RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (Full Version)

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lobodomslavery -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:15:42 PM)

To shun someone just because they have mental illness or and are on welfare. Pretty heartless. How does any of us not know that we will be ill in the future. ? Would we like people to shun us, to talk of us as if we are bothersome? I know I would not. Ive been there. The stigma is terrible. We need to be far more enlightened in our attitude towards mentally ill people. The mentally ill people are not a burden on anyone. They are just seeking what every other person is seeking in this world, companionship and love. Do we deny them this because they are ill.? Is the criteria that you must be 100% to serve? Very narrow minded . Very prejudiced. The mentally ill deserve our support and love not criticism and exclusion

LaTigresse -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:19:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: lobodomslavery

To shun someone just because they have mental illness or and are on welfare. Pretty heartless. How does any of us not know that we will be ill in the future. ? Would we like people to shun us, to talk of us as if we are bothersome? I know I would not. Ive been there. The stigma is terrible. We need to be far more enlightened in our attitude towards mentally ill people. The mentally ill people are not a burden on anyone. They are just seeking what every other person is seeking in this world, companionship and love. Do we deny them this because they are ill.? Is the criteria that you must be 100% to serve? Very narrow minded . Very prejudiced. The mentally ill deserve our support and love not criticism and exclusion

Kevin, you are only looking at the mental illness from one narrow point of view. Not everyone can be supportive. I know for me, it would be very difficult. I am not wired to be that empathetic and patient to willingly take on a mentally troubled individual. It is very likely that I would only be causing harm.

Granted, it totally depends on what the issue is, but I know me. I know that most issues are not going to be something I deal well with. Why would I be so irresponsible as to try and do something I already know I can't and cause potential harm?

Nikitaa -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:20:28 PM)

Topic Title: "Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"?

Why would not a dominatrix without much money want a wealthy submissive? If submissive had other qualities she desired then what is wrong with her wanting stability? Money makes life more easy.

Seems there is many financially stable submissive men on collarme or maybe they lie. I have received two offers to support me from men claiming they are wealthy and many offers from men claiming to they are financially secure. I tell them I can not be purchased. If I were poor girl I might have temptation for offers.

LadyPact -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:21:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Sylverdawn

I think that if you have been gainfully employed.. are attempting to be re employed... have been able to maintain employment for a significant amount of time.. I think what most women are saying is please be without excess amounts of baggage... I dont think a Male Dominant wants a girl who is 100,000 in debt, living on welfare with her kids and has mental health issues.. I would welcome a friendly email from anyone  would I want to be in a relationship in which its my job to deal with said issues ... Im sorry but thanks but no thanks .. Im willing to listen but I wont be taken for a sucker...

I would absolutely be open to helping someone who was willing to help themselves...

I think there is a difference btwn giving a hand up rather than a hand out.. and in this case the addage it was a case of it being more blessed to give than to recieve

Bingo!  I couldn't have said this better. 

I'm not against someone who needs a help up.  Plenty of us have been in the position in our lives to need a new start.  There's a huge difference in wanting to get on the feet again and sitting on the ass collecting a govt check.

lobodomslavery -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:29:33 PM)

Mentally ill people are not crying out for psychological support. They just look for social companionship. Most people have mental illness because of the way they are mistreated by society from an early age, told they are this and that. Friendship and social companionship is all mentally ill people look for. To be treated with compassion. To be loved. Not to be walked on and trampled or considered somehow incapable of doing normal things. All these stereotypes dont help. Most mentally ill people are just as capable of being efficient as normal citizens. One in four of us will either fall mentally ill or know someone suffering from a mental illness.. It is not about one person either. The whole community needs to row in and accomodate the person.  As far as possible. Im not saying doing everything for that person. Just show a little patience. Show a little kindness. There are no great skills needed.  Social exclusion and labelling are the worst things you can do to a mentally ill person. Equally a hospital is not a place for a mentally ill person. That just enhances the stigma , increases the insecurity that person feels, and the feelings of worthlessness. We need to be inclusive and tolerant.  We need to incorporate the mentally ill into the community and treat them as we would anyone. Negative views from some sections such as the mentally ill will destroy the community is complete nonsense and very destructive. It also belies a huge ignorance and a lack of  understanding of people.  Unfortunately there are members who think this way on this board.

lobodomslavery -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:31:44 PM)

Some people are unable to work Lady Pact for health reasons. Are they lazy people sitting on their ass? Would you really denigrate genuinely ill people? Because unfortunately these words show your prejudice. And unfortunately you are in good company on this board

LaTigresse -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:37:51 PM)

Oh Kevin, that is utter rubbish. I know several mentally ill (per their doctors) people. They need ALOT more than simple, compassion, patience, friendship, love and understanding.

Often they need serious counselling and medications. Quite often they refuse to get either, or they can't due to lack of health insurance and/or money.  I refuse to get sucked into that constant drama. I am not blaming the person, I just will not be involved on a daily basis.

lobodomslavery -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:47:03 PM)

Well what is rubbish is that they are not discriminated against and mistreated by society.
They are. People who have mental illness are more likely to be let go from their jobs. Is this because mentally ill people are not as good at their work as their healthy counterparts? No it is because they are PERCEIVED to be less effective than their healthy counterparts. They are hence given less responsibility and then let go from the jobs on the premise that they are not working at as high a level as their healthy counterparts. I should know. It happened.
How can the mentally ill people ever integrate into society when there are people and some on this board I must unfortunately who seek to patronise and denigrate them at every turn
Similarly calling people who dont work lazy is just blatant blanket statement aimed at insulting the unemployed.
Some people , many people are discriminated against. Many are not given interviews. There is a whole miriad of reasons why people cant work
People need to wise up and start informing themselves before throwing mud

LaTigresse -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 3:48:32 PM)

Kevin, obviously this is such a hot button with you that you are not even going to bother trying to understand what I am saying. We will just have to agree to disagree.

Lockit -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 4:28:13 PM)

Kevin, breath please.  Have you thought that maybe some of us have been in relationships, had family or friends who were mentally ill and might know what we can or cannot handle within a relationship?  Have you actually seen where people, thread after thread have extended a hand to you?  I know I have and yet, you didn't take that hand.  So if discrimination is such a bother and is so bad... maybe other's have extended a hand and had it ignored and decided that it is too draining to even try and would rather leave it to the professionals.  Even in friendships, as you know, as you have spoken on the boards about a friend, that it can upset you when they are being hurt or life is a challenge or when they are off kilter.

You are blaming people for things you actually do not know for sure Kevin and sometimes when you think you see it, you are being very sensitive as this is a touchy subject for you.  That is repeatedly seen on many threads.  If there is a problem, that problem is going two ways Kevin and you have a responsibility in it all too.  When it is always the other person's fault.. we better take a closer look.

One of the first things that is suggested in counseling someone going through a challenge is to not make any big changes right away and to not start new relationships of a romantic nature.  There are reasons for that and people who have been close to mental illness know what a challenge even being close can be and if they are honest enough to state that they can't handle it or get impatient with it, you must respect that and not judge them.  I have seen people of all kinds be supported around here.  They have emotional or mental issues and let me tell you, a great many are depressed.  They are very loved.  But Kevin the difference between them and you is a matter of stages in treatment maybe and attitude.  They are not angry and looking for offence.

When one is very sensitive to something, they will quickly sum something said or done, up and sometimes they make a mistake.  I saw no one condemn the mentally ill... You lashed out Kevin.

Wickad -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 7:30:39 PM)

(fast reply)


I feel really sorry for those that some have labeled mentally ill. How hard it must be to deal with the prejudice that exists due to societal ignorance, only to be followed up by the condescending tones of someone purporting to want to help but really only succeeding in ex-changing one label for another, and giving further credence to the bigotry they profess to hate.

A lot of mentally ill people do not take their medications or get the help they need ... for a variety of reasons (poor me syndrome, a crutch to not have to take responsibility, the meds have awful side effects, lack of medical insurance (some countries), lack of a support structure, denial, etc)

Then ... there are a huge number of mentally ill people who take their medications, follow their doctors advice, monitor their own behaviour and are responsible for their actions (no matter if those actions happen while 'crazy' or sane). Many of these types of people have a mental illness but one would never know it unless they told you. They are called 'high-functioning' by the medical establishment and are the very silent but over whelming majority.

The choice to have a relationship with someone is just that, ... a choice. Some folks don't like their partners to be too tall, others prefer blondes to brunettes, and some don't have the capacity to deal effectively with certain situations (children, ex-partner/husbands/wives/ect, mental illness, religion, etc). We all make choices and we are all responsible for those choices be they good, bad, bigoted, short-sighed, or otherwise.

Simple enough, don't you think???


MsDDom -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 8:20:27 PM)



Besides, stable doesn't have to mean rich. It just means that, a regular job with a steady paycheck.

i expectation is that a man works and is responsible.  there r some subs/slaves out there who dont want to do a damn thing but live a 24/7 D/s relationship and not even be responsible or accountable to that.  basically, lazy as man-boys.

financially successful can be relative.

personally, i don't take care of men (financially), never have and never just sounds odd/weird.

BbwCanaDomme -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/30/2009 8:29:33 PM)

Personally, I do need someone financially stable. I'm used to a certain lifestyle, and while I absolutely don't expect someone to supplement my income, I definitely expect them to be able to keep up with me. If I'm in a relationship with someone, I want them to be able to travel with me, go to concerts, go for dinner, etc. I'm willing to pay my own way, but I'm not willing to pay anyone else's.

lobodomslavery -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/31/2009 12:11:26 AM)

im not blaming anyone for my situation Lockit , not on these boards. i just feel angry at the attitude that some have to the mentally ill. And i sure as hell feel angry at the people who let me down, having said they would back me. Yeah i do , and  i see cases like mine replicated in the newspapers. it makes me sad that mentally ill people are treated as 2nd class citizens because thats the reality

FullfigRIMAAM1 -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/31/2009 12:15:59 AM)

I'm relatively sure that staying angry for as long as you can, and continually complaining, will only keep you in the same place...  I could be wrong, but you may want to try other feelings and expressions, because the *I'm an angry victim thing* only takes you so far on the lovability scale, before folks start to get tired, and ask why.    M

HardToTame -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/31/2009 12:31:30 AM)

In my eyes a mans place is to put food on the table.  It is also my opinion that life shouldn't be wasted and should be enjoyed to its full capabilities, which therefor means, a man should put GOOD food on the table.  A man should work hard to do so, he should enjoy his work and be successful at it so he can provide a women who he see's meets a standard of his desire with GOOD FOOD.

Now, I'm not wealthy, but I mean fuck, why WOULDN'T a mistress want a sub who can spend his own?  If a sub is so poor to have to scrounge and search for a domme who 'loves him for the sub with in' and all that then I think he's only going to get a domme who is well, un kept. ... One of the uglier kind who, crap on about how it's all about the experience and not the sex and all that. 

I would NEVER pay for a domme's service, because I feel it should be an emotional connection as well as a physical and I feel its WRONG to buy emotional and physical relief.  HOW EVER, I think a man should work hard enough to buy gifts of gratitude and greatfulness for the object of his desire.  I also think a women should appreciate his desire and appreciate how much effort he has to go to to earn the money to give her those gifts.  I enjoy buying women gifts, and I enjoy women who enjoy recieving them.   If they're greedy, selfish, material girls, so be it, so long as they appreciate the materials I supply her with then we'll get along great. 

It's supply and demand.  I like to supply what she demands.   She ends up with heaps of shit, I end up with someone to buy heaps of shit for.  I'm greatful for the happiness she brings me, she's greatful for the happiness I bring her, we demonstrate that gratitude via the buying of shit for eachother. 

A man needs to be successful in his own right because if he's not, be it financially, spiritually etc, if he can't define himself as successful, he is a failure.  How can you expect a mistress to value a failure?  If you have failed your of no value, so don't be surprised when your just another slave.  Go have a cry and wank and find one of them chicks with a mustache who can't get a successful man because she's not made a success of herself and crap on about how bad the world is together. 

Otherwise lift your game, and be the man that the women of your desire DESERVES for you to be.   Don't blame the domme.  If shes a money hungry situation and you want her, then you have to decide what you want more.  Her, or the comfort of the situation your in with out her.

(I'm sorry thats in response to no one in particular, just I don't know where to click to have it not have the "in response to" bit at the bottom.)

LadyPact -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/31/2009 5:57:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: lobodomslavery

Some people are unable to work Lady Pact for health reasons. Are they lazy people sitting on their ass? Would you really denigrate genuinely ill people? Because unfortunately these words show your prejudice. And unfortunately you are in good company on this board

Truth be told, some people are.  Some people focus quite a bit more on what they can't do than what they can do.  That can tell you a lot about a person's general attitude.  There's another component to this as far as what is a person willing to do.  Some people are the type to do whatever they can to put food on the table where others are more concerned that certain types of work are beneath them.  That can tell you a lot about a person's character.  I work side by side with a man who's got a degree in journalism.  I have a great deal of respect for him because he's doing what he needs to do to keep a roof over the family's head in tough times.  He absolutely could be sitting at home collecting unemployment, but he's not.  He saw what needed to be done and he did it.  Explain to Me exactly why this is a bad criteria for Me to have a high opinion of him.

Not long ago, I happened to catch one of those feel good news reports that made national coverage.  It was about a distribution center for a major drug store chain who's full third of employees were considered disabled either mentally or physically.  I think it's just a case where one company  is proving that people who want to work can.

In difficult economic times such as these, I don't happen to think a person's employment history, and how they deal with hardship, is such a bad way to see how a person reacts to what life throws at them.  Like it or not, how they catch the ball tells a lot about them.

TNstepsout -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/31/2009 6:03:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: lobodomslavery

To shun someone just because they have mental illness or and are on welfare. Pretty heartless. How does any of us not know that we will be ill in the future. ? Would we like people to shun us, to talk of us as if we are bothersome? I know I would not. Ive been there. The stigma is terrible. We need to be far more enlightened in our attitude towards mentally ill people. The mentally ill people are not a burden on anyone. They are just seeking what every other person is seeking in this world, companionship and love. Do we deny them this because they are ill.? Is the criteria that you must be 100% to serve? Very narrow minded . Very prejudiced. The mentally ill deserve our support and love not criticism and exclusion

Look, it has nothing to do with shunning anyone. We aren't talking about exiling people. We are speaking of making choices about who we bring into our lives and make ourselves (and possibly our children) vulnerable to. I for one am EXTREMELY careful when it comes to that.  If I were to meet someone with a mental illness I might befriend them, and be available to talk to lend support (depending on how rational/irrational they are), but unless there were really managing the illness and doing all they could (not fighting doctors and treatment) then I would have to walk away. I just don't have the extra energy for that.

LaTigresse -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/31/2009 6:09:39 AM)



(fast reply)


I feel really sorry for those that some have labeled mentally ill. How hard it must be to deal with the prejudice that exists due to societal ignorance, only to be followed up by the condescending tones of someone purporting to want to help but really only succeeding in ex-changing one label for another, and giving further credence to the bigotry they profess to hate.

A lot of mentally ill people do not take their medications or get the help they need ... for a variety of reasons (poor me syndrome, a crutch to not have to take responsibility, the meds have awful side effects, lack of medical insurance (some countries), lack of a support structure, denial, etc)

Then ... there are a huge number of mentally ill people who take their medications, follow their doctors advice, monitor their own behaviour and are responsible for their actions (no matter if those actions happen while 'crazy' or sane). Many of these types of people have a mental illness but one would never know it unless they told you. They are called 'high-functioning' by the medical establishment and are the very silent but over whelming majority.

The choice to have a relationship with someone is just that, ... a choice. Some folks don't like their partners to be too tall, others prefer blondes to brunettes, and some don't have the capacity to deal effectively with certain situations (children, ex-partner/husbands/wives/ect, mental illness, religion, etc). We all make choices and we are all responsible for those choices be they good, bad, bigoted, short-sighed, or otherwise.

Simple enough, don't you think???


As Lockit already said, some people have dealt with these sorts of things and know what a struggle it can be. Regardless of treatment.

Mental illness of various sorts, seems to run in my family. What the issues are, seems to depend on the doctor, the type of medication they want to peddle, and whatever the cool new catch phrase of the day is. My mother will very likely remain untreated for the bulk of her life due to her own denial, and partially a lack of finances, but mostly denial.

One of my sisters would never speak to me again if I even suggested she has a problem, even though it is apparent to many of the rest of us she does. To say spending any time around her is difficult, is an understatement. One minute you can be laughing and having a good time then the next she is either screaming at you, or has disappeared crying. She has left family members homes halfway through a visit to return to hers, hundreds of miles away without a word. She rarely comes to mine because her religious views find a great deal to be offended about here. 90% of my movies and music are the work of the devil. The last time she visited she began screaming at me for playing an old Aerosmith CD around her children.

My 28 yo daughter was in and out of mental health treatment, attempted suicide or threatened it multiple times, dealt with drug addiction as a form of self medicating, and has been on various medications, since early teens. Not to mention the thousands of dollars I spent on every alternative holistic anything I could research and find. Now, at age 28, she has taken responsibility for her wellbeing and lives a productive and relatively happy life. YET, there is NO WAY, I would want to live with her!! As much as she as changed and improved, she can be hell on wheels when she has forgotten, or run out, of meds. Or, as when she was pregnant then breastfeeding, and did not want to take anything. I may not care for her husband but I have tremendous respect for the way he deals with her moods and the way she treats him at her worst moments. I quite simply do not have the patience for that sort of thing that he does. I am the fantastic support system that she calls, crying, to vent to, to ask my opinion, to ask for help, anything but having her scream at me for looking at her wrong, or throw a pan at because I said or did the wrong thing. Those are the things living with her like he does, that I would struggle with.

That is just three examples. There is also the alchoholic father, the shopoholic brother......and on and on..

So yeah, I love these people, I support them as much as my resources will allow, I will do damned near anything for them, but I cannot live with their issues day in and day out and be the support system they need, in that way. I don't have the patience. It really is that simple.

My appologies to the OP for the side track.

subtlebutterfly -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/31/2009 6:14:28 AM)

I was too lazy to read all the answers, but I honestly would expect my partner to be financially STABLE, not necessarily super duper rich (well not that I'd oppose to it[:D]) If it's too much to ask that a person is financially stable then gawd help us all..[8|] I think both sides.. subs/dominants and well..honestly I think ALL people have the right to ask for a financially stable partner.

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