10:29:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: daddysgirl1978

my Daddy is telling i have to quit smoking and it is the most submissive thing i have had on my plate.. how did you guys do it??

Tiny hijack:
Zyban.  And life savers.  LOTS of life savers.  I quit smoking ten years ago this year (GO ME!) to satisfy my children.  It quickly became for me.   I got over the hard part after a week or so, since I realized that I had never realized how crappy I felt when I was smoking.  Food tasted great, the air smelled incredible, and I had TONS of energy.  Taking the pill helped, and I haven't picked up a smoke in 10 years.  Let us know how you are doing?

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