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RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 8:57:14 AM   

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To recall what I said about attributes being one thing, and the superiority/inferiority spin put on those attributes being another - one could easily say here that women are "parasitic" on men - because women are the carriers but men aren't.

That would certainly be creative spin.

As an aside, I still await your response to the previous thread regarding quoted authorities in the field.


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(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 9:15:52 AM   

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ORIGINAL: XYisInferior



To recall what I said about attributes being one thing, and the superiority/inferiority spin put on those attributes being another - one could easily say here that women are "parasitic" on men - because women are the carriers but men aren't.

That would certainly be creative spin.

They always are creative! 

As an aside, I still await your response to the previous thread regarding quoted authorities in the field.

I thought I'd given that response: that those quoted authorities don't matter - because there are any number of authorities that one can quote.  You don't even need to refute one bunch of authorities, you just need to put a different spin on the ones that have been cited and if that doesn't work, find different authorities. 

< Message edited by PeonForHer -- 2/18/2009 9:20:19 AM >


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RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 9:31:35 AM   

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I thought I'd given that response: that those quoted authorities don't matter - because there are any number of authorities that one can quote.  You don't even need to refute one bunch of authorities, you just need to put a different spin on the ones that have been cited and if that doesn't work, find different authorities. 

I thought you'd have a better argument after equivocating, but I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

For the record, let's be clear here: you claimed no respectable scientist would speak directly to male inferiority. I disproved that by citing examples. Now you claim quoting authorities in the field is simply another tactic of spin. A fair enough claim to make in many arguments, but I think the leanings of the quotations speak for themselves.


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(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 9:57:23 AM   

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i was going to say something about how according to this logic, since i was raised by extremely dominant women, i ought to be dominant, too, and how i have heard the arguement all my life from various feminists that women are biolgically or emotionally superior, and that if women ran the world there would be no wars. then i started looking at the hellish way that women often treat other women, and how men rarely do that to one another in the same way.

science has proven what we've all known for centuries. male brains and female brains work differently, but it's not that different than the way one person's brain might work when compared to another's., and we still don't know if the cause is biological or environmental. and in my life i have seen that we need balance in all things, and that includes the gender system...

women need to be strong, to have their voices heard, and to teach people to use the feminine sides of their own natures, which may be better at certain tasks, but the same is true for men.

mindfucks are nice, but female supremicists are taking away my right to be submissive if that's what i want to do, even if it's only in the small way of saying i'm really secretly in charge or that if i knew myself better i'd be a domme. that's not true, and i'm sick of hearing it from people.

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Profile   Post #: 104
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 10:32:30 AM   

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ORIGINAL: XYisInferior



I thought I'd given that response: that those quoted authorities don't matter - because there are any number of authorities that one can quote.  You don't even need to refute one bunch of authorities, you just need to put a different spin on the ones that have been cited and if that doesn't work, find different authorities. 

I thought you'd have a better argument after equivocating, but I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

For the record, let's be clear here: you claimed no respectable scientist would speak directly to male inferiority. I disproved that by citing examples. Now you claim quoting authorities in the field is simply another tactic of spin. A fair enough claim to make in many arguments, but I think the leanings of the quotations speak for themselves.

For the record, let's be clear here: you claimed no respectable scientist would speak directly to male inferiority. I disproved that by citing examples. 

Indeed you did.  When academics want to flog books to the general public, they'll sometimes spin their research to make it "sexy".  Steve Jones, for instance, loves doing that.  I know that for certain because he's told me so.    He knew he was stepping beyond his field of competence years ago, but he didn't care.  Academics who do that are either at the end of their academic careers, broke, don't care anymore . . .  Whatever - they do lose respect amongst their academic peers.

Now you claim quoting authorities in the field is simply another tactic of spin. A fair enough claim to make in many arguments, but I think the leanings of the quotations speak for themselves.
Yes, it is a tactic of spin.  OK, let's play with this quote of yours, for the hell of it:

No one can deny the male is a derivative of the female template (why do men have nipples?). That is scientific fact.
Yes, men are hyper-tuned versions of women.  Women are the basic model, men are the coupe versions.

No one can deny Women are more genetically complex than men (XX vs. Xy chromosomes).
Employ the old minimalist argument - simplicity is better.  Complexity is a sign of something badly designed. 

No one can deny men are more prone to a number of diseases . .

An iron bar can't be damaged easily, a finely-crafted sword can. 

., and Women usually outlive men by an average of seven years.
The flame that burns brightest, burns quickest.
No one can deny Women bear the most vital sexual organs.
Sorry - but's too obviously skewed even to be worth bothering with, frankly!

No one can deny the main hub for emotion and memory formation is usually larger in a woman's brain.
Poor women!  No wonder they find emotion so difficult to suppress and aren't, therefore, suited to the top jobs in society.  Jean Jacques Rousseau, a founder of modern liberalism and philosopher of the French Revolution, was insistent on power for men - but not for women.  He thought that they were too 'naturally' loyal to their families to be considered reliable for thinking about civic matters.  To do that, he thought, you needed to be emotionless and cool.  Women weren't capable of that, he believed.  (And he, by the way, was into female domination, as has recently been discovered.)

No one can deny Women have a higher pain tolerance than men.
Oh dear, poor women!  That means that they feel pain less.  Nature designed pain for a purpose, presumably - and women feel less of it?  Well, they must be inferior.  They have less of a certain quantity bestowed on animals for the sake of their survival - ergo, they just must be inferior.

No one can deny Women generally have better sensory ability than men.
Women are too sensitive for the top jobs and to run countries; indeed, to run families. 

No one can deny that on average, Women are healthier than men of their own age.

Evidence that women have easier lives, of course.  They don't live as dangerously.  To corroborate, men have more accidents than women, too.  Men live on the fast track of life. This is why men should do the glamorous stuff and women should sit at home knitting.

You see where I'm going with this?  It's all bollocks, of course.  It's just that I've chosen a bunch of your facts to spin a certain way just for the fun of it, whereas you seem to take your version of spin as the only possible interpretation - without, that is, even recognising that it's spin at all.

It's dangerously out-of-date to think in terms of 'objective facts' that support one sort of social prescription or another.  It has been since even before Hitler tried to do it.  Nowadays, the consequences of doing that could be unimaginably destructive - take, for example, the science of climatology and what has been done with the evidence on climate change. 

We need to wrest ourselves, finally, out of that defunct era of high modernism and the supposed purity and hardness of biological and physical science - it was a buggered up attitude decades ago, never mind now. 


(in reply to XYisInferior)
Profile   Post #: 105
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 10:46:48 AM   

Posts: 1654
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Bingo for Peon. Add to the spin argument the issue that several of the "No one can deny ..." so-called "facts" are eminently deniable, and the XYisInferior argument is exposed as bogus to the extreme.

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 106
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 10:48:52 AM   

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Book Review on David Bainbridge
The X in Sex: How the X Chromosome Controls our Lives.
By David Bainbridge. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press,,_Issue_4,_Pages_i-ii,_547-715_(April_2005)%23tagged%23Volume%23first%3D76%23Issue%23first%3D4%23date%23(April_2005)%23&view=c&_gw=y&wchp=dGLbVzb-zSkzS&_valck=1&md5=8505073f034bcf3049aa393da98a9002&ie=/sdarticle.pdf

I found a few places where, Barbara Migeon felt his explainations on some X and Y things easy to understand and informative... but his relations between mice and human's faulty and his information was accurate 'enough'.
Institute of Genetic Medicine
Johns Hopkins University


No matter how old a woman gets, some men will think she was born yesterday! ROFL... I love this place!

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RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 10:50:17 AM   

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ORIGINAL: XYisInferior



Look, you can see the world any way you want... medical science and all that... but to present it as fact when clearly I have given you some fact's that are right out there if you google them... that would disprove your comment's... you cannot still argue that women are genetically superior to men when it comes to genetic illness.  More women have fibromyalgia than men and have it often times more severely than men.  More women have MS than men... and breast cancer.

From where I am standing... your science doesn't add up.

I've never said Women are not affected by specific genetic disorders. In fact, many of the disorders are found on the X chromosome. In overall aggregate, however, males are more affected by genetic disorders due to their lack of sufficient protection. This is science that certainly adds up, in fact, if you care to do some reading. If you wish to refute that evidence, that is certainly your right, of course.

There is often no "error" in the Y chromosome. Genetic disorders follow along the X chromosome more often than not. Please explain how that fits neatly into your plan of proof? It's not about "added female protection". It's about the natural genetic design of the sexes. It's also really interesting, that as a male, who considers himself "inferior" you keep telling a female, who's supposedly "superior" why she's wrong.

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RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:14:25 AM   

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Strangely, missfrillypants, I had an idea that you wouldn't be a female supremacist as soon as I read your nickname.  Call it 'male intuition' 


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RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:15:26 AM   

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It's dangerously out-of-date to think in terms of 'objective facts' that support one sort of social prescription or another. It has been since even before Hitler tried to do it. Nowadays, the consequences of doing that could be unimaginably destructive - take, for example, the science of climatology and what has been done with the evidence on climate change.

We need to wrest ourselves, finally, out of that defunct era of high modernism and the supposed purity and hardness of biological and physical science - it was a buggered up attitude decades ago, never mind now.

The problem is your "spun" versions can easily be tested with facts. Do the research; I have presented plenty of opening trails, and for one who claims to be such an insider, the lack of evidence you bring to the table to support your refutations is revealing in of itself.

And Hitler? He was male, correct? Enough said.


S a h a r a h E v e . c o m

Do your own homework. Write your own stuff.

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 110
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:21:14 AM   

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It's also really interesting, that as a male, who considers himself "inferior" you keep telling a female, who's supposedly "superior" why she's wrong.

A bit of a conundrum, isn't it? I guess you can be biologically superior, yet mentally deficient?

And what about people with XXY chromosomes? Since X is superior to Y, and Y is presumably better than nothing, wouldn't you have to say that XXY is supreme?

(in reply to BoiJen)
Profile   Post #: 111
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:27:27 AM   

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There is often no "error" in the Y chromosome. Genetic disorders follow along the X chromosome more often than not. Please explain how that fits neatly into your plan of proof?

I believe I already addressed that, in fact. The Y chromosome is puny and less complex compared to the X. Comparitively, it performs fewer functions. Today, the human Y chromosome itself contains only 78 working genes. In other species, Y degradation is worse.



It's also really interesting, that as a male, who considers himself "inferior" you keep telling a female, who's supposedly "superior" why she's wrong.

The way one debates can be challenged; it is not a statement on the value of the individual, obviously.


S a h a r a h E v e . c o m

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(in reply to BoiJen)
Profile   Post #: 112
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:28:48 AM   

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In brief, this is not the most balanced or rigorous book on either sex or the X chromosome. However, it is worth reading and fills a void that is best appreciated by reading it.


No matter how old a woman gets, some men will think she was born yesterday! ROFL... I love this place!

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Profile   Post #: 113
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:29:34 AM   

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ORIGINAL: missfrillypants

women need to be strong, to have their voices heard, and to teach people to use the feminine sides of their own natures, which may be better at certain tasks, but the same is true for men.

mindfucks are nice, but female supremicists are taking away my right to be submissive if that's what i want to do, even if it's only in the small way of saying i'm really secretly in charge or that if i knew myself better i'd be a domme. that's not true, and i'm sick of hearing it from people.

I can see your point on that. The Female Supremacy philosophy I know doesn't take away the value of the good in a person, or their rights to do as they please.


S a h a r a h E v e . c o m

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(in reply to missfrillypants)
Profile   Post #: 114
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:38:51 AM   

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The problem is your "spun" versions can easily be tested with facts. Do the research; I have presented plenty of opening trails, and for one who claims to be such an insider, the lack of evidence you bring to the table to support your refutations is revealing in of itself.

It seems you're missing the point. Even if your "facts" are correct as you report them, your interpretation of them, and the conclusions you draw are the larger problem here. Your reasoning is not supported even by your facts.


And Hitler? He was male, correct? Enough said.

Oh gosh, you're right! And Marie Curie was female. Gee, I guess it's case closed.

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RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:44:10 AM   

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ORIGINAL: hardbodysub

It seems you're missing the point. Even if your "facts" are correct as you report them.

There is really no even if shoulder room there, but if you insist on it being present, I won't stop you.


S a h a r a h E v e . c o m

Do your own homework. Write your own stuff.

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Profile   Post #: 116
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:46:48 AM   

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ORIGINAL: XYisInferior


ORIGINAL: hardbodysub

It seems you're missing the point. Even if your "facts" are correct as you report them.

There is really no even if shoulder room there, but if you insist on it being present, I won't stop you.

Good. Because there is room to dispute what you report as fact.

(in reply to XYisInferior)
Profile   Post #: 117
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:48:51 AM   

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David Bainbrige is who you quote.  Why is it that other's in the community find some of his work in veternary medicine compared to human medicine/science questionable, yet he presents some information easy to read and worthwhile, yet accurate enough and some points not in agreement with their own knowledge base?


No matter how old a woman gets, some men will think she was born yesterday! ROFL... I love this place!

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Profile   Post #: 118
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 11:49:26 AM   

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ORIGINAL: hardbodysub


ORIGINAL: XYisInferior


ORIGINAL: hardbodysub

It seems you're missing the point. Even if your "facts" are correct as you report them.

There is really no even if shoulder room there, but if you insist on it being present, I won't stop you.

Good. Because there is room to dispute what you report as fact.

I await the results of your homework.


S a h a r a h E v e . c o m

Do your own homework. Write your own stuff.

(in reply to hardbodysub)
Profile   Post #: 119
RE: Experiences of female superiority in real life.. - 2/18/2009 12:06:14 PM   

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I'm writing an article for a DNA conference in my other window.  Despite your claims of having done "research," you can't produce a single article supporting your position from a peer-reviewed academic publication, because 99.999% of biologists think your position is BS.  I'm going with the vast majority of actual, professional scientists on this one.  You can hang out with the perpetual-motion-machiners and the aluminum-hat-wearers for the rest of your life, if you so desire.

Your Lady used to have a #1 slave who was brilliant.  It's a shame.


Not with envy, not with a twisted heart, shall you feel superior, or go about boasting. Rather in goodness by action make true your song and your word. Thus you shall be highly regarded, and able to live in peace with all others.
- 15th century Aztec

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