RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (Full Version)

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BoscoX -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 3:05:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic




ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

Annnnnnd it looks like the FBI is continuing to make progress:

CNN is disinformation, an arm of the Democrat party clearly at war with the President (who was right to call them on their fake news)

Salacious, wild accusations, inconclusive human evidence, unnamed sources, and no comment from anyone with real standing

May as well be Harry Reid talking about Mitt Romney's taxes

that reminded me of this whole thread...that you started

Good find

A clear example of the same MSM covering for a Democrat politician. Refusing to investigate or report the facts, exactly the opposite of how they are behaving now

Thanks for the backup Lucy!You're a doll. Now how about that kiss

heavyblinker -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 3:21:31 AM)


Yeah, okay. Sometimes the truth is important. Other times, that's the last thing we need

Got it

If it's going to unfairly ruin someone's chances of being elected president, YES it is important.

But is it important to tell the world what's going on so a group of criminals like Trump and Co. can figure out ways to avoid being caught? NO.

OH hey, and guess what? Now there is more than circumstantial evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with Russians to undermine democracy:

Tick tock tick tock.

But of course, this is perfectly okay/not a big deal/a liberal plot... Trump is going to be the best president ever!

BoscoX -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 3:36:58 AM)

Republicans have to be investigated for rumors, Democrats need to be shielded from investigations even when proof of crimes are right out in the open

Same Shit Different Day

The happy news is that voters have wised up to the MSM constant propaganda and gave us president Trump despite the constant MSM disinformation

Tick tock tick tock, President Trump gets Gorsuch seated, the Obamascam repeal figured out, the wall built, taxes cut, and gets everything else he promised voters he would do done

Tick tock tick tock motherfucker

heavyblinker -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 3:39:36 AM)


Republicans have to be investigated for rumors, Democrats need to be shielded from investigations even when proof of crimes are right out in the open

Do you even know what 'more than circumstantial evidence' means?

But you will never stop pretending that Trump is the most popular president of all time, so whatever.
Enjoy your delusions until the end, at which point you will have to come up with delusions that you won't enjoy.

Kirata -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 3:47:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

It's the same thing with climate change-- there are people who rightly trust the experts, and people like you who think you know better than they do. I'm sure you know it-- it's called the Dunning-Kruger effect. You're so fucking clueless that you don't even know how clueless you are.

As a matter of fact, the Dunning-Kruger effect often comes to mind when I read your posts. Moreover, the theme of your constant lying figures here too, because the questions I have raised in the climate debate, most recently regarding the long-term prediction of climate states, have always been supported by quotes from experts. So once again, you are misrepresenting my views in typical pathological liar fashion.


Kirata -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 3:56:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker


Well, I know that I never said I knew anything for sure, let alone that somebody doctored the data. But I do believe that you don't know how lying works, because that is consistent with lying that is pathological rather than conscious.

You're a smug, stupid piece of shit.

I'm sorry if you feel that I treat you like an asshole. I thought you knew you were.

No, actually I think you treat me how douchebags tend to treat other people.

The point you are overlooking is that I don't treat everyone the way I treat you.

Everybody is special, and you are too.

I even often told you why. [:)]


Lucylastic -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 3:58:27 AM)



Good find

A clear example of the same MSM covering for a Democrat politician. Refusing to investigate or report the facts, exactly the opposite of how they are behaving now

Thanks for the backup Lucy!You're a doll. Now how about that kiss

You and your other * friends* using far worse information and sources for a hundred pages as gospel..Still no proof of a crime or charges, after how many years of believing everything the fox, townhalls, and PJ medias bullshit "proof" she is guilty, as tru and honest.....and now you are crying buckets about "leaks" that are unfair to the guy who claimed without facts that obama tapped him
And with you pronouncing obamas going to jail over it. (bless your heart)
Forgive me if I just sneer at your drivel.

heavyblinker -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 4:07:20 AM)


As a matter of fact, the Dunning-Kruger effect often comes to mind when I read your posts. Moreover, the theme of your constant lying figures here too, because the questions I have raised in the climate debate, most recently regarding the long-term prediction of climate states, have always been supported by quotes from experts. So once again, you are misrepresenting my views in typical pathological liar fashion.

So if you're so careful with not leaping to conclusions in the climate debate, what's up with the whole 'this doesn't smell right' thing you're doing here? You're obviously hinting at some serious conspiratorial nonsense with the whole 'doesn't smell right' thing, which is why Bosco glommed onto it immediately as if it were some sort of important revelation.

And because it apparently flew over your head, I wasn't saying you have done the same thing in the climate debate-- I was comparing what you said in this thread to what other people do in the climate debate. But of course, your misinterpreting my comments means I'm a pathological liar.

PS: You're a smug, stupid piece of shit.

heavyblinker -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 4:12:34 AM)


The point you are overlooking is that I don't treat everyone the way I treat you.

Everybody is special, and you are too.

I even often told you why. [:)]

Yeah, I'd imagine that it mostly depends on whether or not they agree with you combined with the way they call you out on your bullshit. Doesn't disqualify you from douchebag status, I'm afraid.

Kirata -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 5:23:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

Yeah, I'd imagine that it mostly depends on whether or not they agree with you combined with the way they call you out on your bullshit.

By all means feel free to quote my "bullshit" any time you can control your compulsion to trim the quote to delete its supporting references and substitute your hallucinations for what I actually said. Or, you can just get used to sitting on a pillow. Either way, there's always a bright side.

I mean, hey, that pillow makes you look taller. [:)]


heavyblinker -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 6:12:44 AM)




ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

Yeah, I'd imagine that it mostly depends on whether or not they agree with you combined with the way they call you out on your bullshit.

By all means feel free to quote my "bullshit" any time you can control your compulsion to trim the quote to delete its supporting references and substitute your hallucinations for what I actually said. Or, you can just get used to sitting on a pillow. Either way, there's always a bright side.

I mean, hey, that pillow makes you look taller. [:)]


I respond to the post as whole as opposed to spending hours replying to each and every little bit... especially when it's you because I'm not about to spend a lot of time on it. I trim it to save space.

Anyways, I think it would be better if we just put each other on hide. I never actually get anything out of our exchanges because all you do is nitpick (this whole thing was because you focused on the word 'proven' and then decided you wanted to be all antagonistic about the 'lying' thing again-- talk about ignoring what I actually said) and/or we get into retarded exchanges like this where I end up feeling embarrassed for myself and you, but mostly you.

So whatever... you think I'm a pathological liar with mental problems.
That's really great for you.
I disagree.
You know what I think of you-- feel free to disagree with that too.

Not that this forum is such a great boon to my intellect or understanding of the world, but I still have limits. You've reached them-- congrats.

The funny thing about the whole 'pillow making me look taller' thing is that I had you pegged as a short guy. Your profile says 5'8" which is slightly below average, but based on your personality, I thought you were short enough that you would be really defensive about it. I don't know if that's your deal or not, but then again, I don't really care either.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 6:51:21 AM)

Didn't I just reply to to a thread like this two days ago?
1. mnottertail I agree I always found the timing of that investigation sat very uneasy with me..the two days cleared before one.
2. heavyblinkler - as you say there is a wealth of evidence. You hide them (anyone) that is your choice but it’s a win for them and brain poverty, always. I have always found all of your posts to be good and laden with actual always forget ( I think) there is a dedicated army of sock muppet puppets employed by governments: whose job it is to push these stories/agendas of fake news onto say social media - alt right websites. Propaganda Mouth pieces like comrade boscox are just part/casualties of the Russian taint

What’s with the fascination with Hillary (bitch witch binton) snowflake boscox you are obsessed with her. Or are you afeared about the extent of the Russian meddling? Three of Trumps team/picks have fallen thusfar have they not for being a bit russian

How many of these double blank dominoes will fall

Kirata -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 7:25:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

And because it apparently flew over your head, I wasn't saying you have done the same thing in the climate debate-- I was comparing what you said in this thread to what other people do in the climate debate.

It's the same thing with climate change-- there are people who rightly trust the experts, and people like you who think you know better than they do.

If you only meant "other people," wouldn't that be people like me who think they know better?


Kirata -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 7:27:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

I think it would be better if we just put each other on hide.

I have never put anyone on hide, and I'm not about to start with you.


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

I had you pegged as a short guy. Your profile says 5'8" which is slightly below average, but based on your personality, I thought you were short enough that you would be really defensive about it.

This might be a good time for you to consider the First Law of Holes.

Based on my personality???? What a hoot!


vincentML -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 7:36:25 AM)



Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary's crimes, leftists went berserk. Blamed him for Hillary's losing

Now suddenly, it's "the Russians"

And Comey is a White Knight in shining armor, charging in on a noble steed...

And remember Obama and Hillary both scolding Trump, mocking him for suggesting that the elections could be hacked

What a difference a day makes when you have no compass eh

Clinton's polls went into the toilet the day following Comey's second presser.

The election wasn't hacked; the comments on twitter and Facebook were hacked.

Comey is still a shit for meddling in the election process.

And now Nunez is a shit for muddying the investigatory process. Comey is no shining white knight; he just seems so compared to Nunez.

BoscoX -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 8:30:24 AM)





Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary's crimes, leftists went berserk. Blamed him for Hillary's losing

Now suddenly, it's "the Russians"

And Comey is a White Knight in shining armor, charging in on a noble steed...

And remember Obama and Hillary both scolding Trump, mocking him for suggesting that the elections could be hacked

What a difference a day makes when you have no compass eh

Clinton's polls went into the toilet the day following Comey's second presser.

The election wasn't hacked; the comments on twitter and Facebook were hacked.

Comey is still a shit for meddling in the election process.

And now Nunez is a shit for muddying the investigatory process. Comey is no shining white knight; he just seems so compared to Nunez.

NBC held the "pussy grabber" tape for eleven years, released it as the October surprise that was supposed to doom the Trump campaign, and every MSM outlet was on board with that effort. Front page headlines, misleading stories that suggested rape when it was just normal star / groupie innocent fun and fooling around

Hillary coordinated with NBC by producing "victims" who claimed they were kissed, but their stories fell apart

Hillary, CNN, and the DNC coordinated to cheat Bernie Sanders...

So Hillary bringing the Comey announcement down on herself with her illegal server, is literally nothing by comparison to all of that

Kirata -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 8:47:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

you always forget ( I think) there is a dedicated army of sock muppet puppets employed by governments: whose job it is to push these stories/agendas of fake news onto say social media

That's very true. See here, for example:

Astroturf ‘Outrage Machine’ of Paid Trolls Floods Social Media to Counteract Negative News About Hillary Clinton

And let's not forget our British friends at GCHQ:

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

Thanks for bringing the subject up. [:)]


mnottertail -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 8:53:48 AM)

Da Svedanya, hah?

BoscoX -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 9:18:29 AM)




ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

you always forget ( I think) there is a dedicated army of sock muppet puppets employed by governments: whose job it is to push these stories/agendas of fake news onto say social media

That's very true. See here, for example:

Astroturf ‘Outrage Machine’ of Paid Trolls Floods Social Media to Counteract Negative News About Hillary Clinton

And let's not forget our British friends at GCHQ:

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

Thanks for bringing the subject up. [:)]


Every indication is, they're going even stronger now


Kirata -> RE: Remember When Hillary Lovers Blamed Comey (3/23/2017 9:20:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Da Svedanya, hah?

What, both sides do it?? Who knew!


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