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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster

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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/13/2017 8:37:46 PM   

Posts: 9362
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wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 721
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/13/2017 9:09:50 PM   

Posts: 1349
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ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles

Since you brought up the "awesome demonstration of my ignorance of evolution", perhaps I should point out your apparent ignorance of the laws the Universe works by. Once the "Big Bang" occurred, every bit of matter and energy would continue on the course set for them by that "Big Bang" according to the "Natural" laws of the Universe and there would be no "great many alternatives and chance happenings" and no "unpredictability of environmental changes" and there would be "mechanical certainty". The only way this would not be the case is if they were acted upon by an outside force and surely you're not admitting that there could be an "outside force" of some kind.

I don't know where you ever got the idea that evolution of life on earth is subject to deterministic forces. Firstly, the model of Evolution (capitalized here to refer specifically to change of life forms on earth) that Darwin and the neo-evolutionists left us has nothing to say about the Big Bang. Nor does it have anything to say about the beginning of life on earth. The universe is believed to be about 14 billion years old; the earth about 5.6 (?) billion years old. When and how life first appeared on earth is anybody's guess, but it is not a hypothesis that supports Evolution. There seems to be some consensus that primitive life has been on this planet for the past 3 billion years. I don't know how that time was arrived at, and there is no scientific agreement how life began, except that early on there was a formation of very simple amino acids and organic bases, which are the building blocks of proteins and of DNA. This may have happened several times in different locales. The narrative then suggests these chemicals were incorporated to form simple non-membraneous cells. There are several theories about how this happened under the umbrella of Abiogenesis. But definitely not Darwin's Theory.
So the whole universe is subject to "deterministic forces" except the Earth and "Evolution"?


"according to the "Natural" laws of the Universe and there would be no "great many alternatives and chance happenings" and no "unpredictability of environmental changes" and there would be "mechanical certainty"

I don't know where you got this from but I would bet it was not from the writings of an Evolutionary scientist.

Notice the quotation marks, I got it from you and your last post, so I guess you're saying that your not much of an Evolutionary scientist.

Evolution is not random, but neither is it deterministic. Darwin told us that changes in life emerged from the fortuitous variety of genes that could withstand changes in the environment. Now, changes in the environment could result from global warming as we seem to be experiencing today, or by migration of part of a herd into a new locale, or by a catastrophic geological upheaval (tornado, earthquake, island formation, etc.) In the Greek Islands the caldera at Santerini demonstrates the rise of a ring of mountains around an ancient volcano, or if you live in Wyoming you can observe the Yellowstone caldera which is very active today. Other examples of "new" island formations would be Iceland, Hawaii, and the Galapagos. In today's news scientists have reported 91 previously unknown mountains under the ice sheet of west Antarctica. Mountains and new volcanoes represent changes in the earth's crust. I am astonished at the determinism you report.

Astonished? In the macro world the Universe is highly deterministic, I guess except for the Earth and "Evolution".

Then, getting into subatomic ranges we are confronted by observations and measurements of quantum changes which are highly anti-deterministic and we have the observation that an electron can be measured as a particle and as a field of wave energy at the same time, or the phenomenon that an electron can pass through two different "doors" simultaneously. There are many natural wonders to be discovered by scientists and I am comfortable in assuring you they are not deterministic.

First, you need to check your Quantum Mechanics, no "electron can pass through two different "doors" simultaneously" and second if I were you I wouldn't take this discussion into the micro world, because there science has begun to turn strangely toward the probable existence of God.

Oh, let me point out that the "Laws of Nature" are not really Laws like those immutable commands handed down in the Bible. They are actually formulations made by scientists on recurring observations. They are man-made concepts and they may very well be wrong. I would not hang my hat on the natural laws as you have done.

Suddenly, turning against science and scientists when it fits your arguments, interesting.

(in reply to vincentML)
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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/13/2017 9:13:45 PM   

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Who did I turn on person of shag all reality

was it me or were you shitting your pants?

You must call me?


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(in reply to Milesnmiles)
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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/13/2017 9:18:56 PM   

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wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to WickedsDesire)
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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/13/2017 9:20:50 PM   

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Is there something wrong with you?


wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to heavyblinker)
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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/13/2017 9:25:04 PM   

Posts: 1349
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ORIGINAL: bounty44

worth the quick read comrades:


QUESTION: Catastrophism versus Uniformitarianism – Where does the evidence lead?


Catastrophism versus uniformitarianism describes alternative process which could be primarily responsible for the formation the geological strata and embedded fossils. Catastrophism was accepted as the only possible explanation until the about the 18th century. Catastrophism taught that the geologic rock strata were primarily a result of catastrophes like the worldwide flood of Noah. At that time James Hutton and Sir Charles Lyell proposed an alternative explanation of uniformitarianism. The theory of uniformitarianism taught that the present was the key to the past and exactly the same slow process that we see today is the one responsible for the formation of all the geological rock strata.

Since deposition with the uniformitarianism theory was so slow, long eons of time were required. This meant that the current biblical beliefs at that time of a young earth, the recent history of life on earth and the worldwide flood of Noah were discredited. In addition, uniformitarianism laid the foundation for Darwin’s theory of evolution, which also needed an old earth to be credible.

So uniformitarianism dethroned catastrophism and evolution dethroned biblical creationism and both became the dominant theories in academia and science until the present time. Currently, academia and science are clinging to uniformitarianism and biological macroevolution with all the strength they can muster. However, large splits have been seen in the ranks. During the last 50 years an enormous amount of information has been collected that supports catastrophism and intelligent design.

The Mount St. Helens eruption and subsequent erosion has taught us that rapid deposition and rapid canyon erosion is a fact. It doesn’t take years to form. It doesn’t take rocket science to know that life forms cannot be fossilized unless buried rapidly.

Regarding biological macroevolution:
• No transitional fossils have been found; museums should be full of them.
• Hoaxes, forgeries, and misrepresentations have been rampant.
• Evolutionists can’t explain the origin of life.
• Evolutionists can’t explain complexity or irreducible complexity.
• Evolutionists can’t explain consciousness.

Many in science and academia have a deeply held religious belief in uniformitarianism and evolution in spite of all the evidence pointing in the opposite direction. This is understandable from several standpoints:
• Not wanting to be accountable to a God, they would have to accept if they would let the scientific data form their scientific beliefs.
• Their conflict of interest is revealed by their complete refusal to consider special creation as a possible alternative explanation, especially when the fossil evidence stares them in the face.
• The fact that their original theories were based upon religious political motivations. Dr. Henry Morris claimed that this was true for Sir Charles Lyell. Julian Huxley, grandson of Thomas Huxley “Darwin’s bulldog,” first director of UNESCO and prominent evolutionist was asked on a public radio station an interesting question. He was asked why evolution was accepted so rapidly. He didn’t say anything relating to scientific evidence. He said the reason it became so popular was because it didn’t interfere with our sexual mores.

Consequently, the evidence definitely leads to the fact that the new paradigm shift from a solid belief in the Bible, the biblical flood and a young earth to skepticism in the Bible, rejection of the biblical flood of Noah and an old earth occurred as a result of using the banner of science to promote a religious belief rather than being based upon scientific evidence. Uniformitarianism and evolution theories were tools to accomplish this.

Thanx, an interesting read.

Although I don't believe in a "young Earth", it could have been around for millions of years, I tend to believe that the period of Creation of plant and animal life was much shorter than "Evolutionists" would have us believe, although much longer than the 144 hours "Creationists" would have us believe.

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 726
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/13/2017 9:30:52 PM   

Posts: 9362
Joined: 11/4/2015
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ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: bounty44

worth the quick read comrades:


QUESTION: Catastrophism versus Uniformitarianism – Where does the evidence lead?


Catastrophism versus uniformitarianism describes alternative process which could be primarily responsible for the formation the geological strata and embedded fossils. Catastrophism was accepted as the only possible explanation until the about the 18th century. Catastrophism taught that the geologic rock strata were primarily a result of catastrophes like the worldwide flood of Noah. At that time James Hutton and Sir Charles Lyell proposed an alternative explanation of uniformitarianism. The theory of uniformitarianism taught that the present was the key to the past and exactly the same slow process that we see today is the one responsible for the formation of all the geological rock strata.

Since deposition with the uniformitarianism theory was so slow, long eons of time were required. This meant that the current biblical beliefs at that time of a young earth, the recent history of life on earth and the worldwide flood of Noah were discredited. In addition, uniformitarianism laid the foundation for Darwin’s theory of evolution, which also needed an old earth to be credible.

So uniformitarianism dethroned catastrophism and evolution dethroned biblical creationism and both became the dominant theories in academia and science until the present time. Currently, academia and science are clinging to uniformitarianism and biological macroevolution with all the strength they can muster. However, large splits have been seen in the ranks. During the last 50 years an enormous amount of information has been collected that supports catastrophism and intelligent design.

The Mount St. Helens eruption and subsequent erosion has taught us that rapid deposition and rapid canyon erosion is a fact. It doesn’t take years to form. It doesn’t take rocket science to know that life forms cannot be fossilized unless buried rapidly.

Regarding biological macroevolution:
• No transitional fossils have been found; museums should be full of them.
• Hoaxes, forgeries, and misrepresentations have been rampant.
• Evolutionists can’t explain the origin of life.
• Evolutionists can’t explain complexity or irreducible complexity.
• Evolutionists can’t explain consciousness.

Many in science and academia have a deeply held religious belief in uniformitarianism and evolution in spite of all the evidence pointing in the opposite direction. This is understandable from several standpoints:
• Not wanting to be accountable to a God, they would have to accept if they would let the scientific data form their scientific beliefs.
• Their conflict of interest is revealed by their complete refusal to consider special creation as a possible alternative explanation, especially when the fossil evidence stares them in the face.
• The fact that their original theories were based upon religious political motivations. Dr. Henry Morris claimed that this was true for Sir Charles Lyell. Julian Huxley, grandson of Thomas Huxley “Darwin’s bulldog,” first director of UNESCO and prominent evolutionist was asked on a public radio station an interesting question. He was asked why evolution was accepted so rapidly. He didn’t say anything relating to scientific evidence. He said the reason it became so popular was because it didn’t interfere with our sexual mores.

Consequently, the evidence definitely leads to the fact that the new paradigm shift from a solid belief in the Bible, the biblical flood and a young earth to skepticism in the Bible, rejection of the biblical flood of Noah and an old earth occurred as a result of using the banner of science to promote a religious belief rather than being based upon scientific evidence. Uniformitarianism and evolution theories were tools to accomplish this.

Thanx, an interesting read.

Although I don't believe in a "young Earth", it could have been around for millions of years, I tend to believe that the period of Creation of plant and animal life was much shorter than "Evolutionists" would have us believe, although much longer than the 144 hours "Creationists" would have us believe.

qoth dik


wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 727
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 3:54:04 AM   

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I was trying to make a point that someone who had read about science but had never actually done it for a living might consider useful to think about. I'll let the point go. Maybe I was being arrogant.

Please elaborate, put it in context. I am very interested.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to Nnanji)
Profile   Post #: 728
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 3:55:53 AM   

Posts: 9980
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Although I don't believe in a "young Earth", it could have been around for millions of years, I tend to believe that the period of Creation of plant and animal life was much shorter than "Evolutionists" would have us believe, although much longer than the 144 hours "Creationists" would have us believe.

What leads you to that belief, Miles?



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 729
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 3:58:23 AM   

Posts: 1535
Joined: 11/13/2010
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ORIGINAL: bounty44

worth the quick read comrades:


QUESTION: Catastrophism versus Uniformitarianism – Where does the evidence lead?


Catastrophism versus uniformitarianism describes alternative process which could be primarily responsible for the formation the geological strata and embedded fossils. Catastrophism was accepted as the only possible explanation until the about the 18th century. Catastrophism taught that the geologic rock strata were primarily a result of catastrophes like the worldwide flood of Noah. At that time James Hutton and Sir Charles Lyell proposed an alternative explanation of uniformitarianism. The theory of uniformitarianism taught that the present was the key to the past and exactly the same slow process that we see today is the one responsible for the formation of all the geological rock strata.

Since deposition with the uniformitarianism theory was so slow, long eons of time were required. This meant that the current biblical beliefs at that time of a young earth, the recent history of life on earth and the worldwide flood of Noah were discredited. In addition, uniformitarianism laid the foundation for Darwin’s theory of evolution, which also needed an old earth to be credible.

So uniformitarianism dethroned catastrophism and evolution dethroned biblical creationism and both became the dominant theories in academia and science until the present time. Currently, academia and science are clinging to uniformitarianism and biological macroevolution with all the strength they can muster. However, large splits have been seen in the ranks. During the last 50 years an enormous amount of information has been collected that supports catastrophism and intelligent design.

The Mount St. Helens eruption and subsequent erosion has taught us that rapid deposition and rapid canyon erosion is a fact. It doesn’t take years to form. It doesn’t take rocket science to know that life forms cannot be fossilized unless buried rapidly.

Regarding biological macroevolution:
• No transitional fossils have been found; museums should be full of them.
• Hoaxes, forgeries, and misrepresentations have been rampant.
• Evolutionists can’t explain the origin of life.
• Evolutionists can’t explain complexity or irreducible complexity.
• Evolutionists can’t explain consciousness.

Many in science and academia have a deeply held religious belief in uniformitarianism and evolution in spite of all the evidence pointing in the opposite direction. This is understandable from several standpoints:
• Not wanting to be accountable to a God, they would have to accept if they would let the scientific data form their scientific beliefs.
• Their conflict of interest is revealed by their complete refusal to consider special creation as a possible alternative explanation, especially when the fossil evidence stares them in the face.
• The fact that their original theories were based upon religious political motivations. Dr. Henry Morris claimed that this was true for Sir Charles Lyell. Julian Huxley, grandson of Thomas Huxley “Darwin’s bulldog,” first director of UNESCO and prominent evolutionist was asked on a public radio station an interesting question. He was asked why evolution was accepted so rapidly. He didn’t say anything relating to scientific evidence. He said the reason it became so popular was because it didn’t interfere with our sexual mores.

Consequently, the evidence definitely leads to the fact that the new paradigm shift from a solid belief in the Bible, the biblical flood and a young earth to skepticism in the Bible, rejection of the biblical flood of Noah and an old earth occurred as a result of using the banner of science to promote a religious belief rather than being based upon scientific evidence. Uniformitarianism and evolution theories were tools to accomplish this.

What a nonsense

(in reply to bounty44)
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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 4:12:54 AM   

Posts: 7522
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From: Sydney Australia
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Yes indeed. Absolute gibberish, so silly it becomes funny in parts.

I found the conclusion particularly funny:

"Consequently, the evidence definitely leads to the fact that the new paradigm shift from a solid belief in the Bible, the biblical flood and a young earth to skepticism in the Bible, rejection of the biblical flood of Noah and an old earth occurred as a result of using the banner of science to promote a religious belief rather than being based upon scientific evidence. Uniformitarianism and evolution theories were tools to accomplish this."

There you have it - evolution is a rationalist conspiracy to dethrone Biblical primacy, an atheist plot to destroy a popular, rather quaint, and far from original fairy tale. It leaves me wondering how intelligent the designer of all this is if he/she/it leaves all this evidence lying around contradicting the notions that humans and all living creatures don't adapt to their circumstances and that the world was designed and created by some elegant intelligence. Why would an intelligent person/entity bother going to all that trouble?

Though perhaps a far more pertinent question is: How on earth is any otherwise rational person persuaded by such nonsense?


(in reply to blnymph)
Profile   Post #: 731
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 4:27:04 AM   

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First, you need to check your Quantum Mechanics, no "electron can pass through two different "doors" simultaneously"

Recap: When a camera observed the electrons, they acted as particles. However, when the no equipment was used to observe the electrons, they acted as waves and particles simultaneously.


What are the implications of this?

1. Matter can act as both a wave and a particle depending on whether or not it is being observed (Wave-Duality Theory)

This is the least meaningful implication for you as a macroscopic organism, but nonetheless it’s a pretty crazy concept.

2. Observation can (possibly) affect the outcome of macroscopic events

After all, you and everything you know are composed of these microscopic particles, so why couldn’t something large be influenced as well? It would be the sum of a seemingly infinite amount of pieces of matter acting as either waves or particles. Scientists have very mixed opinions on this topic so I’ll just say it makes sense to me that this could happen on a larger scale.

3. We don’t know very much about this universe (Science is not yet an ‘exact science’)

There are a couple things out there that science still cannot explain like the characteristics of gravity, but this blows Newton’s discovery out of the water. As we study smaller and smaller particles in order to understand more about what we’re made, we seem to find more things that just don’t make sense. Point being that nothing should be ruled out completely because we simply cannot know anything for certain at this point.


Unlike Believers, we never claimed to "know it all." And we do not close our minds to physical possibilities.


So the whole universe is subject to "deterministic forces" except the Earth and "Evolution"?

That is your claim then? Certainly not mine.


Notice the quotation marks, I got it from you and your last post, so I guess you're saying that your not much of an Evolutionary scientist.

If you did get it from my last post you should be able to give a citation. I looked back at my last several posts and I did not find where I made that statement, and I know I do not believe in such deterministic nonsense, so SHOW ME, MIles. Show me where I said it.


and second if I were you I wouldn't take this discussion into the micro world, because there science has begun to turn strangely toward the probable existence of God.

Another generalized statement by you with no supporting explanation.

And here is another idiotic statement that God determined you should say:


Yes free will, you don't have to live on the coast and deal with hurricanes; you don't have to live on the side of a volcano and deal with volcanoes and you really don't have to deal with diseases either but then you would have to have some common sense and follow some simple sanitation principles but then it seems those things are beyond the grasp of your understanding.

We are over seven billion humans on this planet plus some uncounted number of other animals. Tell me a spot where we can all gather to live our lives free from catastrophic natural events and disease.


For example most would say gravity is a good thing but if someone takes another and throws them off a cliff then a “good” thing has been used in a terrible way to produce a terrible thing and we really should not blame God for that.

When I spoke of natural disasters I did not include human agency. That is your twist on the original idea.

And I don't recall if mentioned this as you have made so many loony comments: flood plains are related to river flooding and have nothing to do with the beach. The beach is not a flood plain. Google it. . . if that is allowed by the Bible.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 732
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 7:25:48 AM   

Posts: 5490
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Look them up for yourself, a Bible shouldn't be too hard for you to find.

In other words, you know damn well you were full of shit God-Botherer.


Not your average bimbo.

(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 733
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 9:25:41 AM   

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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

Yes indeed. Absolute gibberish, so silly it becomes funny in parts.

There you have it - evolution is a rationalist conspiracy to dethrone Biblical primacy

Though perhaps a far more pertinent question is: How on earth is any otherwise rational person persuaded by such nonsense?

Sure, when you have philosophical dopes spinning grovelling at the feet of rationalism, because they fail to comprehend its limitations.

In his Treatise on Religious and Political Philosophy, written in 1670, Spinoza laid down maxims for the study of the Bible which have a very modern ring. I quote from Chapter VII:

“I may sum up the matter by saying that the method of interpreting Scripture does not differ widely from the method of interpreting Nature—in fact it is almost the same. For as the examination of Nature consists in the examination of the history of Nature, and therefrom deducing definitions of natural phenomena on certain fixed axioms, so Scriptural interpretation proceeds by the examination of Scripture, and inferring the intention of its author as a legitimate conclusion from its fundamental principles. By working in this manner everyone will always advance without danger of error—that is, if they admit no principles for interpreting Scripture, and discussing its content save such as they find Scripture itself—and will be able with equal security to discuss what surpasses our understanding, and what is known by the natural light of reason.”

Note carefully two of the things Spinoza tells us in this paragraph. First, he joins that large group of exegetes who believe that the principles for interpreting the Bible are to be found in the Bible itself. In the second place, Spinoza draws an important distinction between the things we know, or may know, by employing reason; and the realms of being which surpass understanding, where reason has no competence. In other words, a reasonable man like Spinoza acknowledges the limitations of reason. To take a simple example: You cannot know what chocolate tastes like by reasoning from first principles

which is the point I made several times about atheist false gods of rationalism, that went zinging right over everyones heads.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to tweakabelle)
Profile   Post #: 734
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 9:31:25 AM   

Posts: 21189
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ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


Look them up for yourself, a Bible shouldn't be too hard for you to find.

In other words, you know damn well you were full of shit God-Botherer.

atheists, the ones who have thrown everything religion in the dumpster despite the nose on their face simply pound square pegs in round holes and demand that their methods are the only 'correct' methods.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to ThatDizzyChick)
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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 9:33:02 AM   

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ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


Look them up for yourself, a Bible shouldn't be too hard for you to find.

In other words, you know damn well you were full of shit God-Botherer.

atheists, the ones who have thrown everything religion in the dumpster despite the nose on their face simply pound square pegs in round holes and demand that their methods are the only 'correct' methods.

What, like the jew-turned-atheist Spinoza?


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 736
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 10:44:28 AM   

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Illiterate much

God is now described not so much as the underlying substance of all things, but as the universal, immanent and sustaining cause of all that exists: “From the necessity of the divine nature there must follow infinitely many things in infinitely many modes, (i.e., everything that can fall under an infinite intellect)”.

According to the traditional Judeo-Christian conception of divinity, God is a transcendent creator, a being who causes a world distinct from himself to come into being by creating it out of nothing. God produces that world by a spontaneous act of free will, and could just as easily have not created anything outside himself. By contrast, Spinoza’s God is the cause of all things because all things follow causally and necessarily from the divine nature. Or, as he puts it, from God’s infinite power or nature “all things have necessarily flowed, or always followed, by the same necessity and in the same way as from the nature of a triangle it follows, from eternity and to eternity, that its three angles are equal to two right angles” (Ip17s1). The existence of the world is, thus, mathematically necessary. It is impossible that God should exist but not the world. This does not mean that God does not cause the world to come into being freely, since nothing outside of God constrains him to bring it into existence. But Spinoza does deny that God creates the world by some arbitrary and undetermined act of free will. God could not have done otherwise. There are no possible alternatives to the actual world, and absolutely no contingency or spontaneity within that world. Everything is absolutely and necessarily determined.

(Ip29): In nature there is nothing contingent, but all things have been determined from the necessity of the divine nature to exist and produce an effect in a certain way.

(Ip33): Things could have been produced by God in no other way, and in no other order than they have been produced.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to WhoreMods)
Profile   Post #: 737
RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 10:54:26 AM   

Posts: 5079
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Illiterate much

God is now described not so much as the underlying substance of all things, but as the universal, immanent and sustaining cause of all that exists: “From the necessity of the divine nature there must follow infinitely many things in infinitely many modes, (i.e., everything that can fall under an infinite intellect)”.

According to the traditional Judeo-Christian conception of divinity, God is a transcendent creator, a being who causes a world distinct from himself to come into being by creating it out of nothing. God produces that world by a spontaneous act of free will, and could just as easily have not created anything outside himself. By contrast, Spinoza’s God is the cause of all things because all things follow causally and necessarily from the divine nature. Or, as he puts it, from God’s infinite power or nature “all things have necessarily flowed, or always followed, by the same necessity and in the same way as from the nature of a triangle it follows, from eternity and to eternity, that its three angles are equal to two right angles” (Ip17s1). The existence of the world is, thus, mathematically necessary. It is impossible that God should exist but not the world. This does not mean that God does not cause the world to come into being freely, since nothing outside of God constrains him to bring it into existence. But Spinoza does deny that God creates the world by some arbitrary and undetermined act of free will. God could not have done otherwise. There are no possible alternatives to the actual world, and absolutely no contingency or spontaneity within that world. Everything is absolutely and necessarily determined.

(Ip29): In nature there is nothing contingent, but all things have been determined from the necessity of the divine nature to exist and produce an effect in a certain way.

(Ip33): Things could have been produced by God in no other way, and in no other order than they have been produced.

If that were true, then God must have a God

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 11:46:32 AM   

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Illiterate much

Not half as illiterate as somebody who can swallow an argument that a selective reading of Spinoza is a proof of God's existence: he mostly uses God as a synonym for all of existence in Ethics. It's a new age-y "God without God" sort of thing. Of course, you'd have to sit down and read the book to work that out, rather than swallowing the spin somebody's put on a few pre-chewed excerpts for you.


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Creationist Belief Falling into the Dumpster - 8/14/2017 11:51:12 AM   

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I was trying to make a point that someone who had read about science but had never actually done it for a living might consider useful to think about. I'll let the point go. Maybe I was being arrogant.

Please elaborate, put it in context. I am very interested.

I should go back and try and reform my thoughts. But, as I said earlier I'm not sure an actual argument here is worth it. So let me say this.

My original thoughts were based on a pure expression of physical science. I accept archeological findings and I enjoy the panorama of just what the universe has revealed to us in fossil records. I accept the brilliant methodologies that some human minds have been able to use to prove some things like planetary and fossil age. I don't question any of that. I'm actually amazed sometimes at what some of those and women come up with to determine some of their findings. Who'd of thought that some one trained in digging up fossils would some day be sitting around reading about some guy trained in another field of science such as nuclear physics and suddenly seeing a link to a question they had in their field of science and then going off and learning enough about it to reliably use that science reasonably in their field.

In fact, with all due respect to you, this is the sort of problem I see with your posts here. I don't know you well enough to suggest you have the same problems in other aspects of your life. But, I consistently see the beauty of mankind in this sort of thing and often fail to see that sort of beauty expressed by you when you post about some of the terrible things mankind has also done that torments this sort of beauty. But, I apologize, that's another discussion another day. However, since I did bring it up, I'll accept your chastisement on the issue.

So, with all of the above sciency stuff being said, everything that has been found and measured still only relates to tiny, microscopic, instances of the infinite involved. At that, it only shows a trail, not an actual passage of event. It does not show, or allow a view of, the actual mechanism that drives those passages. We can only speculate what that mechanism is, and that speculation can only be considered through the lens of a microscopic trail billions of years old. I think I asked if there was now, since the last time I looked, more evidence of the driving mechanism, not of the microscopic trail left behind. That question was brought about by another's postulate of a driving mechanism being creation.

That was, simply my question. But the relevant thought that was being discussed was the driving mechanism, not the residual, evidence we must interprit through a fogged lens.

So from there, and this is a new thought added and not sciency, what is the fogged lens that seeks to view the driving mechanism now? I see it in a combination physical energy slash spiritual context personally. You state you do not apply the spiritual context. My point is not to state one view is better than the other so much as to say that each of us views that driving mechanism, which we cannot see, with our own abilities and predjudices.

If, for instance, you read the Analects of Confucius you can note that he saw the organization of nation states as a hierarchy. The emporor was on top and there was direct connection downward. In the Confucian format, the state thrived when the emporor was in harmony with the universe and aligned that harmony downward. It wasn't just a saying about harmony with the universe. Confucius stated that to be in harmony with the universe right actions had to be performed. The "Songs" must be implemented, proper actions derived over the ages had to be made. There was even methods, the I Ching, whereby the concerns of the universe could be delved and determined. It is evident that there was an actual, or perceived, interaction with the universe which was a driving mechanism. There was an energy that could be employed that could only be described as a spiritual energy.

In Polynesian/Hawaian cultural, completely removed by time and place from Confucius, there was a similar system of mana. The mana was an exterior energy that came to people through action or places. Often it was considered to come to the tribal king from the universe to be organized down through the state. There was a system of interaction between the universe and humans. Again, an actual energy that existed but could only be interacted with or measured by man on what is described as a spiritual plane.

There are other such systems. In fact every culture and time had its own description of the interaction of the universe through that spiritual energy. Now, instead of spiritual interaction we have scientific interaction.

In my own life and profession I was considered good at what I did. Frankly, the secret to my being good at it was because early on I realized when very tough scientificy stuff came along I develope a way to solve the science involved. What I did was just pose the problem to myself and then drop the issue. Inevitably, a day or two later a solution would literally pop into my head. The solutions always were able to be applied practically and most often the solutions were completely unfounded by my education, training or practical experience. They were generally pure inspiration. It was, to me, a pure interaction with the energy of the universe leading me to solutions that I could not have otherwise ever seen.

So, to me, the concept of interaction with the actual driving mechanism of the universe was a very real physical experience I could only describe as harmonizing with the universe on a spiritual plane. I've never actually described this to anyone before simply because I have no proof of its existence that anyone would believe. Nor would I expect them to believe it.

However, to me, the concept of a driving mechanism, not the trail left behind, is not a product of randomness. It was, and is, an interactive process I've been able to learn to become better at in my life, privately.

I personally measured that interaction with product. Not a new breakfast cereal product. Products being a reasonable real world application of physical science that solved a real world problem I have to accept that I could not have solved with any means of my education, training or experience otherwise. I never had a yard stick to measure the energy, I only have individual little pieces of evidence that leave a trail in my career that is much much smaller than the compilation of the microscopic trail found in fossil records.

To me, in my own thinking, I believe some day man will discover how to actually recognize and measure that energy that is the driving mechanism of the universe. To me, I am thankful that I was, am, able to perform that physical communion with the universe to see, small microscopic aspects of of the driving mechanism. To me, that person, or persons, who was sitting around reading some science text written by a guy in another science field and having a eureka moment to solve a problem in his field was doing the same thing. To me, Confucius was describing that connection. To me, I am sufficiently enamored by the process I experienced that I believe on one hand that the process exists, while on the other hand understand others would not, or could not believe it. So, to me, I just really don't care if another believes it or describes it in a Confucian context or a biblical context. To me, I realize it exists and has practical applications in the real world and it doesn't matter if you believe or not.

So, when the topic came up and the question of what the driving mechanism was behind natural selection, I asked if you knew of any new evidence for measuring the driving mechanism, not for measuring the trail left behind. That was all. I had not intended to get into my beliefs that I cannot prove or expect others to believe. But, one day I am sure "they" will discover how to see and measure that energy of the universe that is the driving mechanism. Perhaps when a unified field theory is found inside it will be that little force that humankind can feel and interact with. I do not believe it is random and chance. But, the actual driving mechanism is the curiosity, however it's explained, not little pieces of trail that's been left to mark its passage.

(in reply to vincentML)
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