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RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment

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RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 8:15:24 AM   

Posts: 10540
Joined: 7/30/2005
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ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


If you believe a bunch of US citizens with firearms are any match for the US military

Remember, according to the Constitution there is not supposed to be a U.S. Military beyond a navy. The U.S military as it currently exists is blatantly unconstitutional, it is based on the fiction of the biannual funding laws. The purpose of the militias was to defend the states against the federal government.

So how about you fix that blatant disregard for the Constitution before you start using one illegal entity to justify removing people's right?

Yes but the congress in effect has the US constantly in a 'state of war' to justify what really is a peacetime army.

Just like when they pick some unfortunate rookie senator or congressman to remain in the halls as a proforma session so as to negate and any constitutional recess problems. This is to create a culture of the congress never being in recess.

Isn't that precious ? The US is always at war, so we need an army constantly.....

The congress is never in recess so the pres. can't keep fuck with them.

Like states that are constitutionally required to balance their budgets. So they create a 2nd budget they they can borrow against.

Politicians can create their own semantics and procedures to circumvent whatever they want.

Oh hey look, CS has me officially insane. Now I am one of the bunch here and should be right at home here.


You can be a murderous tyrant and the world will remember you fondly but fuck one horse and you will be a horse fucker for all eternity. Catherine the Great

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
J K Galbraith

(in reply to ThatDizzyChick)
Profile   Post #: 101
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 8:16:27 AM   

Posts: 3623
Status: offline
The article wasn't about anti-gun legislation.
The GOP killed scientific RESEARCH into gun violence.

The research was objective, they just didn't like what it was revealing.

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 102
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 8:26:23 AM   

Posts: 12225
Joined: 1/18/2012
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ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
I believe this passage might help explain things....

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
    Bold Mine

'parently, evils have yet to cross that line between sufferable and insufferable for enough people.

Right. We used modified turkey shooters to throw off the Brits, so now more modification of modern already 1,000-X more proficient arms as then is sufficient to worm our way around pertinent legislation and keep neighbors of nutjobs out of the discussion entirely is accomplished thereby.

Context is important, Edwird.

Of course context is important.
That's why you and others quote 240 yr. old sources in speaking to modern issues, right?
And taking literally what was written eons ago and thereby contextually misappropriating it as pertinent to contemporary discussion, right?

Actually, it was quite pertinent. Apparently, you don't understand the context.

To what was I responding to?


What I support:

  • A Conservative interpretation of the US Constitution
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Help for the truly needy
  • Limited Government
  • Consumption Tax (non-profit charities and food exempt)

(in reply to Edwird)
Profile   Post #: 103
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 9:36:03 AM   

Posts: 4552
Joined: 3/29/2016
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

I don't think the NRA is racist, because they know that they are also causing guns to end up in the hands of criminal gangs in Central America.

There is racism on the right, but not from the NRA-- they're about selling as many guns as possible, not limiting their customer base. If the US were more like North Korea and put everyone in the military, they probably wouldn't have to do this.

They also block scientific studies into gun violence (through the GOP of course!):


In the 1980s and 1990s, research on gun violence in the United States was going strong. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) funded studies on gun violence, and research was bearing fruit, said Fred Rivara, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital. In particular, Rivara said, agency-funded research had revealed that residents of homes with guns had a higher likelihood of violent death in the home. [The History of Human Aggression]
However, once those findings came to the attention of the National Rifle Association (NRA), a political firestorm ensued. Congress members who supported the NRA first attempted to remove all funding from the NCIPC. That failed, but Congress did manage to remove $2.6 million from the CDC's overall budget, the exact amount spent on firearm injury research in the past year, Rivara wrote Dec. 21 in a commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
More chillingly, Congress added language to the budget appropriations bill forbidding any CDC funding that might "advocate or promote gun control."
"The net effect is that we don't have any research going on in the public health sector about ways to prevent gun violence," Rivara told LiveScience.

22 years of all research into gun violence blocked by the right... which is probably why everyone keeps wondering why this keeps happening, and nobody ever really comes up with any solid answers. Oh hey, it must be the drugs he was on. He was just a psycho. He hated Trump supporters.

Good thing there's no actual research being done that might prove it's something else!

But NRA-funded private (AKA corrupt) studies still take place, so long as they get the desired result I am sure.

Obviously your Google skills lack and since you have no personal knowledge you often place your head up your ass. But, you seem comfortable with that so carry on.

(in reply to heavyblinker)
Profile   Post #: 104
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 9:37:15 AM   

Posts: 4552
Joined: 3/29/2016
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

The article wasn't about anti-gun legislation.
The GOP killed scientific RESEARCH into gun violence.

The research was objective, they just didn't like what it was revealing.

A very shallow understanding. See article above that will give you some head out of your ass perspective.

(in reply to heavyblinker)
Profile   Post #: 105
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 9:38:36 AM   

Posts: 4552
Joined: 3/29/2016
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ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


If you believe a bunch of US citizens with firearms are any match for the US military

Remember, according to the Constitution there is not supposed to be a U.S. Military beyond a navy. The U.S military as it currently exists is blatantly unconstitutional, it is based on the fiction of the biannual funding laws. The purpose of the militias was to defend the states against the federal government.

So how about you fix that blatant disregard for the Constitution before you start using one illegal entity to justify removing people's right?

Yes but the congress in effect has the US constantly in a 'state of war' to justify what really is a peacetime army.

Just like when they pick some unfortunate rookie senator or congressman to remain in the halls as a proforma session so as to negate and any constitutional recess problems. This is to create a culture of the congress never being in recess.

Isn't that precious ? The US is always at war, so we need an army constantly.....

The congress is never in recess so the pres. can't keep fuck with them.

Like states that are constitutionally required to balance their budgets. So they create a 2nd budget they they can borrow against.

Politicians can create their own semantics and procedures to circumvent whatever they want.

Oh hey look, CS has me officially insane. Now I am one of the bunch here and should be right at home here.

Wow, tin foil hat time.

(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 106
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 12:14:37 PM   

Posts: 21189
Joined: 10/25/2004
Status: offline



ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


If you believe a bunch of US citizens with firearms are any match for the US military

Remember, according to the Constitution there is not supposed to be a U.S. Military beyond a navy. The U.S military as it currently exists is blatantly unconstitutional, it is based on the fiction of the biannual funding laws. The purpose of the militias was to defend the states against the federal government.

So how about you fix that blatant disregard for the Constitution before you start using one illegal entity to justify removing people's right?

Yes but the congress in effect has the US constantly in a 'state of war' to justify what really is a peacetime army.

Just like when they pick some unfortunate rookie senator or congressman to remain in the halls as a proforma session so as to negate and any constitutional recess problems. This is to create a culture of the congress never being in recess.

Isn't that precious ? The US is always at war, so we need an army constantly.....

The congress is never in recess so the pres. can't keep fuck with them.

Like states that are constitutionally required to balance their budgets. So they create a 2nd budget they they can borrow against.

Politicians can create their own semantics and procedures to circumvent whatever they want.

Oh hey look, CS has me officially insane. Now I am one of the bunch here and should be right at home here.

and as far as they are concerned that puts them under war powers so they now have the ability to violate the constitution to execute war, and if that aint bad enough dubya2 declared a 100 year war against the the euphemism 'terrorism' that took them damn near 10 years to figure out how the hell they can even use it in a court. Its a bullshit word, used as a layer over the top of existing law while they figure out what to charge someone with later, much the same snag all as 'driving too fast for conditions' which was used for damn near any accident to collect revenue.

Face it america is getting fucked every which way but loose!


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 107
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 12:18:02 PM   

Posts: 21189
Joined: 10/25/2004
Status: offline



Wow, tin foil hat time.

I can recommend a good head hunter witch doctor to help pull your head out of your ass.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Nnanji)
Profile   Post #: 108
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 1:15:59 PM   

Posts: 6374
Joined: 11/1/2014
Status: offline


Obviously your Google skills lack and since you have no personal knowledge you often place your head up your ass. But, you seem comfortable with that so carry on.

nnanji, you might be wanting to give comrade blinker a gentle nudge in the right direction but id rather hit him square in the eyes with the proverbial baseball bat.

so here you go blinker:


Most mainstream journalists argued the NRA’s opposition to CDC gun research demonstrated its fear of being contradicted by science; few—if any—cited why the NRA may have had legitimate concerns. The culture of the CDC at the time could hardly be described as lacking bias on firearms.

“We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes,” Dr. Mark Rosenberg, who oversaw CDC gun research, told The Washington Post in 1994. “Now [smoking] is dirty, deadly and banned.”

Does Rosenberg sound like a man who should be trusted to conduct taxpayer-funded studies on guns?

Rosenberg’s statement coincided with a CDC study by Arthur Kellermann and Donald Reay, who argued guns in the home are 43 times more likely to be used to kill a family member than an intruder. The study had serious flaws; namely, it skewed the ratio by failing to consider defensive uses of firearms in which the intruder wasn’t killed. It has since been refuted by several studies, including one by Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, indicating Americans use guns for self-defense 2.5 million times annually. However, the damage had been done—the “43 times” myth is perhaps gun-control advocates’ most commonly cited argument, and a lot of people still believe it to this day.

[now given those things blinker, if you were the NRA, would you trust them? or do you wanna stick by your unsubstantiated opinion that the NRA didn't like what the CDC was finding? which actually turned out to be this...]

1. Armed citizens are less likely to be injured by an attacker:
“Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies.”

2. Defensive uses of guns are common:
“Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year…in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.”

3. Mass shootings and accidental firearm deaths account for a small fraction of gun-related deaths, and both are declining:
“The number of public mass shootings of the type that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School accounted for a very small fraction of all firearm-related deaths. Since 1983 there have been 78 events in which 4 or more individuals were killed by a single perpetrator in 1 day in the United States, resulting in 547 victims and 476 injured persons.” The report also notes, “Unintentional firearm-related deaths have steadily declined during the past century. The number of unintentional deaths due to firearm-related incidents accounted for less than 1 percent of all unintentional fatalities in 2010.”

4. “Interventions” (i.e, gun control) such as background checks, so-called assault rifle bans and gun-free zones produce “mixed” results:
“Whether gun restrictions reduce firearm-related violence is an unresolved issue.” The report could not conclude whether “passage of right-to-carry laws decrease or increase violence crime.”

5. Gun buyback/turn-in programs are “ineffective” in reducing crime:
“There is empirical evidence that gun turn in programs are ineffective, as noted in the 2005 NRC study Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review. For example, in 2009, an estimated 310 million guns were available to civilians in the United States (Krouse, 2012), but gun buy-back programs typically recover less than 1,000 guns (NRC, 2005). On the local level, buy-backs may increase awareness of firearm violence. However, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for example, guns recovered in the buy-back were not the same guns as those most often used in homicides and suicides (Kuhn et al., 2002).”

6. Stolen guns and retail/gun show purchases account for very little crime:
“More recent prisoner surveys suggest that stolen guns account for only a small percentage of guns used by convicted criminals. … According to a 1997 survey of inmates, approximately 70 percent of the guns used or possess by criminals at the time of their arrest came from family or friends, drug dealers, street purchases, or the underground market.”

7. The vast majority of gun-related deaths are not homicides, but suicides:
“Between the years 2000-2010 firearm-related suicides significantly outnumbered homicides for all age groups, annually accounting for 61 percent of the more than 335,600 people who died from firearms related violence in the United States.”

Why No One Has Heard This
Given the CDC’s prior track record on guns, you may be surprised by the extent with which the new research refutes some of the anti-gun movement’s deepest convictions.

What are opponents of the Second Amendment doing about the new data? Perhaps predictably, they’re ignoring it. President Obama, Michael Bloomberg and the Brady Campaign remain silent. Most suspicious of all, the various media outlets that so eagerly anticipated the CDC research are looking the other way as well. One must wonder how media coverage of the CDC report may have differed, had the research more closely fit an anti-gun narrative.

Even worse, the few mainstream journalists who did report the CDC’s findings chose to cherry-pick from the data. Most, like NBC News, reported exclusively on the finding that gun suicides are up. Largely lost in that discussion is the fact that the overall rate of suicide—regardless of whether a gun is involved or not—is also up.

Others seized upon the CDC’s finding that, “The U.S. rate of firearm-related homicide is higher than that of any other industrialized country: 19.5 times higher than the rates in other high-income countries.” However, as noted by the Las Vegas Guardian Express, if figures are excluded from such anti-gun bastions as Illinois, California, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., “The homicide rate in the United States would be in line with any other country.”

The CDC report is overall a blow to the Obama Administration’s unconstitutional agenda. It largely supports the Second Amendment, and contradicts common anti-gun arguments. Unfortunately, mainstream media failed to get the story they were hoping for, and their silence on the matter is a screaming illustration of their underlying agenda.

while im here:


Good thing there's no actual research being done that might prove it's something else!

see above and eat crow.

at the same time comrade, universities are free to research whatever they want. many do research on guns and some even have "centers" for that very purpose. eat more crow please.



But NRA-funded private (AKA corrupt) studies still take place, so long as they get the desired result I am sure.

see my point about universities being able to study whatever they want. but also, and more importantly, if you have evidence of NRA funded research being "corrupt" by all means, bring it.

also, please demonstrate the direct causal link between guns ending up in central America and the NRA.

otherwise, well, we'll just continue to judge you have the academic skills of an elementary school dropout.

and aww, sorry, no townhall (oh no comrades!) this time...

< Message edited by bounty44 -- 10/7/2017 1:22:30 PM >

(in reply to Nnanji)
Profile   Post #: 109
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 2:01:03 PM   

Posts: 32566
Status: offline
Dude, would you like a shovel? I figure, if you are really intent on digging a hole deep enough to bury yourself in, you should at least have the proper tool for the job.

ORIGINAL: BlackSinMaster

I am absolutely lost cat stood on my keyboard, earlier mid post, hours ago known as a few – not that that has any relevance to what you typed, or this thread, and I am fairly certain MsKarma the cat did not email anyone.

Holy shit, dude. Your cat must be one of the smartest animals on the planet. Not only was the cat smart enough to type out a decent sequence of numbers, it was even intelligent enough to put dashes in the right place! In addition, the cat was supposedly smart enough to capitalize the first letter of the name included in the message. PLUS, the flipping feline supposedly had the forethought to send the message (and the two friend requests) from the WD profile. As the saying goes, don't piss on my leg and try to tell me it's raining.

I can't guarantee that the phone number sent to me was yours or if the first name given was really correct. I can, however, make you a promise. The very next time you send me a mail on this site, I will remove any identifying information from it (so that I will still be within ToS) and plaster it on the "Funny Messages from the Other Side" thread. Heck, if I can backpage enough to recover the message we are discussing, I might consider doing it now.


I will give you the benefit of the doubt as I neither like you nor dislike you. But I have to decide whether to view you as dangerous– normally I reserve that for bad predatory stereotypes, who are guys and talk a dangerous game.

Remember when I told you to look up the definition of hypocrite? I'm going to give that advice again.


Please share these 3 messages in the last few hours I allegedly typed to you on here for all to see verbatim.

I actually wouldn't post it verbatim because I couldn't guarantee that it was YOUR number, rather than you putting another person's phone number in the message. I can't post the two friend's requests. (Why in the f^ck would you think I would accept?) Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to insert a screen shot into the forum.


No one has had access to my computer today, or has logged in via my wifi, other than me and my cats. Were you the lady who called me and bita fake together, and my lady?

I am absolutely NOT 'your lady'.

I've never called Bita a fake. While greatly unfortunate that I have missed the opportunity to meet her during the time I lived in CA or during my trips back, I figure she and I will get the chance sooner or later. (Kind of funny. I once missed said opportunity because I had scheduled a presentation out of town. Said presentation can still be tracked down on Fet.)


Incidentally do you know only one person on this site knows my "real name (well she did travel half way around the world- was that the one you accused of her posting fake pictures of us together)" so you are at lie 4 alone in this thread. Lie 5 if you cannot spill your "screen grabs" Technically you are at lie 6 but but I lost count

Ummm... No, I didn't. I refer you back to your own thread. Now, if you REALLY want to accuse me of saying they were "fake pictures," I gladly invite you to post the link from the thread where I said that. The ACTUAL link. Not some quote that you can edit.

While I'm at it, I think you f^cked Bita over. She was nice enough to visit you when she traveled to your country. She posted that she thought you were a decent human being. Everything you've done since then is in complete contradiction. You used her decent reputation to try to bolster the idea that you're a good guy, and that's sickening.


I sense a Trump pattern. You have been guilty with this in the past with me have you not? Why is that?

For what it's worth, I voted for Johnson.


Anyway show us these three mails I sent you in the last few hours. You can of course back up your nonsense?

If you cannot show the three emails, how about even one, then will you admit to lying? Your lies do not particularly bother me,. The why however does.

To the best of my ability, I don't lie. I get that you might not understand such a stance due to mental illness. (Which, btw, I think you should stop blaming on the physically malady that you might possible have.)

I'm perfectly happy to give it a shot. I mean, since, obviously, my and MP's word isn't good enough. I could offer to try my best.

In the meantime, you and I both know the truth. Sorry/Not Sorry, but it's not me who is lying.

Get help.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to BlackSinMaster)
Profile   Post #: 110
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 2:58:00 PM   

Posts: 19612
Joined: 9/27/2008
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WD, one thing: you should stop hassling the women here by private mail. It's really out of order.


(in reply to BlackSinMaster)
Profile   Post #: 111
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 3:16:09 PM   

Posts: 14840
Joined: 6/10/2008
From: Somewhere Texas
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ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

The article wasn't about anti-gun legislation.
The GOP killed scientific RESEARCH into gun violence.

The research was objective, they just didn't like what it was revealing.

This statement is only partially true, and I will attempt to explain in simple terms why.

In 1979, researchers within the public health services who were pro gun control unsuccessfully to get firearms defined as a disease and also get congress to allocate funds to do a study with that as the main premise.

In 1996, the Clinton administration tried to get the CDC to frame the debate on gun control by listing guns as a public health menace, which failed partly due to the fact that during the debate one would be researcher pointed out that violence of any kind is a public health menace, which essentially killed the debate since it was to focus on gun violence alone.

So while the CDC is still reporting all gun death statistics as part of its original function, doctors will not label guns as a disease, and will label all violence as a public health problem, and has conducted research along those lines, with gun violence as part of the over all study on violence in America, which includes homicides, suicides, as part of the study.

However, the Department of Justice prints annually reports on crime in the United States, which is broke down to type of crime, violent or other wise, and in the case of violent crimes, the method used in the act, which means gun related violent crimes are listed, categorized in a manner consistent with any research project, showing either a rise or fall in such crimes, with pure data, since it comes directly from law enforcement agencies all over the United States.


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to heavyblinker)
Profile   Post #: 112
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 3:31:38 PM   

Posts: 32566
Status: offline



WD, one thing: you should stop hassling the women here by private mail. It's really out of order.


<fist bump>


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 113
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 3:52:52 PM   

Posts: 19612
Joined: 9/27/2008
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

The article wasn't about anti-gun legislation.
The GOP killed scientific RESEARCH into gun violence.

The research was objective, they just didn't like what it was revealing.

No - I'm sure.

There's a current of opinion in the USA, I've come to believe, that would like to treat gun deaths as thought they're normal, natural, unavoidable. Like falling off a cliff - acts of God. Just bad luck. All you can do is shed copious tears and "offer your thoughts and your prayers" (TM).

What you must *not* do is treat gun deaths as something that might conceivably be amenable to control - as is implicit in any scientific study of any problem. Oh no, sirree.

If anyone doubts you and hints that you're a hypocrite, why, all you have to do is crank up those tears to a veritable waterfall, offer *zillions* of thoughts and prayers, with your absolutely most grave face - and at the same time drop sniffy hints that anyone who actually wants to change gun policy in the USA is being disgracefully less godly and noble than you are by being *political*. Sorted. Bonzer.


(in reply to heavyblinker)
Profile   Post #: 114
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 3:57:57 PM   

Posts: 14840
Joined: 6/10/2008
From: Somewhere Texas
Status: offline
From the Washington Post, that leftist, antifa propaganda rag....

Five myths about gun violence


Myth 1.
Gun violence in the United States is at an all-time high.

Indeed, data from the FBI indicates an alarming 32 percent increase in the number of homicides committed with firearms from 2014 to 2016. The number of robberies and aggravated assaults committed with firearms increased by 17 percent over that time. The number of people shot in mass shootings has also risen sharply in the past 12 years.

Yet the current rate of firearm violence is still far lower than in 1993, when the rate was 6.21 such deaths per 100,000 people, compared with 3.4 in 2016. The high rate in the early 1990s was linked to a variety of conditions, most notably the emergence of a large and violent market for crack cocaine. It’s too soon to determine the causes of recent increases in gun violence or whether the upward trend will continue.

there goes the more gun regulation argument.....


Myth 2
Background checks save lives, research shows.

The concept of universal background checks enjoys rare broad support in the debate over gun violence: consistently at or near 90 percent . Large majorities of Republicans and Democrats favor the expansion of background checks to private sales and gun show sales, according to Pew. And there is solid research indicating that laws that keep guns out of the hands of high-risk individuals, such as domestic abusers and people convicted of violent crimes, reduce violence.

But there is no research indicating that background check laws as they currently exist save lives. Studies suggest that the federal Brady Law, which mandates background checks for firearm sales but exempts sales by private parties, has not been strong enough to reduce homicide rates. There is no compelling, peer-reviewed research on the effectiveness of extending background check requirements to private sales — unless those requirements are paired with a permitting or licensing system for purchasers.

I have been saying that for years.


Myth 3

Mental illness is behind most gun violence against others.

Research says otherwise. Only an estimated 4 percent of violence against others is caused by the symptoms of serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Impulsivity, anger, traumatic life events such as job loss or divorce, and problematic alcohol use are all stronger risk factors for gun violence . Research also shows that mental-health-care providers are poor predictors of which patients will go on to harm others. Further, most people with mental illness will never become violent, and most gun violence is not caused by mental illness.

But mental illness is a strong risk factor for firearm suicide, which accounts for the majority of gun deaths in the United States. While improving America’s mental-health system would benefit millions of people with mental illness, it would not substantially reduce gun violence against others.

Kinda kills a big chunk of Obama's thing.


Myth No. 4
Right-to-carry laws decrease crime.

Supporters of right-to-carry laws, which require the issuance of concealed-carry handgun permits to applicants who meet the criteria, often argue that carrying guns makes the public safer: The person with a gun will be able to prevent an attack or take down an active shooter. The economist John Lott wrote in his book “More Guns, Less Crime” that right-to-carry laws are correlated with decreases in violent crime.

Yet the most comprehensive study on the effects of these laws found that violent crime rates increased with each additional year such a statute was in place, presumably as more people were carrying guns. By 10 years after the adoption of a right-to-carry law, violent crime rates were 13 to 15 percent higher than predicted had such laws not been in place.

Additionally, armed civilians are rarely able to deter or interrupt various crimes or even mass shootings. In fact, in only four of the 111 mass shooting incidents analyzed by researcher Louis Klarevas did an armed civilian stop a mass shooting in progress. A separate FBI analysis revealed that unarmed civilians are more than 20 times as likely to end an active shooting than are armed civilians (excluding armed security guards).

I have seen studies for both sides of this argument, stating yes they do, and no they dont, but in the yes category, it seems the right to carry saves those who are the intended target, not that they can stop something like Las Vegas.


Myth No. 5
Mass shootings are random.

High-profile tragedies like those in Las Vegas, where a motive has yet to emerge, and in Aurora, Colo., tend to support the popular notion that mass shootings are random — that there’s no connection between the killers and the targets. “Another day, another massacre, and once again it’s a gunman targeting strangers in a public place for no obvious reason,” read one Washington Post article on a mass shooting at a Louisiana movie theater in 2015.

But most mass shootings are directed at a specific person, group or institution against which the perpetrator has a grievance. A Huffington Post analysis of mass shootings — which the FBI defines as four or more people killed with a firearm, not including the perpetrator — between 2009 and July 2015 found that 57 percent of the incidents involved a perpetrator’s current or former intimate partner or a family member, and 70 percent occurred in private dwellings.

While mass shootings in public spaces that kill and wound dozens or even hundreds of people receive plenty of media attention, smaller-scale gun violence occurs with far too much regularity in the United States, claiming nearly 100 lives every day. Most killers, including those who perpetrate mass shootings, aren’t trying to murder strangers but are targeting people they know well.


However, I must point out that the city of Chicago, the US city with some of the most strict gun controls in America had, for the month of September, 58 killed and 297 wounded with guns.

Then there are these exceptions to the rule that establishing total gun control is not a bad thing:

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 (only for Jews and other unwanted inferior races and groups) and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

56 million defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control:


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 115
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 11:14:39 PM   

Posts: 3623
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ORIGINAL: bounty44



Obviously your Google skills lack and since you have no personal knowledge you often place your head up your ass. But, you seem comfortable with that so carry on.

nnanji, you might be wanting to give comrade blinker a gentle nudge in the right direction but id rather hit him square in the eyes with the proverbial baseball bat.

so here you go blinker:

LOL... why do you RWNJs always insist on rushing to declare victory, as if what you have to show me is just so soul-crushing and humiliating that I'll never be able to mount a response?
At the very least Nancy is using his search engine, presumably after his caregiver showed him how. I've blocked him because it seems every time I respond, he goes on frantic rants and I'm afraid that at his age, he'll have a heart attack... so I'm stuck responding to you.

But... Guns and Ammo?
So not only do you think you're going to find objectivity on a site called 'guns and ammo', but you're also going to find the ultimate solution to everything I could possibly say-- to the point where it will be like hitting me square in the eyes with the proverbial baseball bat?

It's not exactly a surprise, but still...

So yes, big surprise, gun advocates are going to bitch moan about how it's not fair to look into the role of guns in gun crime.
They do it every time there's a mass shooting-- 'look at his mental health', 'look at the drugs', 'look at his religious beliefs', 'look at his race' (unless he's white), etc.


“We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes,” Dr. Mark Rosenberg, who oversaw CDC gun research, told The Washington Post in 1994. “Now [smoking] is dirty, deadly and banned.”

Does Rosenberg sound like a man who should be trusted to conduct taxpayer-funded studies on guns?

Italics means you? I refuse to believe that even guns and ammo could write a line so goofy.

I would imagine that a study on cigarettes shouldn't look into the actual cigarettes?
Hey... maybe all the cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc... is being caused by an allergic reaction to fire, or the stress of being socially ostracized by non-smokers!
Or maybe all of these bad things just happen and we all need to accept it as the price of freedom-- the freedom to smoke!
All we really need now is an amendment that gives everyone the right to smoke cigarettes.


Rosenberg’s statement coincided with a CDC study by Arthur Kellermann and Donald Reay, who argued guns in the home are 43 times more likely to be used to kill a family member than an intruder. The study had serious flaws; namely, it skewed the ratio by failing to consider defensive uses of firearms in which the intruder wasn’t killed. It has since been refuted by several studies, including one by Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, indicating Americans use guns for self-defense 2.5 million times annually. However, the damage had been done—the “43 times” myth is perhaps gun-control advocates’ most commonly cited argument, and a lot of people still believe it to this day.

Wait... they have to consider injured intruders (not injured family members apparently) in a study about gun deaths?
How the fuck does this make sense?

Also, 2.5 million is bullshit:


[now given those things blinker, if you were the NRA, would you trust them? or do you wanna stick by your unsubstantiated opinion that the NRA didn't like what the CDC was finding? which actually turned out to be this...]

If I was the NRA, I would be doing whatever I could to make sure people bought guns, because that would be all I cared about.
If you seriously think that this mentality leads to objectivity, you're.... ahhh never mind, you don't even care about this shit.

1. Armed citizens are less likely to be injured by an attacker.

Assuming they were actually even being attacked in the first place.
Notice how so many gun owners are always extremely paranoid?
I have.

2. Defensive uses of guns are common:

Like under 'stand your ground'?
Oh hey, wanna come over for a beer later?

3. Mass shootings and accidental firearm deaths account for a small fraction of gun-related deaths, and both are declining:

Wow, it's like they're not even a problem.
Time for more prayer!

4. “Interventions” (i.e, gun control) such as background checks, so-called assault rifle bans and gun-free zones produce “mixed” results:

Maybe because they are only on a state level and not federal, which means they're only as good as a state's border security.
Too bad they could build a wall between Illinois and Indiana-- it would solve a lot of Chicago's problems.

5. Gun buyback/turn-in programs are “ineffective” in reducing crime:

Oh, I guess there's no solution then.

6. Stolen guns and retail/gun show purchases account for very little crime:

Yeah, they're usually bought legally or through straw purchases.

7. The vast majority of gun-related deaths are not homicides, but suicides:

Pfff... makes you wonder why anyone even cares about those sad fuckers.
God bless the NRA for making their impulsive desperation so much more dangerous.


Why No One Has Heard This
Given the CDC’s prior track record on guns, you may be surprised by the extent with which the new research refutes some of the anti-gun movement’s deepest convictions.

What are opponents of the Second Amendment doing about the new data? Perhaps predictably, they’re ignoring it. President Obama, Michael Bloomberg and the Brady Campaign remain silent. Most suspicious of all, the various media outlets that so eagerly anticipated the CDC research are looking the other way as well. One must wonder how media coverage of the CDC report may have differed, had the research more closely fit an anti-gun narrative.

Even worse, the few mainstream journalists who did report the CDC’s findings chose to cherry-pick from the data. Most, like NBC News, reported exclusively on the finding that gun suicides are up. Largely lost in that discussion is the fact that the overall rate of suicide—regardless of whether a gun is involved or not—is also up.

Others seized upon the CDC’s finding that, “The U.S. rate of firearm-related homicide is higher than that of any other industrialized country: 19.5 times higher than the rates in other high-income countries.” However, as noted by the Las Vegas Guardian Express, if figures are excluded from such anti-gun bastions as Illinois, California, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., “The homicide rate in the United States would be in line with any other country.”

The CDC report is overall a blow to the Obama Administration’s unconstitutional agenda. It largely supports the Second Amendment, and contradicts common anti-gun arguments. Unfortunately, mainstream media failed to get the story they were hoping for, and their silence on the matter is a screaming illustration of their underlying agenda.

This is just obvious bullshit. None of the research leads to the conclusions they think it leads to, they've merely twisted it around... and since they're effectively banning any REAL research, they can say whatever they want and RWNJ idiots will eat it up.


also, please demonstrate the direct causal link between guns ending up in central America and the NRA.

otherwise, well, we'll just continue to judge you have the academic skills of an elementary school dropout.

Did I say there was a direct causal link? Are you so fucking simple that you need one?

The NRA promotes guns and the gun industry, fuelling a demand that increases the supply, and then the guns end up in central America.
Maybe to you this is like rocket science, but to normal people it's not hard.

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 116
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/7/2017 11:52:29 PM   

Posts: 3558
Joined: 5/2/2016
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ORIGINAL: jlf1961

While I have seen on these boards the arguments that the term militia as addressed in the 2nd amendment no longer applies because . . .

This whole thread is just too funny.

So, we are to have it that all the rest of us are being 'protected' by the few who are well stocked with an abundance of full-auto rifles, as against "government oppression."

Here's the news, Rumpelstiltskin; Reagan instigated the 'government oppression' thing while your fat ass was asleep.

I used to listen to William Cooper's radio show on the short wave. That guy was well armed, no question. Look where that got him.

That's you. And if things go all to crap, I know who I am going to distance myself from very quickly, because I know who the first targets are.

But, really . . . after the economy being taken to dirt, and guys like you just stood by, and we survived anyway and are mostly back on our feet . . .

What fucking "government oppression" are you even talking about, anyway? as if you could even recognize it in the first place?

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 117
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/8/2017 1:02:09 AM   

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Here is a simple logic to why, guns technically don't make you safer.

So, if I was in a gun free country, this scenario could never possible. The scenario is, being law-abiding and stopping at a red light in your car. And having someone walk up to your side window and point a gun at you.

In this scenario, thanks to guns easy availability. The bad guy managed to get hold of a gun. And thanks to that, the good guys now need guns.

Because if I didn't have a gun, i couldn't shoot the fucker back for pointing a gun at me or maybe show him I have the bigger gun!

All this started because he got a gun!

Imagine if there is no guns. Then, if someone comes by your side window with a knife or a crowbar threatening you, you step on the pedal and drive away.

With the gun, there is more fear that, it could hit you before you could drive away.

So technically, it's like a crime problem started by guns, which can only be solved by guns.

And then you create more dangerous problems like, people start just driving through red lights if it's late and at night, because they are afraid of being robbed by gun point, if they stopped for red lights, even gun owners probably will do it to just avoid a gun confrontation.

I had a Indian friend. He was from India that went to work in the US before he moved to Singapore. He said he got robbed at gun point 5 times, in 4 years he lived there.

2 times was in his car, stopping at red lights in a deserted road.

And 3 times, was just at his door, while trying to open the door to his apartment, someone walked up to him and point a gun at his head.

It's like things like this don't happen in my country at all!

Maybe he was a targeted minority, I don't know. Easy to rob. He never got shot, he always co-operated and just gave the robber everything he had.

I find that very scary to live like that. Having to worry about these things.

(in reply to Edwird)
Profile   Post #: 118
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/8/2017 1:32:10 AM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
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Here is a simple logic to why, guns technically don't make you safer.

So, if I was in a gun free country, this scenario could never possible. The scenario is, being law-abiding and stopping at a red light in your car. And having someone walk up to your side window and point a gun at you.

In this scenario, thanks to guns easy availability. The bad guy managed to get hold of a gun. And thanks to that, the good guys now need guns.

Because if I didn't have a gun, i couldn't shoot the fucker back for pointing a gun at me or maybe show him I have the bigger gun!

All this started because he got a gun!

Imagine if there is no guns. Then, if someone comes by your side window with a knife or a crowbar threatening you, you step on the pedal and drive away.

With the gun, there is more fear that, it could hit you before you could drive away.

So technically, it's like a crime problem started by guns, which can only be solved by guns.

And then you create more dangerous problems like, people start just driving through red lights if it's late and at night, because they are afraid of being robbed by gun point, if they stopped for red lights, even gun owners probably will do it to just avoid a gun confrontation.

I had a Indian friend. He was from India that went to work in the US before he moved to Singapore. He said he got robbed at gun point 5 times, in 4 years he lived there.

2 times was in his car, stopping at red lights in a deserted road.

And 3 times, was just at his door, while trying to open the door to his apartment, someone walked up to him and point a gun at his head.

It's like things like this don't happen in my country at all!

Maybe he was a targeted minority, I don't know. Easy to rob. He never got shot, he always co-operated and just gave the robber everything he had.

I find that very scary to live like that. Having to worry about these things.

Where did he live?


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Greta75)
Profile   Post #: 119
RE: The original arguments FOR the second amendment - 10/8/2017 1:39:09 AM   

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Where did he live?

It never occurred to me to ask him where did he live in the US. Does it matter? Guns are legal in any part of US.

(in reply to BamaD)
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