RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (Full Version)

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bounty44 -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 4:19:08 AM)

hey maniacal, danemora's "+1" is a signifier to an approval in general of Michael's post.

it does not follow that she is in agreement with every single aspect of the post, most specifically since you are being a prick about it, the "80is %" number.

nor does she really have to say something like "I agree with everything else except that 80ish % number."

given that, the only person its incumbent on to show support for that figure, is Michael, and for some inexplicable reason you didn't ask him.

she was justified in pointing that out to you and you've only made yourself look all the more foolish by saying anything other than "youre right."

and then theres this gem that took me two seconds to find:

and this one:

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 4:28:07 AM)

Gosh, she could have said that, if she meant it. Have you been psychic long?

Or she could have clung to it as she did.

Then you come along, with a poll of London and one of Arabic Isis supporters. Neither of which support the silly 80% of Muslim count our annihilation as the only victory, as claimed.

So line up with the foolish ones. Come along when you can prove this ridiculous claim.

Now, when it comes to Israel . . .

"a Gallup poll was taken in nine Muslim countries during December 2001 and January 2002. Almost 10,000 personal interviews were conducted. One question was about the identities of the hijackers.

"Although U.S. officials say all 19 of the September 11 hijackers were Arab men, only 18 percent of those polled in six Islamic countries say they believe Arabs carried out the attacks; 61 percent say Arabs were not responsible; and 21 percent say they don't know.

"If these people do not think Arabs were responsible, then who do they think did it? One persistent rumor is that Jews were somehow behind it all. The rumor said that 4,000 Jewish workers at the World Trade Center called in sick on September 11 because they had been warned in advance of the attack.

"A committed Muslim holds all these same prejudices against Jews. He also understands his religious beliefs in a deeper way and therefore knows the teachings in the Quran against the Jews.

"The fanatic Muslim justifies many of his actions based on the fact that the Jewish state exists. He blames his terrorist activity on the Jews. He makes Jews his target. In the videotaped murder of journalist Daniel Pearl, his killers forced him to begin with a brief, factually correct description of his roots: "My father's Jewish. My mother's Jewish. I'm Jewish."

"Clearly, not all Muslims have the same level of knowledge and commitment. Some ordinary Muslims may not even know the reason for the antagonism between Muslims and Jews. They have a general idea that Jews persecuted Muhammad and wanted to destroy his revelation, but they don't know the details. Committed and fanatic Muslims, on the other hand, know these stories and use them to shape their beliefs."

If 1/5 of the world population wants us annihilated, they're doing a comparatively poor job of it. You'd think 1.6 billion people could do a better job taking on a mere 323 million people, since they outnumber us 5 to 1.

But I suppose your prejudice, hatred, fear, and ego are going to stand in the way of sense.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 5:44:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery
If 1/5 of the world population wants us annihilated, they're doing a comparatively poor job of it. You'd think 1.6 billion people could do a better job taking on a mere 323 million people, since they outnumber us 5 to 1.

Muslims here are vastly outnumbered, and in such situations the Quran directs them to lie to idiots like you about their violent intentions

We are not the only ones who they keep attacking, nor are we alone in resisting them

95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World are Muslim]95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World involve Muslims

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 6:54:04 AM)

You've never been good at interpreting data.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 7:17:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

You've never been good at interpreting data.

Interpret the data... You throw out meaningless numbers and I put the torch to them


So what if Muslims aren't attacking us here proportionate to their global population. They are not here, they are attacking other non-Muslims (and other Muslims) in places where they are. We have a tiny minority population here, and they have killed thousands of us since the year 2000, despite their otherwise insignificant minority status

Your 'data' is meaningless propaganda, and you are obviously too stupid to understand that

95% of Violent Conflicts Around The World Involve Muslims

Danemora -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 7:17:57 AM)

Im sticking with what I believe. Whether its 80% or 23% or even 85%, the reality is that there are extremist Muslims that are out for nothing more than to wipe apostates and non-believers of the face of the Earth. There is no getting around that.

But yes, please focus on the percentage that you yourself cant even verify. Some folks just cant see the forest for the trees. Or choose not to. Its okay, I understand. If I wasnt such a realist, Id probably want to pretend it wasnt a big issue either.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 7:26:28 AM)

Beside all of the slaughter committed in the name of Allah there are the human rights violations that occur on a massive scale


Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 7:53:31 AM)

Run!!!! The Mooselimbs are coming for you!!!!


BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 8:02:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Run!!!! The Mooselimbs are coming for you!!!!


Hilarious, they have only slaughtered and enslaved hundreds of millions so far

Got any pro-Nazi humor to top it off?


The Historical Reality of the Muslim Conquests

Because it is now almost axiomatic for American school textbooks to whitewash all things Islamic (see here for example), it may be instructive to examine one of those aspects that are regularly distorted: the Muslim conquests.

Few events of history are so well documented and attested to as are these conquests, which commenced soon after the death of the Muslim prophet Muhammad (632) and tapered off circa 750. Large swathes of the Old World—from the India in the east, to Spain in the west—were conquered and consolidated by the sword of Islam during this time, with more after (e.g., the Ottoman conquests).

By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today's Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).

Among the most authoritative books devoted to recounting the conquests are: Ibn Ishaq's (d. 767) Sira ("Life of Muhammad"), the oldest biography of Muhammad; Waqidi's (d. circa. 820) Maghazi ("Military Campaigns [of the Prophet]"); Baladhuri's (d. 892) Futuh al-Buldan ("Conquests of the Nations"); and Tabari's (d.923) multi-volume Tarikh al-Rusul wa al-Muluk, ("History of Prophets and Kings"), which is 40 volumes in the English translation.

Taken together, these accounts (which are primarily based on older accounts—oral and written—tracing back to Muhammad and his successors) provide what was once, and in the Muslim world still is, a famous story: that Allah had perfected religion (Islam) for all humanity; that he commanded his final prophet (Muhammad) and community (Muslims) to spread Islam to the world; and that the latter was/is to accept it either willingly or unwillingly (jihad).

It should be noted that contemporary non-Muslim accounts further validate the facts of the conquests. The writings of the Christian bishop of Jerusalem Sophronius (d.638), for instance, or the chronicles of the Byzantine historian Theophanes (d.758), to name a couple, make clear that Muslims conquered much of what is today called the "Muslim world."

According to the Muslim historical tradition, the majority of non-Muslim peoples of the Old World, not desiring to submit to Islam or its laws (Sharia), fought back, though most were eventually defeated and subsumed.

The first major conquest, renowned for its brutality, occurred in Arabia itself, immediately after Muhammad's death in 632. Many tribes which had only nominally accepted Islam's authority, upon Muhammad's death, figured they could break away; however, Muhammad's successor and first caliph, or successor, Abu Bakr, would have none of that, and proclaimed a jihad against these apostates, known in Arabic as the "Ridda Wars" (or Apostasy Wars). According to the aforementioned historians, tens of thousands of Arabs were put to the sword until their tribes re-submitted to Islam.

The Ridda Wars ended around 634. To keep the Arab Muslims from quarreling, the next caliph, Omar, launched the Muslim conquests: Syria was conquered around 636, Egypt 641, Mesopotamia and the Persian Empire, 650. By the early 8th century, all of north Africa and Spain to the west, and the lands of central Asia and India to the east, were also brought under Islamic suzerainty.

The colorful accounts contained in the Muslim tradition are typified by constant warfare, which normally goes as follows: Muslims go to a new region and offer the inhabitants three choices: 1) submit (i.e., convert) to Islam; 2) live as second-class citizens, or "dhimmis," paying special taxes and accepting several social debilitations; 3) fight to the death.

Centuries later, and partially due to trade, Islam came to be accepted by a few periphery peoples, mostly polytheists and animists, who followed no major religion (e.g., in Indonesia, Somalia), and who currently form the outer fringes of the Islamic world.

Ironically, these exceptions are now portrayed as the rule in America's classrooms: many textbooks suggest or at least imply that most people who converted to Islam did so under no duress, but rather through peaceful contacts with merchants and traders; that they eagerly opted to convert to Islam for the religion's intrinsic appeal, without noting the many debilitations conquered non-Muslims avoided—extra taxes, second-rate social status, enforced humiliation, etc.—by converting to Islam. In fact, in the first century, and due to these debilitations, many conquered peoples sought to convert to Islam only to be rebuffed by the caliphate, which preferred to keep them as subdued—and heavily taxed—subjects, not as Muslim equals.

Meanwhile, as U.S. textbooks equivocate about the Muslim conquests, in the schoolrooms of the Muslim world, the conquests are not only taught as a matter of course, but are glorified: their rapidity and decisiveness are regularly portrayed as evidence that Allah was in fact on the side of the Muslims (and will be again, so long as Muslims uphold their communal duty of waging jihad).

The dissimulation of how Islam was spread in the early centuries contained in Western textbook's mirrors the way the word jihad, once inextricable to the conquests, has also been recast. Whereas the word jihad has throughout the centuries simply meant armed warfare on behalf of Islam, in recent years, American students have been taught the Sufi interpretation of jihad—Sufis make up perhaps one percent of the Islamic world and are often seen as heretics with aberrant interpretations—which portrays jihad as a "spiritual-struggle" against one's vices.

Contrast this definition of jihad with that of an early edition of the venerable Encyclopaedia of Islam. Its opening sentence simply states, "The spread of Islam by arms is a religious duty upon Muslims in general.… Jihad must continue to be done until the whole world is under the rule of Islam.… Islam must completely be made over before the doctrine of jihad [warfare to spread Islam] can be eliminated." Muslim legal manuals written in Arabic are even more explicit.

Likewise, the Islamic conquests narrated in the Muslim histories often mirror the doctrinal obligations laid out in Islam's theological texts—the Koran and Hadith. Muslim historians often justify the actions of the early Islamic invaders by juxtaposing the jihad injunctions found in Islamic scriptures.

It should also be noted that, to Muslims, the Islamic conquests are seen as acts of altruism: they are referred to as futuh, which literally means "openings"—that is, the countries conquered were "opened" for the light of Islam to enter and guide its infidel inhabitants. Thus to Muslims, there is nothing to regret or apologize for concerning the conquests; they are seen as for the good of those who were conquered (i.e., the ancestors of today's Muslims).


Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 11:40:04 AM)

Got anything to prove 1.6 billion Muslims are ready to accept nothing but the annilation of the US as victory?

You watch too many movies.

Don’t forget aliens! They want to destroy the entire earth.

WhoreMods -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/19/2017 11:42:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Got anything to prove 1.6 billion Muslims are ready to accept nothing but the annilation of the US as victory?

You watch too many movies.

Don’t forget aliens! They want to destroy the entire earth.

There's the Russians as well, but I'm told the DHS would lock up Rambo these days...

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/20/2017 6:36:22 AM)

And of course,


MercTech -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/20/2017 10:40:29 AM)

I've decided IS is like kudzu. You can cut it back. You can burn it back. But back it comes.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/21/2017 8:35:30 AM)



I've decided IS is like kudzu. You can cut it back. You can burn it back. But back it comes.

That's because they follow the teachings of the Quran, making them the true heirs to Muhammad in the eyes of faithful Muslims.

How many copies of that blood-soaked book do you think are out there?

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/22/2017 9:34:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Got anything to prove 1.6 billion Muslims are ready to accept nothing but ?

"the annilation of the US as victory" is only an argument I have made in your idiot troll head. It's straw man fantasy on your part

The real argument is that Islam itself isn't the cuddly little friendly kitten that ignorant brainwashed leftist trash such as yourself try to pretend that it is

Muslim governments are terroristic. Muslim law is terroristic. The only way to ever end Islamic States, is to end Islam itself

Brutal crackdown has gay and transgender Egyptians asking: Is it time to leave?

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/22/2017 11:54:27 AM)

So basically, this claim that all Muslims (with that unholy book) wanting to destroy us is all crap. Or you (or anyone else) have never claimed it.

Whine and dance, whine and dance, I suppose.

But if you've come to your senses on this, great.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/22/2017 12:30:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

So basically, this claim that all Muslims (with that unholy book) wanting to destroy us is all crap. Or you (or anyone else) have never claimed it.

The only ones making such claims are the unhinged howler voices screaming at you in your head

In your madness you can rarely discuss what others actually post so you argue against these imaginary arguments you invent, that are yours alone

Despite your delusions to the contrary

Again, the real argument is that Islam itself isn't the cuddly little friendly kitten that ignorant brainwashed leftist trash such as yourself try to pretend that it is

Muslim governments are terroristic. Muslim law is terroristic. The only way to ever end Islamic States, is to end Islam itself

Brutal crackdown has gay and transgender Egyptians asking: Is it time to leave?

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/22/2017 12:33:03 PM)

So....1.6 billion Muslims aren't against us, but their governments are, so we have to end them.

masterfulmar -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/22/2017 12:51:56 PM)

They have scattered to the four winds - sometimes known as Africa.
Be very afeared.

Trump took credit

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