RE: Vaginal orgasm? (Full Version)

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Amaros -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/8/2006 9:29:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


And understanding it is quite useful. Once you understand what is going on, you can start to tailor your action to give you the type of sensation you most enjoy. 

I'm afraid I don't follow your logic here. On the one hand you are saying an orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm and it doesn't matter from where it stems, it's all the same albeit with differing levels of intensity. On the other, you are saying understanding the science behind the orgasm will help me tailor my actions? If I already know that I have better orgasms through clitoral stimulation, how is understanding the science behind the orgasm going to change the fact that I have better orgasms through clitoral stimulation?

I'm here to admit, when I'm in the middle of an orgasm, I am most definitely not filling out a shopping list or balancing my checkbook and I'm certainly not going to be concerned with the neurochemical or biological processes which are taking place in that moment.

So, if you can expound on how understanding the process is going to help me somehow, I'm all ears.. or, um, eyes as this is a written venue rather than a verbal one. I'll jump on your bandwagon to better orgasms if you can explain why I'm jumping.


Don't knock science, it lets guys talk knowingly about shit they know jack about.



I wonder if there is a bright young intern out there now who might have the brains to "discover" that women in fact DO have different types of orgasms.  Bet that will cum as a surprise to a lot of women!

In the interests of science, I'd be glad to take notes during Celestes's experiments. [8D]

Amaros -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/8/2006 9:41:55 AM)



So basically people don't give a damn about what's actually going on. *Rolls eyes* And people wonder why they can't keep'em in school.

Wulf, Basically I see a bunch of people who can't be bothered to step back beyond their own fun and pay attention to what they are actually doing, then throw stones at those who actually did the research because they either can't understand it, or don't want to bother to try.

The clitoris appears to be a center of activity, but there is no way to say with absolute certainty that "there is only one type of orgasm" - clearly, there are not, and giving names to them isn't unscientific, it's taxonomy. Insist on your flavor analogy if you wish, but for all practical purposes, it's a distinction without a difference.

I believe this was all covered early on - and then the discussion moved to practical advice and more, uh, hands on topics.

Whattaya suppose happened to MissTy anyway? Practicing I suppose.[X(]

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/8/2006 1:34:21 PM)

Yes but Amaros, you'd be suprised how many FEMALE SCIENTISTS expound the same facts I have listed. Indeed, where do you think I got them? 

Amaros -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/10/2006 8:14:55 AM)

Point is, that to insist on a thing that cannot be confirmed to have an actual 100% probability is unscientific - I don't care if the researchers are women or not. There a lot of politics involved in this issue for reasons I can't personally fathom, from Freudian/Victorian superstitions, to clitorodectomies, denial of the existance of female orgasm, and so on. Thus, I'm immediately suspicious when anybody tries to insist on an exclusionary viewpoint, even when it involves physiology, which is considerably more complex than the "Clitoral only" camp tries to make out. Thre are politics in science, just as there are in any human institution.

Lets stick to the scientific method itself, and the evidence: human physiology, particularly in the area of the nervous system, an area that we have barely begun to explore - the more we find out, the more questions are raised, and since we aren't writing textbooks, but trying to figure out how to get a better orgasm, establishing the probable or practical primary locus is merely a beginning step, not the point of the excercise.

It likely has to do with the type of nerve cells involved or their configuration - pretty much any nerve can spasm, I think everybody has probobly had a facial tic at least once in their life, it's just that there is a high concentration of nerves in this one particular spot, that may or may not be more susceptible to spasming during overstimulation.

This might vary considerably from person to person however. Specific areas of the brain tend to be delegated to specific tasks, Broca's area for example in language, or the visual cortex - this can vary from person to person however, and in cases of injury, entire functional groups can shift to entirely differnt areas of the brain.

This same flexibility seems to be at work in the parts of the nervous system responsible for orgasm - the clitoris appears to be specifically designed to spasm from manual stimulation, and even to become stimulated from psychological stimulation alone - this might be a function of the specific nerve cells involved, but it's more probable that there is some area of the brain that is significantly involved. Indeed, there is a whole range of hormonal resonses specific to brain chemistry that accompany sexual activity at any level, up to and including orgasm.

If we establish the primary locus of orgasm within the brain, and the clitoris simply as the primary sensory organ, it creates an entire new range of possibilities: we already know that there are different varieties of orgasm from anecdotal reports confirmed by research, meaning nerve ganglia outside the clitoris are responding more or less identically to clitoral ganglia, and theoretically at least, any part of the nervous system from tip to toe, could potentially become involved.

This tends to make it a little more difficult to insist that "all orgasms are clitoral", the clitoris may well be the primary or initial locus, but once peripheral ganglia become involved, this is no longer strictly true.

We tend to think that the tongue is the primary organ of taste, but we now know that the olifactory glands play a significant role, and recently, it has been discovered that conversely, the tongue itself even plays a role in the visual cortex.

The brain is hugely complicated organ, and is capable of adaptation - the nervous system is an extension of the brain, and must be assumed to be equally adaptive.

The practical upshot of this, is that theoretically, one can train oneself to expand or even shift the locus of orgasm, and I believe there is enough anecdotal evidence in this thread alone to confirm this, and a variety of techniques identified, both manual and psychological: littlepetkana provides a practical starting point:


The only sure-fire way for me to acheive such is to have stimulation, in the area between the "g spot" (although generally this area is no GREAT pleasure for me, comparitively speaking) and what I refer to as my "top/front wall" that is, when i am on top (the best way for this, for me) the top and front. Since the vagina is NOT a square room, but a conical area. 

- but any number of different techniques are identified, cervical stimulation, G-Spot, etc., etc.

The fact that there is so much variation in technique argues that response varies from individual to individual to some extent, stemming from either physiological or psycholgical causes, or both - experimentation appears to be the key.

Next: multiple orgasms - can you cum like a Jackhammer? Stay tuned!

Bearlee -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/10/2006 8:47:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: twicehappy

Lol, after a quick conference with my Mistress (ShiftedJewel) we made a shopping run to find anything to protect the bed, carpets etc. We found some water proof small bed pads and a tarp for the floor that help but are still looking for something larger. 

twice, I've not yet read all the posts, so please forgive me if I'm repeating here...but you might look for a table cloth made for 'picnic use'.  They are large enough to completely protect a bed; cotton on one side, plastic on the other.  I keep the plastic side down so we have the more comfortable cotton side to lay on (sometimes including towels, as well).  I just toss everything in a hot-wash after use.  They're cheap, too!  :)

Have fun...

Bearlee -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/10/2006 9:03:35 AM)

<grinz broadly>  I couldn't agree more, redhead!  I could have written your post myself!  While I've only squirted once, that whole 'assgasm' thing shocked the begeezus outta me and cuming again, hours after intense play was dreamy.

Ain't life grand?

daddyswaterfall -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/10/2006 2:41:49 PM)

Am a sub and thought there was something wrong with me physically as I was 35 years old and had never experienced an orgasm I didn't bring on myself. I have since found out that orgasms during sex, assgasms, and finger play, fisting can happen regularly. It is all a matter of letting yourself go, mind mostly, and having a Dom or partner that really turns you on. Multiples for me are a way of life now and the g-spot is not a fictional place. I once thought that the fiction part of romance novels was the sex scenes. I now know that mind blowing sex is a fact. It just took the right person and the right chemistry to set me on fire. Don't give up as I had. Just give in and let yourself go. I find when I am with Him he can make me have an orgasm anytime He wants. He knows my buttons because He was patient enough to find them. I didn't know if I had any. He showed me I had many. Now I can cum just to the sound of His voice because I know what He can do to me. It takes time and a patient Dom/partner but wonders never cease once you get there.

twicehappy -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/11/2006 4:41:47 AM)




ORIGINAL: twicehappy

Lol, after a quick conference with my Mistress (ShiftedJewel) we made a shopping run to find anything to protect the bed, carpets etc. We found some water proof small bed pads and a tarp for the floor that help but are still looking for something larger. 

twice, I've not yet read all the posts, so please forgive me if I'm repeating here...but you might look for a table cloth made for 'picnic use'.  They are large enough to completely protect a bed; cotton on one side, plastic on the other.  I keep the plastic side down so we have the more comfortable cotton side to lay on (sometimes including towels, as well).  I just toss everything in a hot-wash after use.  They're cheap, too!  :)

Thank you but they are not absorbant enough if he lets me come more than once, sigh....giggles....There are times a wading pool would not work, lol.

twicehappy -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/11/2006 4:50:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: feastie


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld

I don’t care how she gets any orgasm; as long as I am giving many of them I am satisfied. If you want these ladies to be attracted to you, seduce their minds.

Well said, Loki!  'Specially that seducin the mind part [8D]

Oh Forum God of Mischief you have my vote. I have always held that the greatest sex toy is the human brain. You could move for move duplicate the way my owners handle me but without that mind fuck nothing is going to happen.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/11/2006 4:55:18 AM)

Thank you twice. Considering the respect I have for your house that will inflate my ego from intolerable to down right insufferable.

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