RE: bbw submissives? (Full Version)

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pagansub77 -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 5:43:12 PM)


all i ask is the Dom be unattached, within my area (or willing to pay for travel), ready to commit and eager to own and cherish his submissive. 

Wow, all I'm looking for is a good "available*" dominant man within 200 miles who likes BBW's too. Is this the place to post requests? He doesn't have to be rich, self supporting would be nice. Hopefully he likes to beat a willing submissive regularly. If he's carrying a few extra pounds, NP. Sense of humor is required.

Seriously, it takes all kinds, big, small, thick, thin, etc. I've had some of the best times of my life with people who didn't meet my initial idea of physically attractive. It's all about taking the time to get to know the person, not the appearance. Just my .02

*available= single or attached but not cheating.


windchymes -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 5:46:16 PM)




ORIGINAL: Floggings4You
I think the anorexic body really only appeals to gay men, or men who want a girl who they think their friends will find attractive.

I must be gay. Very gay. I have a fetish for women with waists.

What I never understood is how that second B got slipped into the vernacular. Suddenly all big women are beautiful. That just contradicts my experience.

You know, you got a point one ever starts threads about BUW's [8|]

Samii -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 5:49:51 PM)

put them togeather is it a orangananna

AMaster -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 5:54:40 PM)

There are plenty of us who appreciate a full figured woman.  I'm sure you'll find your match.

curiousPAlady -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 6:56:15 PM)




ORIGINAL: Floggings4You
I think the anorexic body really only appeals to gay men, or men who want a girl who they think their friends will find attractive.

I must be gay. Very gay. I have a fetish for women with waists.

What I never understood is how that second B got slipped into the vernacular. Suddenly all big women are beautiful. That just contradicts my experience.

LOL... well for men larger, like you are, it would be BHM - Big Handsome Male.  That also ASSumes that all larger than normal sized men are handsome.   Some people view the shallow outer appearance of people and make rapid judgements, and others see the whole person which is always a beautiful masterpiece. 

Both "BBW" and "BHM" came out of the size acceptance movement, intended to support and encourage people of size to  better accept themselves as they are, and to live a full life. It also focused on educating both people of size and the general public that people of size can be as healthy, as active, and as attractive as people who are considered more "normal" sized.

That movement changed ALOT of lives for the better.  Unfortunately, not all people are open or able or willing to expand their experiences or understanding, so prejudices and biases still remain. 

As others have said, we all have our own preferences, our own turn ons and turn offs.  Some men luv the beauty and richness that can be found in a larger female body.  Some men dont.  But just because one isnt drawn to a particular type doesnt make that type wrong or ugly...

 Any other questions about BBWs??? LOL

antipode -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 7:20:13 PM)

No, it is nothing to do with gross. I have a male cousin who has to fly standby because he doesn't fit in a regulation airline seat, and who has already had both his knees reconstructed. I just don't like being around people who are self-destructive, use an acronym to hide from the truth, and won't get treatment for what is a recognized medical condition.

bestbabync -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 7:53:41 PM)

sorry i bothered you guys! 

winterlight -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 8:11:50 PM)

i don't have lemons or oranges. I have watermelons.... Cracks up laughing...

Seen this thread before. You go with what person captures your heart, senses and imagination one would hope. What you look like is immaterial what matters is their they treat you and how they treat others and how they behave when nobody is looking...

I don't care if you are thin or bbw.  I hope that i find my One looking for those qualities...

winterlight -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 8:14:36 PM)

Don't mind them in here. i believe i actually early on (newbie at the time) posted a similiar question. Some replies were not very nice.
I think it goes to the beating a dead horse scenario...

Glad u are happy with your Sir. :)

Level -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 8:16:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: christine1


ORIGINAL: ApathyRomance

they're all mushy :/

ummm, bananas or bbw's?  rofl.


TemptingNviceSub -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 8:53:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: antipode

No, it is nothing to do with gross. I have a male cousin who has to fly standby because he doesn't fit in a regulation airline seat, and who has already had both his knees reconstructed. I just don't like being around people who are self-destructive, use an acronym to hide from the truth, and won't get treatment for what is a recognized medical condition.
What!!..You mean all it takes, is to use an acronym to hide the fact that one is overweight!!!..AArghhh!!!..and no one told me this!!!..and is it a medical condition or self destruction?..So do you also avoid others who you think drink too much, or do not follow their doctors orders, or do you avoid those who drive over the speed limit?..because frankly we all in one way or another are self destructive to one extent or another..Why dont you just admit, without hiding behind the great PC of it all that you are disgusted by obesity and especially obese women...sheesh!!!.Tempting

RedMagic1 -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 9:17:01 PM)

Curvy and obese aren't the same thing, Tempting.  One is healthy and hawt.  The other is an officially recognized medical epidemic.

Edited to add: And just for the frikkin record, I am *not* saying anyone should be ridiculed for how they look, outside a consensual scene. 

Nogimmicks -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 9:24:12 PM)

I get a bit of a charge out of this thread.  Please excuse my ignorance of the multitude of similar discussions either currently ongoing or archived within this forum, but I find the subject to be rather interesting.  In my opinion, weight is not a highly significant factor in choosing a submissive.  If she is "sloppy fat", to the point of interfering with her ability to be of value to herself or me, then the situation can be rectified.  If she simply has a bit of extra "meat" on her bones, then I am likely to find her very attractive (in my experience, the same biological makeup that makes a woman tend to be a weight magnet also tends to make her busty, which is very much my taste).  Thus, the issue is really rather a non-starter for me.  Now, if a woman is a "BBW" or overweight or chubby or whatever the current proper vernacular is and she refuses to lose those extra pounds under my direction, then she isn't the sort of submissive I want.  It isn't because of her weight, but because of her attitude toward obedience to my wishes.  

phoenixinchains -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 10:06:35 PM)

Here in Kansas, there was a fetish event where BBW were the guests of honor, as the event was a mixer for men seeking BBW. If that can happen in Kansas, of all the backwards horrid barren states of all time, in my exp, then surely the other states are leaps and bounds ahead in this matter.

i've read plenty of profiles with BBW and BHM in happy relationships.

and just becuase my nice slave filter isn't working tonight, i've never seen a thread where some sub thought they couldn't get a Dom/me because of a bad hair cut. there are slaves, to include myself, that have changed their hair style to a fashion that pleases their Master. but if the reason a relationship didn't spark or work out  was purely that of outward appearance, was it really the relationship you truely wanted?

yes, the relationships do happen. know what i've seen screw up a lot of relationships? when one or both parties weren't happy with themself. so, if you are happy with yourself, you have nothing to worry about. if you're not happy with yourself, and you find someone that doesn't share that oppinion, well, there's a fight in the making.

just thoughts my mangeled brain...

TemptingNviceSub -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/14/2008 10:26:57 PM)



Curvy and obese aren't the same thing, Tempting.  One is healthy and hawt.  The other is an officially recognized medical epidemic.

Edited to add: And just for the frikkin record, I am *not* saying anyone should be ridiculed for how they look, outside a consensual scene. 

Ach! generally I do not usually get hot under the collar about this issue..but the person I replied to, I have noted, has in a couple of other threads made well known his derision of obese women, and while I have no issue with people who have preferences..please dont feed me a shit sandwich and tell me it is tuna on rye..But anyway, thank you Red for the clarification you supplied, and I would never presume to think you were saying someone should be ridiculed for

ApathyRomance -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/15/2008 12:10:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: subtee


ORIGINAL: christine1


ORIGINAL: ApathyRomance

they're all mushy :/

ummm, bananas or bbw's?  rofl.

What if you freeze them first and then dip them in chocolate? (Bananas or BBWs)

Bannana's: ew no.  Girls that happen to be a little curvier than other girls:  yes please!

RedMagic1 -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/15/2008 4:37:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: TemptingNviceSub



Curvy and obese aren't the same thing, Tempting.  One is healthy and hawt.  The other is an officially recognized medical epidemic.

Edited to add: And just for the frikkin record, I am *not* saying anyone should be ridiculed for how they look, outside a consensual scene. 

Ach! generally I do not usually get hot under the collar about this issue..but the person I replied to, I have noted, has in a couple of other threads made well known his derision of obese women, and while I have no issue with people who have preferences..please dont feed me a shit sandwich and tell me it is tuna on rye..But anyway, thank you Red for the clarification you supplied, and I would never presume to think you were saying someone should be ridiculed for

Thanks for the kind response.  I really regretted posting on this thread at all, and I almost deleted the comment (first time I thought of doing that), but decided I should take my lumps if I had some coming.

A billion dollar sugar industry, a billion dollar high fructose corn syrup industry, a billion dollar diet industry that maximizes its profits if people start a weight loss program but then give up -- and, yeah, people not taking enough care of themselves.  But the price of fruits and vegetables is going through the roof.  People are going to buy food that is not as good for them, and they probably won't be losing weight.

With all these pressures and mixed signals, it's no wonder you get profiles like the OP's, whose words are attractive and reserved, but whose photo is flesh-in-your-face and whose interests read as though she's an expert in every sexual act invented since time began.  As long as she thinks the only way to attract a committed man is through her sexuality... well, do I really have to finish that sentence?

OP, as already suggested above, put some clothes on.  It doesn't mean you're ugly.  It means you are "hard to get."

RuheMaus -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/15/2008 4:57:47 AM)


Kalista07 -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/15/2008 5:03:34 AM)

i for one am grateful that You did not delete Your post, and i think You had some important and relevant information to share.  Personally, i can't stand threads like these. Somewhere at some point they generally all turn into a "fat chicks are lazy, ugly, etc" thread. i know of a certain CM poster who every freaking time this topic comes up will post that if fat women would just eat less and walk more they wouldn't be fat anymore.............. Uhmm, really? huh.  Hasn't worked for me over the last four or five years, but okay...Surely You know more than my medical professional....
As someone who has a medical 'excuse' for being overweight i can tell You that doesn't change a damn thing in my mind.. Trust me, when i look at myself i don't think to myself "oh well...i know i'm 5000 pounds, but it's okay because the damn doctor's took my thyroid out and didn't put me on any replacement meds until i gained 160 pounds"...No, those thoughts don't generally EVER enter my mind. 
To the OP, regarding the whole BBW thing? i don't think i qualify..... i know that i'm a big woman but as far as beautiful
? i don't know about that one.  And even if i thought it was true, it doesn't mean everyone in the free world does.
Incidentally, i'm with someone who accepts me for who i am and how i am. i'm working on losing weight now, but not to please please me.  He supports my weight loss efforts because He sees how it affects me emotionally.
i know i went wayyyy over the topic here. Sorry, had to rant.

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: bbw submissives? (5/15/2008 5:17:15 AM)

i'm a triplebw (big black beautiful woman) and yes there are nasty, meanspirit dominants out there who will send cruel messages like "you're fat and ugly" to "BDSM is only for attractive, beautiful people don't belong here" even though they themselves don't have pics on their profile.  then you have others who state the only reason you're submissive/slave is because vanilla men will not pay any attention to you in the real world. what a bunch of hooey, if you ask me.

there are dominants out there who appreciate a woman in our size and not just for sexual gratification either. you just have to shift through the weeds for the flowers. for example, my Daddy is one those type of dominants. He's not only a breast man but loves the shape of my ass to the way i look dressed in frilly babydolls and heels. He has dated beauty queens however He does love a shapely woman who also loves herself first.

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