RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (Full Version)

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Lucylastic -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 6:34:14 AM)

not a happy kiss, or a friendly kiss, but a forced kiss, would you appreciate someone FORCING your "women" into a kiss?
Of course its hilarious, hypocritical and ironic because , again, consent isnt important.....[:'(] sorry but it IS important.
I bet you wouldnt like a man forcing a kiss on you....why should it be different for women who arent interested?

heavyblinker -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 6:37:03 AM)




ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr



Yeah, I have no fucking clue what the OP is rambling on about either.

I have tried to be courteous to you, even though you've been little more than a douche-canoe to me. let me see if I can break this down for you, you Howdy-Doody-looking neophyte:

First off: How the blue fuck does a four sentence post qualify as a "ramble"? Really? Then, you are one rambling mother fucker on several occasions. Beyond that ...

My point was: in the last few weeks we seem to have been treated to the likes of Ben Affleck and other SJW types admitting that they were cognizant of Weinstein's proclivities. They go on to insinuate that he was so powerful they dared not speak out about the abuse (this put's that Kory kid's testimony into new light).

Sometimes, doing the right thing incurs a cost. They didn't want to lose their careers. Boo-Fuckin'-Hoo.

For decades (some reports say), they have remained silent and thereby enabled the behavior. Then, they have the unmitigated gall to lecture us about morality? Fuck them.


Was that so hard? Get it off your chest, dude. Don't be all vague and shit; say what you mean.

One at a time, without proof, the complaints against Weinstein, Cosby, Bubba Clinton, Woody Allen, etc etc amount to nothing. Attention seeking sluts going after their 15 minutes of fame, and trying to get some money out of a man with power. A media hit job, tabloid fodder. Especially when you have the mentality that no matter how fat & ugly a dude is, celebrity status and a shitload of money is enough to be rolling in pussy. That chick's just mad she lost out on a part to a better actress.

But when the accusations start mounting up, it's easier to believe, regardless of no conviction. Especially when the accusations are from names you know. OMG, Ashley Judd, Gwenyth Paltrow, Kate Beckinsale... Ah yeah, then it gets more serious.

I do believe that there has been a massively concerted cover-up for at least the last 2 decades.

What really shocks me is that the predatory Hollywood producer is essentially a cliché at this point, and now that people are coming out and saying it's real, some people are shocked.

I honestly think that the difference is here is that you actually have famous actresses admitting that they are human beings, not the objects they appear to be in the movies.

Milesnmiles -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 6:52:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
I find it rather hilarious and ironic if not hypocritical that in a kink forum people are dissing Weinstein for sexual harassment, when quite a few here would probably welcome such advances with pleasure if not being disappointed with the lack of “sophistication”; honestly, one women was upset because he tried to force a kiss on her, the pervert.

I mean he wasn’t attacking underage children, these were adult women, who weren’t bound or drugged. Whatever happened to; I don’t like you in that way, can’t we just be friends?

Now a days it’s he’s rich, I’ll break him and sue for millions.

Wow! You and Woody Allen are the only two people I have encountered who have attempted to mount a defence of Weinstein's behaviour. Of course Allen has his own personal axe to grind - he has been accused by his adopted daughter of repeatedly raping her while she was a child. It doesn't require Einstein-level intelligence to join the dots in Allen's case does it? I won't make any further comment about the company you find yourself in, but if I was you I would be asking myself some basic and serious questions.

If I recall correctly you have quite a few things to say about various religious topics on these boards, you know things like love and compassion and the like .. yet here you are dissembling and blame shifting away from a person who is being roundly condemned by all (except, of course, Woody Allen and you) after dozens of women accused him of sexually assaulting/raping them. Rather than showing some empathy and/or compassion for the victims, you accuse them of cynically ganging up on him for base financial motives with I might add, zero evidence to support your fanciful claim. Rather than attempting to understand the power dynamics that enable predators to abuse their power and wealth to prey upon and sexually exploit women, you prefer to trash all the women concerned as cynical avaricious gold diggers, again without offering an iota of evidence to support your claim.

I shall remember your comments here next time you pontificate to us about religion, morality and ethics. No doubt you will welcome me reminding you of these comments then.

I don't usually do this but you’re an idiot.

First, I don’t “pontificate to us about religion, morality and ethics”. The fact that you think that I do is proof that you are an idiot and I’m surprised that you have enough reading comprehension to post a comment. The simple truth is I have a bit of knowledge about what the Bible says and am happy to share it with people who, like you, haven’t even read the thing. What you do with that information is up to you, I could care less.

Second, I should just give you a pass because of your lack of reading comprehension but since you’re also an idiot I won’t. I did not try to defend Weinstein I merely pointed out that I found it “rather hilarious and ironic if not hypocritical that in a kink forum people are dissing Weinstein”, which is in no way a defense or even an attempt at a defense of Weinstein, I was merely pointing out that it seemed like the pot calling the kettle black and that there are probably people in this forum that have done things that would make Weinstein, by comparison, seem to be an innocent naïve child.

Third, this; “Rather than showing some empathy and/or compassion for the victims, you accuse them of cynically ganging up on him for base financial motives with I might add, zero evidence to support your fanciful claim”. I have empathy and compassion for all innocent victims, not that would make any difference to you. But let me ask you a question; has anyone ever tried to forcefully kiss you? Did you go on national media to tell the world about it? These women did and they are getting their 15 minutes of fame and fortune.

As for the comment about suing, it wasn’t directly about Weinstein or his victims, it was about the world in general and the failure of many to act like adults and take responsibility for their action and the tendency to sue over every little thing that happens to them.
Feel to remind me of anything I may have said, just try to get it right. ;-)

WhoreMods -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 7:11:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

You've still yet to show your working out that he's on the left.

Why is his political affiliation in any way relevant?

Because if he's left wing, it means that every left winger is obligated to defend him.
Those are the rules!

I suspect it's more the latest manifestation of "...but Hilary!"

Milesnmiles -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 7:21:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
not a happy kiss, or a friendly kiss, but a forced kiss, would you appreciate someone FORCING your "women" into a kiss?
Of course its hilarious, hypocritical and ironic because , again, consent isnt important.....[:'(] sorry but it IS important.
I bet you wouldnt like a man forcing a kiss on you....why should it be different for women who arent interested?
It has been tried, I wasn't interested and yes I didn't like it and I settled it like an adult and I didn't go on national media to tell the world about it.

Also, if someone tried to force a kiss on "my" women, I would expect them to deal with it like an adult and if she wanted I would remind that person, in the “strongest terms”, that it was something that should not have happened and will not happen again.

But, the point I was making was that not all “bad” things people do are of equal “badness”. Trying to force a kiss on an adult woman is not the same “badness” as forcing an underage child to do unspeakable things.

I realize the importance of consent; the trouble is what is consent? Everyone here should be aware of the difficulty of consent.

A person can give consent for a severe “spanking”, marks are “okay” and get up go straight to the police and the Dom is going to have a hard time explaining what “consent” means to a judge.

Lucylastic -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 7:30:13 AM)

aaaaaah so women should be glad they werent forced to do unspeakable things as children and get over dare they.
thankyou for playing,

WhoreMods -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 7:43:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

aaaaaah so women should be glad they werent forced to do unspeakable things as children and get over dare they.
thankyou for playing,

At least he's admitted that it can be difficult to force consent out of an unwilling woman.

That is what he means by this

I realize the importance of consent; the trouble is what is consent? Everyone here should be aware of the difficulty of consent.


tweakabelle -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 7:50:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
I find it rather hilarious and ironic if not hypocritical that in a kink forum people are dissing Weinstein for sexual harassment, when quite a few here would probably welcome such advances with pleasure if not being disappointed with the lack of “sophistication”; honestly, one women was upset because he tried to force a kiss on her, the pervert.

I mean he wasn’t attacking underage children, these were adult women, who weren’t bound or drugged. Whatever happened to; I don’t like you in that way, can’t we just be friends?

Now a days it’s he’s rich, I’ll break him and sue for millions.

Wow! You and Woody Allen are the only two people I have encountered who have attempted to mount a defence of Weinstein's behaviour. Of course Allen has his own personal axe to grind - he has been accused by his adopted daughter of repeatedly raping her while she was a child. It doesn't require Einstein-level intelligence to join the dots in Allen's case does it? I won't make any further comment about the company you find yourself in, but if I was you I would be asking myself some basic and serious questions.

If I recall correctly you have quite a few things to say about various religious topics on these boards, you know things like love and compassion and the like .. yet here you are dissembling and blame shifting away from a person who is being roundly condemned by all (except, of course, Woody Allen and you) after dozens of women accused him of sexually assaulting/raping them. Rather than showing some empathy and/or compassion for the victims, you accuse them of cynically ganging up on him for base financial motives with I might add, zero evidence to support your fanciful claim. Rather than attempting to understand the power dynamics that enable predators to abuse their power and wealth to prey upon and sexually exploit women, you prefer to trash all the women concerned as cynical avaricious gold diggers, again without offering an iota of evidence to support your claim.

I shall remember your comments here next time you pontificate to us about religion, morality and ethics. No doubt you will welcome me reminding you of these comments then.

I did not try to defend Weinstein I merely pointed out that I found it “rather hilarious and ironic if not hypocritical that in a kink forum people are dissing Weinstein”, which is in no way a defense or even an attempt at a defense of Weinstein,

You very clearly tried to defend his behaviour when you claimed:
"I mean he wasn’t attacking underage children, these were adult women, who weren’t bound or drugged. Whatever happened to; I don’t like you in that way, can’t we just be friends?"
This is classic defence of 'It's not as bad as you are trying to make out it is, it's really just a trivial misunderstanding'.

Secondly by reducing the gravity of the charges against Weinstein, which in many cases were rape and other serious sexual assaults to merely 'forcing a kiss' you try to discredit and minimise the gravity of those accusations. Your insistence that 'forcing kisses' on unwelcoming women is the issue here shifts the goalposts from accusations of major crimes to mere indiscretions and unwelcome advances. You seem blithely unaware of the nature and gravity of the charges against Weinstein. Or, perhaps in the weird scheme of things you apparently inhabit, rape is not a serious matter ...

Of course your comments should be interpreted as minimising Weinstein's offences - that is the most reasonable interpretation of them. Your own words make it impossible for me to believe that this was not your intention.


Third, this; “Rather than showing some empathy and/or compassion for the victims, you accuse them of cynically ganging up on him for base financial motives with I might add, zero evidence to support your fanciful claim”. I have empathy and compassion for all innocent victims, not that would make any difference to you. [..]These women ...are getting their 15 minutes of fame and fortune.

Yes you go on to demonstrate all the "empathy and compassion" you have for Weinstein' victims immediately - just a sentence or two later, as in:
"These women ... are getting their 15 minutes of fame and fortune. "
Are you that dumb that you didn't realise that you are re-stating (and therefore confirming) the very accusations that you are trying to deny? You dismiss Weinstein's victims as hussies out to get "their 15 minutes of fame and fortune". You have confirmed the accuracy of my observation that you accused them of "cynically ganging up on him for base financial motives" the very accusation you sought to explicitly deny. How moronic is that?

Missing completely from your post is the principle of consent. It seems to be the case that you either reject or are unaware of the principle that women must give their free and fully informed consent to any sexual activity before it commences. You seem to regard accusations of rape and serious sexual assault with the same levity you attach to forcing a kiss.

Someone has already described your position as that of a "throwback". I suspect that even in the Neanderthal era, your views would be popular among all the throwbacks of that era. Message for you - it's 2017 and Weinstein's behaviour, and your dissembling minimising and defence of it are totally unacceptable in today's world.

Greta75 -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 8:02:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
But, the point I was making was that not all “bad” things people do are of equal “badness”. Trying to force a kiss on an adult woman is not the same “badness” as forcing an underage child to do unspeakable things.

This is seriously not true at all. They are both just as bad and unacceptable. EQUALLY!


I realize the importance of consent; the trouble is what is consent? Everyone here should be aware of the difficulty of consent.

It's not difficult. Just ask and if a woman says NO. Even if she is the type of who means Yes when she says NO. Just don't do it! Tell her that you are a gentleman and you will not kiss her or touch her until she tells you it's okay to do so because you respect her. I don't think it's ruining any moment to simply say, "I wish I could kiss you right now!" And if she says, "Do it!" Or she might just kiss you first. You are gonna be fine! Or she might just smile and say nothing, this means she does not want you to kiss her!


A person can give consent for a severe “spanking”, marks are “okay” and get up go straight to the police and the Dom is going to have a hard time explaining what “consent” means to a judge.

So don't leave marks on any woman to protect yourself. If not, you better make sure you really know the woman very well that you are spanking BEFORE you leave marks on her.

You must never trust a woman you barely know, whatever she says is okay, doesn't mean it's okay.

I give you an example. I was 13 yr old when a boy from school I was hanging out with, asked me to be his girlfriend. The problem was, I had to spend the rest of the day with him. And I felt it would be awkward if I didn't agree to be his GF and I was afraid he would get mean. So I lied and say okay. When we got into lift that day, as he thought we were "bf/gf" already, he tried to kiss me. I had to push him off and told him, it's too soon! I literally had to push his face away from mine quite aggressively. I was shaking and so upset that he tried to kiss me.

I totally had no interest in him at all and couldn't wait for my dreadful day to be over.

Somehow by the next day, he has brag to the entire school that I was his GF. And I had to break up with him the next day, saying, that I change my mind. I am not interested in a relationship. I did it in public in school, infront of alot of people, because I know he wouldn't make a scene if alot of people are looking. And I would be safe from him.

Same reason when he cornered me in private, I couldn't tell him No, as I was afraid of his negative reaction. I didn't know him well enough if he would harm me. I was alone with him. I was scared. And I don't know why, even at 13, I was always realistic that a man could physically harm me if he is angry with me. So I try not to be alone with a man IF I was gonna say something to piss him off, like reject his advances. I wanted an audience if he tried to hurt me so that if I get hurt, I got witnesses.

So this is what i mean. If you don't know a woman well enough. Don't do anything too crazy. She might be too scared to tell you the truth. And then you might just be insensitive and blockheaded enough not sense her distress, like this idiot boy of mine and actually transgress against me. (Oh, I just remembered why I was so fearful, I was 13. I was already molested when I was 10 and 12 by two different guys.)

That's why I like online dating so much! Because you can vet the guy if he is a violent person BEFORE you have physical contact with him. At least for me, it's always accurate. I can vet men through online and know for sure if he is violent type or not towards women. I have never been hit by a guy before in my life. Because I vet them carefully for violence.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 8:22:30 AM)

I hate to do this, but I have to agree with lunylastic.

Consent is a huge thing ... except even lucy seems to be arguing a different dynamic and it's one I find interesting.

"a friendly kiss" is mentioned. We'd have to define that. I come from immigrant European upbringing. We kiss on the cheeks. That is "normal" for us.

However, there are some professional victims that will object even to that. I would call that a "friendly kiss", but I'd be out-voted. Especially since the individual on the receiving end is the one that gets to make the rules. If she's vibing on you, you're golden. If she isn't, you're a quasi-rapist.

As a result, I've given up on my ingrained greeting except with people I know. More's the pity. Personal contact is a necessity for good mental health and it seems the inmates are running the asylum.


blnymph -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 8:27:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
I realize the importance of consent; the trouble is what is consent? Everyone here should be aware of the difficulty of consent.

To make it simple: a "No" is not to complicate a mating ritual but a clear expression of "no consent". Get it.

Greta75 -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 8:32:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
"a friendly kiss" is mentioned. We'd have to define that. I come from immigrant European upbringing. We kiss on the cheeks. That is "normal" for us.

However, there are some professional victims that will object even to that. I would call that a "friendly kiss", but I'd be out-voted. Especially since the individual on the receiving end is the one that gets to make the rules. If sh

It depends on culture too. In my culture, it's not okay for a man to kiss a woman on the cheek as a greeting unless he is her husband or her boyfriend. Some women will get uncomfortable. So I wouldn't call that being a "professional victim". We just don't like being touched unless it is our S/O touching us.

Lucylastic -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 8:38:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

I hate to do this, but I have to agree with lunylastic.

Consent is a huge thing ... except even lucy seems to be arguing a different dynamic and it's one I find interesting.

"a friendly kiss" is mentioned. We'd have to define that. I come from immigrant European upbringing. We kiss on the cheeks. That is "normal" for us.

However, there are some professional victims that will object even to that. I would call that a "friendly kiss", but I'd be out-voted. Especially since the individual on the receiving end is the one that gets to make the rules. If she's vibing on you, you're golden. If she isn't, you're a quasi-rapist.

As a result, I've given up on my ingrained greeting except with people I know. More's the pity. Personal contact is a necessity for good mental health and it seems the inmates are running the asylum.


a friendly kiss doesnt need to be forced if you are in familiar areas and with people who kiss as welcome...Im a hugger, but I respect boundaries, no matter the sex or dynamic...

Being FORCED into a friendly kiss is not the same as a friendly kiss,
the difference is the word forced

Milesnmiles -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 9:16:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
aaaaaah so women should be glad they werent forced to do unspeakable things as children and get over dare they.
thankyou for playing,

Yeah right that's what I'm saying and you're an idiot as well.
Thanx for playing.

Lucylastic -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 9:19:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
aaaaaah so women should be glad they werent forced to do unspeakable things as children and get over dare they.
thankyou for playing,

Yeah right that's what I'm saying and you're an idiot as well.
Thanx for playing.

Bless your dont get to tell anyone how they feel about being touched, harassed, groped, assaulted, raped without permission.

Im not discussing Just BDSM
Im talking real life.
its time to get real
It is an issue, a very real issue. for millions of women

Nnanji -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 9:28:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant




ORIGINAL: bounty44
presumably because the guy was on the left

You've still yet to show your working out that he's on the left.

How many politicians from the right did Weinstein contribute to?

By the interesting aside: Hillary Clinton has stated that she gives 10% of her income to charitable causes. She noted that her contributions from Weinstein will be "part of (not separate from) that 10 % this year".

And this:

heavyblinker -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 9:36:43 AM)

Where have all the SJWs gone?
Where have all the SJWs gone, long time ago?
Screaming at some RWNJs.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Aylee -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 9:40:07 AM)

Interesting Lucy. You claim to dislike it when women are exploited, yet when a man takes steps to ensure that a woman will not be exploited, forced, harassed, et cetera, you call them a talibangical and accuse them of being part of the sharia-lite.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Pences stance on women isnt unusual, he is sharia lite, a talibangelical,
just like anyone else trying to take away the rights of women.

That was from a thread discussing Mike Pence's policy on not dining alone with women.

So. . . you don't want women to be exploited by nasty men, yet men are evil and nasty for ensuring that there will be no exploitation of women.

How do you hold those two conflicting thoughts in your head at the same time?

ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


Milesnmiles -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 9:52:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
I find it rather hilarious and ironic if not hypocritical that in a kink forum people are dissing Weinstein for sexual harassment, when quite a few here would probably welcome such advances with pleasure if not being disappointed with the lack of “sophistication”; honestly, one women was upset because he tried to force a kiss on her, the pervert.

I mean he wasn’t attacking underage children, these were adult women, who weren’t bound or drugged. Whatever happened to; I don’t like you in that way, can’t we just be friends?

Now a days it’s he’s rich, I’ll break him and sue for millions.

Wow! You and Woody Allen are the only two people I have encountered who have attempted to mount a defence of Weinstein's behaviour. Of course Allen has his own personal axe to grind - he has been accused by his adopted daughter of repeatedly raping her while she was a child. It doesn't require Einstein-level intelligence to join the dots in Allen's case does it? I won't make any further comment about the company you find yourself in, but if I was you I would be asking myself some basic and serious questions.

If I recall correctly you have quite a few things to say about various religious topics on these boards, you know things like love and compassion and the like .. yet here you are dissembling and blame shifting away from a person who is being roundly condemned by all (except, of course, Woody Allen and you) after dozens of women accused him of sexually assaulting/raping them. Rather than showing some empathy and/or compassion for the victims, you accuse them of cynically ganging up on him for base financial motives with I might add, zero evidence to support your fanciful claim. Rather than attempting to understand the power dynamics that enable predators to abuse their power and wealth to prey upon and sexually exploit women, you prefer to trash all the women concerned as cynical avaricious gold diggers, again without offering an iota of evidence to support your claim.

I shall remember your comments here next time you pontificate to us about religion, morality and ethics. No doubt you will welcome me reminding you of these comments then.

I did not try to defend Weinstein I merely pointed out that I found it “rather hilarious and ironic if not hypocritical that in a kink forum people are dissing Weinstein”, which is in no way a defense or even an attempt at a defense of Weinstein,

You very clearly tried to defend his behaviour when you claimed:
"I mean he wasn’t attacking underage children, these were adult women, who weren’t bound or drugged. Whatever happened to; I don’t like you in that way, can’t we just be friends?"
This is classic defence of 'It's not as bad as you are trying to make out it is, it's really just a trivial misunderstanding'.

Secondly by reducing the gravity of the charges against Weinstein, which in many cases were rape and other serious sexual assaults to merely 'forcing a kiss' you try to discredit and minimise the gravity of those accusations. Your insistence that 'forcing kisses' on unwelcoming women is the issue here shifts the goalposts from accusations of major crimes to mere indiscretions and unwelcome advances. You seem blithely unaware of the nature and gravity of the charges against Weinstein. Or, perhaps in the weird scheme of things you apparently inhabit, rape is not a serious matter ...

Of course your comments should be interpreted as minimising Weinstein's offences - that is the most reasonable interpretation of them. Your own words make it impossible for me to believe that this was not your intention.


Third, this; “Rather than showing some empathy and/or compassion for the victims, you accuse them of cynically ganging up on him for base financial motives with I might add, zero evidence to support your fanciful claim”. I have empathy and compassion for all innocent victims, not that would make any difference to you. [..]These women ...are getting their 15 minutes of fame and fortune.

Yes you go on to demonstrate all the "empathy and compassion" you have for Weinstein' victims immediately - just a sentence or two later, as in:
"These women ... are getting their 15 minutes of fame and fortune. "
Are you that dumb that you didn't realise that you are re-stating (and therefore confirming) the very accusations that you are trying to deny? You dismiss Weinstein's victims as hussies out to get "their 15 minutes of fame and fortune". You have confirmed the accuracy of my observation that you accused them of "cynically ganging up on him for base financial motives" the very accusation you sought to explicitly deny. How moronic is that?

Missing completely from your post is the principle of consent. It seems to be the case that you either reject or are unaware of the principle that women must give their free and fully informed consent to any sexual activity before it commences. You seem to regard accusations of rape and serious sexual assault with the same levity you attach to forcing a kiss.

Someone has already described your position as that of a "throwback". I suspect that even in the Neanderthal era, your views would be popular among all the throwbacks of that era. Message for you - it's 2017 and Weinstein's behaviour, and your dissembling minimising and defence of it are totally unacceptable in today's world.

Honestly, get a life. You are exactly the kind of people I find so amusing. You are on a site that is more or less advocating all sort of, shall we say, unnormal behavior and Weinstein force kissing women sets you to ranting. You need to get a grip.

Personally, I don't know Weinstein, do you? You seem ready to lynch him, yet there is no "proof" of what you accuse him of, usually courts don't accept his word against mine. If there is proof, I will let the courts decide what to do with him. I think that's the way this country supposed to work, innocent till proven guilty.

So far all I've read is, he tried to kiss me, he laid on me and he grabbed my boob and not all the same person. The President is a confessed pussy grabber, where is your outrage towards him they seem to be birds of a feather.

I haven't seen the rape charges yet, that seems more serious than forced kissing, perhaps you could show me when he'll be charged for that?

As for my views, I have never said that I agree with what they say he did or try to defend it but because I find your rants and raves humorous, suddenly I’m defending him and not showing compassion for the women that were so vilely accosted, that seems a bit of a stretch even for you.

Milesnmiles -> RE: Where Have All the SJWs Gone? (10/16/2017 10:06:55 AM)




ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

aaaaaah so women should be glad they werent forced to do unspeakable things as children and get over dare they.
thankyou for playing,

At least he's admitted that it can be difficult to force consent out of an unwilling woman.

That is what he means by this

I realize the importance of consent; the trouble is what is consent? Everyone here should be aware of the difficulty of consent.


I guess I should know by now that most people in these forum don't have any clue how to read and understand what has been posted and would rather just make it up as they go along.

I made the simple statement that; Everyone here should be aware of the difficulty of consent. and even gave an example of how that could be so, which was totally ignored by this bozo and then was converted into idiot speak to try to make it say I " admitted that it can be difficult to force consent out of an unwilling woman".

And so I will say again for for the benefit of all those here that have at least smidgen of reading comprehension:
Everyone here should be aware of the difficulty of consent.

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