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RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure?

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RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/20/2009 8:37:52 AM   

Posts: 2860
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ORIGINAL: LadyNTrainer


ORIGINAL: OttersSwim
Honestly, people come to this site and they have a personal responsibility to understand -where they are- and -who they are dealing with-. 

I would argue that individuals also have the personal responsibility to represent themselves fairly and honestly, within reasonable parameters for respecting personal privacy.  Akasha has consistently done so, despite cloudboy's contentions to the contrary.

I agree.  In this case, I believe that it is casual to the most obvious observer  that Aakasha is a pro - it is writ large in her signature in every post in the form of a big fat link to her site -and- a tagline that to my mind puts her in the -without doubt- represented fairly and honestly category.

CB:  I am not sure what the underlying truth of this situation is, and I got a little strident and in your face in my reply above.  You and Aakasha are both valuable members of this forum with interesting points of view and a desire to participate in the community here.   Bury the hatchet in something other than between each other's shoulder blades (or mine )  and move on. 


I am on a journey of authenticity and self.

(in reply to LadyNTrainer)
Profile   Post #: 241
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/20/2009 9:03:45 AM   

Posts: 4429
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ORIGINAL: LadyNTrainer


As for suspicions, I suppose my greatest was when she was looking for a secondary partner for what seemed like 18 MOs - 2 yrs, and it came to look like simply a lure for attention to sign up for professional sessions. Sorry, anyone with half a brain had to get suspicious there. [Those reading the Ask a Mistress Board]

Let me give you a short look inside a domme's headspace.  Finding a secondary partner is *hard*.  I've been at it myself for quite some time, but I mostly stick to trolling local BDSM mailing lists and poly events, because unlike Akasha, I'm really not set up to deal with long distance situations, or bringing someone in who might not have a job in this area initially.  I do get a lot of people approaching me on this profile asking for a personal relationship, but they're *not* the best candidates for clients.  It's not a good "marketing shunt" at all, and it's not why I'm looking for a secondary partner.  I'm looking to add a third into my current household because my primary sub/partner is bisexual, I really enjoy the dynamics of a trio in so many ways, and the "leather family" model has historically been a very good thing for me and my nontraditionally genderbent partners.  The person we're looking for is a pretty rare bird, and we're both aware that the search is realistically quite likely to take some time to find the right fit.  It will surprise no one if it does take us a couple of years to find a candidate.  Poly can be like that; it gets exponentially harder to manage the wants and needs and emotional health of more people in a relationship.  Unless you want dysfunctional poly, which is No Fun. 

The last thing the average pro domme wants is to have guys confused about what the expectations are in a session.  I'm not talking about your "stealth pros" who pretend they are personally interested, then demand "tribute".  I'm talking about the ethical, smart and serious ones who know why it's a good business model to keep a separation.  For starters, the last thing I need is to be up on prostitution charges because I blurred the lines between the professional, nonsexual "kinky fitness" services I offer, and a personal session that will involve hot men getting nasty for my amusement.  Like church and state, this shit seriously has to stay separate.  There can't be any personal boundary crossing, and I don't even want clients trying for it.  Managing that is just too difficult and dangerous.  Yes, I'm tempted when cute bisexual clients show up.  No, I'm not going there, unless I'm willing to fire them as clients first. I'm not sure what Akasha's parameters are for a secondary, but if she's at all interested in using him sexually, it is very much not worth the massive hassles and potential legal issues of blurring the boundaries between client and personal partner. 

I don't know why you're "suspicious" of Akasha.  The truth is that she's a very amateur pro domme, in the sense that she's barely dabbling in the business end and not making nearly as much of a go at marketing and getting clients as she definitely could.   She's a smart woman and very good at business, but she's applying those smarts to her vanilla career and not at all to her domme life.  Think about it - what could she be doing to get lots more attention if she really was out to do more than amuse herself with very occasional phone sessions?  It would be considerably less subtle and far more effective than advertising for a secondary.

It boggles the mind.  I am *always* looking for a secondary partner.  And if it was a bait and switch, seriously, and I was luring guys in and then asking them for cash or telling them I was going to do sessions with them, don't you think someone would have heard about it?  Why would I fish in "this" (collarme) pond, and not my own (highly successful, incredibly visible) femdom site?  (direct at him, not you, LadyNTrainer).

Considering how visible I am on these boards and on collarme, and how prominent my web site is, and how bitter sub guys are, it doesn't take a genius to think that at least ONE of these "duped men" would come back here crying and screaming on these threads and I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Yet, not one person has.  Not even a mere complaint.

And LadyNTrainer thanks for pointing out what I have already, but he doesn't listen to that; I'm a marketing professional and it's insulting to me that he thinks I'm promoting my business.  If I were promoting my Web site or "pro sessions" I certainly wouldn't be calling out every desperate, ignorant, "new" sub and naive newbies - I would be coddling them, rounding them up and making them my fawning asskissers and enlist them to run around these parts and preach my mantra. Cha-ching!

My real career outside of kink is doing well and I'm very fortunate. 



Akasha's Web - All original Femdom content since 1995
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(in reply to LadyNTrainer)
Profile   Post #: 242
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/20/2009 9:08:28 AM   

Posts: 1584
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ORIGINAL: OttersSwim
In this case, I believe that it is casual to the most obvious observer  that Aakasha is a pro - it is writ large in her signature in every post in the form of a big fat link to her site -and- a tagline that to my mind puts her in the -without doubt- represented fairly and honestly category.

In addition to this clear and obvious disclosure, she speaks in her writings as a lifestyle domme in a 24/7 relationship who is genuinely turned on by male submission, particularly by some aspects of it.  Which is also simply the truth. As far as I can tell, cloudboy (among others) is unwilling to believe that a lifestyle domme can have fun dabbling here and there in the pro world and not be instantly transformed into a totally vanilla gold digging sleaze who is only in it for the money and who is incapable of being really interested in BDSM or of seeing men as anything but walking dollar signs.   I think we lose our status as human beings under the Geneva Convention also, according to some folks.  I guess doing any pro work is sort of like losing your virginity, or being bitten by a werewolf.  

< Message edited by LadyNTrainer -- 8/20/2009 9:09:04 AM >

(in reply to OttersSwim)
Profile   Post #: 243
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/20/2009 9:20:35 AM   

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I'm a marketing professional and it's insulting to me that he thinks I'm promoting my business.  If I were promoting my Web site or "pro sessions" I certainly wouldn't be calling out every desperate, ignorant, "new" sub and naive newbies - I would be coddling them, rounding them up and making them my fawning asskissers and enlist them to run around these parts and preach my mantra. Cha-ching!

Being an experienced pro who *does* understand the demographics of this market, I find it freaking hilarious that anybody could think that Akasha is making any kind of serious effort at marketing, especially here on the forums.  For starters, the typical online client does not read the forums.  This just isn't a good place to do the come-hither thing, which is why I'm not here shilling either. 

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 244
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/20/2009 9:38:39 AM   

Posts: 4429
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ORIGINAL: LadyNTrainer


I'm a marketing professional and it's insulting to me that he thinks I'm promoting my business.  If I were promoting my Web site or "pro sessions" I certainly wouldn't be calling out every desperate, ignorant, "new" sub and naive newbies - I would be coddling them, rounding them up and making them my fawning asskissers and enlist them to run around these parts and preach my mantra. Cha-ching!

Being an experienced pro who *does* understand the demographics of this market, I find it freaking hilarious that anybody could think that Akasha is making any kind of serious effort at marketing, especially here on the forums.  For starters, the typical online client does not read the forums.  This just isn't a good place to do the come-hither thing, which is why I'm not here shilling either. 

Case in point, since my site is primarily an erotica site, you think I could be bothered to post one of my 750 original femdom stories in the "creative writing" section of collarme, yet instead I am spending my time on here debating with a guy who obviously is obsessed with me.  Akasha gets an "F" in online marketing. It's too much work for me to copy and paste a story daily in the stories section here, at least for now.  I did it a couple of times and I'm just too lazy.  I could, you know, "ask" one of my "devoted followers" to do it for me - (see, it's my marketing brain switching on again!), but it's just *not that important to me*.    Even though people keep asking me to do it, and I know it's great exposure, I don't have time and it's not a priority to me.

I guess I am not trying very hard to promote my site around here.


< Message edited by AAkasha -- 8/20/2009 9:39:01 AM >


Akasha's Web - All original Femdom content since 1995
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(in reply to LadyNTrainer)
Profile   Post #: 245
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/20/2009 12:04:46 PM   

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< Message edited by udaboss -- 8/20/2009 12:44:51 PM >

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 246
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/20/2009 8:09:59 PM   

Posts: 7306
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NP. Its up to the readers to sort it out.

I figure if I cross any kind of inappropriate line, MOD 11 will show up in my inbox.

This all got started about two + years ago when I was commenting on some of the pros who participate on the forums. My post was positive about them, but Aakasha insisted she was not a pro. Arguments ensued. I actually withdrew my claim that she was a pro. Then later in 2007 she posted here about professional phone domination -- and so at that point I felt vindicated and another argument ensued.

I try to be as factual and rational as possible, making judgments based in the MB record.

Diana Vesta never made any issues about it, and she never tried to argue that she wasn't a pro. So, everything was cool with her. (The original post was a positive one.)

Aakasha's view has been that I am obsessive, bitter, angry, and envious -- but my view is that I stepped into some quicksand and could not get out. Claim - denial -rebuttal - escalation --- etc. When something like this breaks out, I feel it always helps to identify who is going ad hominem -- b/c that's always a useful red flag.

Thanks for the note.

(in reply to OttersSwim)
Profile   Post #: 247
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/20/2009 8:29:47 PM   

Posts: 2007
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Ok kids, enough. 



This mod goes to eleven.

(in reply to cloudboy)
Profile   Post #: 248
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/21/2009 9:05:33 AM   

Posts: 2492
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ORIGINAL: LadyNTrainer
Sometimes the ladies who decided they wanted to play too were tipped money for it and sometimes not, but it was very much an off-the-cuff kind of thing for them; this wasn't their regular employment by any means.  In your apparently rather rigid judgment, did any of those ladies lose the right to say they were "just lifestylers" at that moment?  If so, at which moment did it happen? ...When they were given money for it?

Then. If you accept money for doing something, you're a professional, even if it's only part-time and isn't your primary source of income. I ride other people's horses for free - if I accepted gifts over a certain amount, or *any* money as an adult, even $5, I would be a professional for a year afterward, and would be suspended and/or fined if I tried to compete as an amateur. I used to be a professional housekeeper and a professional tutor, since I accepted money for both, even though it wasn't very much, but haven't done either in the past year. I'm currently a computer professional. I can choose to fix someone's computer for free, or to tutor someone, or to clean someone's house as a favour, but I wouldn't do any of them for a stranger on their time schedule. If I wanted to get back into tutoring part time, I'd need to reestablish my credentials and either find a company to hire me, or develop a clientele as an independent contractor. I'd still be a professional tutor, even if I were only doing it for a couple of hours a week.

If people make money from other kinky stuff, they aren't pro-Dommes or pro-subs, they're authors, photographers, or whatever they are specifically being paid for. If they get paid by the person they are scening with to thwack, tie up, or dominate them, they're a pro-Domme. If they get paid to do it by a company who wants to film them, rather than by the other people in the video, they're an actress/whatever the equivalent of a porn star is.

Cloudboy, I think you're being really stalkerish toward Aakasha, and it comes across as rather creepy. I do agree that when she started doing phone/webcam domination (getting paid for membership on her erotic stories site doesn't count), she became a pro-Domme, but people can figure that out for themselves by following the link to her site, and I think she has a lot of insight to offer people. I really enjoy her posts, and your nagging constantly at her is out of line, IMHO.

< Message edited by Andalusite -- 8/21/2009 9:08:07 AM >

(in reply to LadyNTrainer)
Profile   Post #: 249
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/21/2009 10:02:41 AM   

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ORIGINAL: cloudboy
This all got started about two + years ago when I was commenting on some of the pros who participate on the forums. My post was positive about them, but Aakasha insisted she was not a pro. Arguments ensued. I actually withdrew my claim that she was a pro. Then later in 2007 she posted here about professional phone domination -- and so at that point I felt vindicated and another argument ensued.

I think it depends on your definition of pro.  Andalusite gave a fairly rigid definition that works for the horse world. And if you want to go with that, if you think that a woman should be defined as a pro the moment a submissive gives her anything including flowers for her time, then that's a reasonable definition for your purposes.  But does it actually change anything relevant to how she may think or feel or behave?  Based on the actual topic under discussion, which was that a pro domme thinks differently about submissive men, basically views them differently, and has had her viewpoint and feelings and behaviors fundamentally shaped by the need to make her income from them, I'd say that you're looking at much more of a spectrum than a binary model. 

There are pro dommes on one far side of this spectrum, who personally consider BDSM distasteful, who view submissive men as pitiful objects they need to exploit in order to pay their rent, and whose thinking is "all business" when it comes to the scene.  There are pro dommes on the other far side of the spectrum who are basically being pushers to fund their personal habit.  Really nice whips and leather and bondage gear is bloody expensive, and the easiest way a college student can get quick access to a dungeon full of all the goodies that fuel her fantasies is....well, it's not hard to figure that out.  Been there done that myself.   And what's not to like about being paid for doing the things that you want to do anyway as a lifestyle?  Yes, it is possible to be technically a pro, having accepted money for sessions, but still be a lifestyler at the deepest core of yourself.  Who you are at the core of you, much more than "official pro status", will be what influences how you actually think and act and feel towards others in the lifestyle.

The sheer intensity of taking a consenting submissive and making him hurt and cry and suffer for me, the power and passion that is as hot and raw as the living hearts the Aztecs once tore from the chest of a willing sacrifice, that is what feeds and fuels me.  The naked vulnerability of him afterwards, when he trembles and cannot stand, and his eyes are so wide and dark and full that they look bruised.  These are the things I am awed by and profoundly grateful for.  And my eyes must be a mirror to his, I think, for this is the altar at which I worship.  He is John Barleycorn, consort and sacrifice.  He is brutally degraded and taken for the most profane of uses, and thus a god worthy of worship and reverence.  It is the sacred paradox, and it is the deepest truth and the greatest beauty that I can know in this life.  Dea gratias, forever and ever, amen. 

And still, despite being profoundly moved by what I see as a priceless and sacred gift of submission, I am also a pro.   Not all men can make me feel this way, primarily because it isn't actually what they want.   The kind of transaction a client wants isn't usually a giving at all; it's just a taking, and there has to be an exchange for it to be fair.  And that, in a nutshell, is why pro dommes exist.

Some dommes who identify primarily as lifestylers and who think and feel primarily like lifestylers are also willing to cater to client types and fetish laundry list types who have much more to take than they have to give.  Some of them do it often, some do it occasionally.  You can certainly define them as pros, going back to "the moment you take money for anything, you are officially a pro".  But you're not going to be able to predict very well how they may think or feel based on the classic pro domme model.  You'd be a lot more successful predicting how they are likely to think and feel and behave based on a lifestyle domme model, because that is most fundamentally what they are. 

That's what I'm saying about Akasha.  Regardless of whether she does indeed fit the definition of "she took money for a few sessions, now she's officially a pro", she is much more fundamentally a lifestyler, and her personal relationships define her better and encompass her viewpoint and personality better than the occasional phone client. 


Aakasha's view has been that I am obsessive, bitter, angry, and envious -- but my view is that I stepped into some quicksand and could not get out. Claim - denial -rebuttal - escalation --- etc. When something like this breaks out, I feel it always helps to identify who is going ad hominem -- b/c that's always a useful red flag.

I cannot say what you are actually thinking or feeling, but your *behavior* comes off that way, even to someone who is having a hard time believing it of you.  I'm guessing that your quicksand analogy and feeling trapped in an argument you'd probably prefer to just drop is the likeliest explanation. about just agreeing that thinking like a pro is more of a spectrum than a black and white binary, even if the official definition may be expressed as a binary, and both of you retiring honorably from the field with that?

< Message edited by LadyNTrainer -- 8/21/2009 10:10:33 AM >

(in reply to cloudboy)
Profile   Post #: 250
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/21/2009 10:29:08 AM   

Posts: 4429
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ORIGINAL: Andalusite

If people make money from other kinky stuff, they aren't pro-Dommes or pro-subs, they're authors, photographers, or whatever they are specifically being paid for. If they get paid by the person they are scening with to thwack, tie up, or dominate them, they're a pro-Domme. If they get paid to do it by a company who wants to film them, rather than by the other people in the video, they're an actress/whatever the equivalent of a porn star is.

Cloudboy, I think you're being really stalkerish toward Aakasha, and it comes across as rather creepy. I do agree that when she started doing phone/webcam domination (getting paid for membership on her erotic stories site doesn't count), she became a pro-Domme, but people can figure that out for themselves by following the link to her site, and I think she has a lot of insight to offer people. I really enjoy her posts, and your nagging constantly at her is out of line, IMHO.

Thanks for the post Andalusite, and it makes sense. I guess to me, where it gets sticky, is that it's so fluid. Literally that definition could change 15 times in a year for me.  If I did one "phone domination session" for a boytoy who gives me a gift certificate to the spa I go to, does that make me a pro femdom or an actress? 

If for 1 year the only 'kink related' revenue (regardless of whether a profit is turned, or it's just breaking even, or less) is the membership to my erotica site - am I a 'professional web designer', not a pro femdom?  Or am I an author? 

As an example with totally invented numbers:  If my "non kinky career" generates $100,000 of revenue in a year, and my kinky "phone sessions" generate $300 in gift certificates (not cash) in the same year, am I still a pro femdom?

I don't really care about the labeling if it makes it easier for people; but I don't know if at the end of the day, if I don't accept any compensation for domianting a man in the flesh, if that just makes me a phone actress, a writer, and a web designer.  Still, the sum of those things is a tiny blip on my financial radar.

The bigger issue to me has always been this stalkerish obsession and I appreciate that other people have pointed out that they see it to. I will stop responding to him on this thread and, undoubtedly, the future ones he starts. Thanks all.


Akasha's Web - All original Femdom content since 1995
Don't email me here, email me at [email protected]

(in reply to Andalusite)
Profile   Post #: 251
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/21/2009 10:51:26 AM   

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I see no problem with pro domination anyways and I dont understand some of the desperate attempts to shrug the term off, so what if it is an aspect of who you are, supply and demand and all that.


'My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre, and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes.'

Nah I am not happy to see you either

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 252
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/21/2009 11:36:41 AM   

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This is just My personal opinion.

If you are exchanging any type of one on one service of domination, in person, via phone, or on the net for money or gifts outside of a personal dynamic, yes you are a pro domme.  Things like writing books, making whips, selling video clips, or any other thing that is a product, I don't see that as a pro.  Presenting at groups or events where you are compensated for your time or travel, I also don't see as being a pro.  It's kind of silly to try to confuse these categories.

With that said, I'm not a pro.  However, I would have to think that there is some difference on the perspectives between a professional situation and a personal one.  Since I don't have that pro experience Myself, I would suppose it could be similar to the difference between a top/bottom scenario, rather than topping your own submissive during play.  The fact that someone was just a client, rather than a personal dynamic, would have to have an effect in at least some areas.  From that perspective, where experiences are more related to the pro/client situations, I do think it is helpful to make the distinction.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

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(in reply to LillyoftheVally)
Profile   Post #: 253
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/22/2009 8:28:59 AM   

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LadyNTrainer, actually "tokens of appreciation" up to $50 are allowed. I'm not saying that should be the exact cut-off, and there obviously isn't a national organization of femdommes which sets standards! Plenty of people enjoy their jobs, and some would do it as a hobby even if they weren't paid, but if they accept money, they're still professionals. I don't see how taking money makes it "fair," if you don't want to play with someone, if they're just taking rather than giving, just don't bother with them. They don't deserve to get anything, and faking and allowing them the illusion that they can get it, they just need to pay for it, seems to just make them more whiny and demanding.

Aakasha, I'd consider gift certificates and gifts to be a grey area - since you have a specific rate structure set up, I'd consider you to be a proDomme, specifically because of the phone domination. Writing erotic stories makes you a professional author, rather than a web designer, since you've set up your site for your own use, rather than being paid to create them for other people. If someone accepts presents from someone who they are dating or playing casually with, I don't see anything wrong with that, but it's usually more spontaneous on the part of the giver. Once you have a formal "you need to give me x in exchange for a session" it tends to cross the line into being a pro, unless the amount of money is trivial (ie. flowers). It's not about the amount or percentage of income, just that you make money, so you're a pro. I don't have any problem with that!

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 254
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/22/2009 9:01:56 AM   

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The idea that you can use the Internet as an accurate measuring tool for sociological underpinnings is a complete illusion. So forget what you think you have discovered. It is so skewed it is probably going backwards.

As far as the Internet's impact on the BDSM population and how it may or may not serve as an "enabler" (oops, those damn quotes again). I'm sure you could find some studies on how the Internet is impacting society based on controlled experiments performed by professionals. As someone with a degree in Anthropology, I can tell you that every time a new technology emerges, a new symbiotic relationship develops between said technology and the general population. This usually takes some period of time before patterns can emerge. Cells phones are a good example of how this dynamic plays out. Today people can barely live without them in their day to day activities and children are being raised with cell phones as much a part of their lives as vinyl records were a part of their parent's lives growing up.

I will say this...the Internet has served as sort of a "Pandora's Box" (sorry for using quotes, I know it offends some people) as far as what you see for profiles here or on any other website involving people and relationships. Any woman can create a profile and call herself "Dominant" (ahhh, quotes again). But what they understand the term to be may not be what you take it to mean. Perhaps they just like having the last word in decisions or want to control the home finances. Maybe they're simply stubborn minded or control freaks. Ironically they could even be terrified of their own passive tendencies (even in a balanced relationship) and use it as a defense mechanism to hide behind. These are all viable reasons and I haven't even started listing anything related to BDSM. And of course there is a plethora of morons out there just goofing off in general.

I think you will find the Collarme forums to be the place where people generally are being themselves and not playing some headgame. Naturally there are idiots here too but they are much easier to ferret out and generally don't last long because it's too much work on their part.


"It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

"I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde

(in reply to lilboycaught)
Profile   Post #: 255
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/22/2009 9:10:06 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Andalusite
I don't see how taking money makes it "fair," if you don't want to play with someone, if they're just taking rather than giving, just don't bother with them.

They are taking my time, energy and attention, and giving money.  It's a fair exchange.  In my case, the pro work I do is "kinky personal training", which is actually what I'm trained and certified to do.  I just don't work with vanilla clients any more, since it's much more fun to make a submissive man sweat for those last reps and be able to threaten him with a big dildo under the squat rack than to work with snotty kids or bored housewives in the gym. 


They don't deserve to get anything, and faking and allowing them the illusion that they can get it, they just need to pay for it, seems to just make them more whiny and demanding.

They deserve to get what they pay for.  I do have a lot of respect and liking for my clients, and it's totally okay with me that what they want to give is money.  They want a service, I can perform the service.  That is fair and more than fair.  My rates are actually more in line with vanilla personal trainers than with the average pro domme, even though I could get away with charging more because of the kinky element.  I like doing the job I do, and I happen to like doing it in a kinky way.  I do see it as a fair transaction, and I don't have any clients who I think of as whiny and demanding.  They do tend to have a fetish laundry list and specific needs they are paying to have met, but as long as they are honest and up front about it, and respect my boundaries and limits as I respect theirs, we have a good trainer-client relationship and they can expect good physical results as well as kinky fun.


Your dominant Personal Trainer for fitness and body shaping in the lifestyle. Let my fetish be your motivation.

(in reply to Andalusite)
Profile   Post #: 256
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/22/2009 12:49:07 PM   

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And of course there is a plethora of morons out there just goofing off in general.

Hey, why not just call me by name instead!

Must say, I got a kick out of this post.

(in reply to anthrosub)
Profile   Post #: 257
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/22/2009 1:56:23 PM   

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ORIGINAL: cloudboy


And of course there is a plethora of morons out there just goofing off in general.

Hey, why not just call me by name instead!

Must say, I got a kick out of this post.

Well Cloudboy, I'm glad you got some entertainment out of my writing. It was all sincere and I do hope you didn't take anything I said to be directed at you personally. I was however, answering your original post. I didn't bother to scan through everything that's been posted but see by the last few entries it apparently has gone astray a least enough for a Moderator to step in. But that's okay, I've had my share of trouble trying to start something and keep it on track many times as well. Your curiosity is not misguided...hopefully you will never lose goes a long way to keeping you alive in a world that would rather be told what to think rather than think for itself.


"It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain

"I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde

(in reply to cloudboy)
Profile   Post #: 258
RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/22/2009 2:04:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: anthrosub

The idea that you can use the Internet as an accurate measuring tool for sociological underpinnings is a complete illusion. So forget what you think you have discovered. It is so skewed it is probably going backwards.

Thanks for stating this so cleanly.  I was trying to come up with reasons why the Internet population wasn't representative, but your blanket statement saves a lot of fuss.


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

(in reply to anthrosub)
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RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? - 8/22/2009 10:41:14 PM   

Posts: 2492
Joined: 1/25/2009
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I guess I misunderstood. I don't get paid because "it's fair because I have to put up with them." I think that's a rather crappy attitude to have toward clients/customers, although you can't always choose who you will work with. If they are really rude and obnoxious enough that you feel that way, I'd hope you could find other clients who didn't push your buttons like that. If you like and respect your clients, then why is it a question of fairness? You don't choose to work with them or play with them for free, fine, but no amount of money would make it "fair" for me to do anything sexually charged with someone I felt that way toward, and doing so *would* mess with my own sexuality and BDSM aspects in my personal life.

(in reply to DarkSteven)
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