RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (Full Version)

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WickedsDesire -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 3:56:49 PM)

I love that meme you dumbfuk.....its not like the orange cunt pedo nutter alluded to non occurrences as reality

nay way - Christ next you will be telling me he is president of some hill billy land


ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 3:57:44 PM)


that's her response practically every time someone mentions a particular country being socialist or even just socialism in general. if it doesn't fit her narrow but comprehensive textbook definition of the terms, its not applicable, and the people using them are stupid.

The reason i say you are stupid is because you keep insisting on calling a completely capitalist country like Sweden socialist. There is nothing socialist about Sweden at all, it is no more socialist than the U.S. Both are capitalist countries.
The problem here is not that I define socialism too narrowly, it is that none of you have the slightest idea what is or is not socialism. You do not understand the difference between the terms "socialist" and "socialized. You have no clue what the term "social democratic" means. In short, you want to talk politics, yet you have no fucking clue what political terminology means.
Calling Sweden socialist makes as much sense as calling the U.S. communist. Both statements are completely factually wrong. Calling Sweden socialist is like calling an apple a Jeep Cherokee.
So the problem is not with me at all, it is with you, and your complete lack of education in the field you are trying to discuss.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 4:01:17 PM)




ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Sweden is not even slightly socialist you ignorant twit.

You didn't read beyond the headline did you Ralphie?

WickedsDesire -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 4:13:16 PM)

I doubt any of you could find Sweden on a map It goes Norway, Sweden Finland Russia fuk I am not even sure half of you know those realms to the right of handsome land.

So who has a recipe for Swedish meatballs? I am prepared to give you my postal address for thy heathens to send me the tasty delights and 40 nymphomaniacs for desert, or is it dessert

tamaka -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 4:24:04 PM)

I have been craving Swedish fish all afternoon.

WickedsDesire -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 4:36:58 PM)

Socialist fish?


PeonForHer -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 4:42:24 PM)


The reason i say you are stupid is because you keep insisting on calling a completely capitalist country like Sweden socialist. There is nothing socialist about Sweden at all, it is no more socialist than the U.S. Both are capitalist countries.

I think that's overstating it. It has socialist influences - its capitalism is controlled. To the average American - though probably not the average European - some of those socialist influences would be pretty striking.

WickedsDesire -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:03:49 PM)

250 grams and I scoffed the lot of those tasty blighters in 2 days -

6packmalarkey aint stupid dizzybint Ever seen me argue that you stupid cow?

English probably, but they arnt all bad - still, I would burn the lot of them as it is for the best I feel and whom amongst us would not disagree

tamaka -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:14:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

Socialist fish?


Awwwww thanks. That's not what i meant but i'll eat them anyways! ;)

tamaka -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:16:42 PM)

I wonder if Finland would take me back if i showed them my grandparents birth certificate.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:20:22 PM)


I think that's overstating it.

And you are wrong.

It has socialist influences

Yeah? Name some.

its capitalism is controlled.

How is that even vaguely relevant? So is that of the U.S., so what point do you think you made?

To the average American - though probably not the average European - some of those socialist influences would be pretty striking.

Again, what socialist influences?

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:34:48 PM)


So who has a recipe for Swedish meatballs?

1. Soak some breadcrumbs in milk for about 10 minutes.
2. Lightly brown some chopped onion in melted butter in a skillet
3. Mix the onions, some ground beef, some ground pork, eggs, brown sugar, salt, pepper, allspice, nutmeg and just a touch of ginger.
4. When that is all well mixed, add in the bread and milk, and mix it lightly
heat a skillet and melt some butter in it. make each meatball (about 1-2 Tblspn of meat mixture per ball) and drop it in the skillet.
Cook about 5 minutes (until the outside is browned), turning them the whole time.
5.Put the browned meatballs (the insides should still be raw) in a baking pan with some chicken broth, cover with foil, and bake at 350 for about 40 minutes.
6. Take out the meatballs and pour the drippings into a heated skillet and whisk in some flour. keep whisking in flour and beef broth until you get the amount you want and then bring it to a simmer and whisk until it thickens (should take 5-8 minutes). Then add some pepper and sour cream, whisk well, and pour over the meatballs and serve.

PeonForHer -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:37:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


I think that's overstating it.

And you are wrong.

It has socialist influences

Yeah? Name some.

its capitalism is controlled.

How is that even vaguely relevant? So is that of the U.S., so what point do you think you made?

To the average American - though probably not the average European - some of those socialist influences would be pretty striking.

Again, what socialist influences?

The very idea of controlling capitalism - by means of a welfare state - any kind of redistribution - has socialist influences. Bear in mind that 'socialism' is a very broad church. It's not reducible to Marx and revolutionary socialism, still less communism (whatever your flavour) - not by any means. Sweden has a mixed economy - as does the USA, though the latter a lot less so. Sweden's post WW2 consensus was like that of a lot of First World countries - a blend of 'one-nation conservatism' (the Disraeli sort - paternalism and the idea that 'we must look after our children', crudely speaking), modern liberalism (positive freedoms added to negative freedoms - the idea that 'no man can be free if he lacks the essentials'), and the sort of watered-down socialism of social democracy. The socialist influences were there, in the left-of-centre parties, across the advanced capitalist nations.

WickedsDesire -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:37:46 PM)

You can send them to me you know?

why are you on this site anyway? - Other place went tits up didnt it - in between the murders obviously

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:42:50 PM)

Yeah, like I thought, you can't actually name or list any of these imaginary socialist influences. Just a head's up, the welfare state is anti-socialist, by definition. Turns out your knowledge of political terminology, while broader than that of the Yanks, is just as shallow.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:44:19 PM)


You can send them to me you know?

I just did titwit, I just did.

why are you on this site anyway?

None of your fucking business.

PeonForHer -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:51:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Yeah, like I thought, you can't actually name or list any of these imaginary socialist influences. Just a head's up, the welfare state is anti-socialist, by definition. Turns out your knowledge of political terminology, while broader than that of the Yanks, is just as shallow.

The idea of the welfare state isn't anti-socialist. Where do you get that from?

Look, please try not to be too aggressive with me on this, TDC. It won't help you.

WickedsDesire -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/17/2017 5:58:13 PM)

There has to be yous or that argument is irrelevant - just saying.

I of not one iota of definable reality was hurt by another of no definable reality - how does that work?

anyway back to the flash

longwayhome -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 8:26:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Yeah, like I thought, you can't actually name or list any of these imaginary socialist influences. Just a head's up, the welfare state is anti-socialist, by definition. Turns out your knowledge of political terminology, while broader than that of the Yanks, is just as shallow.

The concept of the welfare state was progressed in Europe after the Great War (1914-18) by the fading liberal parties but more enthusiastically by the Communist, Socialist and Labour parties in the inter-war period. In the case of the self-styled Communist and Socialist parties it was allied to a desire to shift control over the means of production from the bourgeoisie to the proletariat.

Rather than being a way of allowing capitalism to survive by mitigating its worst social effects, these parties saw it as an essential part of protecting workers during a transition to a society where people drew from the social fund according to their work or need.

Historically at least the welfare state was not intended by left wing parties in Europe as something to prop up or maintain capitalism but as a form of social support available to workers as part of a state which would be run by democratic principles taking account of workers organisations and the will of the people. The relationship between socialism and democracy at that time was very different given that many countries were only moving towards universal male and female suffrage, something that the democratic socialists of western Europe thought would create a more socialist political system. It did indeed do this, in Europe at least, but it was not a permanent or absolute shift so many socialist parties became caught up in mitigation of the effects of capitalism as the most realistic way of supporting the vulnerable.

In essence then a welfare state in not necessarily socialist or anti-socialist. It is all about social, economic and historical context.

As a socialist I would prefer to see a right to work, which could obviate the need for a welfare state as such, and would arguably be closer to Marx's concept of workers drawing from the social fund. It does however raise questions about supporting the sick and infirm, as well as those who refuse to contribute. The danger is that when you try to address these problems you end up with a set of rules which start to feel very like a welfare state, albeit in a different guise, whether it is a universal minimum living wage or some other form of innovative personal and family support.

In any case, Sweden is absolutely a capitalist country. It does however have a form of social organisation, unionism, and a form of long-termism in its economic activity that flows from a partnership between unions and businesses that has benefits both for the businesses and for the workers, who receive a greater share of the profits of their labour whilst having a social safety net.

I would not call this socialism. It is neither unfettered capitalism or true socialism, but it is a long way from the way that both the UK and the US are organised socially and economically. What it does not represent is a reorganisation of society and economy into autonomous allied worker run cells or communes, but rather a socialist influenced mitigation of capitalism by promoting greater partnership. What you are left with is a different flavour of capitalism, which some socialists distrust because they believe that in conniving to make capitalism bearable, it perpetuates the very thing they seek to supersede.

Whether as a socialist you look upon a Scandinavian model (including their welfare provisions) as being a good or bad thing depends on how pragmatic you are. Socialism it is not, but then one of the key battles of 20th century socialism was about achieving what was immediately democratically possible against the potentially uncertain benefits of revolutionary change (revolutionary with a small "r" to avoid getting into sterile arguments about the Russian and Chinese experiences).

Certain manifestations of the "welfare state" can certainly therefore be "anti-socialist" in the way that you say but the concept of a welfare state is not per se anti-socialist. That is why many socialists in Europe largely want to reform rather than destroy their welfare states.

Whether that intent immediately bars them from referring to themselves as socialist depends how exclusive you want to be about the term "socialist". After all socialists have a nasty habit of spending as much time fighting with other socialists as they do seeking social and economic reform.

And I say that as someone who considers myself to be a socialist.

jlf1961 -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 8:37:43 AM)



you are a man on here drunk/and or high, talking trash on a regular basis, with no reality.

He is a scotsman who posts and expresses the opinions of an emasculated male from Suffolk.

In other words, he has betrayed the beliefs of Robert the Bruce, William Wallace and is more akin to Scrooge McDuck.

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