RE: Low Income Dominants. (Full Version)

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Quivver -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 6:39:52 PM)

God how I do HATE $$$$$'s.... yea they buy nice things, but ~things~ are only things.
Of course though i'm speaking from a vantage point of being at the bottom of the feeding pool at this moment and my individual moves are only lateral, which is one HUGE reason I'm not looking for any kind of ownership at the moment. I need to know not only for a Domniant but also for myself that I can and am self sufficent. Personally I would not look for financial stability in any grand sence as as I would be a level of daily comfort, or in a better sence, can the bills be paid. That can be with one income or preferable two as I like work. Although for me, I like working with another, in the background, that stable place just out of the limelight where I can be of service. I've met many Blue Collar Dom's in my time and by all rights I've found many of them have more Honor for me to find Awe in. So, I guess to sum it up, I'll take Mr right long before I'd look to a Wallet.

AAkasha -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 6:59:41 PM)

Money (or lack of) also is an indicator of a lot of other factors:

* Are they able to get and keep a job?
* Are they ambitious at all, or happy with "barely getting by"?
* Are they financially responsible?
* Are they misers?
* Are they obsessed with material things and consider it a status thing?
* Are they generous with their money as well as their time?
* If they have it, are they happy to give it away to those that need it?

I could be happy with someone at pretty much any income level or status, as long as their lack of funds was not a representation of a lack of living skills/planning skills, or -- on the opposite end -- as long as their abundance of funds was not a representation of being greedy, materialistic or unethical.


IronBear -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 7:21:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Dear Sirs and Madams,

I am also a low income dominant, is this where I sign up for assistance?

Ron, me old china,

As soon as I can get the US health department to agree I'll send you a Roo carcus (all nicely butchered and dressed), and a few kilos of Queensland Banana Prawns along side a couple of 18 gallon kegs of Fosters.. You can either sell it for a huge price or eat and drink to your heart's content.......and no Neets wont be accompanying them this trip [:D]



God how I do HATE $$$$$'s.... yea they buy nice things, but ~things~ are only things.

I'll take Mr right long before I'd look to a Wallet.

Hi ya Quivver, sweetheart it's good to see you here again.

PrincessinLatex -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 7:23:03 PM)

I think all in all what I would focus on is *why* the person is in the "low income" status. Is it because of fiscal irresponsibility? Poor financial planning? I'm by no means rich, but I'm able to get the many many things that I want. Sometimes I even have to wait a few weeks to get them.

I personally wouldnt want a submissive that felt he *needed* to take care of me because I couldnt take care of myself. How can you base a D/s relationship on pity? On the flip side. . .I'll be DAMNED if I take care of a grown person that I cant claim on my taxes.

I'll admit that I'm put off by people who cant do certain things that I want to do in and out of the lifestyle. I tend to hang around people my age and I think that it is reasonable to expect us thirty-somethings to be able to buy plane tickets and make accomodations for travel for instance. It's just a bummer when they cant do the things that I (and the other people I hang out with) do.

A lot of people have a plethora of excuses for why they are where they are. . .but I think a lot of it could have been avoided. I dont use "wealth" as an indicator or morality or a baromoeter of a person being good or bad. Being poor isnt morally reprehensible. I do use it as a criteria for a mate. . . .personal preference.


veronicaofML -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 7:52:03 PM)

well said!

siamsa24 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 8:18:41 PM)

Personally, I make significantly more then my (mainly) dominant partner. I love him very much and have come to terms with the fact that he may never be a stable provider, he likes to work with his hands and there isn't much work for that around here.
I have a stable career and have many chances to go further up in the company over the next few years so I am happy with being the main provider in the household. He is not irresponsible with his money and he works as much as he can, but there just isn't work around here for him (except in the summer)

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 8:30:00 PM)

If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on.

siamsa24 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 8:33:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on.

Which is why these relationships are generally between two adults, that way both have the ability to take care of themselves and both of them generally have the ability to work.

IronBear -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 8:33:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on.

Soooo, you would fix a minimal income level for all Dominants and those who didn't pass you would kick them out from the lifestyle.... Yes?

KnightofMists -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 8:57:21 PM)




ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on.

Soooo, you would fix a minimal income level for all Dominants and those who didn't pass you would kick them out from the lifestyle.... Yes?

And if there is mimimal amount well... just how much should it be? But, lets not stop there... how about other requirements/standards that a Dom should adhere too. mmmmm like um health level.... don't want the Dom dropping dead because they are unhealthy... who is gonna take care of the poor slave then... maybe they should be buried or buried with the Dead Master... kinda like Eqyptian style... So what is healthy... well if you eat junk food your out... that can't be healhy... maybe you need to run a mile in so many minutes and so many push ups and sit ups.. you know a basic physical fitness thing... Kinda like what the army does for basic training... HEY there's an idea... lets get the basic army training manual and adapted it alittle for the standards of minimal fitness required. Maybe Wanna be Doms can go to the Dom's Get Fit Training Club and then go to the to other course along the way before they can call themself or even be recognized as a Dom/Domme..... mmmmm well of course they can't enter into the program until they pass the minimum requirements too... Only attractive people allowed and the appropriate Credit checks done ... this program not cheap... need to pay for it some how. Any other minimum requirements ?? OOOOOOOHHHHHHH yeah... can't have stupid people!!! you have to have more than grade 12... hell maybe you should have two degrees from an Approved college... we can't just let and educational instituation be acceptable... Harvard, Yale and few others would be acceptable... BUT come on... you really don't what College of NITWITS being an recognized educational degree of recognition do we.... I mean ... don't we have a enough NitWits... we don't really want them to be Doms do we.... Even if they have money... well maybe if they have LOOOTTTTSSSS of money we can let them in the club... But it has to be lots not just some!

well just a few thoughts to get the ball rolling on the appropriate standards to be allowed into the DOM CLUB and get that glorious slave /sub

IrishMist -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 9:02:45 PM)

Darn KoM...depressing [&o]


If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on

Feline, you usually have such sound advice...this is the first time I have come across something of yours that really shocked me...I am having a hard time understanding how you could say such a thing....I don't see why money or health should be an issue. If you want to be with someone...that's all should matter

caitlyn -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 9:13:20 PM)

Maybe I'm in the mood to get flamed.

I'm only interested in dating people that have a good job and make a good living. Some may think that's shallow, but I see it as knowing myself. I like to go out, and like to have fun. That takes money. I will be in college for about seven more years ... so if I want to go out, that means dating people that can afford it. With luck, some day I will graduate and priorities will change. I will have my own money to go out. Priorities will always be different for every person.

In all this discussion, an important point might be to remember that nobody is twisting arms. People make their own decisions.

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 9:15:43 PM)

Being an adult doesn't mean you can take care of yourself, One of my friends has to choose between gas or feeding himself all the time lives on hotdogs needs medical care and can't afford it And he's an adult and he works but he still aint making it.

by taking care of yourself I mean have means to feed yourself clothe yourself,


ORIGINAL: siamsa24


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on.

Which is why these relationships are generally between two adults, that way both have the ability to take care of themselves and both of them generally have the ability to work.


But, lets not stop there... how about other requirements/standards that a Dom should adhere too. mmmmm like um health level.... don't want the Dom dropping dead

Littlepita -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 9:18:02 PM)

My Dom and I are both relocating to a new city and bringing next to nothing but our most important things with us. I have quit my job, moved out of my home and am in the middle of getting my divorce finalized. I saved my money and paid for my divorce, but my Dom is supporting me right now while I wait to be done here and can move to him.

He asked me the other night if I had given any thought to rather I would want him if he was poor and unable to provide the things he can for us. I will be getting a job by the way and contributing when he feels I’m ready to do so or when he is willing to let me off the bed long enough. LOL.

Anyway, I told him that having money isn’t the reason I love him or want him for my Dom. If he was the same man that he is now but poor, I wouldn’t care. As long as he could get money to get to me and work enough to help support us I would be just as happy with him. Yes, money is nice and I like all he is able to do for us with it. But, it’s the man I love, need, and want in my life.

PrincessinLatex -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 9:18:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on.

I guess everyone's response to this is just infused with a lot of emotion. . .because if you take this out of the D/s context. . .it makes perfect sense. I'm sure that if someone you knew who didnt have two pennies to rub together was talking about going to the pound and adopting a dog. . .you'd tell them that they should square their life away first before taking on something like that.

I guess low income needs to be defined here because there is "I'm broke (meaning I've spent more than I allocated to spend this month but I still have savings, room on my credit card, and if needed can liquidate my portfolio)" or "I'm broke (meaning I dont have shit to my name.)"

Doesn't it make sense that if someone is going through some shit in their lives like that. . .they shouldnt be actively searching to take on more responsibility? Isnt that the RESPONSIBLE thing to do? And there is the destinction between the pre-exsisting relationships where hardships might come in. . .and not being able to pay the bills YET have the time and energy to devote to looking for new slaves. What would you make of a person that did that?


FelinePersuasion -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 9:18:22 PM)

Opps KOM not IB

Nope but I'd recomend not trying to take on a slave till they were not almost destitute or barely making it.

By my statement I don't mean a hard month, or a hard week I mean nothing at all to name, constantly unable to go one week with out worrying about starving or loosing their place cause rent.

Recomending Not taking on slaves when you can barely make it yourself isn't kicking someone to the curb, so to speak. It's just not a great idea to take on a slave when you're barely above sinking yourself.

Soooo, you would fix a minimal income level for all Dominants and those who didn't pass you would kick them out from the lifestyle.... Yes?


all the time lives on hotdogs needs medical care and can't afford it And he's an adult and he works but he still aint making it.

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 9:24:08 PM)

Irish it sounds bad, but I don't mean like someone who's having a hard time for a little bit we all do. How can you offer security to someone when you're about to be homeless cause you can't pay rent. Or How can you assure them you'll be there for them and build something when someone may be minutes away from loosing everything.

How can someone take on the care of someone else when they're so down and out, not just a hard time down and out totaly and constantly?

I've had opps gonna be hard months, one month I couldn't afford dog food so I borrowd money, but normally I am regularly able to buy his food pay the rent ect ect, but If I was constantly near eviction, or constantly borrowing money to get by to feed myself, I couldn't responcibly see taking on a slave.

I don't mean little hard patches, I mean constantly all the time not having litterallty a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, to take a quote from my dad.

Life choices, Do you spend your last 3 dollars on getting home from work and not eat for the week, or do you eat a meager meal and end up walking home. Do you go to the dr when you're sick and missp aying rent and risking eviction, or do you pay the bill but spend a month with bronchitus because you needed the money to keep your house.

Things like that, always and constantly forever having to choose to between what little you have ie food, and scraping by or getting something you need and going with out other vital things, like getting medical care when you need it.



Darn KoM...depressing [&o]


If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on

Feline, you usually have such sound advice...this is the first time I have come across something of yours that really shocked me...I am having a hard time understanding how you could say such a thing....I don't see why money or health should be an issue. If you want to be with someone...that's all should matter


....I don't see why money or health should be an issue. If you want to be with someone

sanita -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 10:19:02 PM)

To opine about the original post:

To each their own.

Financial status isn't a part of what makes a person Dominant to me, though. There are Doms that i would never be interested in, because of my taste. There are many who would have no interest in me. Fine. A sub may want a Sugar Dom/me, or a Dom/me may want someone who will provide for Their every need financially. The variety in preferences as dating criteria is the same in all lifestyles, Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Neopolitan, or Rocky Road. Some think money is important, some don't. It doesn't disqualify someone from being who they are.

me? Too late, i already love Him and intend to marry Him, and look forward to getting a better place with Him.

Master moved into my one bedroom apt the day after Christmas. We are crowded, and i have been the only one with income for the past month. Now, before He moved in, i was living pretty much paycheck to paycheck, but slowly improving my situation credit-wise, and getting a little ahead budget-wise. He has been actively trying to find a decent-paying job for the past month, and is actually out on His new job right now.

Could i have afforded to continue support us? Probably not. If this new job gives Him as much work as we hope, He could probably support us in a better place. (My ceiling leaks, and it is not the nicest apartment, but i have not been able to afford to move myself for 8 years) i'd still work, though, to get us ahead, to build a future.

He was harder on Himself for not being the breadwinner than i would have ever been. One of the things He loves me for, is that i am able to take care of myself. Knowing that, He wants to be able to take care of me. i like the idea of Him taking care of me, but i am not about to ditch Him because He is not at that place.

when we have unmentionables, i want to be financially comfortable, and able to provide for a family. So yes, our ability to provide for our home and family is important. That is more a character thing, than a checkbook thing.

My dad has the capability of a six figure income. He has no money sense, though, and is not at all financially stable. That's not a provider mentality to me. Once can take care of their responsibilities on a low income, and one can have a high income and avoid resposibilities. See?

edited because i hit the wrong button.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 10:57:11 PM)

I find it very interesting that this whole thread has been about low-income doms, and no one has mentioned low-income DOMMES.

As usual, we don't seem to be getting very far beyond the idea of the male as provider for the female.

AAkasha -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (1/28/2006 11:17:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

I find it very interesting that this whole thread has been about low-income doms, and no one has mentioned low-income DOMMES.

As usual, we don't seem to be getting very far beyond the idea of the male as provider for the female.

I know I'm not the only femdom that is the breadwinner in the household (my partner doesn't even have a job nor will he ever have to get one). Many of the femdoms I know are self employed/business owners or have very successful careers (and not necessarily as pro femdoms).

But even though he doesn't have to work, it doesn't mean he is a deadbeat, or unemployable. He's got a university degree and could easily make a living and support both of us if I felt like sitting at home all day watching daytime TV. The fact remains that I have more earning power than he does based on my career and age, and I love what I do for a living and wouldn't change anything.

Money doesn't mean anything to me. If it did, I wouldn't have courted a guy who had never had a job out of college. If it meant anything to me, I'd make him go out and get a job so we could be Dual-Income-No-Kids and buy luxury cars and a couple of sailboats.

I'm tired of the stereotype that femdoms are driven by money.


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