RE: A mature submissive? (Full Version)

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Timonat -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 10:47:14 AM)





It has nothing to do with age. It's the same response as when some guy is locked into my tits or lips. It's someone objectifying me before we've met....and I am much more than any of those items.

- I understand your point but I think it is a bit naive. We are all drawn to specific physical things, consciously or subconsciously. It is called attraction. We find some people attractive, and some not. If there were two women with exactly the same personality, but who looked different, I would prefer one of them. Whether I know why, or am subconsciously choosing her because she has some feature which appeals to me does not matter.

What is physical attraction if not objectification as you call it? Should I now feel guilty for finding a woman attractive? And even if we make this into a shallow thing, like the big tits example you mentioned, even if I found a woman attractive because she has big breasts, why is that so bad? Would you feel offended if I said I find you attractive because you have wonderful deep beautiful eyes? Probably not, yet I am objectifying you.

Being attracted to someone as a whole is not objectification. Being attracted to someone because of one item is. Being locked onto one attribute is pretty much the text book definition of fetish.

I have a degree in psychology, 20 years in a very large kink community and have a long term, successful D/s relationship. The key word here is relationship.

The gentleman with the much younger woman didn't have a relationship. He just found a woman that was willing to be a kink delivery system.

- You don't need to wave your credentials at me, I am not questioning your intelligence. Nor do I dismiss your point, I am just arguing with you to explore it, not to criticize you.

So being locked into one physical attribute is demeaning to you? What if it were two or three? Would that be OK then?

I don't think you have the right to say that the Gentleman Rochsub did not have a relationship. Perhaps not your own view of a relationship, but not everyone shares your view.

Speaking of a relationship, I never said I wanted a relationship.

I also don't think it is right to say that that girl was just a kink delivery system. She gave him what he wanted and needed and he gave her what she wanted and needed, is that not the definition of symbiotic relationship?

I could just as well say that you are just using your Dom of 20 years as a delivery system of your needs. Simply because they are larger in number than Rochsub doesn't mean the same rule does not apply to you. You could just as easily be judged by the same criteria you judge others by.

As someone said here I am just zeroing in on one aspect but there are many others aspects of me so I will say this. Of course I want a loving, deep, committed relationship, a soulmate and best friend, someone to love and adore and share life with, someone to trust more than anyone and to cherish and spoil. But unfortunately I do not have that now, and that is not what I am here to discuss or ask about.

TNDommeK -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 10:51:41 AM)



So we're agreed then? Timonat is hunting for cougars, not looking for a submissive with a lot of experience?

I can understand the attraction, but be aware that you, Timonat, are indulging in a fetish. This diminishes the woman to her bare attributes. Which sounds a lot like "I want a woman with big tits." And in my experience, women hate those kinds of compliments. See generally; above. But you should understand why. The woman, submissive or otherwise, older or otherwise, is a person first. She wants to be engaged as a person, on equal footing. She does not want to be approached as a collection of traits that you might happen to be fancying some of now.

But I understand that you are expressing the symptom of your desires, not the cause. ....Anticip-........

There must be a correlation between older women and what you actually desire. You don't just want skin that has seen more days of sunlight. For example, maybe You find older women tend to be more self aware, knowing what they want out of life with more certainty as compared to others.


(And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Bambi spins plates.)

Am I the only one who read this word like it is said on Rocky Horror Picture Show?? Ok back to reading. Ooooh OOOhhh and I like Bambi too!!!!

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 10:54:55 AM)

I think that you're not really hearing what OsideGirl and the other ladies are saying. As a dominant, I really haven't wanted to chime in here, but as a middle aged lady who HAS been pursued purely because of her age, I have to agree with what's been said. The majority of us are not interested in being an "experiment" in kink, for a variety of reasons--age being one of them! I had my phase of what one of my girls calls "Relations, not Relationships". That's lost it's allure.

There are "cougar" women out there who are entertained by young men. Perhaps some of them are submissive, or will be willing to engage you in whatever role play you find mutually entertaining. I do suggest that you be very very honest that you are PLAYING, and not interested in anything long term. One of the aspects of "maturity" is having very clear ideas of what we want, and what our personal worth is.

Good luck, and have fun.

TNDommeK -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 10:55:25 AM)





... You could also say " I want you to be interested in me for who I am, not simply because I am submissive". Or what about all the people who have things written like " I am looking for tall men, or black men, or men my age"? They are all specific specifications that appeal to them. And what is wrong with wanting to experiment and tryign new things, is that not what BDSM is about? (discounting the deeper layers of connection and emotional fulfillment). And is BDSM not also about breaking boundaries and taboos? Is this place not about being a safe pace to be able to indulge our fantasies (within reason) and not be judged for wanting to? ...

You raise a good point. Wanting someone because they are submissive, or black, or tall is the same as wanting someone because they are older. Two things are important here: 1) Most men don't seem to mind being objectified as long as they stand a chance to get their dick wet, so they don't object. 2) No one is saying not to indulge in these aesthetic topical elements. What people, here submissive older women, do not want is to be sought out only for traits that you enjoy. The women you seek are MORE than those traits, and want that recognized. Many women want a man who can provide a secure and stable lifestyle. But they don't get very far saying "I want a man with a lot of money" because those men don't want to feel like they are a cash machine first and a person second. They want to be loved for what THEY think is special. I want to be loved because of my snarky humor, warm heart, and cold calculating mind. I don't want to be loved because I have money. Or because I'm tall and black.



... So what is the difference between a submissive getting a psychological kick out of being tied up, and me getting a psychological kick out of dominating a woman who is older than I am?

There isn't one. Enjoy your fetish. No one is saying you can't filter the field down to those who fit your arbitrary aesthetic needs. If you're really so into mature submissives that not having it is a deal breaker, then only show a romantic interest in mature submissives, but find one you like as a person. If I only wanted black men with that fervor, I would just flirt with black men but wait for one I like as a person. And I'd keep that inexplicable aesthetic requirement to myself.

Everything fades. Money goes away. Penises go flaccid. The womanly allure of an older woman becomes aged in time. No one wants the thing their partner loves about them to disappear. And the mind lasts the longest and grows the strongest.

And now I really like you. This is perfectly said.^^^

OsideGirl -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 10:55:54 AM)





So we're agreed then? Timonat is hunting for cougars, not looking for a submissive with a lot of experience?

I can understand the attraction, but be aware that you, Timonat, are indulging in a fetish. This diminishes the woman to her bare attributes. Which sounds a lot like "I want a woman with big tits." And in my experience, women hate those kinds of compliments. See generally; above. But you should understand why. The woman, submissive or otherwise, older or otherwise, is a person first. She wants to be engaged as a person, on equal footing. She does not want to be approached as a collection of traits that you might happen to be fancying some of now.

But I understand that you are expressing the symptom of your desires, not the cause. ....Anticip-........

There must be a correlation between older women and what you actually desire. You don't just want skin that has seen more days of sunlight. For example, maybe You find older women tend to be more self aware, knowing what they want out of life with more certainty as compared to others.


(And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Bambi spins plates.)

Am I the only one who read this word like it is said on Rocky Horror Picture Show?? Ok back to reading. Ooooh OOOhhh and I like Bambi too!!!!

TNDommeK -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 10:59:38 AM)

I love you!^^^

Timonat -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:13:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I think that you're not really hearing what OsideGirl and the other ladies are saying. As a dominant, I really haven't wanted to chime in here, but as a middle aged lady who HAS been pursued purely because of her age, I have to agree with what's been said. The majority of us are not interested in being an "experiment" in kink, for a variety of reasons--age being one of them! I had my phase of what one of my girls calls "Relations, not Relationships". That's lost it's allure.

There are "cougar" women out there who are entertained by young men. Perhaps some of them are submissive, or will be willing to engage you in whatever role play you find mutually entertaining. I do suggest that you be very very honest that you are PLAYING, and not interested in anything long term. One of the aspects of "maturity" is having very clear ideas of what we want, and what our personal worth is.

Good luck, and have fun.

I never said I wanted anything long term. In fact I am pretty sure I stated implicitly That I am not talking about a relationship.

Relationships (of the type being portrayed as what I am not looking for) are based on shared goals, interests, views etc. Our priorities change with age, and therefore a relationship involving two people of greatly different age would be almost impossible as they would simply have different priorites as they are at different stages of life. Sexuality however, is universal and common to us all, no matter what our age. Therefore, a younger man or woman and an older man or woman can relate to each other on that level - the level I am trying to discuss. At no point was I or will I ever try to play anyone or mislead them. I stated very clearly what I am interested in.

GreedyTop -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:15:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I think that you're not really hearing what OsideGirl and the other ladies are saying. As a dominant, I really haven't wanted to chime in here, but as a middle aged lady who HAS been pursued purely because of her age, I have to agree with what's been said. The majority of us are not interested in being an "experiment" in kink, for a variety of reasons--age being one of them! I had my phase of what one of my girls calls "Relations, not Relationships". That's lost it's allure.

There are "cougar" women out there who are entertained by young men. Perhaps some of them are submissive, or will be willing to engage you in whatever role play you find mutually entertaining. I do suggest that you be very very honest that you are PLAYING, and not interested in anything long term. One of the aspects of "maturity" is having very clear ideas of what we want, and what our personal worth is.

Good luck, and have fun.

SO, I started to say something, but then caught this gem.


GreedyTop -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:18:11 AM)




ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

I think that you're not really hearing what OsideGirl and the other ladies are saying. As a dominant, I really haven't wanted to chime in here, but as a middle aged lady who HAS been pursued purely because of her age, I have to agree with what's been said. The majority of us are not interested in being an "experiment" in kink, for a variety of reasons--age being one of them! I had my phase of what one of my girls calls "Relations, not Relationships". That's lost it's allure.

There are "cougar" women out there who are entertained by young men. Perhaps some of them are submissive, or will be willing to engage you in whatever role play you find mutually entertaining. I do suggest that you be very very honest that you are PLAYING, and not interested in anything long term. One of the aspects of "maturity" is having very clear ideas of what we want, and what our personal worth is.

Good luck, and have fun.

I never said I wanted anything long term. In fact I am pretty sure I stated implicitly That I am not talking about a relationship.

Relationships (of the type being portrayed as what I am not looking for) are based on shared goals, interests, views etc. Our priorities change with age, and therefore a relationship involving two people of greatly different age would be almost impossible as they would simply have different priorites as they are at different stages of life. Sexuality however, is universal and common to us all, no matter what our age. Therefore, a younger man or woman and an older man or woman can relate to each other on that level - the level I am trying to discuss. At no point was I or will I ever try to play anyone or mislead them. I stated very clearly what I am interested in.

so you want a middle aged blow up doll? I'm sure you could find one... if you can't, nothing a little creative makeup couldn't fix.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:20:57 AM)


A quality we older folks have is that we really are not that interested in just messing around. Women our age are BUSY. We have complex and stressful lives, and our free time is often limited. I don't know ANY woman of my age group in my very vast acquaintance who is interested in what you are looking for---a short term kink connection.

There is, however, the enormous pool of cheating spouses. You could find all sorts of entertainment there.

searching4mysir -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:23:21 AM)



I never said I wanted anything long term. In fact I am pretty sure I stated implicitly That I am not talking about a relationship.

And that's why you are going to have a hard time finding a woman who wants to become your submissive Mrs. Robinson. Yeah, there might be a few women out there who want a casual fuck buddy and bottom, but submission really does go deeper than being your whipping post for most people.

wittynamehere -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:23:24 AM)


I am looking to speak with some "mature" submissives about this dynamic, so anyone interested feel free to message me. Thanks for reading

1) No advertising in the forums. Put this on your profile instead.
2) Maturity is a characteristic achieved independent of age (some young people are mature, some older people aren't mature, etc). You didn't mean to say you're horny for mature women, you meant to say you're horny for "older" women.

OsideGirl -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:30:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus


A quality we older folks have is that we really are not that interested in just messing around. Women our age are BUSY. We have complex and stressful lives, and our free time is often limited. I don't know ANY woman of my age group in my very vast acquaintance who is interested in what you are looking for---a short term kink connection.

There is, however, the enormous pool of cheating spouses. You could find all sorts of entertainment there.

Even if I am interested in just messing around, at that point it's just kinky sex, it isn't submission.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:31:54 AM)




ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus


A quality we older folks have is that we really are not that interested in just messing around. Women our age are BUSY. We have complex and stressful lives, and our free time is often limited. I don't know ANY woman of my age group in my very vast acquaintance who is interested in what you are looking for---a short term kink connection.

There is, however, the enormous pool of cheating spouses. You could find all sorts of entertainment there.

Even if I am interested in just messing around, at that point it's just kinky sex, it isn't submission.

Well yes, but I didn't want to delve into THAT little dichotomy. I'm sure it doesn't matter for purposes of the experiment, after all.

OsideGirl -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:38:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus




ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus


A quality we older folks have is that we really are not that interested in just messing around. Women our age are BUSY. We have complex and stressful lives, and our free time is often limited. I don't know ANY woman of my age group in my very vast acquaintance who is interested in what you are looking for---a short term kink connection.

There is, however, the enormous pool of cheating spouses. You could find all sorts of entertainment there.

Even if I am interested in just messing around, at that point it's just kinky sex, it isn't submission.

Well yes, but I didn't want to delve into THAT little dichotomy. I'm sure it doesn't matter for purposes of the experiment, after all.

Very true, wise woman.

I do always find it funny when a guy wants an opinion, the target audience responds in a way that he doesn't want and rather than changing tactics, they insist the target audience is wrong.

Think about if laundry detergent companies sold soap that way:

Tide: We have more suds!
Laundry do-ers: We don't want suds, we want it to get our clothes clean!
Tide: No! You want more suds!
Laundry do-ers: No! We want it to get our clothes clean!
Tide: No! You want more suds!
Laundry do-ers: I'm buying something else that will get my clothes clean!

Timonat -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 11:55:11 AM)

I think I need to clear this up a bit, because the conversation seems to be turning against me here and I think I am being misunderstood, probably due to myself and my choice of words.

OsideGirl. I am not saying you are wrong at all, or anyone else here. I am arguing with you in order to explore these opinions. I think you have totally taken that the wrong way. I apologize if I have antagonized you, i really did not mean to. As for changing tactics, I have no "tactics"! I just asked a question, and naturally, defend my corner. I am grateful for your opinion, and everyone else's aswell, whether it is what I want to hear, or not.

I do feel that some of you have taken this personally (in a negative sense). I have tried to be polite and respectful to all of you, if I have failed, then I apologize.

I feel that some of the flak, shall we say, I am getting is a little unfair though. When I look for submissives my age, every second profile says "Looking for a daddy". The profiles in between, are either looking for gangbangs or to be shaved and locked up or something or are obviously seriously emotionally damaged and should be getting professional help. yet, when I come with what I think is a legitimate question, and argue my point respectfully without resorting to ridiculing people, as not everyone here has, I get accused of being 1 - stupid and immature, 2- playing or intending to take advantage of people, 3 - being shallow, 4 - rude and not accepting of other people's opinions. I think with what I have written I have proved I am none of those things. But, that is just my opinion.

But as I said, If I have offended any of you, with my idea/desire/fetish, whatever you want to call it, or how I have tried to argue my point, then I sincerely apologize. That is the last thing I wanted to do.

OsideGirl -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 12:19:51 PM)



OsideGirl. I am not saying you are wrong at all, or anyone else here. I am arguing with you in order to explore these opinions.

You're still missing the point: When you're selling something, whether it be a product, a car or yourself.....your opinion doesn't really matter much within that sale. The opinion that matters is the person making the purchase. The opinion doesn't need to be explored beyond the "why", and that "why" has already been stated. Trying to add loopholes isn't going to change the opinion. Also, something to keep in mind: older women tend to have a better sense of who they are and have formed opinions based on time and experience.

I'm not offended or antagonized. But, I do feel that you're so busy trying to defend your approach and/or fetish that you're missing what your target audience is telling you.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 12:26:30 PM)

I'm certainly not offended, though I will always be bemused by the attentions of the young. We're trying to tell you that your preference of play partner is not going to be easy to come by, and why. If you want an older submissive, that's perfectly fine. If you only want to date six foot tall redheads, or black women, or whatever, it's all just fine. You are as entitled to your choices as much as anyone else.

You did shoot yourself in the foot by saying that you wanted to "experiment" with this form of play. A person is not an hors d'oeurve that you can take a bite from and put aside if it's not to your liking, and choose another off the tray. Keep trying, though. Check out those married women looking for entertainments, or hey! That Fifty Shades crowd!! My male friends tell me that there are LOTS of women who cheat on their husbands.

Timonat -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 1:05:11 PM)


You could be right about that. I can get defensive quite easily due to bad past experiences, and I am stubborn as a mule (which has helped a lot but also sometimes becomes an obstacle).

But since this conversation has gone a lot deeper than I originally intended I may aswell ad this. It is not just the "experimentation", but also, I feel very out of place with people my age. I do not find it intellectually stimulating and find them mostly not as mature as me (no pun intended). I have experienced things most people my age have not, and therefore do not feel like they understand. perhaps that is another reason why I am interested in older women.

Lady Hibiscus

I also see your point, no one likes to be told they are just a passing interest, something you want to try, then discard when you get bored. I guess what I am looking for is someone who also is curious, and wants to try, and so, neither party is "injured" as both get what they want.

As for married women, I am not the type of person to do something like that. Not that I judge women in unhappy marriages who are unappreciated and want some thrill in their life or whatever, but in that scenario, I would feel that I am taking advantage of their unhappy situation, and I don't want a "victim", I want a willing partner. Does that make sense?

LadyHibiscus -> RE: A mature submissive? (8/15/2012 1:11:03 PM)

Yes, it does. And I don't think it's unusual to feel out of place with your age group, it just means that you need to cultivate a larger circle of friends!

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