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RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it…..

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RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/9/2008 11:17:41 PM   

Posts: 2007
Joined: 8/14/2005
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Kalista07

i must tell you that your behavior on this thread has been growing more and more concerning to me.

I can say the same about several of the posters here and if they don't alter their paths immediately, they're not going to like the outcome.

Settle down, folks.



This mod goes to eleven.

(in reply to Kalista07)
Profile   Post #: 241
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/9/2008 11:27:13 PM   

Posts: 622
Joined: 7/20/2007
Status: offline
Reading this, over the last few days, i told myself that i wouldn't be writing my own comments, BUT.. since it has made me do some thinking, i will share them anyways.

Over time, i have often read things Prinsexx wrote, and like many, became annoyed, but i never replied in any prior post she ever wrote, to voice my annoyance.

i have long felt that she more enjoyed those people who gave her an attitude, over those who patted her on the back, and felt sorry for her.

Drama, drama queen,attention whore, Emotional vampirism.. whatever, she feeds off those types of posts, and so, i am stuck with a two way tug of war.

One one hand, i'd like to suggest that those people whom she feeds off of, in their posts to her, to just NOT enable her that way.. Just ignore her, don't reply to anything she writes.

But, on the other hand, i can see why some people might persist in writing anyways, even at risk of being made out to be cold,heartless, mean, cruel, whatever, and that might be, because they know if they don't, something she might say, had the offchance of being believed, by someone new.

i tend to think just ignoring her, though, and not letting myself to become one of her enablers, nor becoming someone she can suck off for attention, as an attention vampire, to be best.  And anyone new here, won't be blind for long of her patterns. It, after all, didn't take me very long, to become annoyed.

i do think many of those whom she interacts this way with, are seeing how she uses them, in their interactions, and are likely doing some self questioning, as to why they allow her to pull them in that way.

and, yeah, theres the entertainment value in all of this, i have often enjoyed reading what others have said, and i wished i could say, but not daring.  Entertainment is great, but do you really wish to carry on, feeding her whatever it is that she so loves?  

i sure won't.

So, this is likely the one and only time i will prob write like this in one of her posts. Most of them, i can ignore, and with the rare occassion where i feel i have a valid response, that wouldn't be feeding her whatever it is she loves to feed on, i may post then.

So, back to that.
The topic being collars. i have never been collared. i used to think it was the important goal, and wanted it badly. Now, i tend to think, sure a collar would be nice, but its more important to take the time needed to establish a relationship.

i think the idea of a collar, for people newly exploring the lifestyle, it becomes a bit of a frenzy, in thinking that it is some brass ring to try for. Romanticized ideas, of having a ceremony, and being collared, is much the same way some enter into a marriage, only thinking of the engagement, the wedding day, the gown, gifts, showers of attention, and honeymoon destinations. It is when they wake up, and see that all that comes after is a ton of work, that dark reality sets in.

i am so glad, to be rid of the whole...
               ~*~ hurry, and collar me, frenzy.~*~

(in reply to Prinsexx)
Profile   Post #: 242
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/9/2008 11:37:47 PM   

Posts: 2370
Joined: 11/7/2005
Status: offline
FR.  I just started reading this thread (from the back) and I just don't get it.

Why is everyone bashing the Lebanese?   They are a gentle, loving people by and large.  They have a horrific history of strife in their beautiful country during the last 1/2 of the 20th C., largely because of manipulation by their aggressive Arab - confederate neighbors, and they deserve our sympathy.  They make wonderful hummus and kibbeh.  The Cedars of Lebanon were famous wonders of the ancient world.  Heck, they even gave us Danny Thomas (and by extension, Marlo!).  No Lebanese has ever competed with Me for the affections of a submissive, not one has ever taken a girl from Me, and even if he (or she) had, I'd say "You go!".

Why are you bashing the Lebanese?


...oh...he said WHAT?    Never mind.   That's different.


"When you wake up, Pooh," said Piglet, "what's the first thing you say?"
"What's for breakfast? What do you say, Piglet?"
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?"
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
"It's the same thing," he said.

(in reply to MadRabbit)
Profile   Post #: 243
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 12:25:55 AM   

Posts: 4258
Joined: 10/16/2007
From: SW London (UK)
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I've been thinking about this.. Especially as I've been tarred with the dysfunctional brush myself and been called on the other side a nutter. It's time the truth came out...

I am the only real and genuine BDSMer on this site.

I pity you all, wandering round the country, meeting different people trying to outdo other with your pervery and fornication.

I don't go to your pitiful 'vanilla' munches, where people sit around all night and talk about the weather and the price of baked beans. I go to real BDSM places where people hurt each other.

I don't 'tie' people up, I weld them together.

When I bury people it's for real, and I don't go back to dig them up later. They stay there.

You can forget about your gags. Personally I find Polyfilla the best, when your sub's head is secured in a vice. One filling, with the appropriate trowel between all the teeth usually suffices. Much better than all those gags made out of chewy dog toys you lot seem to favour.

Those stallholders at fetish fairs and events see you lot coming a mile off, stocking up on cheap pet toys selling them to you lot at idiot prices.

Just to show you lot what real BDSM is like I've decided to become a Domme and collar the whole damn lot of you. I need you to pledge your soul (if not, then at least your sense of humour) to me at a collaring ceremony I made up last night off the Internet.

I would like you to make your way down to your local Dom Depot, Homebase, B and Q or other DIY store and purchase your own chain and padlock putting on them sentimental, mythical and emotional values.

If you are female I expect you to change your name to Yale, and if you are male you will change your name to Chubb. Not only do I find these names to be highly exotic, but it will save me a fortune when it comes to engraving your name on your collar.

I expect nothing less than you spending your life wearing your said collar till death do you part whilst telling everyone of the significance, despite the fact it has 'made in Taiwan' on the back. You must wear it round your neck all the time trying to convince everybody that you're actually proud to wear it and you don't mind the stares of people in the street whispering 'Poor sod. Who's gone and done that to her (him)?' as they pass by.

You will not answer me back, and understand that I know the best in all things, despite not having a job for the past 25 years and receiving psychiatric treatment for various mental illnesses.

You will bow down before me and see my vast superiority to all other beings regardless of people walking past me in the street and shouting out 'Wanker!' and 'Freak!'.

Just remember I *am* the only genuine BDSMer in the world.

If you don't believe me just come to my next club event, although bring a friend otherwise you will end up alone.


CM's Resident Lyricist
also Facebook
Simply Q

(in reply to Emperor1956)
Profile   Post #: 244
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 12:42:28 AM   

Posts: 2370
Joined: 11/7/2005
Status: offline
Stella, you ARE a nutter.   You are brilliant, articulate, funny as hell and clever, but you are also what we Yanks call "Bull Goose Loony".

Sorry.  That's the cards.  Play 'em.


(I want to point out that addressing an F-t-M person as "bull goose" might be completely transgressive and original.  Or I might be VERY confused.)

Edited to delete a stray comma.

< Message edited by Emperor1956 -- 8/10/2008 12:52:58 AM >


"When you wake up, Pooh," said Piglet, "what's the first thing you say?"
"What's for breakfast? What do you say, Piglet?"
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?"
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
"It's the same thing," he said.

(in reply to stella41b)
Profile   Post #: 245
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 12:48:07 AM   

Posts: 6707
Joined: 8/5/2008
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Stella, thanks for the great laugh tonight! 


Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.

(in reply to stella41b)
Profile   Post #: 246
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 2:15:24 AM   

Posts: 4584
Joined: 8/27/2007
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Stella: you are also the only true Vampire I suck away.
Those of us who are attention Vanps feed off each other.


Owner of asterion

Metawhore.... the sound of a metaphore when gagged
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To my stalker:

(in reply to NuevaVida)
Profile   Post #: 247
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 2:17:46 AM   

Posts: 4584
Joined: 8/27/2007
Status: offline

Reading this, over the last few days, i told myself that i wouldn't be writing my own comments, BUT.. since it has made me do some thinking, i will share them anyways.

Over time, i have often read things Prinsexx wrote, and like many, became annoyed, but i never replied in any prior post she ever wrote, to voice my annoyance.

i have long felt that she more enjoyed those people who gave her an attitude, over those who patted her on the back, and felt sorry for her.

Drama, drama queen,attention whore, Emotional vampirism.. whatever, she feeds off those types of posts, and so, i am stuck with a two way tug of war.

One one hand, i'd like to suggest that those people whom she feeds off of, in their posts to her, to just NOT enable her that way.. Just ignore her, don't reply to anything she writes.

But, on the other hand, i can see why some people might persist in writing anyways, even at risk of being made out to be cold,heartless, mean, cruel, whatever, and that might be, because they know if they don't, something she might say, had the offchance of being believed, by someone new.

i tend to think just ignoring her, though, and not letting myself to become one of her enablers, nor becoming someone she can suck off for attention, as an attention vampire, to be best. And anyone new here, won't be blind for long of her patterns. It, after all, didn't take me very long, to become annoyed.

i do think many of those whom she interacts this way with, are seeing how she uses them, in their interactions, and are likely doing some self questioning, as to why they allow her to pull them in that way.

and, yeah, theres the entertainment value in all of this, i have often enjoyed reading what others have said, and i wished i could say, but not daring. Entertainment is great, but do you really wish to carry on, feeding her whatever it is that she so loves?

i sure won't.

So, this is likely the one and only time i will prob write like this in one of her posts. Most of them, i can ignore, and with the rare occassion where i feel i have a valid response, that wouldn't be feeding her whatever it is she loves to feed on, i may post then.

ORIGINAL: suhlut

Reading this, over the last few days, i told myself that i wouldn't be writing my own comments, BUT.. since it has made me do some thinking, i will share them anyways.

Over time, i have often read things Prinsexx wrote, and like many, became annoyed, but i never replied in any prior post she ever wrote, to voice my annoyance.

i have long felt that she more enjoyed those people who gave her an attitude, over those who patted her on the back, and felt sorry for her.

Drama, drama queen,attention whore, Emotional vampirism.. whatever, she feeds off those types of posts, and so, i am stuck with a two way tug of war.

One one hand, i'd like to suggest that those people whom she feeds off of, in their posts to her, to just NOT enable her that way.. Just ignore her, don't reply to anything she writes.

But, on the other hand, i can see why some people might persist in writing anyways, even at risk of being made out to be cold,heartless, mean, cruel, whatever, and that might be, because they know if they don't, something she might say, had the offchance of being believed, by someone new.

i tend to think just ignoring her, though, and not letting myself to become one of her enablers, nor becoming someone she can suck off for attention, as an attention vampire, to be best.  And anyone new here, won't be blind for long of her patterns. It, after all, didn't take me very long, to become annoyed.

i do think many of those whom she interacts this way with, are seeing how she uses them, in their interactions, and are likely doing some self questioning, as to why they allow her to pull them in that way.

and, yeah, theres the entertainment value in all of this, i have often enjoyed reading what others have said, and i wished i could say, but not daring.  Entertainment is great, but do you really wish to carry on, feeding her whatever it is that she so loves?  

i sure won't.

So, this is likely the one and only time i will prob write like this in one of her posts. Most of them, i can ignore, and with the rare occassion where i feel i have a valid response, that wouldn't be feeding her whatever it is she loves to feed on, i may post then.

Glad to be of service.


Owner of asterion

Metawhore.... the sound of a metaphore when gagged
Free woman
Resident thread finisher
To my stalker:

(in reply to suhlut)
Profile   Post #: 248
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 2:18:46 AM   

Posts: 4584
Joined: 8/27/2007
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: suhlut

Reading this, over the last few days, i told myself that i wouldn't be writing my own comments, BUT.. since it has made me do some thinking, i will share them anyways.

Over time, i have often read things Prinsexx wrote, and like many, became annoyed, but i never replied in any prior post she ever wrote, to voice my annoyance.

i have long felt that she more enjoyed those people who gave her an attitude, over those who patted her on the back, and felt sorry for her.

Drama, drama queen,attention whore, Emotional vampirism.. whatever, she feeds off those types of posts, and so, i am stuck with a two way tug of war.

One one hand, i'd like to suggest that those people whom she feeds off of, in their posts to her, to just NOT enable her that way.. Just ignore her, don't reply to anything she writes.

But, on the other hand, i can see why some people might persist in writing anyways, even at risk of being made out to be cold,heartless, mean, cruel, whatever, and that might be, because they know if they don't, something she might say, had the offchance of being believed, by someone new.

i tend to think just ignoring her, though, and not letting myself to become one of her enablers, nor becoming someone she can suck off for attention, as an attention vampire, to be best.  And anyone new here, won't be blind for long of her patterns. It, after all, didn't take me very long, to become annoyed.

i do think many of those whom she interacts this way with, are seeing how she uses them, in their interactions, and are likely doing some self questioning, as to why they allow her to pull them in that way.

and, yeah, theres the entertainment value in all of this, i have often enjoyed reading what others have said, and i wished i could say, but not daring.  Entertainment is great, but do you really wish to carry on, feeding her whatever it is that she so loves?  

i sure won't.

So, this is likely the one and only time i will prob write like this in one of her posts. Most of them, i can ignore, and with the rare occassion where i feel i have a valid response, that wouldn't be feeding her whatever it is she loves to feed on, i may post then.

Glad to be of service.


Owner of asterion

Metawhore.... the sound of a metaphore when gagged
Free woman
Resident thread finisher
To my stalker:

(in reply to Prinsexx)
Profile   Post #: 249
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 2:37:36 AM   

Posts: 595
Joined: 3/4/2008
Status: offline
So, back to that.
The topic being collars. i have never been collared. i used to think it was the important goal, and wanted it badly. Now, i tend to think, sure a collar would be nice, but its more important to take the time needed to establish a relationship.

i think the idea of a collar, for people newly exploring the lifestyle, it becomes a bit of a frenzy, in thinking that it is some brass ring to try for. Romanticized ideas, of having a ceremony, and being collared, is much the same way some enter into a marriage, only thinking of the engagement, the wedding day, the gown, gifts, showers of attention, and honeymoon destinations. It is when they wake up, and see that all that comes after is a ton of work, that dark reality sets in.

hi suhlut,
when i first started this internet approach i put collars up there - those things that signified that a guy was really serious about me, that when he placed it around my neck its significance was huge - because of the hoopla on the internet, and lets face it, those who are collared are proud of it and rightly so.
but ive since learnt that collars can mean diddly squat and that was a sharp learning curve for me at the time.  now if a guy talks about a collar i shall say, no, not yet, not for a very long time, not until we are so established it actually does take on the meaning it is meant to have.
for any new explorers on here, if you can negotiate this long and tortuous thread, i hope you pick up that a collar isnt the goal, the relationship is.


even doves have pride (Prince)

(in reply to Prinsexx)
Profile   Post #: 250
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 2:46:15 AM   

Posts: 622
Joined: 7/20/2007
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: lally3

So, back to that.
The topic being collars. i have never been collared. i used to think it was the important goal, and wanted it badly. Now, i tend to think, sure a collar would be nice, but its more important to take the time needed to establish a relationship.

i think the idea of a collar, for people newly exploring the lifestyle, it becomes a bit of a frenzy, in thinking that it is some brass ring to try for. Romanticized ideas, of having a ceremony, and being collared, is much the same way some enter into a marriage, only thinking of the engagement, the wedding day, the gown, gifts, showers of attention, and honeymoon destinations. It is when they wake up, and see that all that comes after is a ton of work, that dark reality sets in.

hi suhlut,
when i first started this internet approach i put collars up there - those things that signified that a guy was really serious about me, that when he placed it around my neck its significance was huge - because of the hoopla on the internet, and lets face it, those who are collared are proud of it and rightly so.
but ive since learnt that collars can mean diddly squat and that was a sharp learning curve for me at the time.  now if a guy talks about a collar i shall say, no, not yet, not for a very long time, not until we are so established it actually does take on the meaning it is meant to have.
for any new explorers on here, if you can negotiate this long and tortuous thread, i hope you pick up that a collar isnt the goal, the relationship is.

BRAVO lally!

exactly what i mean!


(in reply to lally3)
Profile   Post #: 251
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 3:05:21 AM   

Posts: 4584
Joined: 8/27/2007
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It is a long and torturous thread....and i had no understanding why except to find out how much of an anti-ME thang going on there is out there. Nevertheless i press on regardless because in my real-time experience of being collared and having Master(s) and dominant(s) and being one of those real life bi-sexual types also....well real life bdsm HURTS. In good ways and BAD ways. Ain't it supposed to hurt anyways? in as many types of ways that there are? and am i not supposed to be a slave? actually you know what depite the fact that sometimes it hurts SO bad that's what i am.
Yes i did ask a master to release me in my profile. All he had to do was to respond privately because he had put me as His in His profile in the first place and then the shit hit the fan.....but ny total omission i am released i guess and ignoring me in that way is not what i thought was art of the deal . is he hurting?  I think so and it is those very very special Dom(me0s who can and do own up to feeling love and pain of spearartion and letting go that have my utter and complete respect from this side of the whip.
I tend to think almost everyone else here has had similar experiences only to find that those who mock the most have: never been collared, have never given a collar, are living alone, not even in a relationship but maybe go and 'play a few times....whatever that means.
I made a serious and poignant point whilst posting last might about real-life drama being an oxymoron. Because whereelse does experience come from except from reality?
Life with this mindset, which refuses to go away, is at my core and i cannot fake it to make it, well yes it does hurt deeply. i am not saying i am different in anyway because i know there are those (and i count some of them amongst my deepest and most sincere friends) who feel deeply and hurt almost to the point of no return. Why? because that's how i(we) do our real life, in private places, behind closed doors.  I am of an age when much of what i witnessed as a young person growing up was actually against the law; the age of consent, gay legislation and drug-use being what it was. I have lain down in the street and used my body as a political statement, been trampled on by horses fighting for higher pay for teachers and cut through the wire of American air force bases carryng nuclear weaponary on English soil.
There is a freedom now in my life which i do not ever ever take for granted. that's why the question on collaring. I work so hard (and length of service has little to do with it....but surrender has), i work so hard always always to earn the honour of a collar. I have twice felt that the dynamic has not been exchanged.....but remained power over. In other words now i have you collared i will and i can do exectly what the hell i like with you, including renegading on those conditions upon which the collar was conffered.
I wonder on a day like today where i have internalised much of my own self-doubt and negativity and reading back over the thread i understand exactly where some of that negativity had come from....from members of this so-called community....this so-called ifestyle. All they can do it seems is to view authenticity as attention seeking. Especially when being derided by a 24 yer old whom i hope is not indicative of his generation.
Anyway back to chain myself against the railings metaphorically speaking to see whom else i might be striking for emotional freedom on behalf of.......(ending on a soddin preposition again)

< Message edited by Prinsexx -- 8/10/2008 3:14:46 AM >


Owner of asterion

Metawhore.... the sound of a metaphore when gagged
Free woman
Resident thread finisher
To my stalker:

(in reply to lally3)
Profile   Post #: 252
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 3:15:02 AM   

Posts: 12580
Joined: 2/11/2007
From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: lally3
So, back to that.
The topic being collars. i have never been collared. i used to think it was the important goal, and wanted it badly. Now, i tend to think, sure a collar would be nice, but its more important to take the time needed to establish a relationship.

i think the idea of a collar, for people newly exploring the lifestyle, it becomes a bit of a frenzy, in thinking that it is some brass ring to try for. Romanticized ideas, of having a ceremony, and being collared, is much the same way some enter into a marriage, only thinking of the engagement, the wedding day, the gown, gifts, showers of attention, and honeymoon destinations. It is when they wake up, and see that all that comes after is a ton of work, that dark reality sets in.

hi suhlut,
when i first started this internet approach i put collars up there - those things that signified that a guy was really serious about me, that when he placed it around my neck its significance was huge - because of the hoopla on the internet, and lets face it, those who are collared are proud of it and rightly so.
but ive since learnt that collars can mean diddly squat and that was a sharp learning curve for me at the time.  now if a guy talks about a collar i shall say, no, not yet, not for a very long time, not until we are so established it actually does take on the meaning it is meant to have.
for any new explorers on here, if you can negotiate this long and tortuous thread, i hope you pick up that a collar isnt the goal, the relationship is.

I agree with you.  In my limited experience it has always been the relationship that is most important to me and those I’ve collared (except that one time in band camp).  A lot of people look at the collar the same way many American wives look at wedding rings.  Somehow it is a symbol of triumph as if they had won a struggle instead of seeing it as a symbol of duty and a pledge of service.  It almost takes a Zen mind to understand a point of neutral pride that allows someone to remain humble.  To be proud but not prideful.


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to lally3)
Profile   Post #: 253
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 3:34:00 AM   

Posts: 4584
Joined: 8/27/2007
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ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist

It almost takes a Zen mind to understand a point ..........

It always almost does.........(no suitable Zen smiley)


Owner of asterion

Metawhore.... the sound of a metaphore when gagged
Free woman
Resident thread finisher
To my stalker:

(in reply to ResidentSadist)
Profile   Post #: 254
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 4:49:25 AM   

Posts: 97
Joined: 7/8/2004
From: NY
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: suhlut

The topic being collars. i have never been collared. i used to think it was the important goal, and wanted it badly. Now, i tend to think, sure a collar would be nice, but its more important to take the time needed to establish a relationship.

i think the idea of a collar, for people newly exploring the lifestyle, it becomes a bit of a frenzy, in thinking that it is some brass ring to try for. Romanticized ideas, of having a ceremony, and being collared, is much the same way some enter into a marriage, only thinking of the engagement, the wedding day, the gown, gifts, showers of attention, and honeymoon destinations. It is when they wake up, and see that all that comes after is a ton of work, that dark reality sets in.

i am so glad, to be rid of the whole...
              ~*~ hurry, and collar me, frenzy.~*~

At least to my way of thinking, you've hit the nail on the head.  As I mentioned much earlier, a collar is probably best seen as a representation of what a dynamic has evolved into rather than something with which to begin a dynamic.  People don't begin relationships with wedding bands or even engagement rings, yet a few IM's and an evening of S&M and they're ready to slap on a collar.  If we de-romanticized the whole thing and got back to the reality that 1) time is an unrecovereable inventory item and 2) we're talking about adults living life here, we'd do ourselves a lot of good, waste less time, and focus more on establishing lasting relationships.

The collar is totally unimportant.  But what it represents is vitally important.  Until a person is convinced of the sincerity of the other person and that sincerity has been proven over time, why even worry about a collar?


(in reply to suhlut)
Profile   Post #: 255
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 5:00:43 AM   

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I have always found a great deal of wisdom in the description of how Bitatruble aka Celeste, came to be collared to her master. I don't remember the time frame involved but I do know it was not mere days, weeks or even months.

I think that because, all too often, we devalue the basic relationship part of the equasion and over value the kink part, we think..."Oh you do what I tell you, I think you're hot and you give good oral/blowjobs, now I want to collar you so you cannot get away! I want to stake my claim, so to speak" on the flip side the slave thinks "They treat me like property, they give good paddle/flogger/insert favourite method of play, we both like lots of the same things, he/she likes the way I do xxx, and now they are offering a collar! I can strut around feeling all cool, owned and safe in front of the other slaves, I am taking it!!"

I really honestly believe that more focus needs to be made on the compatibility of wants, needs, desires that do not include M/s and BDSM. How many times to we read/hear sucessful relationship participants talk about how much of their time is taken up with what we consider vanilla life aspects. Yet we are going to ignore that when considering a longterm commitment??? It just doesn't make much sense to me.


My twisted, self deprecating, sense of humour, finds alot to laugh about, in your lack of one!

Just because you are well educated, articulate, and can use big, fancy words, properly........does not mean you are right!

(in reply to DavidS8ist)
Profile   Post #: 256
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 5:29:39 AM   

Posts: 4584
Joined: 8/27/2007
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

"Oh you do what I tell you, I think you're hot and you give good oral/blowjobs, now I want to collar you so you cannot get away! I want to stake my claim, so to speak" on the flip side the slave thinks "They treat me like property, they give good paddle/flogger/insert favourite method of play, we both like lots of the same things, he/she likes the way I do xxx, and now they are offering a collar! I can strut around feeling all cool, owned and safe in front of the other slaves, I am taking it!!"

That's entirely it. And part of the slave mindset is i believe an inability to get out once they are in (the collar so to speak). I've had private mail from slaves who are in the most abusive of relationships (according to my judgement at least0. Why would they write to me and ask me if wha they are being required to do is acceptable or not/ it's almost like becoming a member of a cult and not knowing how to get out.
Now if as a slave you don't feel you have a right, or know the protocol of how to get released, coupled with a Dom who believes literally that any demand, at any time, of any sort, is their right....then you have an equation for potential abuse.
that's what is so profound about staing one has no limits consensually and handing those limits over.
The collar might fall but the chaos left behind takes a great deal longer to clean up.
it's the same in vanilla marriages. I was once asked to write a testimony for a friend who wanted to be officially anulled...she is a adult caticombmini...forgive spelling...she is a n adult catholic convert. My testimony to their abusive marriage took up 48 pages of A4 paper.
The decision 'went to Rome' as it is called and she was blissfully freed of a spiritual bond.
Does not a collar represent the same magnitude? Or could it ?


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(in reply to LaTigresse)
Profile   Post #: 257
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 6:12:46 AM   

Posts: 26123
Joined: 1/15/2006
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ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

Does not a collar represent the same magnitude? Or could it ?

It could, and for many it certainly does. The point I want to make is that it is important for people to communicate what they want it to mean to THEM.

Let's make some examples, vanilla and M/s. Meat market bar, a man and woman are out with friends having drinks, dancing and flirting. Man and woman's eyes meet, after much dancing, flirting, probably telling a few exagerated stories to impress the other.....they wobble off to who's ever house is most convenient, have some overrated booze fueled sex and pass out. Cold clear light of day, hangovers, messy apt turns off visitor, padded bra turns off man, 20 text messages woman finds on man's cell phone obviously from a woman. They rather ackwardly part ways. Time goes by, she is mad and hurt he doesn't call, says he is a creep for using her. He is mad that she is mad (if he even knows) Maybe they meet again, he remembers she was an easy fuck, tells her the same shit with a few excuses for poor behaviour. They fuck again. This time maybe they wake up and spend the day together because neither had anything better to do. She reads "potential relationship" into it. He reads "oh cool, more sex!" She cooks for him, he stays cuz....."oh cool, more sex AND decent food" she reads "ohhh he loves my cooking and is making love to me!" maybe he really likes me! on and so forth .....Add some rough sex and slap tickle along with some potential "deep spiritual blah blah blah", it's M/s.
A few weeks/months go by, we've got two people that are potentially not even reading the same book, let alone being on the same page. The guy is liking the sex and the food, buuuuut.........he would really prefer a chick with bigger boobs and a little less clingy. And what's with that weird gap in her front teeth anyway. Oh well, she gives good head........ The woman is picking out china patterns (or a house with bigger kitchen and oh.....yeah, I guess a slap tickle room in the basement)
Guy is out with the guys some night, meets woman that has bigger boobs (yeaaaaahhh, cuz she flashed them at the bar!!!) too much dancing, drinking, too many text messages from that woman that is home cooking and dolled up for some dungeon play later......he shuts his cell phone off and follows the big boobs home. Big blow up, end of "relationship".

Who was the guilty party, who fucked over who?

Odds are the woman, and alllllllllllll her friends are going to call him a creep.

I say they both screwed up because they forgot one very important thing. COMMUNICATION

The thing is, we have to remember what it is we each want. If it's no strings fun, great, communicate that. BUT, if it's a long term commitment, then we have to set ourselves up to suceed. We might not be having all the no strings fun in the meantime but if that's not what you what. Or, maybe it's a combo of the two we are after, some no strings fun until a long term commitment. All well and good but, gotta keep the lines of communication clear.

If a person wants a longterm commitment then they should not set themselves up to just be an easy fuck. Regardless of the line of bullshit that is being spouted off. "Oh, you only want a long term collared relationship? Well, then you won't mind if we don't have sex or any M/s type interaction until we get to know one another ALOT better!" If they stick around, they are being truthful.

< Message edited by LaTigresse -- 8/10/2008 6:14:47 AM >


My twisted, self deprecating, sense of humour, finds alot to laugh about, in your lack of one!

Just because you are well educated, articulate, and can use big, fancy words, properly........does not mean you are right!

(in reply to Prinsexx)
Profile   Post #: 258
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 6:34:52 AM   

Posts: 13029
Joined: 2/24/2005
From: Pennsylvania
Status: offline

And part of the slave mindset is i believe an inability to get out once they are in (the collar so to speak). I've had private mail from slaves who are in the most abusive of relationships (according to my judgement at least0. Why would they write to me and ask me if wha they are being required to do is acceptable or not/ it's almost like becoming a member of a cult and not knowing how to get out.

What is it about lifestyle slavery that makes them lose their ability for self-preservation and common sense? 


“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
- Albert Einstein

(in reply to Prinsexx)
Profile   Post #: 259
RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it... - 8/10/2008 6:35:25 AM   

Posts: 589
Joined: 11/21/2007
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: LaTigresse


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

Does not a collar represent the same magnitude? Or could it ?

It could, and for many it certainly does. The point I want to make is that it is important for people to communicate what they want it to mean to THEM.

Let's make some examples, vanilla and M/s. Meat market bar, a man and woman are out with friends having drinks, dancing and flirting. Man and woman's eyes meet, after much dancing, flirting, probably telling a few exagerated stories to impress the other.....they wobble off to who's ever house is most convenient, have some overrated booze fueled sex and pass out. Cold clear light of day, hangovers, messy apt turns off visitor, padded bra turns off man, 20 text messages woman finds on man's cell phone obviously from a woman. They rather ackwardly part ways. Time goes by, she is mad and hurt he doesn't call, says he is a creep for using her. He is mad that she is mad (if he even knows) Maybe they meet again, he remembers she was an easy fuck, tells her the same shit with a few excuses for poor behaviour. They fuck again. This time maybe they wake up and spend the day together because neither had anything better to do. She reads "potential relationship" into it. He reads "oh cool, more sex!" She cooks for him, he stays cuz....."oh cool, more sex AND decent food" she reads "ohhh he loves my cooking and is making love to me!" maybe he really likes me! on and so forth .....Add some rough sex and slap tickle along with some potential "deep spiritual blah blah blah", it's M/s.
A few weeks/months go by, we've got two people that are potentially not even reading the same book, let alone being on the same page. The guy is liking the sex and the food, buuuuut.........he would really prefer a chick with bigger boobs and a little less clingy. And what's with that weird gap in her front teeth anyway. Oh well, she gives good head........ The woman is picking out china patterns (or a house with bigger kitchen and oh.....yeah, I guess a slap tickle room in the basement)
Guy is out with the guys some night, meets woman that has bigger boobs (yeaaaaahhh, cuz she flashed them at the bar!!!) too much dancing, drinking, too many text messages from that woman that is home cooking and dolled up for some dungeon play later......he shuts his cell phone off and follows the big boobs home. Big blow up, end of "relationship".

Who was the guilty party, who fucked over who?

Odds are the woman, and alllllllllllll her friends are going to call him a creep.

I say they both screwed up because they forgot one very important thing. COMMUNICATION

The thing is, we have to remember what it is we each want. If it's no strings fun, great, communicate that. BUT, if it's a long term commitment, then we have to set ourselves up to suceed. We might not be having all the no strings fun in the meantime but if that's not what you what. Or, maybe it's a combo of the two we are after, some no strings fun until a long term commitment. All well and good but, gotta keep the lines of communication clear.

If a person wants a longterm commitment then they should not set themselves up to just be an easy fuck. Regardless of the line of bullshit that is being spouted off. "Oh, you only want a long term collared relationship? Well, then you won't mind if we don't have sex or any M/s type interaction until we get to know one another ALOT better!" If they stick around, they are being truthful.




.."There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. " Edith Wharton

(in reply to LaTigresse)
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