RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (Full Version)

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Nnanji -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 11:07:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Sweden is not even slightly socialist you ignorant twit.

Oh look, you're using all of your big girl words to contribute to a big girl conversation.

Nnanji -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 11:09:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick




ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Sweden is not even slightly socialist you ignorant twit.

You didn't read beyond the headline did you Ralphie?

Actually, I did read it and since this is supposed to be a discussion I posted it. I understand that concept is difficult for a person who normally is more used to rolling drunks.

blnymph -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 12:40:22 PM)




ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Yeah, like I thought, you can't actually name or list any of these imaginary socialist influences. Just a head's up, the welfare state is anti-socialist, by definition. Turns out your knowledge of political terminology, while broader than that of the Yanks, is just as shallow.

The idea of the welfare state isn't anti-socialist. Where do you get that from?

Look, please try not to be too aggressive with me on this, TDC. It won't help you.

The idea of the welfare state in Germany has been anti-socialist indeed when the state health and invalidity insurances, state pension scheme and unemployment insurancy have been introduced in the 1880s by the conservative chancellor Bismarck. Late 19th century ... No government ever since abolished it.

The political intentions - to reduce the appeal of social democracy - did not work as planned but the basic idea was followed by a number of governments in other european countries. Back in those days when conservative governments cared about the people ... or did not dare not to.

It's no use complaining the ignorance about those things in a country where for many decades any of these terms have been used only to demonise necessary political achievements for everybody's benefit.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 2:06:34 PM)


Actually, I did read it

Then you need to read it again, more slowly this time, because it supports what I said.

Nnanji -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 3:15:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


Actually, I did read it

Then you need to read it again, more slowly this time, because it supports what I said.

Well then, good for you. As I said, this is a discussion, not a football match. I posted relevant information.

longwayhome -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 3:16:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: blnymph




ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Yeah, like I thought, you can't actually name or list any of these imaginary socialist influences. Just a head's up, the welfare state is anti-socialist, by definition. Turns out your knowledge of political terminology, while broader than that of the Yanks, is just as shallow.

The idea of the welfare state isn't anti-socialist. Where do you get that from?

Look, please try not to be too aggressive with me on this, TDC. It won't help you.

The idea of the welfare state in Germany has been anti-socialist indeed when the state health and invalidity insurances, state pension scheme and unemployment insurancy have been introduced in the 1880s by the conservative chancellor Bismarck. Late 19th century ... No government ever since abolished it.

The political intentions - to reduce the appeal of social democracy - did not work as planned but the basic idea was followed by a number of governments in other european countries. Back in those days when conservative governments cared about the people ... or did not dare not to.

It's no use complaining the ignorance about those things in a country where for many decades any of these terms have been used only to demonise necessary political achievements for everybody's benefit.

Whilst I am sure that is true of Germany, the explicit reasons for the expansion and deepening of welfare provisions in other countries were certainly less conservative.

The large scale adoption of welfare in the UK was initially a Liberal and then, after the Second World War, a Labour social scheme. There was a similar pattern in some other European countries. Indeed it was the socialist government sweeping to power after the war which resulted in much of the universalism of support, including universal health care free at the point of delivery for all.

It is true that the Conservatives in the UK did not dare dismantle the welfare state in the twentieth century but after the Labour government in the 1920s they did everything they could to limit it and more modern Conservative governments have been very big on the deserving and undeserving poor, leaving us with welfare which papers over the cracks in terms of pension provision and penalises as much as it supports.

As I suggested in my last post state welfare provision is not intrinsically anti-socialist because so much depends on the context in which state welfare operates.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 4:55:31 PM)


I posted relevant information.

Nobody said you didn't, pay attention.

Marini -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 5:26:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

You dare lie about me? I, a verified profile, unlike your cacophony of muttery!
With a further reality 07757 901 443 or for those not in the UK + 44 7757 901 443
Skype is also available...simply ask
These are MY details to give

And the rest of you who are exactly?

It would be very unwise for anyone other than reality to fuk about with my number - are we clear all?

The WD show has been temporarily cancelled.

Verify that.

bounty44 -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 5:47:40 PM)


defining terms is important, but getting overly nitpicky to the point of contention and losing the larger point is not, nor is criticizing someone else because they don't hold to your particular definition of a word.

hopefully this will help:


II. Types of Socialism

Socialists tend to be active social and political theorists, and have developed a bewildering array of different schools of thought. These various schools disagree on almost everything, but they all agree that unchecked capitalism is a dangerous and destructive force. Also, these schools are not mutually exclusive: that is, many people borrow ideas from several different brands of socialism and form their own unique political perspective within the broad umbrella of socialism. Here is a small sample of some forms that socialism can take:..

b. Market Socialism

The government has an important role to play in protecting the poor, the environment, and future generations, but should not set prices or interfere too much in the market. Often combined with democratic socialism, or the view that socialism should be based on elections. Many countries in Europe pursue this model, which has helped them limit the effects of extreme poverty, but also imposes high tax burdens and in some cases, when not managed well, can create budget problems...

V. The History and Importance of Socialism

Socialists want to build on the accomplishments of their predecessors in the previous century and advocate for a society based on the model of Democratic Socialist countries such as Norway and Finland.

in short---stop bitching about the term, according to your lights, being used wrongly and accept its a word with many broad meanings that can be used correctly in a number of ways.

at the same time, its worth sharing again, the underlying tension is one of individualism vs collectivism, and its often far more useful to think of things in those terms.

Nnanji -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 5:59:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


I posted relevant information.

Nobody said you didn't, pay attention.

See, there you go with your drunk rolling behavior again. It's always you that doesn't understand or isn't understood. Let me tell you a secret...nobody here is going to leave you a tip so you don't have to act like you do Ina bar. Think about it.

Nnanji -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 6:03:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44


defining terms is important, but getting overly nitpicky to the point of contention and losing the larger point is not, nor is criticizing someone else because they don't hold to your particular definition of a word.

hopefully this will help:


II. Types of Socialism

Socialists tend to be active social and political theorists, and have developed a bewildering array of different schools of thought. These various schools disagree on almost everything, but they all agree that unchecked capitalism is a dangerous and destructive force. Also, these schools are not mutually exclusive: that is, many people borrow ideas from several different brands of socialism and form their own unique political perspective within the broad umbrella of socialism. Here is a small sample of some forms that socialism can take:..

b. Market Socialism

The government has an important role to play in protecting the poor, the environment, and future generations, but should not set prices or interfere too much in the market. Often combined with democratic socialism, or the view that socialism should be based on elections. Many countries in Europe pursue this model, which has helped them limit the effects of extreme poverty, but also imposes high tax burdens and in some cases, when not managed well, can create budget problems...

V. The History and Importance of Socialism

Socialists want to build on the accomplishments of their predecessors in the previous century and advocate for a society based on the model of Democratic Socialist countries such as Norway and Finland.

in short---stop bitching about the term, according to your lights, being used wrongly and accept its a word with many broad meanings that can be used correctly in a number of ways.

at the same time, its worth sharing again, the underlying tension is one of individualism vs collectivism, and its often far more useful to think of things in those terms.

If the socialists could turn the energy they use to arrogantly argue amongst themselves to world domination we'd all be dead by now and there'd be one guy left in the world telling all of the rocks, "See, I was right."

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 6:12:43 PM)


in short---stop bitching about the term, according to your lights, being used wrongly

Here's a better idea, instead oif insisting I accpet your misuse of the term, you stupid fuckwits stop misusing the term.
Oh yeah, one other little detail, your quote does not prove what you think it does, see; "market socialism" is not "socialism", despite them both containing the word socialism.

Stupid fucking ignorantwits who can't even understand their own citations.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 6:15:06 PM)

Yes dearie, whatever you say. Here's a cookie pat pat, no run along and let those with functioning brains have a chat.

Nnanji -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 6:35:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Yes dearie, whatever you say. Here's a cookie pat pat, no run along and let those with functioning brains have a chat.

Let me explain something to you that I had to explain to the mental patient. It's very kindergarten to use an insult back at a person that they've just used at you. See post 41. Try and progress past kindergarten in the future. When you do, people may actually begin to believe what you say. Although it's still unlikely they'll give a shit. Good girl, now run along.

tamaka -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 6:43:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Yes dearie, whatever you say. Here's a cookie pat pat, no run along and let those with functioning brains have a chat.

What have you accomplished with that functioning brain?

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 11:54:11 PM)


What have you accomplished with that functioning brain?

I have started a business. What have you accomplished?

longwayhome -> RE: The Swedish socialist utopia (8/19/2017 11:57:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44


defining terms is important, but getting overly nitpicky to the point of contention and losing the larger point is not, nor is criticizing someone else because they don't hold to your particular definition of a word.

hopefully this will help:


II. Types of Socialism

Socialists tend to be active social and political theorists, and have developed a bewildering array of different schools of thought. These various schools disagree on almost everything, but they all agree that unchecked capitalism is a dangerous and destructive force. Also, these schools are not mutually exclusive: that is, many people borrow ideas from several different brands of socialism and form their own unique political perspective within the broad umbrella of socialism. Here is a small sample of some forms that socialism can take:..

b. Market Socialism

The government has an important role to play in protecting the poor, the environment, and future generations, but should not set prices or interfere too much in the market. Often combined with democratic socialism, or the view that socialism should be based on elections. Many countries in Europe pursue this model, which has helped them limit the effects of extreme poverty, but also imposes high tax burdens and in some cases, when not managed well, can create budget problems...

V. The History and Importance of Socialism

Socialists want to build on the accomplishments of their predecessors in the previous century and advocate for a society based on the model of Democratic Socialist countries such as Norway and Finland.

in short---stop bitching about the term, according to your lights, being used wrongly and accept its a word with many broad meanings that can be used correctly in a number of ways.

at the same time, its worth sharing again, the underlying tension is one of individualism vs collectivism, and its often far more useful to think of things in those terms.

I wasn't bitching about anything, least of all definitions.

I was taking what both ThatDizzyChick and blnymph said seriously and trying to make a thoughtful contribution.

Individualism vs collectivism is way too simple a lens through which to look at this subject, especially when there are socially authoritarian left and right wing governments and capitalism makes most people are wage slaves, even most of the well off.

With so few people genuinely owning the means of production in the modern world and most jobs threatened by technology, the income inequality between the Mark Zuckerbergs of this world and other mere mortals is quite shocking.

In a world filled with the illusion of personal choice, what an individual regards as freedom to live their own life is a complex thing indeed.

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