RE: A mature submissive? (Full Version)

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RedMagic1 -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 9:44:47 AM)



I am beginning to find submissives my age somewhat tedious and am now leaning towards the older more experienced submissive. I do not have any experience with older women and would like to talk to some and discuss the idea. I find it psychologically fascinating, and the mind is the most erotic part of the body. In our society we are used to our elders being figures of authority, pretty much all the way through our lives. To turn the concept on its head by dominating an older woman is very exciting and psychologically wonderfully intense and fascinating in my opinion. So, I am looking to speak with some "mature" submissives about this dynamic, so anyone interested feel free to message me. Thanks for reading

I stopped reading the responses you were getting after the first page, because I thought they were hilaribad, so if someone's already said the following, I apologize.

You're describing something that's extremely common for women, both kinky and nilla; you just happen to be a guy experiencing the same thing. A lot of women in their late teens or early twenties decide they are "ready for an older man" because they are sick of the immature bullshit "boys" their age play. This isn't the same thing as having a fetish for older men, though it can turn into one, I suppose. It's more wanting someone who is emotionally stable, financially has their shit together, and wields some kind of power (which is sexy as hell even for nillas).

Also, it is statistically true, at least in the United States, that as women age they become more sexually dominant. More willing to insist that they come, more willing to initiate sexual activity, and so on. I think "mature submission" is psychologically intriguing for that reason alone. How does a woman (or male sub) reconcile within herself her growing understanding of herself and her needs with being subordinate to another?

The issue you raise is a profound one. Have fun exploring it with women you enjoy! [;)]

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:00:38 AM)

~proud to be hilaribad!!~ [:D]

sexyred1 -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:04:14 AM)




First of all, I would NEVER just write "Hi I like mature women". What kind of a brain dead troglodyte do you think I am?

Do you have any idea how many emails I get that say that very thing? How many guys that have walked up to me and said that very thing?

When we speak of this approach, it's coming from EXPERIENCE. Sheesh.

I'm done. Go off do your thing, come back and tell us how it works out.

Same here. Although they don't always just say mature woman, they say, Hi, I LOVE older women or I would LOVE to try and older woman, I hear older woman ROCK, etc. etc.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:06:03 AM)

That sort of thing only happens to me on the internet, young men in real life are much more circumspect. At first, anyway! [;)]

RedMagic1 -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:14:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

~proud to be hilaribad!!~ [:D]

Ha. I had no issue with your response, because that Bambi person seems to have a brain in general. Bambi's page 1 post though, was a total case of head up ass. No it isn't a fetish, even in the uberloose way some kinksters use the term, to want to date someone more mature because one is looking for more maturity. That page read like women stridently railing against their own dating baggage instead of actually engaging the content of the OP.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:15:55 AM)

So I am not hilaribad after all? Sadface! [:D]

Thing is, I know a LOT of cougar gals... and not a one of them is submissive. Happy trails, OP!

Timonat -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:31:36 AM)




First of all, I would NEVER just write "Hi I like mature women". What kind of a brain dead troglodyte do you think I am?

Do you have any idea how many emails I get that say that very thing? How many guys that have walked up to me and said that very thing?

When we speak of this approach, it's coming from EXPERIENCE. Sheesh.

I'm done. Go off do your thing, come back and tell us how it works out.

Although I am not responsible for what others have done to you, for what it is worth, I am sorry about your bad experiences

sexyred1 -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:40:30 AM)




ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

~proud to be hilaribad!!~ [:D]

Ha. I had no issue with your response, because that Bambi person seems to have a brain in general. Bambi's page 1 post though, was a total case of head up ass. No it isn't a fetish, even in the uberloose way some kinksters use the term, to want to date someone more mature because one is looking for more maturity. That page read like women stridently railing against their own dating baggage instead of actually engaging the content of the OP.

What a load of crap. Stop putting women down who actually have opinions and who express them. I think everyone here has been patiently engaging the content of the OP.

Rochsub2009 -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:41:45 AM)



A lot of women in their late teens or early twenties decide they are "ready for an older man" because they are sick of the immature bullshit "boys" their age play. This isn't the same thing as having a fetish for older men....... It's more wanting someone who is emotionally stable, financially has their shit together, and wields some kind of power (which is sexy as hell even for nillas).

You nailed it, RedMagic1 (although that's the norm for you). I couldn't have said it better.

What you described is exactly how I ended up with the younger Domme that I described. She was tired of men (boys?) her own age, and felt that they weren't mature enough for her. She felt that she could relate better to, and had more in common with, older men.

And as you described, she loved the fact that I was emotionally stable, financially secure, and wielded power. That last piece was particularly appealing to her. She LOVED having power over a man who held lots of power in the vanilla sense.

The age aspect of our relationship was really not much of a factor. It was always there, but it was never a focus or a driving force.

Timonat -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 10:44:21 AM)





I am beginning to find submissives my age somewhat tedious and am now leaning towards the older more experienced submissive. I do not have any experience with older women and would like to talk to some and discuss the idea. I find it psychologically fascinating, and the mind is the most erotic part of the body. In our society we are used to our elders being figures of authority, pretty much all the way through our lives. To turn the concept on its head by dominating an older woman is very exciting and psychologically wonderfully intense and fascinating in my opinion. So, I am looking to speak with some "mature" submissives about this dynamic, so anyone interested feel free to message me. Thanks for reading

I stopped reading the responses you were getting after the first page, because I thought they were hilaribad, so if someone's already said the following, I apologize.

You're describing something that's extremely common for women, both kinky and nilla; you just happen to be a guy experiencing the same thing. A lot of women in their late teens or early twenties decide they are "ready for an older man" because they are sick of the immature bullshit "boys" their age play. This isn't the same thing as having a fetish for older men, though it can turn into one, I suppose. It's more wanting someone who is emotionally stable, financially has their shit together, and wields some kind of power (which is sexy as hell even for nillas).

Also, it is statistically true, at least in the United States, that as women age they become more sexually dominant. More willing to insist that they come, more willing to initiate sexual activity, and so on. I think "mature submission" is psychologically intriguing for that reason alone. How does a woman (or male sub) reconcile within herself her growing understanding of herself and her needs with being subordinate to another?

The issue you raise is a profound one. Have fun exploring it with women you enjoy! [;)]

Yes I think you understand the mind boggling complexity and subtle nuances of the dynamic. The juxtaposition of self confidence gained by life experience with giving power to someone junior in every respect. It is so tantalizingly naughty and at the same time challenging the most fundamental structures within which we live. The concept alone, let alone doing it, is so deliciously juicy even just from the emotional implications one could literally write entire books on it :)

Rochsub2009 -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 11:00:53 AM)



The juxtaposition of self confidence gained by life experience with giving power to someone junior in every respect. It is so tantalizingly naughty and at the same time challenging the most fundamental structures within which we live. The concept alone, let alone doing it, is so deliciously juicy even just from the emotional implications one could literally write entire books on it

Bingo! [;)]

LadyPact -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 11:17:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Rochsub2009
I agree. You'd think that he had committed a hate crime by expressing an interest in older women.

That's why I tried to help him. He seemed to be receiving grief for having a preference that apparently isn't popular with some. I guess age is as sensitive a subject as weight often is.

IMO, a few people put words in his mouth that he never said. For example, I never saw him say that he was going to approach an older woman by saying "Hi older woman. I like you exclusively because of your age, and I plan to use you to satisfy a cougar fetish". Yet, reading the thread, you would think that that was exactly what he said.

I agree with some who said that he may have to be patient and diligent in his search for an older submissive female. That's likely to prove true. But that's not the same as it being impossible. Heck, most of the male subs on this board would probably say that finding an available, local, and compatible lifestyle Domme (as opposed to a pro or financial Domme) is "impossible". But all things come to those who wait.

This is why I specifically asked the question. It has been My observation that "young, inexperienced Dom" doesn't float too well and I have My suspicions that is going to prove out. I think it will be particularly true with an age imbalance such as the OP is seeking.

While not quite as much of a ratio gap as Dommes to male subs, male Doms most certainly outnumber female subs, at least in a venue like this. (All meet up type sites have far more men than women as a standard.) How many threads do we see from younger males asking why they are not taken seriously? How many do we see from inexperienced males (either role) that are asking why nobody will give them a chance at acquiring experience? Those are two categories that tend to provide challenges in obtain goals in the kink world.

However, speaking from the other side of the kneel, I understand what the women are saying here. While the OP may be more interested in the additional imbalance of power/roles, (and I'm really shocked in this day and age that anybody hasn't heard the term "cougar") many males do open the net because they aren't successful in finding females to engage with. There really are a lot of guys who start those contact emails with "I'm interested in older women" and other less than dazzling phrases. There are plenty of twenty-somethings that use the approach quite often.

poise -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 12:08:56 PM)

Hi Timonat, welcome to the message boards.

I know your intent with this post was to openly discuss your desire to engage with
more mature women, and it seems the discussion is well underway, but are you also
taking any steps in actually making this a possibility? If you search through some of the
advertisements in our Upcoming Events section, perhaps you will find something local that
will allow you the opportunity to interact with others, specifically more mature women.

Sometimes the written word falls short in it's ability to attract your target audience.
For example, there are many references in your profile and in your journal to your
interest in submissives girls, which wouldn't lead me to believe you held interest
in women that were older than you. Best of luck to you!

Kaliko -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 5:01:46 PM)



I am beginning to find submissives my age somewhat tedious and am now leaning towards the older more experienced submissive. I do not have any experience with older women and would like to talk to some and discuss the idea. I find it psychologically fascinating, and the mind is the most erotic part of the body. In our society we are used to our elders being figures of authority, pretty much all the way through our lives. To turn the concept on its head by dominating an older woman is very exciting and psychologically wonderfully intense and fascinating in my opinion. So, I am looking to speak with some "mature" submissives about this dynamic, so anyone interested feel free to message me. Thanks for reading

Am I missing something? What's so wrong with this? So you want someone older than you who's had some experience and that you can hopefully feel the thrill of exploring a certain dynamic with, and you think you may want to base your search on that criteria.

So? Me too.

Good luck.

limpshorty -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 5:37:06 PM)

Smart ass comment deleted. Sorry.


DesFIP -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 8:40:57 PM)



I would like to make one more point, and I will use a very basic example to make it. Let's take a very basic act in the D/s dynamic, being tied up. For a submissive, being tied up is about not having control and being in someone else's power. Being tied up does not give you any physical pleasure, you could say it is physically benign, it is purely a psychological sensation, it is all in the mind. I do not think anyone can argue with me on that. A submissive gets psychological satisfaction and excitement by being tied up. So what is the difference between a submissive getting a psychological kick out of being tied up, and me getting a psychological kick out of dominating a woman who is older than I am?

Honey child, I can so argue with this.

Being tied up for me is all about physical pleasure. I can be royally pissed at him, but he ties me up and I'm totally begging for it.

It's all in the body for me.

Oddly enough, I don't feel helpless and submissive when tied up. I feel free and powerful, and hot.

You really don't know enough to make these pronouncements.

As far as submitting to a kid the same age as my kids? No thanks. Too arrogant, too ignorant, too one twue way to interest me.

littlewonder -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/16/2012 9:22:59 PM)

When I was young, I hated old men who approached me with "hey baby. I like young hotties like you.". Now that I'm older I hate men who approach me with "I like older women".

To me it says, I like you not because of the qualities you hold but because of the stereotypical fuck that you think I am.You have zero desire to get to know me as a person. You only care about that little fantasy in your head that you think those types of women are like.

I was always attracted to men my own age because we both had much more in common and could understand each other. The problem you are having is YOUR age and not being able to communicate with women older than you. It's an age gap thing which is why it rarely works for long term relationships. It works however, for a little casual fucking and playing if that's all you're looking for. There's tons of older women looking for that but I'll be honest...the majority of them are dommes. So unless you're willing to switch, I have a feeling you will be looking a very long time..unless like I said, you're not seeking a romantic relationship.

Good luck.

cloudboy -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/17/2012 6:55:41 AM)


You'd think that he had committed a hate crime by expressing an interest in older women.

That's a really funny way of putting it. Immutable traits can be sensitive issues.

Timonat -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/17/2012 8:31:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

When I was young, I hated old men who approached me with "hey baby. I like young hotties like you.". Now that I'm older I hate men who approach me with "I like older women".

To me it says, I like you not because of the qualities you hold but because of the stereotypical fuck that you think I am.You have zero desire to get to know me as a person. You only care about that little fantasy in your head that you think those types of women are like.

I was always attracted to men my own age because we both had much more in common and could understand each other. The problem you are having is YOUR age and not being able to communicate with women older than you. It's an age gap thing which is why it rarely works for long term relationships. It works however, for a little casual fucking and playing if that's all you're looking for. There's tons of older women looking for that but I'll be honest...the majority of them are dommes. So unless you're willing to switch, I have a feeling you will be looking a very long time..unless like I said, you're not seeking a romantic relationship.

Good luck.

Thank you everyone for your opinions, advice and insights, regardless of what side of the fence you are on. I think all the comments have been interesting and had their own merits. The main issues some of you have seems to be not wanting to be "reduced" to your age. I understand that, if someone was interested in me simply because I have black hair, I would also feel somewhat denigrated. "what about the rest of me? All my qualities and complexities that define who I am?". So I hope those who "argued" the other postion do not feel like I do not understand their objection, I take it on board and appreciate your input, patience and time.

It seems to be quite a hot and and divisive issue. I think age is a sensitive topic for all of us, myself included. I remember one time I was not allowed to sit a particular exam, because I was not over the required age limit. It made me so furious! I knew I could easily pass, and was smarter than most of the so called more mature students, but was being judged simply by my age, not my abilities, qualities etc. I really felt insulted by that. So I understand why some of you feel annoyed by being characterized simply by your age, not by who you are.

I think also that some people object because they feel that they have more life experience and feel insulted that some smart ass younger know it all comes along, expecting them to submit to him although they are clearly in a "superior" position than he is. But, that is the whole point. It is a fine line that I must tread I think.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/17/2012 10:58:39 AM)

You've got persistence, kid! [:D] Good for you.

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