RE: Vaginal orgasm? (Full Version)

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ownedgirlie -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/23/2006 10:39:37 PM)

~ hands you a hanky and tells you I saw your thread!!  I couldn't respond to it though, because my experiences would be way TMI for this board, lol.

LaMspeach -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/23/2006 10:53:34 PM)



Dear fellow female subs... do you have any tips on how to get a vaginal orgasm (as opposed to a clitoral one)?

i could tell you exactly how to do it, but then my poor Master would be so tired he wouldnt have energy for me.

Edited to add: Hint--find your G-spot...if you don't know where it is, e-mail Lam.

OTKkindaGirl -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/24/2006 5:44:55 AM)

:::sniff, sniff:::  honking into the hankie like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. 

thank you very much owned!  *wink*

ownedgirlie -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/24/2006 6:50:55 AM)

Ha!  You are quite welcome :)

MHOO314 -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/24/2006 8:57:46 AM)





edited to add: as twicehappy said, keagle (sp?) exercises help to identify and heighten that ability.

i was beginning to think that i was invisible on these boards and now i am thoroughly convinced.    whaaaaaa, whaaaaa... somebody please call the whaaaambulance!!!  *chuckles*  oh well.... going back into the lurkers closet .... at least i lose the vanilla cone with this whiney plea for some credit. 

I am so sorry, OTK, you are hardly invisible--I do apologize, I was responding in a flurry---shame on Me for the wrong attribution---
so nice to have you here, some cheese for your well deserved whine?

MissTy -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/24/2006 9:32:33 AM)

OTKkindaGirl - you are hereby credited! [:)] Kegels it is!!
And thanks to all for your replies... pretty amusing reading...

rayvnn -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/24/2006 10:41:50 AM)

another way to have a vaginal O is maybe finding if stimulating your curvix is good. she has a short one as her gyno can atest and rayvnn found out when she met her hubbie that when he hit it it was almost as good as hitting her g-spot. she tries to make him have rougher sex just so he will hit it, which doesn't take much.


VvShadowspawnvV -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/24/2006 12:49:40 PM)

Relax. When i was finally able to relax and pay attention without worrying about how i sounded, how i looked, whether i was doing the right thing.... Master had to buy a waterproof cover for the mattress. =)


proudsub -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/24/2006 2:10:20 PM)


Kegels it is!!

I've been doing kegels for maybe 15 yrs, ever since i leaked while playing tennis.  It's become a habit for me that everytime i get in the car i do a series of kegels. They do wonders for stress incontinence as you age, a nice side benefit.  I remember an Oprah show when she found out about kegels and she started doing them right there on TV LOL.[:D]

Daddysredhead -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/24/2006 8:30:54 PM)

I have thoroughly LOVED reading this thread...  kinda reminded me of hanging out with my girlfriends at college, talking about all kinds of stuff, with wild abandon.  [:)]  Such fun and so enlightening...

I was in a virtually sexless marriage for nearly 11 years (although at some point, we must've bumped into each other b/c we had a few kids).  After that chapter closed and I met Master, my libido was jump-started and I returned to the land of sexual satisfaction and exploration.  I have never been a prude and have always thought myself to be pretty adventureous, however, Master taught me a few things about my body that I didn't know it could do.

Clitoral orgasms have been fairly easy to achieve with the right amount of stimulation.  Vaginal orgasms were somewhat more difficult to have, but with the right movements and the right positions (me on top or doggie style), I could have them at times.  In college, I had a g-spot orgasm that made me squirt all over the bed while I was masterbating and I was so freaked out that I never tried to repeat that again.  However, the first time Master and I were intimate, He made me squirt all over the place and was delighted, his smile was absolutely HUGE!  I was mortified, and had my face in my hands.  He pulled my hands away and said, "Did you know you could squirt?  That was awesome!"  I peeked out from behind my hands and started laughing.  That was the start of a love affair with Master's nice big hands and sheet protectors, hospital "chucks," or puppy "piddle pads" that you can get at pet supply stores.  [sm=tongue.gif]

I also have had what was so amusingly called an "assgasm" in a prior reply.  (I just thought that was funny.)  The first one I had was a total shocker for me and Master, and it led to me squirting all over the bed from manual anal stimulation.  I have had a couple since and they feel nice, but definitely different than the other types, as far as my body goes.  I also very recently (within the past two months) have experienced what different people call tantric or mental orgasms.  For me, these are very intense, and usually occur after an intense period of arousal/climax/scening or a mix thereof.  I have had them on occasion while I'm floating around somewhere in my subspacey world and Master tells me to come for Him.  It's like my body reacts on its own, almost Pavlovian, when I am in that particular state.

All I can say is that orgasms are so wonderful and I am so glad that Master was able to help me get over my (ahem...) "dry" spell... lol  [:D], and show me how to enjoy intimacy again, and get out of my head and just feel...  That is the best advice I can give, which has already been given...  just relax, have fun, enjoy, and don't think too much.  [;)]

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/27/2006 4:47:32 PM)

It is a myth is there are multiple types of orgasm. There aren’t. There is only one orgasm, and multiple sensations. You see, Freud started a myth about a clitoral and a vaginal orgasm when he started interviewing women over their sex lives. He found there seemed to be too types, the clitoral and the vaginal. He labeled the first immature, since it was more reported by younger unmarried women, and the second mature, since it was more often reported by older ‘experienced’ women. The younger women were rubbing their clits and the older ones were having sex. IT's really silly that this myth has susvived this long. let me restate this, rubbing your clit until you cum is a clitoral orgasm, having sex until you cum is a vaginal orgasm.

But before I hear someone objecting wildly, read the next section very carefully.

  To understand why this myth is both pervasive and why there is only one orgasm, you must first understand what an orgasm actually is. An orgasm is the combination of certain flares of brain activity, which we will ignore for our immediate purposes, AND a physical spasm in the genitals. This spasm is of the Pubococcygeus Muscles. 

 Do not try to pronounce that, you’ll only hurt yourself. Cut it down to PC muscles for safety.

  Now, first you have to understand that the basic human organism is female. Add certain hormones and you get the development of a male. The clitoris becomes the penis, the ovaries descend and become testacies, the G-spot becomes the prostate, (Or so we currently believe, this isn’t medically proven as yet.) The labia fuse and become the scrotum. 

 Now, the discovery of the G-spot threw more fuel on the fires of the myths of the two, or three, or ten orgasms. Everyone starts wondering how to have each type, are they having the right ‘mature’ ones…. Are they having any at all? The gpsot is inside, maybe it’s causing the vaginal orgasm? You start to hear of things called gspot orgasms and even breast orgasms. 

 Now, since we know the basic organism is female, and we know that most of the parts exist for each in wildly differing shapes, we also know that both males and females have the Pubococcygeus Muscles. These muscles are around the outside of whichever tube you happen to have, be it a penis or a vagina. It is when these muscles have a spasm, that you have an orgasm. And how that orgasm is stimulated does not matter, it is the spasm that is the orgasm (Well, the spasm and the brain activity, but the brain activity doesn’t change much under monitors either, though it surely varies from person to person.)  The spasm can be stimulated by damn near anything in some lucky people. But it is still the spasm that is the orgasm. Without the spasm there is no orgasm. (Though if you have something you thought was one, but isn't, and if you like doing it, by all mean keep doing it.)

 In men, there isn’t too much variety in the SPASM, but women have the potential to have that tube full OR empty. If it’s empty, the muscles spasm against nothing, but if it’s full, they have something to push against, leading to sensations that are distinctly different! But the actual thing that is happening is just the same.  

And the orgasm is the same whether regardless of where the stimulation comes from, or the sensations received as an end result. So there isn’t a gspot orgasm, or a clitoral orgasm, or a vaginal orgasm. There is just an orgasm, and some interesting sensations based on what happens to be getting touched. That’s not to say those places aren’t interesting TO touch, but to recognize that what ends up happening is a certain set of physical actions. That way you see what’s going on so you don’t clutter the place with terms that lack meaning.  

It’s VERY worth noting that weakness in the Pubococcygeus Muscles is the primary cause for frigidity among women. If these muscles are too weak to spasm, you won’t get an orgasm no matter how hard you try. It is absolutely necessary that these muscles be functional if you desire to have an orgasm. And the stronger they are, the stronger the orgasm. It would be like trying to sneeze without a diaphram. IF you can't push air out of your lungs, you can't sneeze.

Dr. Kegal discovered this when he assigned a set of excersizes to some old ladies who were becoming incontinent. They came back with some very interesting stories about changes happening ‘down there.’ The Pubococcygeus Muscles are also the ones you use if you wish to stop urinating. To find them and squeeze them you must urinate, and stop the flow of the stream. Once you do this, these muscles are identified to you, and you can squeeze them as much as you want, thus building strength. Weak PC muscles may prevent you from being able to ‘hold it.’

EDIT, The PC muscles extend around the anal sphincter, thus leading to the 'ass gasm' as it is sometimes called. 

proudsub -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/27/2006 8:34:41 PM)


It is a myth is there are multiple types of orgasm.

Thanks for the information, it makes sense to me.[:)]

littlepetkana -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/28/2006 12:32:11 AM)

For me, clitoral orgasms are a frequent (but loved) occurance. Vaginal orgasms are much better, perhaps because of their rarity.

The only sure-fire way for me to acheive such is to have stimulation, in the area between the "g spot" (although generally this area is no GREAT pleasure for me, comparitively speaking) and what I refer to as my "top/front wall" that is, when i am on top (the best way for this, for me) the top and front. Since the vagina is NOT a square room, but a conical area.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/28/2006 6:41:59 AM)


It is a myth is there are multiple types of orgasm. There aren’t. There is only one orgasm, and multiple sensations.

I think whether you want to say "I had an orgasm and it felt like a vaginal one" or whether you say "I had a vaginal orgasm" doesn't matter.

People orgasm from different things and in different ways.  Is it generally the involuntary contraction of muscles?  Sure.

But a clitoral orgasm feels completely different from an intercourse orgasm feels completely different from a vibrator orgasm feels completely different from an orgasm during anal sex...etc etc etc and they are acheived through many different pathways.

littleone35 -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/28/2006 6:45:56 AM)

Grey i  think iunderstand what you are saying but, i have had both clitoral and G spot orgasams (lucky me) and i have to say the G spot ones are much more intense.  They sure seem different to me.

Matt's littleone

mistoferin -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/28/2006 7:01:03 AM)

It could all be related to different levels of intensity and different types of stimulation and be the same basic function, although speaking as a woman who experiences orgasm in MANY different ways I have a hard time completely buying into the theory. The sensations are certainly different and one can have sensations in one area without the others being involved, including the uterus which I don't think has been mentioned yet. A G-spot orgasm in my opinion, is a horse of an entirely different color as that sensation is unlike any other. Personally, I don't really care what it is that is happening during orgasm as long as it keeps many different ways.....for as long as I can still draw breath!!!!

TNstepsout -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/28/2006 7:33:09 AM)

Same here. I don't care what any expert has to say on the subject. I've had both and they are different.

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/28/2006 7:45:54 AM)

Funny reading all these women talking about their body as if it is the only one and all react the same.  Women's bodies (and men's) are all different, they all react differently.  I have known women who's clitoris need to be given heavy attention for a very very very long time, I have known ones to whom the lightest caress was almost overstimulating.  I have known women to orgasm from foot massages, nipple play, kissing, and my favorite, anal sex.

The above even changes according to the time of month, the daily events, stress, emotions, etc.

As several have noted, doing Kegels helps, you can do them without a toy or they make fairly expensive stainless rods.  What helps most is knowing your body, what feels good, what doesn't and communicating that in a non threatening way.  "Oh god, I would go nuts if you touched me here" works better than "I can't cum cause your doing it wrong".

All that said about women being unique is true so you need to figure out how to use those things to your advantage.  Lots of oral before often helps, foreplay isn't overrated.  Decide where your pleasure comes from, clitoral or g-spot.  For g-spot I have found raising a woman's buttocks slightly in the missionary position (and why doggy works so well for some) and having the man focus on thrusting up, not just in.  This results in the head of the penis riding along the upper walls of the vagina (hot eh?  and to think I hate medical play) stimulating the g-spot.  Depending on how orgasmic you are, sometimes it helps to have cum first, sometimes it helps to have gotten you close a couple of times and backed off, or to just go about the whole think slowly and teasingly.

What will prevent it is stressing over it.  Promising yourself you are going to practice and not focus on cumming and instead focus on just how good it feels helps.  Chances are your practice will relax you enough you will cum anyway once the pressure is off, or at least directed at the right places.

rapture2778 -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/29/2006 9:18:44 AM)

i always thought that i couldn't have a "non clitoris" orgasim either...what worked for me was to get me right on the verge of orgasming then stop stimulating the clit, and continue to do what Moon did such a great way of explaining!!! eventually it will work and it is AWESOME!!  good luck and have fun trying!!!

darq -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/29/2006 9:26:26 AM)

I would just like to point out that in the vanilla world, the majority of women under 35 have never even had an orgasm before ... So lets just all be thankful that we can.

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